How will they rule ??!

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The IG’s testimony and what it’s brinning to light, as well as those refusing to testify is why the media is all in on illegal immigrant handling this week.
It’s simply deflection to avoid admitting Trump was right. Also, how corrupt the FBI leadership became under Obama.
The IG’s testimony and what it’s brinning to light, as well as those refusing to testify is why the media is all in on illegal immigrant handling this week.
It’s simply deflection to avoid admitting Trump was right. Also, how corrupt the FBI leadership became under Obama.
Absolutely agree. Pretty funny since the MSM and left were calling it a nothing burger. Deep down they know its really, really bad. Had to get it out of the news ASAP.
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Subjecting the immigrants to prosecution doesn't mean you have to separate them from their kids. This wasn't always how things were done. Don't confuse the two issues.
You can't hold the kids with the jailed parents. Illegal. You have to let the parents go if you let them stay with their kids. There are no parent with kids detention facilities.

Net, it's clear the Leftists don't want the border breakers prosecuted; i.e., they want an open border. Net,t he open border goals is cast as harming the kids - when in fact they are being protected from unknown adults.
Willy, occasionally you go to far. There is no evidence Hillary is a pedophile who eats her prey.

Let’s stick to the facts. She orders people killed and pens their suicide notes.
The right doesn't believe in facts. Did you already forget that facts are actually #FakeNews?
Willy, occasionally you go to far. There is no evidence Hillary is a pedophile who eats her prey.

Let’s stick to the facts. She orders people killed and pens their suicide notes.

I beg to differ. Hillary does indeed have sex with children. Haitian children. And after that she eats them.

Her emails are evidence of confirmed evidence of pedophile code words.
Love this one making it's rounds:


Next Liberal that spouts something about morals is getting promptly asked How much time and money they donated in the last calendar year. If they stutter, I'm swinging.
It shouldn't, but it always does surprise me when the lefties on here show how gullible and stupid they are and run with one of these flavor of the week faux outrage issues.

I know they think they are smart and are running some sort of "gotcha" plan. They use their stupid morality arguments and start quoting bible verses like they're now some authority on the issues.

But none of them, and certainly not the posters on here, are smart enough to actually defend those moronic arguments past the headlines.

Guess what, dildos. I care about the rule of law. I don't give a shit what faux outrage bullshit sob stories you roll out.

We are a nation of laws, not people. And I sure as shit not going to let a bunch of foreign invaders change that.
It shouldn't, but it always does surprise me when the lefties on here show how gullible and stupid they are and run with one of these flavor of the week faux outrage issues.

I know they think they are smart and are running some sort of "gotcha" plan. They use their stupid morality arguments and start quoting bible verses like they're now some authority on the issues.

But none of them, and certainly not the posters on here, are smart enough to actually defend those moronic arguments past the headlines.

Guess what, dildos. I care about the rule of law. I don't give a shit what faux outrage bullshit sob stories you roll out.

We are a nation of laws, not people. And I sure as shit not going to let a bunch of foreign invaders change that.

When they get smoked in the next election, they will realize all that fake outrage was a very small echo chamber. Which is going to make their ass beating even more sweeter
In reading as much as I can about this... it DOES seem like the Trump administration took some laws that weren't really enforced much (but not 100% of the time) and applied a Zero Tolerance policy to them.. effectively increasing the numbers of arrested immigrants exponentially, and the policy states that in an arrest (crossing over illegally is a misdemeanor a retry is a felony), or even a suspected incident.. the laws state the child must be removed from the family, as you can't prosecute/arrest a child.

I don't love this.. but at the same time, maybe this is the wake-up call to the Dems. Fix immigration and this won't happen. It's hard ball for sure.

But it appears the photos of cages are mostly untrue, and many of the facilities the children are in are more than accommodating..

Plus, as the same talking point I always have here.. it's not like these limousine liberals are doing much on their own to help the cause. Instead, it's finger pointing.. it's what the right/white/rich/anyone but me should be going.

Feel free to correct me. Well, not the last part. That part is true.
I'm back, brodies!!!!

Did you miss me??

Europe was cool but expensive. Brought home some nice wine from Germany, some cool records (mostly from Amsterdam), and yeah I smoked all the bud. It pretty much lived up to my expectations - good (some damn good), but not on the Northern CA level. Still awesome though. Glad to be back in the good ol' USA.

As for Trump, I have a few thoughts.

He still has no clue and is completely unwilling to understand the concept of trade. Hearing him talking about freaking Canadian dairy tariffs proves that he is worthless at best, harmful at worst. Trade war? "Easy to 'win,'" according to Trump. SMH.

No real comment on the North Korea thing yet, but damn he looked like a bitch when he left G7 early. Fatty was pounding McDonalds, watching one of his "21 TVs," spitting uninformed venom at our ALLIES before the plane even landed - all in a rush to meet with Kim Jong Un of all people, who he now claims to have "great chemistry" with? You don't say. And the fact that Trump was so blithely unaware of why the G7 leaders were smiling at him? So, so perfect.

