How will they rule ??!

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Did you read the "by law" part? Trump didn't invent this law. It's been on the books for decades. It's not Trump's fault you're used to the prior administration being open borders radicals and not enforcing federal immigration laws.

What Politifact is arguing and what you are advocating is allowing people to break the law with impunity. Other than Congress changing the law the only way for Trump to avoid the situation is to do like Obama and ignore the law which means going back to catch and release and not punish the parents who break the law. Trump ran on ending catch and release. He's keeping his promise.

Going back to catch and release and ignoring the law is lawlessness and is against everything Trump was elected to do and everything America stands for. We are a nation of laws. Follow them and you don't get arrested and separated from your kids.

From your link:

A good number of these people are adult migrants traveling with children. By law, when adults are detained and criminally prosecuted, their children cannot be housed with them in jail. Instead, kids are placed in a Department of Health and Human Services shelter until they can be released to a legal guardian.
They avoid the surge and the simple logistics of such a mass ongoing wave for a reason. Weasels disguised as moralists.
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John, what changed where you now use bullet points?

Also, what offense got you the ban hammer?

I'm conditioned to use things like bullets, hyphens, semicolons, etc in any long e-communication. Most of the people I interact with via email at work are very busy and have very short attention spans. Sending them a long ass paragraph is a waste - they wouldn't read it. Bullets from the phone are a PITA though, so I only use them if I am at a PC.

As for the ban hammer, I'm assuming it's because I was an over the top jerk for like a week straight, right after a 1 week suspension. Plenty of guys here (even some I don't agree with politically) are great to interact with, but a few are basically intolerable. I took those land mines out of play and the board is much better.

Also, I gamble a lot and always pay my debts. If WK wants to bet however much he can afford that I am not Dion or any other poster besides KBA and this one, I'll send the money to someone to hold in escrow and we can have the admins do some IP checks to verify it.
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I support due process and the rule of law. If you break the law you should be held responsible. You should be arrested and prosecuted according to the law. If during that process you are separated from your kids then that's on you. You have no one to blame but yourself.

Whether you like it or not illegally crossing the border is a federal crime punishable by law. Should we just allow non citizens to break the law with impunity because they just so happen to be parents? Americans aren't afforded that same courtesy so why should they? If I break the law with my kids in tow the police do not look the other way and allow me to go free nor does the justice system go easier on me.
Subjecting the immigrants to prosecution doesn't mean you have to separate them from their kids. This wasn't always how things were done. Don't confuse the two issues.
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If you don't want to go to jail and be separated from your kids, don't invade a sovereign nation (or commit any crime). (Or more accurately, don't kidnap kids and orphans and try and smuggle them with you across the border so you can take advantage of the dipshit lefties who love child trafficking at all costs). They're lucky Trump hasn't turned Obama's drone fleet on them.

Honestly I'm surprised the left hasn't started a campaign to build restrooms for little girls along the border, just so they have a place for grown men to use the restroom.

Just evil, heartless, stupid people, the left.
If you don't want to go to jail and be separated from your kids, don't invade a sovereign nation (or commit any crime). (Or more accurately, don't kidnap kids and orphans and try and smuggle them with you across the border so you can take advantage of the dipshit lefties who love child trafficking at all costs). They're lucky Trump hasn't turned Obama's drone fleet on them.

Honestly I'm surprised the left hasn't started a campaign to build restrooms for little girls along the border, just so they have a place for grown men to use the restroom.

Just evil, heartless, stupid people, the left.

They should immediately enroll all the kids in Space Force camp. Send them to fight the aliens instead. By the time they grow up, Space Force will have replaced the Air Force as the Force of choice.
Subjecting the immigrants to prosecution doesn't mean you have to separate them from their kids.

Yes it does. The parents facing prosecution are detained in detention centers awaiting their court date. By law the children have to be separated and can't be detained longer than 20 days. I suggest you get more informed on the subject at hand.

This wasn't always how things were done.

Because the way things used to be done by Obama was to just ignore the law completely. His administration had the catch and release policy. They looked the other way and didn't prosecute any of the parents. They simply caught them then gave them a court date and released them into the country with their kids. Needless to say upwards to 70% never returned for their court.
Not only CNN, but ABC, NBC, BBC and every reputable news source on the planet. Even your own Ted Cruz admits what Trump is doing is different and wrong.
The source for your information?

If you ever wondered how Adolph Hitler came to power in Germany the parallels with Trump are astounding. Of course you would never admit it...what about...

