How will they rule ??!

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Who are you with?


You are the worst!








*some of these are memes. Some are actual news segments on CNN. You be the judge.
“He’s the head of a country. He’s a strong head,” Trump said. “He speaks and his people sit up and pay attention. I want my people to do the same.”

Trump desperately wants to be a dictator. Dude was born on the wrong continent. Should have been in the middle east or africa and he would be living the life he really wants.

You posted yesterday that "Trump was on board" with Ryan's amnesty bill. He's not. You are a GD liar. No one here takes your garbage fake news seriously
Corrupt and evil eh? Obama never even needed a lawyer to hide behind, had no scandals. Thanks for the clarification. "

He controlled the DOJ, FBI, IRS, ATF, and every other agency out there. Hillary had his back and was told she was the next in line. The Don stopped the corruption and showed you losers that America could be great again and that the jobs could come back.
He should step out on the balcony and spray them with a can of Lysol.

Not necessarily because they're gay, but because they're stinking, filthy liberals.
Super Tropical Bleach would be better. Those people are just nasty.
It’s truly incredible how tribalistic this community is in regards to defending criminals based on skin color. You think any of us would give a shit and get angry about a white guy stealing a car and getting shot over it? Nope.
Will bet also that driving away was another phrase for driving forward while the Fireman was still in front of vehicle which is probably why there were no charges. Attempted murder and he was just defending himself by shooting.
watched baby hands do his propeganda tv interview. haven't seen a president lie that much in one sitting since Clinton got a blowjob. somehow a IG report that doesn't even touch on Russia or Mueller exonerated him of collusion & obstruction. and comey should go to jail even though the report says he did nothing illegal. His continued lying about how democrat laws force him to separate families. that is his choice not a law, somehow the past 50 years every other admin has managed to not be moraless douchebags.

Will bet also that driving away was another phrase for driving forward while the Fireman was still in front of vehicle which is probably why there were no charges. Attempted murder and he was just defending himself by shooting.

Kind of what I thought, but the article also said he shot through the driver side window. So, Idk...

...but I'm all for thieves being put down. my whole stupid town is run rampant with thieving ass pillheads who don't spend time in jail and don't learn their lesson. It's really a detriment to the community, and our judicial system wont' deal with it.

[QUOTE="Sawnee Cat, post: 6983263, member: 6832"]So due to the corruption at the head of the FBI the agents are going to have "training". What did they do in the FBI academy? Hey I have a better idea. Put Comey, Peter and his f buddy in prison and let the field agents do their jobs.[/QUOTE]

lol classic
Some of you guys are as predictable as wind-up dolls. Lay a bit of history on you and you start to spit and sputter and curse the darkness. Our fathers stormed the beaches at Normandy where the first wave suffered as much as 75% casualties, little talked about is these same units in the 30 days following the landing had lost 90% of their men and when replacements arrived 90% of those were casualties. They were figthing the Nazi's and we dishonor them as our president dishonors them today by ignoring Nazi's on our streets going so far as calling them "good people". Yeah you're damn straight I'm not with you guys and proud of it.
Some of you guys are as predictable as wind-up dolls. Lay a bit of history on you and you start to spit and sputter and curse the darkness. Our fathers stormed the beaches at Normandy where the first wave suffered as much as 75% casualties, little talked about is these same units in the 30 days following the landing had lost 90% of their men and when replacements arrived 90% of those were casualties. They were figthing the Nazi's and we dishonor them as our president dishonors them today by ignoring Nazi's on our streets going so far as calling them "good people". Yeah you're damn straight I'm not with you guys and proud of it.

Your fathers stormed the beaches to protect a country that was inherently racist and segregated. We should tear down every last monument to these wwii racists. In fact, if you support these men, you must be a Nazi too. I think maybe you should have your right to speak and own a gun taken. Amirite or not?
Some of you guys are as predictable as wind-up dolls. Lay a bit of history on you and you start to spit and sputter and curse the darkness. Our fathers stormed the beaches at Normandy where the first wave suffered as much as 75% casualties, little talked about is these same units in the 30 days following the landing had lost 90% of their men and when replacements arrived 90% of those were casualties. They were figthing the Nazi's and we dishonor them as our president dishonors them today by ignoring Nazi's on our streets going so far as calling them "good people". Yeah you're damn straight I'm not with you guys and proud of it.

