How will they rule ??!

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I believe positive changes in NK are coming.

I think we need to look below the surface. Rare earth minerals. The same ones China uses to make technology are available in NK. NK will use slave labor just like China. NK can takeover a huge percentage of China's market. Trump drilled China with another $50 bil in tariffs. Trump is flipping the table on China. They used NK against us and now we will us NK against them. China is the real enemy.

FYI...North Korea is just a little bit bigger than Kentucky. 46k/mi² vs 40k.
Who else saw Donald on Fox & Friends? Wow! What a great interview. Talking off the cuff and answering every question without saying ummm...ahhhh...ummm.

Any dumbass who says he doesn't understand global politics is just stuck on stupid from the global politics game that O'bama played. Trump would take O'bama's lunch money and then send him out to bring him lunch.
Who else saw Donald on Fox & Friends? Wow! What a great interview. Talking off the cuff and answering every question without saying ummm...ahhhh...ummm.

Any dumbass who says he doesn't understand global politics is just stuck on stupid from the global politics game that O'bama played. Trump would take O'bama's lunch money and then send him out to bring him lunch.

The Gaelic Obama spelling[roll]
When you’re corrupt and evil, you’re going to hate the person trying to fix it. That’s why the left hates conservatives/Trump.

They’re like the shit employees under a shitty manager who was stealing inventory and breaking rules. They then hate the next guy who tries to right the ship.
The number one country on the planet for persecuting Christians is North Korea. What do all you Russian bots have to say about that?

Donald has slayed O'bama on national tv. No way the msm can spin those words. We all heard them. Bet he and Hillary are on the phone right now. It's 0930 so Hillary is drunk already and he's trying to tell her why nothing will happen to them. O'bama has a habit of being wrong, hope he is this time too.
Donald has slayed O'bama on national tv. No way the msm can spin those words. We all heard them. Bet he and Hillary are on the phone right now. It's 0930 so Hillary is drunk already and he's trying to tell her why nothing will happen to them. O'bama has a habit of being wrong, hope he is this time too.

Had to leave after the F&F interview... whatd he say?
When you’re corrupt and evil, you’re going to hate the person trying to fix it. That’s why the left hates conservatives/Trump.

They’re like the shit employees under a shitty manager who was stealing inventory and breaking rules. They then hate the next guy who tries to right the ship.

Corrupt and evil eh? Obama never even needed a lawyer to hide behind, had no scandals. Thanks for the clarification.

Oh and as for righting the ship, Clinton handed Bush a great economy on a sound economic and fiscal path, then Bush decimated it with tax cuts and increased spending, Bush in turn handed Obama a collapsing national economic disaster that threaten to crush the entire global economy, Obama from day one worked to turn that around with almost no support from the conservative racists in congress, Obama then handed a greatly revived national economy still steaming along. Now Trump is doing exactly what Reagan and Bush II did --- capitalizing on a good economy even more by running up the credit card debt guaranteeing terrible consequences in the near future as predictable as a German train. Tax cuts along with runaway spending is how the GOP string the idiots along at the expense of the nation, exactly what is happening now. Conservative don't want to face the truth because they are greedy and they are cowards, those that aren't are simply lemmings. Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Dwight Eisenhower would puke on what the baby boomers have turn the republican party, a party I was once a member of into.
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Hilarious. This was gonna be the report to delegitimize all Trump critics. Trumpers secretly wish we lived in North Korea so they could silence all criticism of dear leader.

With each passing day, President Trump is making the country and THE WORLD a better place, and all you shameless, filthy, miserable little weasels can do is celebrate that the latest report on democrat corruption hasn't totally silenced all Trump critics. LMAO, it sucks to be you.
Had to leave after the F&F interview... whatd he say?
Told the truth about him and that's the worst thing that could happen. Said he lost Crimea. Talked about his "red line" and how he didn't follow through with it. Then he said "I followed through, the 59 missile hits proved it". He mentioned him several other times too and none of it was good for O.

