How will they rule ??!

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I never said that. I meant sure don't as in I don't smoke. If you smoke and get caught you should be punished according to the law. If the country doesn't like it then change the law. But again trying to compare the two is lunacy. One has very real and very big consequences that the other doesn't come close to having.

Don’t you think a foreign invasion ought to be handled the same way that pot is? Huh? Huh?
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Trump is the first POTUS with the balls to take on the illegal immigration issue that all the cowards in Congress and former POTUS’s ran away from. What he is doing right now is why he was elected. He is having to fix the many messes he inherited and will handle them one-by-one.

Also, funny the MSM and Dems care so much about the issue again the week after the IG’s report came out. These people do not give two shits about these illegals except they want to use them as political weapons against Trump, get away from the negative news of the IG report, and to get more Dem votes into the country.
Trump is the first POTUS with the balls to take on the illegal immigration issue that all the cowards in Congress and former POTUS’s ran away from. What he is doing right now is why he was elected. He is having to fix the many messes he inherited and will handle them one-by-one.

Also, funny the MSM and Dems care so much about the issue again the week after the IG’s report came out. These people do not give two shits about these illegals except they want to use them as political weapons against Trump, get away from the negative news of the IG report, and to get more Dem votes into the country.

If these idiots don’t drop it Trump will solve this issue in 2 weeks and once again look like the greatest president of all time.
Trump is the first POTUS with the balls to take on the illegal immigration issue that all the cowards in Congress and former POTUS’s ran away from. What he is doing right now is why he was elected. He is having to fix the many messes he inherited and will handle them one-by-one.

Also, funny the MSM and Dems care so much about the issue again the week after the IG’s report came out. These people do not give two shits about these illegals except they want to use them as political weapons against Trump, get away from the negative news of the IG report, and to get more Dem votes into the country.
They only pretend to care bc it's an election yr... its rinse and repeat every 2 and 4 years...time to roll out the identity politics outrage how everyone is racist and every type of bigot and complete hysteria how the republic is under threat. If they hate trump so much, maybe they should reflect how it's because of them....we could be in Romneys 2nd term right now...
If these idiots don’t drop it Trump will solve this issue in 2 weeks and once again look like the greatest president of all time.
If a child can survive the nine-month gestation period, libs love them. They are totally on board with separating them from their mother in the gestation period though.

Libs don't GAF about children, unborn or born, and everybody knows it. It's just faux outrage trying to score political points. Typical Saul Alinsky scumbag tactics.

This shit doesn't work anymore. It's become boring. They're just distracting from the current major negative reports against them by wasting everybody's time gathering obligatory responses.

Plus, they're so inept, they can't even execute their own scam effectively (see Feinstein's laughable backfired bill). Just laugh at the MFer's. They're all going down. The idiots on here are just to stupid to realize it.
Libs don't GAF about children, unborn or born, and everybody knows it. It's just faux outrage trying to score political points. Typical Saul Alinsky scumbag tactics.

This shit doesn't work anymore. It's become boring. They're just distracting from the current major negative reports against them by wasting everybody's time gathering obligatory responses.

Plus, they're so inept, they can't even execute their own scam effectively (see Feinstein's laughable backfired bill). Just laugh at the MFer's. They're all going down. The idiots on here are just to stupid to realize it.

They have to create problems. They haven't solved an American issue the right way ever. They got LBJ, a known democrat KKK member, to get blacks voting rights to enslave them to the democrat party.
Everybody chill. Libs are desperate. This is like the last bite of a dying snake. They have nothing left to appeal to the masses except the plight of foreign kids already getting three hots and a cot (plus video games, leather couches, A/C and pool tables).

Liberals: you’ll be (figuratively speaking) dead soon. Try not to stink up the place and GTFO!
Immigrants and dropping T levels (they're children!!)...that is their strategy.

If they didn't give Trump 95% an unfavorable media coverage, Liberals would have no platform.

They think that a majority America votes for their insane policies and even with a 98.2% Hillary favorite, and a majority of America hates liberals. Trump wiped that bitch out like dog food
Christians who support Donald Trump are hypocrites and do not actually care about what the Bible says.
Anyone who supported Obama wanted for America to be destroyed and were evil baby killers who wished nothing more than for the entire population to be government dependent.