If there was even a shadow of doubt of Trump’s intentions SHS made it clear yesterday that Trump says he will reject any legislation that prevents him from doing what he is doing unless it includes money for a wall. Admitting that he is using children as hostages. Spin that any way you want there Sparky but just be prepared to enjoy that special place in Hell waiting Trump and his supporters in this matter.
You put CNN, ABC, NBC, BBC, and reputable in the same sentence. [roll]
Close. The most destructive thing was our media becoming an even bigger shitshow leading to your point.
Yeah.... and the irrefutable evidence provided by Wikileaks that the media colluded with the democrat party to help elect Hillary.

That sort of thing doesn’t help their credibility. At least to the people who are informed enough to know about that.
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You do realize there are multiple forms of taxes, right? Federal income tax isn't the only form of taxation.

Pitiful attempt here. Some would even say it was SAD!
That's fine. Now address liberals that trash religion using bible verses to promote mass immigration. Hypocrites as well, correct?

These people will go find any verse they can and use it to justify the term hypocrite.

Example: Jesus says to love everyone and show compassion. The Bible also says homosexuality is an abomination.

Gay marriage. Support it or not, you’re wrong and a hypocrite according to some.

They make it sound as if these kids are being molested by law and tortured for months.

Also, wouldn’t supporting any politician make a Christian a hypocrite? Nearly all politicians are liars and deceivers

Oh and these:

Hadn't checked the thread in a couple days. Surely none of you guys support the separation of children right? Oh god...

Oh yeah, and regarding the whole Christian thing, far be it from me to say what a Christian can't do, but it sure seems hypocritical to support trump and love Jesus.
It is more hypocritical to love the left who support most things Jesus opposed than a man who is supporting Gods law of obeying the laws of the land. Your misrepresentation of the Bible and what Jesus would support or not support is telling. They are not being held with their parents who are breaking the law and are being taken care of. You would have them suffering by having them detained as criminals when the parents are the ones committing crimes. Oh, and there is that abortion thing that just keeps showing your hypocrisy. God said not to harm a hair on the little ones head. Jesus supported and kept Gods laws, do you?
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You do realize there are multiple forms of taxes, right? Federal income tax isn't the only form of taxation.

Pitiful attempt here. Some would even say it was SAD!

Except both Trump and Bernie were specifically referring to federal income tax so your lame excuse is pitiful. One was given pants on fire the other 100% true. Wonder why that is?

What's sad is you thinking "fact checkers" are without bias and above criticism.
I'm conditioned to use things like bullets, hyphens, semicolons, etc in any long e-communication. Most of the people I interact with via email at work are very busy and have very short attention spans. Sending them a long ass paragraph is a waste - they wouldn't read it. Bullets from the phone are a PITA though, so I only use them if I am at a PC.

As for the ban hammer, I'm assuming it's because I was an over the top jerk for like a week straight, right after a 1 week suspension. Plenty of guys here (even some I don't agree with politically) are great to interact with, but a few are basically intolerable. I took those land mines out of play and the board is much better.

Also, I gamble a lot and always pay my debts. If WK wants to bet however much he can afford that I am not Dion or any other poster besides KBA and this one, I'll send the money to someone to hold in escrow and we can have the admins do some IP checks to verify it.
Intolerable, look inside yourself first before casting stones.
Except both Trump and Bernie were specifically referring to federal income tax so your lame excuse is pitiful. One was given pants on fire the other 100% true. Wonder why that is?

What's sad is you thinking "fact checkers" are without bias and above criticism.
YOur idiocy knows no bound, apparently.

If twitter decided they were a completely open forum and you could say whatever you pleased then I would say ok I have no problem with that, but this has apparently been reported and allowed to stay up. I have followed several conservative accounts banned or temporarily suspended who posted things so minor to this it’s laughable.

Pretty much all social media is curbing speech now but it’s blatantly one-sided.
YOur idiocy knows no bound, apparently.

Ad hominem right out of the gate. A clear sign you lack the facts to argue the actual point.

Besides with all of my idiocy I was still very much aware that both Trump and Bernie were specifically referring to federal income taxes yet Politifact rated both at complete opposite ends of the spectrum. I'm also well aware that "fact checking" sites shouldn't be taken as gospel and need to be fact checked themselves.

Politifact is most known for fact checking and rating one of biggest lies ever as true then trying to cover it up and lie about it. If only I could be as smart as you though.
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If twitter decided they were a completely open forum and you could say whatever you pleased then I would say ok I have no problem with that, but this has apparently been reported and allowed to stay up. I have followed several conservative accounts banned or temporarily suspended who posted things so minor to this it’s laughable.

Pretty much all social media is curbing speech now but it’s blatantly one-sided.
Twitter is privately owned. They can regulate speech however they want. That's what all you righties say when people complain about the NFL's policy that curbs free speech! Can't have it both ways!