How will they rule ??!

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These migrants should all be educated on the us founding principals. Endoctrinate every last one of em on conservatism. Get jobs learning a trade and vote for Donald or who ever Donald tells em to vote for

If that was the policy, you'd see libs stance on illegal immigrants flip over night. The only reason they want these people is because it's importing new votes. That's also why they fight voter ID tooth and nail
It did happen under Obama though. Just because CNN didn't tell you that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

In fact, its happened under the last several presidents. You just decided now to be outraged about it. Your outrage is fake and political.
Not only CNN, but ABC, NBC, BBC and every reputable news source on the planet. Even your own Ted Cruz admits what Trump is doing is different and wrong.
The source for your information?

If you ever wondered how Adolph Hitler came to power in Germany the parallels with Trump are astounding. Of course you would never admit it...what about...

If there was even a shadow of doubt of Trump’s intentions SHS made it clear yesterday that Trump says he will reject any legislation that prevents him from doing what he is doing unless it includes money for a wall. Admitting that he is using children as hostages. Spin that any way you want there Sparky but just be prepared to enjoy that special place in Hell waiting Trump and his supporters in this matter.
Hadn't checked the thread in a couple days. Surely none of you guys support the separation of children right? Oh god...

Oh yeah, and regarding the whole Christian thing, far be it from me to say what a Christian can't do, but it sure seems hypocritical to support trump and love Jesus.
If anyone wants free cash, you can get Trump at plus money to win the 2020 election (ranging anywhere from around +175 to +210.)

The only scenario I see where Trump doesn't win the election is if he dies first (something to consider for sure considering his physical shape and diet.) I'd put the odds of that at less than 25% though. There are just too many positives for him and I don't see them changing between now and then.

  • It's the economy, stupid - everyone is making more money and wallets tend to have a big say at the voting booth
  • Unemployment is virtually non existent
  • When is the last time you heard anything about ISIS?
  • The democrats have taken the fight as far left as they can go, which will completely alienate independent voters with centrist ideologies
  • Excluding HWB, we are in a pretty consistent cycle of 8 years in office for a party on a rotating basis
That is more than enough good guys for Trump to offset any potential negatives that might play out, although I can't really see them. At the end of the day, everyone has basically the same rights they had the day before Trump was inaugurated, and most are doing better financially. That's a win for everybody. I can see Trump cresting 400 EVs. I'm putting some money in there before the line starts to move. He will be even money to win by the middle of next year, and minus money going into the election cycle.

John, what changed where you now use bullet points?

Also, what offense got you the ban hammer?
Official response 14:30 mark. 10,000 children sent to border without parents.
But there are 12000 children in custody....thus why the conversation is about the 2000 children who have been separated and not the 12000 being held.
You’re really trying hard to find excuses to justify what you know to be patentently wrong.

Tell us more about Trump’s health, Mr. Canadian.

Trump would kick more than half the asses in here. He works 18 hours a day and needs 3500 calories of fuel per day.
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But there are 12000 children in custody....thus why the conversation is about the 2000 children who have been separated and not the 12000 being held.
You’re really trying hard to find excuses to justify what you know to be patentently wrong.
What is patently wrong is the liberal screaming and greed that is causing them to flood the border.
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But there are 12000 children in custody....thus why the conversation is about the 2000 children who have been separated and not the 12000 being held.
You’re really trying hard to find excuses to justify what you know to be patentently wrong.

Hahaha 14,000??? That’s what everyone is crying about?? You could drown all those children and the world wouldn’t even notice. Especially their parents who left for them dead. Good luck lil amigos. Hope America saves your ass bc idgaf.

There are 14,000 homeless children in one square mile of LA county. Nobody gives a shit.
As usual, more Republican lies about the immigration policy being a continuation of what Obama did. When you can't accept fault for your own shitty actions, just blame someone else.
No, Donald Trump’s separation of immigrant families was not Barack Obama’s policy

Critics of the Trump administration’s separating of families illegally crossing the U.S. border with Mexico have characterized the practice as a distinctly cruel feature of Donald Trump’s presidency.

But some Republican commentators argue the policy is essentially a continuation of previous administrations.

"You know what's ironic? It's the same way Barack Obama did it," conservative commentator Matt Schlapp said during the June 15 broadcast of Fox News' America's Newsroom. "This is the problem with all of these things, the outrage you see coming from the left. There wasn't outrage over Barack Obama separating kids from adults."

While the Obama administration's immigration approach was not without controversy, it’s simply untrue to say he had a policy of separating families.

Trump policy
Let’s recap what the Trump administration is doing, before turning to Obama’s handling of immigration.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions in April announced a "zero-tolerance" policy, meaning every person caught crossing the border illegally would be referred for federal prosecution.

A good number of these people are adult migrants traveling with children. By law, when adults are detained and criminally prosecuted, their children cannot be housed with them in jail. Instead, kids are placed in a Department of Health and Human Services shelter until they can be released to a legal guardian.