STFU, the President didn’t say that the Nazis were good people anymore than he said antifa there were good people. You simply hear what you want.
Someone stole platinums shift key...wth is going on with those sentences lately? Protesting capital letters or what?
You posted yesterday that "Trump was on board" with Ryan's amnesty bill. He's not. You are a GD liar. No one here takes your garbage fake news seriously
his people helped write the bill, it has everything in it he wanted. wall funding, border security funding, ends visa lottery, triggers to wipe out daca if those fundings are reversed. they went around capital hill earlier this week telling congress he supported it. he's against it now because he knows how to work the media. instead of it being about congress working to fix a problem it's now all about Trump. he doesn't care what happens with anything as long as it's all focused on him.
his people helped write the bill, it has everything in it he wanted. wall funding, border security funding, ends visa lottery, triggers to wipe out daca if those fundings are reversed. they went around capital hill earlier this week telling congress he supported it. he's against it now because he knows how to work the media. instead of it being about congress working to fix a problem it's now all about Trump. he doesn't care what happens with anything as long as it's all focused on him.
Congrats on having your bitching and whining positioned either way it goes.
awwwww, poor manafort Is now in prison. that wimp is going to flip quick now. his pampered ass ain't gonna take kindly to some prison love.
Some of you guys are as predictable as wind-up dolls. Lay a bit of history on you and you start to spit and sputter and curse the darkness. Our fathers stormed the beaches at Normandy where the first wave suffered as much as 75% casualties, little talked about is these same units in the 30 days following the landing had lost 90% of their men and when replacements arrived 90% of those were casualties. They were figthing the Nazi's and we dishonor them as our president dishonors them today by ignoring Nazi's on our streets going so far as calling them "good people". Yeah you're damn straight I'm not with you guys and proud of it.

Weird, I thought the day after election Trump was going to turn us into Nazi Germany.. you guys still beating that drum huh?

I don't usually like the "If you don't like it, leave" response.. but seeing as how many liberals are in tears over fearing for their lives.. why DON'T you move? If I TRULY (Capitalized because I think it's all a ruse) felt my livelihood was threatened, I'd be gone. I'd be out of here. If my heart broke as much as Liberals say theirs does, shaking at the thought of NK/GW/War/Tradewar/Immigrant babies.. why would you risk another minute in this doomed country?

You love Trudeau so much.. Canada would love to have you.
Weird, I thought the day after election Trump was going to turn us into Nazi Germany.. you guys still beating that drum huh?

I don't usually like the "If you don't like it, leave" response.. but seeing as how many liberals are in tears over fearing for their lives.. why DON'T you move? If I TRULY (Capitalized because I think it's all a ruse) felt my livelihood was threatened, I'd be gone. I'd be out of here. If my heart broke as much as Liberals say theirs does, shaking at the thought of NK/GW/War/Tradewar/Immigrant babies.. why would you risk another minute in this doomed country?

You love Trudeau so much.. Canada would love to have you.

Well except Canada has stricter immigration laws than the US
his people helped write the bill, it has everything in it he wanted. wall funding, border security funding, ends visa lottery, triggers to wipe out daca if those fundings are reversed. they went around capital hill earlier this week telling congress he supported it. he's against it now because he knows how to work the media. instead of it being about congress working to fix a problem it's now all about Trump. he doesn't care what happens with anything as long as it's all focused on him.

You said Trump was on board. That's a lie. His people aren't Establishment Republicans or AKA Soros paid Republicans
Would bet you a million fuzz dollars they (what is left of them) will vote DT over your candidate in 2020 and would japslap you in the process after reading your idiocy here.

The idea that the majority of veterans or military would side with Democrats over a conservative is hilarious.

Hey Levi, you are the dumbest person I’ve encountered on CI and that’s saying something given what Rafters looks like.

Hey everybody, Levi thinks majority of veterans back the Antifa loving flag-burning party who spit on them decades ago and applaud kneeling for the anthem and find a way to blame our country for everything.
Kind of what I thought, but the article also said he shot through the driver side window. So, Idk...

...but I'm all for thieves being put down. my whole stupid town is run rampant with thieving ass pillheads who don't spend time in jail and don't learn their lesson. It's really a detriment to the community, and our judicial system wont' deal with it.

[QUOTE="Sawnee Cat, post: 6983263, member: 6832"]So due to the corruption at the head of the FBI the agents are going to have "training". What did they do in the FBI academy? Hey I have a better idea. Put Comey, Peter and his f buddy in prison and let the field agents do their jobs.

lol classic[/QUOTE]
Not sure the article author would tell the truth however, you can still get out of the way and then shoot.
fox news propaganda shows got bored of the IG report pretty fast. now they are talking about IG 2.0. lmao. the Russia IG report is now the thing that will exonerate Trump! till it drops and is a nothing burger and part of the deep state conspiracy.
Some of you guys are as predictable as wind-up dolls. Lay a bit of history on you and you start to spit and sputter and curse the darkness. Our fathers stormed the beaches at Normandy where the first wave suffered as much as 75% casualties, little talked about is these same units in the 30 days following the landing had lost 90% of their men and when replacements arrived 90% of those were casualties. They were figthing the Nazi's and we dishonor them as our president dishonors them today by ignoring Nazi's on our streets going so far as calling them "good people". Yeah you're damn straight I'm not with you guys and proud of it.
This is the dumbest thing you have ever posted so far. Ranks high up on the dumb things ever posted here. Truly amazing if you believe this.
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