How will they rule ??!

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It's simple once you get past of all the Democrat/media/liberals lies and misinformation. Obama ignored the law and made an exception for parents who broke it with their kids in tow. He didn't prosecute and detain them which allowed them to stay with their kids and be released into the country with a court date that they never showed up for. Hence catch and release.

If you or I skip a court date we get hit with failure to appear and have an arrest warrant issued. That's impossible to undertake when you're dealing with illegals who in a lot of cases the courts have no clue who they are or where they're at.

Trump on the other hand has realized this and has ended the lawlessness of catch and release and abuse of the immigration system. He specifically ran on ending this policy. Now he is enforcing federal immigration law with zero tolerance and without exception. Anyone and everyone (including parents with kids in tow) will be detained and prosecuted for breaking federal immigration law. There are no exceptions. The rule of law is blind. You break the law then you are held responsible for your actions and suffer the consequences.

And since he has taken this approach then by law parents who are detained awaiting prosecution must be separated from their kids. By law the kids are not allowed to be held in the detention centers with the parents.

The people you see on tv saying Trump could easily fix this are right but they're not telling you how. How comes at a cost. As is stands now the only way to solve this problem (other than congress changing the law allowing kids to stay with their parents who are detained awaiting prosecution) is for Trump to ignore the law by not prosecuting the parents and re-implement catch and release. That goes against everything he ran on regarding immigration and law and order.

Fantastic write-up. And all over 2,000 kids being separated from shitty parents, many that are criminals, for a brief period of time, in what appears to be pretty nice living quarters?

That's what the left is up in arms about? Because we temporarily separated children? You can find worse atrocities on your own block, and about 2,000 cases an hour in any big city. Why this? And why over people that aren't American?
Seriously though - all this MS-13 talk has me feeling really anxious. Do they reside in my city? Have I possibly interacted with someone who's a member of this vicious gang that's been pouring into our great country? I hear terrible things about these guys - drugs, rape, you name it. Scary stuff.

So my question is this - given that Mexico is going to pay for the wall on the southern border, is our great government already allocating funding for the wall on our border with Canada?

SURELY they have some "bad hombres" that they want to "send us." If they're anything like these MS-13 thugs, we're in serious trouble!

Anybody have any info on that? You guys seem like you would know.
Seriously though - all this MS-13 talk has me feeling really anxious. Do they reside in my city? Have I possibly interacted with someone who's a member of this vicious gang that's been pouring into our great country? I hear terrible things about these guys - drugs, rape, you name it. Scary stuff.

So my question is this - given that Mexico is going to pay for the wall on the southern border, is our great government already allocating funding for the wall on our border with Canada?

SURELY they have some "bad hombres" that they want to "send us." If they're anything like these MS-13 thugs, we're in serious trouble!

Anybody have any info on that? You guys seem like you would know.

No you moron, you haven't interacted with MS-13. Go back to Europe. You were much better there
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I already know that Donald Trump doesn't care about my opinion. Neither did Obama or any other president that's served since I've been around.

The weird thing is that Trump actually DOES care about *your* opinion. He cares because you're part of the 30% who support him no matter what. You're why he tweets so much these days. Yes, these days. What's up with all the "executive time" recently?

Did he retweet one of your replies and I didn't know about it? He loves the shit out of those #MAGA bot comments. Again, when you're a sober narcissist like Trump, social media likes and flattery are paramount. A dangerous drug, don't you think?

Wait - speaking of drugs...

DO YOU EVEN PA.....nevermind.

I don't use twitter. Eat a bag of d****.
No you moron, you haven't interacted with MS-13. Go back to Europe. You were much better there

Can you 100% ASSURE ME that I've never met these MS-13 criminals? I mean...Trump has been talking about them a lot lately.

Safety first.

Wait...I hear that they're gonna arm teachers...after I get my gun from my principal, can I take it home every night and use it to protect me from MS-13 thugs trying to break into my house and cause us harm?

Of course I'll bring the gun to work every day, but some extra home security would be quite comforting. Is that how keeping guns works?
When they get smoked in the next election, they will realize all that fake outrage was a very small echo chamber. Which is going to make their ass beating even more sweeter
I for once disagree with you Willy. They won't realize it. They will continue to double down on the crazy and just blame some new conspiracy theory. The left are insane, and the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over expecting different results. They will keep it up and it's great! Because it will keep them out of office.
Can you 100% ASSURE ME that I've never met these MS-13 criminals? I mean...Trump has been talking about them a lot lately.