Some 2,000 children have been separated from the adults they were traveling with across the U.S. border, according to the latest figures from the Department of Homeland Security. The children were separated from 1,940 adults from April 19 through May 31 as a result of border-crossing prosecutions.

Obama policy
Immigration experts we spoke to said Obama-era policies did lead to some family separations, but only relatively rarely, and nowhere near the rate of the Trump administration. (A Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman said the Obama administration did not count the number of families separated at the border.)

"Obama generally refrained from prosecution in cases involving adults who crossed the border with their kids," said Peter Margulies, an immigration law and national security law professor at Roger Williams University School of Law. "In contrast, the current administration has chosen to prosecute adult border-crossers, even when they have kids. That's a choice — one fundamentally different from the choice made by both Obama and previous presidents of both parties."

Denise Gilman, a law professor who directs the immigration clinic at the University of Texas School of Law, said immigration attorneys "occasionally" saw separated families under the Obama administration.

"However, these families were usually reunited quite quickly once identified," she said, "even if that meant release of a parent from adult detention."

In Trump’s case, family separations are a feature, not a bug, of the administration’s border policies, said David Fitzgerald, who co-directs the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies.

"The family separations are not the small-scale collateral consequences of a border policy, but rather, a deliberate initiative," he added.

Former Obama officials in recent interviews drew sharp distinctions between Trump’s policy and that of his predecessors.

The Trump administration's current approach is modeled after Operation Streamline, a 2005 program under the administration of George W. Bush, according to Obama spokesman Eric Schultz. The key difference, he said, is that while the 2005 program referred all illegal immigrants for prosecution, it made exceptions for adults traveling with children.

Jeh Johnson, Obama’s Homeland Security secretary from 2013 to the end of his presidency, said such separations occurred in rare cases, but never as a matter of policy.

"I can't say that it never happened. There may have been some exigent situation, some emergency," Johnson told NPR June 9. "There may have been some doubt about whether the adult accompanying the child was in fact the parent of the child. I can't say it never happened — but not as a matter of policy or practice. It's not something that I could ask our Border Patrol or our immigration enforcement personnel to do."

Obama’s top domestic policy adviser, Cecilia Muñoz, said the Obama administration briefly weighed the separation of parents from children, before deciding against it.

"I do remember looking at each other like, ‘We’re not going to do this, are we?’ We spent five minutes thinking it through and concluded that it was a bad idea," she told the New York Times. "The morality of it was clear — that’s not who we are."

Andrew Selee, president of the Migration Policy Institute, said that, as a deterrent, the Obama administration began prosecuting border-crossers who had already been deported at least once.

"But very few of those people crossed with children, so it didn’t become as visible an issue," he said. "There was some child separation and some pushback by immigrant advocacy groups around that, but the numbers were quite limited.

"The idea of prosecuting people who cross the border illegally the first time they are caught is entirely new," he added. "So we haven’t seen children separated from their parents on anything near this scale before."

The Obama administration’s immigration policy was not without controversy, to be sure.

In 2014, amid an influx of asylum seekers from Central America, the administration established large family detention centers to hold parents and children — potentially indefinitely — as a means of deterring other asylees. The practice eventually lost a legal challenge, resulting in a 2016 decision that stopped families from being detained together.

Schlapp told us that his claim referred to the fact that both Obama and Trump are bound by the same procedures prohibiting family detention.

However, Schlapp’s full comment gives the misleading impression that Trump is essentially continuing Obama’s policy, when in fact Trump’s zero tolerance policy is quite different.

Our ruling
Schlapp said the Trump administration’s policy of separating families is "the same way Barack Obama did it."

Obama’s immigration policy specifically sought to avoid breaking up families. While some children were separated from their parents under Obama, this was relatively rare, and occurred at a far lower rate than under Trump, where the practice flows from a zero tolerance approach to illegal border-crossings.

We rate this False.
If the Dems keep this line of messaging up they'll get creamed in Nov and in 2020 (I think they know it anyway: the libs are just trying to take over the party completely by driving out all the moderate Dems).

Only potential fly in the ointment is that a recession, sooner or later, is inevitable (it's called a "business cycle" for you libs already prepared to blame Trump).

A few major investment firms are already looking for the "recession" sooner as they have upgraded "recession resistant" sectors like utilities and cut their allocations to some of the more growth oriented sectors like technology. As long as the predicted recession doesn't occur in summer/fall of 2020 Trump should be OK.
Except everyone but Republicans overall disagree with the current administration's immigration policies
All reps bashing trump should have to put up migrant tents on their property. I’ll help set up the tents anyone know John Yarmuths number we can start there
All reps bashing gays should have to open up businesses and churches that cater to the gays. What, don't like it? It's the same flawed logic you are using.
But there are 12000 children in custody....thus why the conversation is about the 2000 children who have been separated and not the 12000 being held.
You’re really trying hard to find excuses to justify what you know to be patentently wrong.
I posted that because the MSM would have us believe that all children are accompanied by thier parents. Minors can't be prosecuted for illegal immigration so they are seperated from their criminal parents. This like many other problems in America and the rest of the world stem from poor parental guidence. Immigrants have a choice on whether to enter legally or illegally.
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Speaking of crazy liberal posters and them having multiple handles, I wonder which one is deeeeeeeeeefense? He disappeared from this thread rather quickly after he became a mod and tried to censor the place. You know he still posts in this thread, just under a different name (unless management specifically forbid him from participating after causing a huge backlash).

