How will they rule ??!

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That’s it? That’s your iNsUrReCtIoN??? Did you see the video from inside when they were walking around with security😃😃🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Do you want me to now post the videos of left wing wing cities rioting and burning? Ya know, real destruction that destroyed economies? Not this bullshit used to try and show both sides do it? If you want it you can get it?
BLM destruction was bad too. Never said it wasn't. Only one of us is defending BS and it ain't me.
Only one party's President incited a riot and sings songs with the rioters too.
Nah... Y'all are the sickos. Did you wash your hands afterwards? 💩

I love America. I think it's a great place.
You MAGAs are the ones running it into the ground every day.
All I ever hear MAGAs say about this country is......
Our public schools suck.
Our military sucks.
Our major cities suck.
Our blue states suck.
Our President sucks.
Our VP sucks.
Democrats suck.
Our economy sucks.
Our NATO allies suck.
Our separation of church and state sucks.
Our elections suck.
Our immigrants suck.
Our LGTBQ community sucks.
Our clean energy sucks.

According to MAGAs America is a dystopian society where everything sucks except their laws and Donald Trump.

Hating half of the country is not loving America.
Calm down Sam. You being homosexual is not why people hate you but it has everything to do with your hostile personality. Put the keyboard down and take a break. Take a trip to San Fran or Key West and give the hate a break.
Zero proof.

Corrupt party and government. The day will come when something happens and your cognitive dissonance regarding the left and big gov will have to merge into reality. It’s the most out of control party I’ve ever seen either party in my lifetime and I’m 38. It will come and I hope you apologize to a lot of people here for putting up with the madness.
Corrupt party and government. The day will come when something happens and your cognitive dissonance regarding the left and big gov will have to merge into reality. It’s the most out of control party I’ve ever seen either party in my lifetime and I’m 38. It will come and I hope you apologize to a lot of people here for putting up with the madness.
Nothing says big government quite like telling women that big government is now in control of their reproductive body parts and doctor. 😂
BLM destruction was bad too. Never said it wasn't. Only one of us is defending BS and it ain't me.
Only one party's President incited a riot and sings songs with the rioters too.

Because there’s no COMMONALITY between the two. That is NOT an insurrection. They had no chance to do anything and most didn’t want to, they went in there and asked for ****ing autographs and took a podium.

The left BURNS DOWN CITIES, kills economies, destroys business, makes life unsustainable. There is no correlation, the right doesn’t do that. You’re just looking for something.

The left is hostile, makes life miserable, is violent, and intolerable. The right doesn’t do that. You can lie all you want it doesn’t change that. Many of these cities NEVER RECOVER.

I grew up outside of Memphis and when my parents were young Memphis was an incredibly awesome city. Well, insert the Martin Luther King left wing riots and Memphis, to this day, is UNLIVABLE. YOU CANNOT HARDLY WALK DOWNTOWN ON BEALE. The left has totally destroyed the city.

Quit being disingenuous. You’re lying or being willfully ignorant.
Nothing says big government quite like telling women that big government is now in control of their reproductive body parts and doctor. 😂

Because that’s MURDER. You people are sick. Those are babies you’re sucking out and scrambling up into a pile of goop. Wtf is wrong with you.

I just cannot imagine thinking like you. How would you have liked it if your mother sucked you out, scrambled your brain, and ditched you into a bag for the trash? If it’s good for aborted babies then it’s okay for it to happen to you, right?

They have a right to life. Thats not big government. It’s called having to police the left before they murder innocent children.
Nothing says big government quite like telling women that big government is now in control of their reproductive body parts and doctor. 😂

You don't even bat an eye when you post complete fiction, do you.

You are a storm siren of nonsense. It's actually quite remarkable. A stunning lack of self-awareness. You should be in a museum...
Yea, to hell with reality TV stars.

Good grief. Again, I’m taking about them celebrating their politicians based on pride in gender, body parts, color, and not merit. A few of you really went sideways. They pick candidates on things they celebrate “celebratory” instead of who’s best for the job.

It wasn’t that hard to understand it. Fairly self explanatory if you read it again.
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America is eventually gonna get tired of electing politicians based on celebratory factors and not on merit. The entire problem with much of modern America, and especially the Democratic Party today, is Obama. They gave power to a corrupt Chicago smooth talking politician over a celebratory reason and we’ve never recovered.

Now his party hand picks candidates instead of using a traditional primary.

Democracy may ass. Get the guy out from behind the curtain and America can finally move toward..

Based on celebratory reasons - race, gender, color.

Elected Obama over celebratory reasons - black

Wtf it wasn’t hard to understand. They elect based off of what they view as prideful factors of irrelevance. Not merit.
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This is journalism? The press should never have this type of relationship with a politician. But this is what we can expect with Democrats who think this is a totally normal way to conduct an interview.

The way the press treats Democrats as opposed to Republicans is night and day but hey, the media is totally not biased.

This is journalism? The press should never have this type of relationship with a politician. But this is what we can expect with Democrats who think this is a totally normal way to conduct an interview.

The way the press treats Democrats as opposed to Republicans is night and day but hey, the media is totally not biased.

She literally ****ed her way up. I’ve seen a few talk about it, she’s used her sexuality from the beginning. Harris running for president and being vice president is pure DEI she’s not qualified just like she wasn’t qualified to be DA. She’s qualified to work as a public defender max.
Wow. If anyone was wondering what kind of people lead that party, they know now they will pull the plug on anyone at any time. Seems they reflect their voters after all
There is no way that foul play is not involved if that were to happen. There is no way a few days after trying to kill Trump that the Dems’ guy is suddenly terminally ill. Absurd.

She is connected to coconuts cause of this stupid sh-t, followed by that laugh.

And Reuters just posts one word...KAMALA and the link goes to a page of "Kamala: Her Life in Photos". The media is going to go all out.