Space Force! LMMFAO I cannot believe he brought this up again. One bum on this thread called it "progressive" and that is amazing. Trump is trying to relive the freaking moon landing and take credit for it. Oh and his harebrained idea of American spaceships shooting down enemies in the Milky Way? His mind is stuck in the past, bros. WTF is he even thinking with this one?

I'll leave you guys to your thoughtful discussion on separating immigrant children from their parents, but I have one question....

Why is Trump so fired up about getting funding for the wall....when MEXICO is actually the country that's paying for it?? Why isn't he talking to their president instead of complaining about US senators? I just don't understand.

Wait...Mexico IS still paying for the wall, right?
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In reading as much as I can about this... it DOES seem like the Trump administration took some laws that weren't really enforced much (but not 100% of the time) and applied a Zero Tolerance policy to them.. effectively increasing the numbers of arrested immigrants exponentially, and the policy states that in an arrest (crossing over illegally is a misdemeanor a retry is a felony), or even a suspected incident.. the laws state the child must be removed from the family, as you can't prosecute/arrest a child.

I don't love this.. but at the same time, maybe this is the wake-up call to the Dems. Fix immigration and this won't happen. It's hard ball for sure.

But it appears the photos of cages are mostly untrue, and many of the facilities the children are in are more than accommodating..

Plus, as the same talking point I always have here.. it's not like these limousine liberals are doing much on their own to help the cause. Instead, it's finger pointing.. it's what the right/white/rich/anyone but me should be going.

Feel free to correct me. Well, not the last part. That part is true.

The only thing that has changed is that the illegals aren’t being released into the country to await their court date.
They are being held until then due to the majority that were released never showing up for court.
The law states kids and adults can’t be held together in detention.
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I'm back, brodies!!!!

Did you miss me??

Europe was cool but expensive. Brought home some nice wine from Germany, some cool records (mostly from Amsterdam), and yeah I smoked all the bud. It pretty much lived up to my expectations - good (some damn good), but not on the Northern CA level. Still awesome though. Glad to be back in the good ol' USA.

As for Trump, I have a few thoughts.

He still has no clue and is completely unwilling to understand the concept of trade. Hearing him talking about freaking Canadian dairy tariffs proves that he is worthless at best, harmful at worst. Trade war? "Easy to 'win,'" according to Trump. SMH.

No real comment on the North Korea thing yet, but damn he looked like a bitch when he left G7 early. Fatty was pounding McDonalds, watching one of his "21 TVs," spitting uninformed venom at our ALLIES before the plane even landed - all in a rush to meet with Kim Jong Un of all people, who he now claims to have "great chemistry" with? You don't say. And the fact that Trump was so blithely unaware of why the G7 leaders were smiling at him? So, so perfect.

Space Force! LMMFAO I cannot believe he brought this up again. One bum on this thread called it "progressive" and that is amazing. Trump is trying to relive the freaking moon landing and take credit for it. Oh and his harebrained idea of American spaceships shooting down enemies in the Milky Way? His mind is stuck in the past, bros. WTF is he even thinking with this one?

I'll leave you guys to your thoughtful discussion on separating immigrant children from their parents, but I have one question....

Why is Trump so fired up about getting funding for the wall....when MEXICO is actually the country that's paying for it?? Why isn't he talking to their president instead of complaining about US senators? I just don't understand.

Wait...Mexico IS still paying for the wall, right?

Still as stupid as you were.

Trump doesn't give a shit about your opinion. Lol.
In reading as much as I can about this... it DOES seem like the Trump administration took some laws that weren't really enforced much (but not 100% of the time) and applied a Zero Tolerance policy to them.. effectively increasing the numbers of arrested immigrants exponentially, and the policy states that in an arrest (crossing over illegally is a misdemeanor a retry is a felony), or even a suspected incident.. the laws state the child must be removed from the family, as you can't prosecute/arrest a child.

It's simple once you get past of all the Democrat/media/liberals lies and misinformation. Obama ignored the law and made an exception for parents who broke it with their kids in tow. He didn't prosecute and detain them which allowed them to stay with their kids and be released into the country with a court date that they never showed up for. Hence catch and release.

If you or I skip a court date we get hit with failure to appear and have an arrest warrant issued. That's impossible to undertake when you're dealing with illegals who in a lot of cases the courts have no clue who they are or where they're at.

Trump on the other hand has realized this and has ended the lawlessness of catch and release and abuse of the immigration system. He specifically ran on ending this policy. Now he is enforcing federal immigration law with zero tolerance and without exception. Anyone and everyone (including parents with kids in tow) will be detained and prosecuted for breaking federal immigration law. There are no exceptions. The rule of law is blind. You break the law then you are held responsible for your actions and suffer the consequences.

And since he has taken this approach then by law parents who are detained awaiting prosecution must be separated from their kids. By law the kids are not allowed to be held in the detention centers with the parents.

The people you see on tv saying Trump could easily fix this are right but they're not telling you how. How comes at a cost. As is stands now the only way to solve this problem (other than congress changing the law allowing kids to stay with their parents who are detained awaiting prosecution) is for Trump to ignore the law by not prosecuting the parents and re-implement catch and release. That goes against everything he ran on regarding immigration and law and order.
And just to exemplify how goddam stupid the left is...