And Jamo. Wonder which one he is? Boston LOVES posting polls. Even thinks he has a deep understanding of them. Very similar to Jamo, IMHO (however, Jamo never struck me as the type of guy to make his dad pay 5 dollars for Netflix)

Although, he never did pay Krazy.
Not a Christian.

I support enforcing any and every law on the books that deters a foreign invasion.

Sorry the federal government is hampering your guys ability to smuggle your child inventory across the border. Maybe your D masters could have changed the law when Obama was POTUS rather than him just using executive dictate to promote human trafficking and child slavery.

You people are evil lunatics.
lol. Typical brainwashed conservative. Can't face the facts when it doesn't fit your agenda so call it Fake News. You'd be on here arguing the sky is red if Trump said it was.

The most destructive thing that will come from this past election, which divided our population more than ever, is the "Fake News" claim. Both sides use it. And they use it to disregard anything that doesn't fit their beliefs or agenda.
The most destructive thing that will come from this past election, which divided our population more than ever, is the "Fake News" claim. Both sides use it. And they use it to disregard anything that doesn't fit their beliefs or agenda.

So it's the "fake news" label, not all the blatant lies and bullshit from the news media?
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Surely none of you guys support the separation of children right?

I support due process and the rule of law. If you break the law you should be held responsible. You should be arrested and prosecuted according to the law. If during that process you are separated from your kids then that's on you. You have no one to blame but yourself.

Whether you like it or not illegally crossing the border is a federal crime punishable by law. Should we just allow non citizens to break the law with impunity because they just so happen to be parents? Americans aren't afforded that same courtesy so why should they? If I break the law with my kids in tow the police do not look the other way and allow me to go free nor does the justice system go easier on me.
So it's the "fake news" label, not all the blatant lies and bullshit from the news media?

It's that anyone now can justify their opinion by listening to news (however you want to label news and the outlets we get it from) and claiming whatever they hear and disagree with is "fake". Bill, you might be an informed individual who does their research. Fact is that most people don't. And they have now been instructed to call something "fake news" without doing any research of their own to justify that claim.
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Not a Christian.

I support enforcing any and every law on the books that deters a foreign invasion.

Sorry the federal government is hampering your guys ability to smuggle your child inventory across the border. Maybe your D masters could have changed the law when Obama was POTUS rather than him just using executive dictate to promote human trafficking and child slavery.

You people are evil lunatics.
Very little religion talk in here...someone posts a tweet about the hypocrisy of liberals using religion as an argument and two liberal idiots that say "brainwashed" every two minutes chime in as if anyone is arguing the religious angle.
The most destructive thing that will come from this past election, which divided our population more than ever, is the "Fake News" claim. Both sides use it. And they use it to disregard anything that doesn't fit their beliefs or agenda.
Close. The most destructive thing was our media becoming an even bigger shitshow leading to your point.
Speaking of crazy liberal posters and them having multiple handles, I wonder which one is deeeeeeeeeefense? He disappeared from this thread rather quickly after he became a mod and tried to censor the place. You know he still posts in this thread, just under a different name (unless management specifically forbid him from participating after causing a huge backlash).

And Jamo. Wonder which one he is? Boston LOVES posting polls. Even thinks he has a deep understanding of them. Very similar to Jamo, IMHO (however, Jamo never struck me as the type of guy to make his dad pay 5 dollars for Netflix)

Although, he never did pay Krazy.
Jamo could not even pretend to be as stupid as boston. That is a unique marker, he is not a retread that I can tell.
As usual, more Republican lies about the immigration policy being a continuation of what Obama did. When you can't accept fault for your own shitty actions, just blame someone else.
No, Donald Trump’s separation of immigrant families was not Barack Obama’s policy

Did you read the "by law" part? Trump didn't invent this law. It's been on the books for decades. It's not Trump's fault you're used to the prior administration being open borders radicals and not enforcing federal immigration laws.

What Politifact is arguing and what you are advocating is allowing people to break the law with impunity. Other than Congress changing the law the only way for Trump to avoid the situation is to do like Obama and ignore the law which means going back to catch and release and not punish the parents who break the law. Trump ran on ending catch and release. He's keeping his promise.

Going back to catch and release and ignoring the law is lawlessness and is against everything Trump was elected to do and everything America stands for. We are a nation of laws. Follow them and you don't get arrested and separated from your kids.

From your link:

A good number of these people are adult migrants traveling with children. By law, when adults are detained and criminally prosecuted, their children cannot be housed with them in jail. Instead, kids are placed in a Department of Health and Human Services shelter until they can be released to a legal guardian.