There. See how easy it is to make blanket accusations hat hold no merit and are completely false. So easy a caveman could do it.
Everybody chill. Libs are desperate. This is like the last bite of a dying snake. They have nothing left to appeal to the masses except the plight of foreign kids already getting three hots and a cot (plus video games, leather couches, A/C and pool tables).

Liberals: you’ll be (figuratively speaking) dead soon. Try not to stink up the place and GTFO!

Exactly, Wayne
I never said that. I meant sure don't as in I don't smoke. If you smoke and get caught you should be punished according to the law. If the country doesn't like it then change the law. But again trying to compare the two is lunacy. One has very real and very big consequences that the other doesn't come close to having.
Can't get him or any of the other vags to address the ongoing surge their whining is causing. They are literally getting children killed and raped.

It's not an invasion. These aren't trained and armed troops, they're children.

An invasion doesn't always require an armed force or adults for that matter.

an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity

an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.

Plus the children in question were all accompanied by adults who is some cases are cartel, sex traffickers, gang members, drug dealers etc using the kids as a get into the country free card. In the last 5 months there has been a 300% increase in adults illegally crossing the border with kids under false pretenses that have absolutely zero connection to the kid.

Besides the "they're children" remark is a bold face lie anyways. They're not all children. Adults make up the vast majority of immigrants illegally crossing the border.

Let's have tens of thousands of Americans flood Mexico's border every year and see if they look at it as an invasion. Guarantee there won't be any air conditioned detention centers with free health care, satellite tv and PS4 waiting for them on the other side. Mexican military will be on the border with beat down orders.
An invasion doesn't always require an armed force or adults for that matter.

an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity

an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.

Plus the children in question were all accompanied by adults who is some cases are cartel, sex traffickers, gang members, drug dealers etc using the kids as a get into the country free card. In the last 5 months there has been a 300% increase in adults illegally crossing the border with kids under false pretenses that have absolutely zero connection to the kid.

Besides the "they're children" remark is a bold face lie anyways. They're not all children. Adults make up the vast majority of immigrants illegally crossing the border.

Let's have tens of thousands of Americans flood Mexico's border every year and see if they look at it as an invasion. Guarantee there won't be any air conditioned detention centers with free health care, satellite tv and PS4 waiting for them on the other side. Mexican military will be on the border with beat down orders.


Like I said was going to happen. Democrats don't want legislation to solve the problem. They want Trump to go back to the way it was under Obama and ignore the law and not prosecute illegal border crossings. They don't want laws restricting illegal immigration they want open borders but don't have the balls to come out and publicly say it or push for it so they're using this as a guise.
Like I said was going to happen. Democrats don't want legislation to solve the problem. They want Trump to go back to the way it was under Obama and ignore the law and not prosecute illegal border crossings. They don't want laws restricting illegal immigration they want open borders but don't have the balls to come out and publicly say it or push for it so they're using this as a guise.

I would piss in Obama's face waterboarding style
An invasion doesn't always require an armed force or adults for that matter.

an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity

an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.

Plus the children in question were all accompanied by adults who is some cases are cartel, sex traffickers, gang members, drug dealers etc using the kids as a get into the country free card. In the last 5 months there has been a 300% increase in adults illegally crossing the border with kids under false pretenses that have absolutely zero connection to the kid.

Besides the "they're children" remark is a bold face lie anyways. They're not all children. Adults make up the vast majority of immigrants illegally crossing the border.

Let's have tens of thousands of Americans flood Mexico's border every year and see if they look at it as an invasion. Guarantee there won't be any air conditioned detention centers with free health care, satellite tv and PS4 waiting for them on the other side. Mexican military will be on the border with beat down orders.

Pretty incredible how Democrats don’t give a shit about the people illegals murder and rape and kill in hit and runs.
Man people need to go watch Laura Ingrahams report on the refugee and detaining centers tonight. Whether you like her or not she is showing FACTUAL pictures of where these kids are housed. The media shows the cages which are temporary until they can check them through and then these kids are housed in a former Walmart with leather couches, TVs, PlayStations, goodnmeals and actual beds. Dems and the media are pieces of trash!