Democrats’ proposed legislation to prohibit so-called border separations would actually prevent federal law enforcement agencies almost anywhere inside the United States from arresting and detaining criminals who are parents having nothing to do with unlawfully crossing the border and seeking asylum.

So even though, again, they're trying to show they care more about foreign invader votes than they do about citizens, they accidentally wrote the bill in such a goddam stupid way that they ended up accidentally giving the same preferential treatment to citizens as they're giving to the foreign invaders.

The lunacy just doesn't stop.
And just to exemplify how goddam stupid the left is...

Democrats’ proposed legislation to prohibit so-called border separations would actually prevent federal law enforcement agencies almost anywhere inside the United States from arresting and detaining criminals who are parents having nothing to do with unlawfully crossing the border and seeking asylum.

So even though, again, they're trying to show they care more about foreign invader votes than they do about citizens, they accidentally wrote the bill in such a goddam stupid way that they ended up accidentally giving the same preferential treatment to citizens as they're giving to the foreign invaders.

The lunacy just doesn't stop.

Sounds like another way to create legal sanctuary cities. That bill will never pass.

I'll bet a $1000 of rq/fuzz dollars on it
Willy, occasionally you go to far. There is no evidence Hillary is a pedophile who eats her prey.

Let’s stick to the facts. She orders people killed and pens their suicide notes.

Read the IG report on Hillary Clinton email case

PAGE 294

thousands emails Hillary Clinton & Foundation Crime Against Children

We asked Coleman about these notes and he told us that, given their placement in his notebook, the notes would most likely represent information he was briefed on first thing in the morning by his subordinates in the Criminal Investigative Division. Coleman stated that he may have passed this information to other FBI executives after the morning briefing with the Director, but he could not remember if that occurred here.
I'll leave you guys to your thoughtful discussion on separating immigrant children from their parents, but I have one question....

I'm poor. My kids and I are fleeing poverty and crime. I'm a hard worker and mean no harm so is it okay if I break into your home, refuse to leave and make myself at home while demanding you subsidize my life?

Are you then going to welcome me with open arms and advocate for the police not to charge me criminally and then be outraged if they do because I have kids I'm going to be separated from?
Which makes it 1000 times dumber. Who would sign on to something that goddam dumb knowing full well it has no chance of actually passing. All they are doing is just showing how goddam stupid they are for the sake of showing how goddam stupid they are.

Amazing liberals are gonna double down on illegals rather than focusing on legal citizens.

Can't wait to see how this plays out!!
I'm guessing Democrats don't want a law allowing kids to be detained with their parents who are awaiting prosecution. Because that means Trump will still be able to prosecute them for breaking federal law and then they no longer have an excuse to be outraged. They want the law to be ignored like in the Obama days and for them all to be released into the country without prosecution. In essence open borders.
I'm guessing Democrats don't want a law allowing kids to be detained with their parents who are awaiting prosecution. Because that means Trump will still be able to prosecute them for breaking federal law and then they no longer have an excuse to be outraged. They want the law to be ignored like in the Obama days and for them all to be released into the country without prosecution. In essence open borders.

The whole xhild( immigrant kids need to choose their gender)parent-separation is one big ol fat Nothingburger.

Libs will have a new fake outrage next month. Usually recycled. Prolly russia collusion. They haven't used that one in awhile
I'm poor. My kids and I are fleeing poverty and crime. I'm a hard worker and mean no harm so is it okay if I break into your home, refuse to leave and make myself at home while demanding you subsidize my life?

Are you then going to welcome me with open arms and advocate for the police not to charge me criminally and then be outraged if they do because I have kids I'm going to be separated from?
If so, I will be next to come in.
Trump doesn't give a shit about your opinion.

I already know that Donald Trump doesn't care about my opinion. Neither did Obama or any other president that's served since I've been around.

The weird thing is that Trump actually DOES care about *your* opinion. He cares because you're part of the 30% who support him no matter what. You're why he tweets so much these days. Yes, these days. What's up with all the "executive time" recently?

Did he retweet one of your replies and I didn't know about it? He loves the shit out of those #MAGA bot comments. Again, when you're a sober narcissist like Trump, social media likes and flattery are paramount. A dangerous drug, don't you think?

Wait - speaking of drugs...

DO YOU EVEN PA.....nevermind.
I'm poor. My kids and I are fleeing poverty and crime. I'm a hard worker and mean no harm so is it okay if I break into your home, refuse to leave and make myself at home while demanding you subsidize my life?

Are you then going to welcome me with open arms and advocate for the police not to charge me criminally and then be outraged if they do because I have kids I'm going to be separated from?

Uh...nice allegory, bro?

The weird thing about this issue is that it's destined to be trumped by yet another "modern day Presidential" action by the Billy Clyde Gillispie of the oval office.

This whole child-separation outrage is gonna head the way of Puerto Rico in about a week. Trump likes to keep things chaotic and liberal news outlets will soon be forced to turn their attention to the next gaff by the man with "one of the all-time great memories."