How will they rule ??!

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News Flash: Trump won. Obviously didn't do a great job on his "insurance policy" if the goal was stopping Trump at all costs.

The insurance policy is still in play, dumb ass. We hear about it every day.

Edit: Obviously having to kick some of the cronies off the investigation who were exposed as hacks delayed the coup.
News Flash: Trump won. Obviously didn't do a great job on his "insurance policy" if the goal was stopping Trump at all costs.
News flash - the current Trump collusion investigation is based on the Strzok 'we won't let it happen' investigation. If that was all fake, which we know it is, then the current investigation is a waste of time.
IG Report
pg. 256

classified information was a persistent practice at the State Department. These practices made it difficult for the Midyear team to conclude that particular individuals had the necessary criminal intent to mishandle classified materials.

According to Prosecutor 4, “

[T]he problem was the State Department was so screwed up in the way they treated classified information that if you wanted to prosecute Hillary Clinton, you would have had to prosecute 150 State Department people.
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Yall are pissed about one anti-Trump agent's personal texts to his gf. When it's been widely reported that a vast majority of agents are trumpets, even going so far as to call the FBI 'Trumpland'. More equality looking like oppression in the eyes of trumpsters.

GOP trying to push through a amnesty bill. one Trump says he supports. how you Trumpsters going to like that?
Republicans disagree...they dont blindly agree like wouldnt even know its news if was Barry bc u just fully trust the govt when your dad is in charge.

Bigger question. Are you "resisting" considering this would be with your interests?
I disagree. The focus needs to be on the guilty. Focus like a laser. Your statement clears the guilty by lumping them with people doing their jobs.
That's ignorant. No one is guilty to proven so. Net, you're saying trust everyone in government till they're convicted. LOL, that ain't happening. The real learning/ conclusion is to trust no one in government as you have no idea who the bad actors are or even if there are any good actors.
Hey better luck next time. Nunes memo, IG report busts. But let's just ignore the Senate Republican IC report that Russia interfered in our election to help Birthday Boy. Deep state and whatnot.
Just what do you think the report disproves? Answer: nothing.
PP attempt to transfer the snowflake label to Trump supporters when it means just the opposite. You're not ditching that label, lefty.
"Snowflake" refers to anyone unable to handle differing opinions. Seems pretty apt considering yall spend pages bragging about who you've got on ignore.
Honestly, I don't give two shakes of a dog's ass about the "dreamers". They could be mowed down by muslims during Ramadan and I would get a laugh of irony.

Seriously though. Illegals should be treated just like deer during open season
Honestly, I don't give two shakes of a dog's ass about the "dreamers". They could be mowed down by muslims during Ramadan and I would get a laugh of irony.

Seriously though. Illegals should be treated just like deer during open season
Now you've gone too far big guy. I agree with most of what you say on here even when it's pretty harsh. But I have to draw the line somewhere. Well, this is it. I'll be damned if I'm going to buy a tag and be limited to one dreamer per season! You may want to take an internal inventory.
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Here is the media’s dilemma, lot of great storylines in the IG report...under much more normal circumstances they would be all over some of these stories...but the Trump factor. The more Americans see evidence just how biased the higher ups at the FBI and DOJ were, the more it benefits Trump, therefore...going to be a lot of storylines they are just going to ignore or give minimal air time to and quickly get back to Stormy Daniels or some other nonsense.
Here is the media’s dilemma, lot of great storylines in the IG report...under much more normal circumstances they would be all over some of these stories...but the Trump factor. The more Americans see evidence just how biased the higher ups at the FBI and DOJ were, the more it benefits Trump, therefore...going to be a lot of storylines they are just going to ignore or give minimal air time to and quickly get back to Stormy Daniels or some other nonsense.

Honestly, the media is out of touch and arrogant. No one with sny sense is buying it. Trump will win in a landslide and they will play the "shocked" card. As if anyone were believing their fake news drivel agenda to begin with.
That's ignorant. No one is guilty to proven so. Net, you're saying trust everyone in government till they're convicted. LOL, that ain't happening. The real learning/ conclusion is to trust no one in government as you have no idea who the bad actors are or even if there are any good actors.

So instead of focusing Strock, Comey, Paige, you want to after all FBI?