How will they rule ??!

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How can you defend the behavior of the FBI? As an american, does it not make you sick?

That's not even intended to be a shot. I'm honestly wondering how any person can be comfortable with what we are reading in that report.
Because, Go Blue Team!!
Here is the media’s dilemma, lot of great storylines in the IG report...under much more normal circumstances they would be all over some of these stories...but the Trump factor. The more Americans see evidence just how biased the higher ups at the FBI and DOJ were, the more it benefits Trump, therefore...going to be a lot of storylines they are just going to ignore or give minimal air time to and quickly get back to Stormy Daniels or some other nonsense.
No doubt in my mind some bullshit Trump/Russia/Stormy Daniels/Mueller "bombshell" will just happen to drop tomorrow or this weekend.
saw a clip of Hannity tonight. earlier this week he was claiming the IG report would be the end of DEMs and redemption for Trump. now that its released and seen as mostly a nothing burger. tonight it was part of the deep state conspiracy to get Trump. such a snowflake
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saw a clip of Hannity tonight. earlier this week he was claiming the IG report would be the end of DEMs and redemption for Trump. now that its released and seen as mostly a nothing burger. tonight it was part of the deep state conspiracy to get Trump. such a snowflake

More fake bullshit. God you're a lying POS. He's been hedging expectations all week saying it may be watered down and/or redacted.

But as your idol would say, what difference does it make? Your scumbag party still looks like shit at the end of the day. GFY.
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Address income inequality. Tax the shit out of the top 1%. Use the money to provide healthcare for all, college joins the rest of free public education, and fund Universal Basic Income. End poverty and welfare at the same time while massively reducing the size of the government bureaucracies that manage them. Make it so no American goes without while correcting the fact that 3 people, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos have as much money as 160 million Americans, half of the entire country, combined. Work hard and make yourself rich, but no 3 people's lives should be worth as much as half of us.

More fake bullshit. God you're a lying POS. He's been hedging expectations all week saying it may be watered down and/or redacted.

But as your idol would say, what difference does it make? Your scumbag party still looks like shit at the end of the day. GFY.
Hilarious. This was gonna be the report to delegitimize all Trump critics. Trumpers secretly wish we lived in North Korea so they could silence all criticism of dear leader.

The regime doesn’t let their people get a glimpse of the outside world much, so it was unusual they allowed them to see conditions clearly better than they are use to living with.

And likely a key indicator of the upcoming "sell" to his own people of showing them what there is to gain from their leader making this agreement.

Very good sign. With this Pandora's box opened, I don't know Kim could turn back now even if he personally wanted.
Bias has been the word of the day. What if the bias that the IG said didn't exist .
iG didn't say bias didn't exist. In fact he said political bias did exist among at least some members of the FBI. What he said is that he couldn't find bias in decisions, meaning the smart people of the FBI who specialize in how to uncover evidence were able to cover their tracks well from the IG.
these same libertards want to ban guns and abolish the 2nd amendment yet are perfectly ok with handing over complete control of law enforcement to these corrupt assholes. just imagine how deep the corruption would go if we the people had no means to fight back. liberals are too stupid to understand this.
You're wrong. Libs totally understand it & want it because their party controls the Deep State.
saw a clip of Hannity tonight. earlier this week he was claiming the IG report would be the end of DEMs and redemption for Trump. now that its released and seen as mostly a nothing burger. tonight it was part of the deep state conspiracy to get Trump.
You're blinded by those dark blue glasses.
The number one country on the planet for persecuting Christians is North Korea. What do all you Russian bots have to say about that?
The number one country on the planet for persecuting Christians is North Korea. What do all you Russian bots have to say about that?

The only Russian bot is you awful liberals in this thread. You Russian bots trying to make liberals look so deranged, unhinged, insane that people will push for Trump landside in 2020. Nice job, comrade Levi. Putin is pleased with you
Lol, good point. IG report said no bias (Wray did too) but yet FBI agents will go through anti bias training.

Unbelievable that they said that. There wasn't one pro-Trump email from anyone. Not one text message. There wasn't any instance of an FBI agent saying anything negative about Hillary. That is the pure definition of bias and the IG can't change that with a couple of words.

It doesn't' matter though. Everyone with a little sense knows what the true story is. The IG report revealed a massive amount of bias but just refused to acknowledge it.

When everyone realizes that Comey was hesitant to go after Hillary for an illegal, even treasonous email account because he was using an illegal email himself, then we can move on from bias and into the conspiracy category where we should be.
IG did not say there was no bias in the FBI. Quite the contrary.
It contradicts itself. In one part it says theres no evidence of bias and in other parts it does say there was some kind of bias. Regardless, only an idiot would think there wasn't any bias whether the IG said there was or not.
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Trump has made America great again and is well on his way to making NK acceptable again. How long can it be before there is a UN resolution asking him, pleading with him, to make the WORLD great again?

He'll teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. He'll grow apple trees and honey bees and snow white turtle doves! It's a beautiful thing my friends.