Safety first.

Wait...I hear that they're gonna arm teachers...after I get my gun from my principal, can I take it home every night and use it to protect me from MS-13 thugs trying to break into my house and cause us harm?

Of course I'll bring the gun to work every day, but some extra home security would be quite comforting. Is that how keeping guns works?

How about someone money shots your face?
I for once disagree with you Willy. They won't realize it. They will continue to double down on the crazy and just blame some new conspiracy theory. The left are insane, and the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over expecting different results. They will keep it up and it's great! Because it will keep them out of office.

You're prolly right man.
So why wouldn't they? What's their angle? Sounds like, on the surface, this is exactly what they want, so there has to be something more..
Because then Trump gets to continue to prosecute people who illegally enter into the country. The kids are just their mainstream excuse to be outraged.

They're also outraged about illegal border crossings being prosecuted and feel it shouldn't be a crime but they can't really say that out loud because then the entire country would know what we all already suspect of the Democrat party. They're for open borders.

That's why the only solutions they're willing to put forward is legislation protecting parents from prosecution or to go back to what it was like before and for Trump to ignore the law and start catch and release back up.
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For you liberals supporting Hillary, let me show you how she works.

"But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

He was talking about teaching them the word of God. Not about teaching them how to break the law. He was tired and his disciples were trying to keep people away from him and he told them not to do that. Hillary took the quote out of context.

You can quote many passages out of the Bible but, until you read it in the proper context you will be proven wrong every time.
Fantastic write-up. And all over 2,000 kids being separated from shitty parents, many that are criminals, for a brief period of time, in what appears to be pretty nice living quarters?

That's what the left is up in arms about? Because we temporarily separated children? You can find worse atrocities on your own block, and about 2,000 cases an hour in any big city. Why this? And why over people that aren't American?
They are living now better than millions of American children are. Where is the outrage about that?
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The fix for not separating kids from parents is simple. Pass legislation that allows the kids to be detained in detention centers with their parents while their parents are awaiting prosecution.

Also since everyone is so upset about families being separated then if the parent(s) is found guilty during prosecution and is subject to deportation then all immediate family members who illegally crossed the border with them (other spouse/kids) also get deported with them. That way this whole separated ordeal can't be used as an outrage excuse again.
The fix for not separating kids from parents is simple. Pass legislation that allows the kids to be detained in detention centers with their parents while their parents are awaiting prosecution.

Also since everyone is so upset about families being separated then if the parent(s) is found guilty during prosecution and is subject to deportation then all (other spouse/kids) also get deported with them. That way this whole separated ordeal can't be used as an outrage excuse again.
You've repeatedly stated the law has to be enforced as is, no exceptions, in the strictest way possible. So everyone who smokes the reefer should be put in jail right?
So you do believe in selective enforcement. Just on the stuff on you want.
I never said that. I meant sure don't as in I don't smoke. If you smoke and get caught you should be punished according to the law. If the country doesn't like it then change the law. But again trying to compare the two is lunacy. One has very real and very big consequences that the other doesn't come close to having.
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Sounds like we're getting to the root of it. Which laws should be enforced and who should decide whether to do so.

That is how this should be argued. It doesn't have to be hyperbolic. But that don't get clicks.

My answer is if it's on the books don't blame me for enforcing it. Congress needs to get off it's ass and do it's job for once. Have some rational discussion on immigration.

I won't hold my breath.
Their stance on abortion renders their opinion on morals null and void.
Yeah cause it makes sense to care about fetuses, but children no way. That's just a bridge too far. Next they'll want us to have compassion for adults! Nutty libtards.
Pretty sure Mojo nailed it. Levi is also fq/fuzz

How pathetic do you have to be to create 3 user names to push a leftist agenda. Pathetic
The clincher was a thread, I think, on the basketball board. Forget the topic, but Levi was saying something about HIV, and naturally he has a relative/close friend with the condition. I suspect the topic could be NASA, and we’d find out Buzz Aldrin is his uncle by marriage.....
The clincher was a thread, I think, on the basketball board. Forget the topic, but Levi was saying something about HIV, and naturally he has a relative/close friend with the condition. I suspect the topic could be NASA, and we’d find out Buzz Aldrin is his uncle by marriage.....

Dammit, miss your insight on here.

You pick up on things too well