Those 50 minutes are the most transparent look into our government in history. He just keeps getting better and I think he's hit his stride now. We are a badass country and he's removing the governor and allowing us to hit our top speed.
The IG report states that O'bama knew about Hillary's treasonous server and used it to correspond with her. Contrary to O's repeated claims that he found out about it on the news. That is a bombshell.

The IG report states that "foreign actors" had access to Hillary's server that contained top secret information. Think about that. Foreign adversaries got to see emails that congress wasn't allowed to see. We weren't allowed to see them and she was OUR employee. That is a bombshell.

Dems just got nuked with that report and they are too stupid to realize it. Well we all got nuked by electing a Muslim but the fallout has a half-life of about 500 days. We'll be fine soon and all the damage will be repaired. Thanks Donald.
Trumps aid Miller helped craft the GOP bill and now he is torpedoing it. Classic Trump move, call for action, help move the action, then flip the table and scream like a baby so you get all the attention. Trump obviously doesn't want an immigration bill since he keeps blowing them all up, he just wants his base focused on an immigration bill never being passed,
“He’s the head of a country. He’s a strong head,” Trump said. “He speaks and his people sit up and pay attention. I want my people to do the same.”

Trump desperately wants to be a dictator. Dude was born on the wrong continent. Should have been in the middle east or africa and he would be living the life he really wants.
Trumps aid Miller helped craft the GOP bill and now he is torpedoing it. Classic Trump move, call for action, help move the action, then flip the table and scream like a baby so you get all the attention. Trump obviously doesn't want an immigration bill since he keeps blowing them all up, he just wants his base focused on an immigration bill never being passed,
Trump isn't the typical politician that you've grown to know and love. He won't pass a bill just to say he passed a bill. If they give him one he agrees with he'll sign it quickly. What he doesn't want to do is give the invaders a reason to start coming in greater numbers and that is exactly what this bill would do as written.

You talk about politics a lot but you don't seem to understand the subject very well. Congrats, you're a bona fide lib.
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“He’s the head of a country. He’s a strong head,” Trump said. “He speaks and his people sit up and pay attention. I want my people to do the same.”

Trump desperately wants to be a dictator. Dude was born on the wrong continent. Should have been in the middle east or africa and he would be living the life he really wants.

It seems to be working on you dimwits. You're too dumb to know you're being trolled.
Its hard to have a scandal when no one will dare talk about it. Obama could have proposed a plan to eradicate half the US population and the MSM would have told us why it was a good idea.

Plenty of scandals and corruption under the Obama admin but because Levi is such a brainwashed moron who gobbles up the DNC propaganda, he’s that clueless.

Levi, you know there’s documented proof of media colluding with the Democrats, right? I’m not talking bullshit Russia stuff that you all peddle, I’m talking 100 percent proof of feeding talking points and strategies with each other, letting the Clinton team edit articles, being fed stories and calling the writers “friendlies,” giving her debate questions, consulting with Podesta on what to ask the GOP candidates and Trump, etc.

But none of you dumb bastards bothered to read the emails yet you still believe this group. This group who has been completely outed as DNC propaganda.

And the reason Levi is so oblivious to Obama scandals is because the media which he worships would give Obama hard questions like, “Why are you so magical?”

Here’s some real ones.

“Where did you learn to love?”
“What does golf do for you?”
“What has enchanted you most about being president?”

Eff you, liberals.
The number one country on the planet for persecuting Christians is North Korea. What do all you Russian bots have to say about that?
Trump will have us in a nuclear war with NK? Hell, it worked for the left. Maybe we can try it now.
watched baby hands do his propeganda tv interview. haven't seen a president lie that much in one sitting since Clinton got a blowjob. somehow a IG report that doesn't even touch on Russia or Mueller exonerated him of collusion & obstruction. and comey should go to jail even though the report says he did nothing illegal. His continued lying about how democrat laws force him to separate families. that is his choice not a law, somehow the past 50 years every other admin has managed to not be moraless douchebags.