How will they rule ??!

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Who on earth is advocating not caring for those folks? We do have an obligation to care for them. How's about we separate them out from the people that can indeed help themselves. You mention people who lost a job through no fault of their own....we can't take care of them indefinitely like we should the previously mentioned handicapped or elderly, yet they get swept in in your assertion.

You did not include the enormous count of folks that are card carrying members of Team NF. They get swept in as well, and they shouldn't. Cut them off with a meat cleaver and I think you'll eventually find they are more resourceful than they care to admit, if they want to eat that is.

Someone mentioned a few pages ago that churches are doing a bad job of caring for their communities....esp in contrast with the govt? Vomit in my mouth. Whatever you think about churhes there are a lot of them battling their asses off with one/two hands tied behind their backs. All while Sharpton is claiming exempt status. Swing by 44th and Broad in Louisville, Christ Temple Apostolic Church.....Rev has a 70K Hyundai Equus last time I was by there, previous was an MB S550.

Bill was on point when he said govt is trending in the direction of making harder/eliminating churches from the care business.....all so someone, oh idk, the federal govt can step in?

The whole thing is beyond messed up, and frankly there's nothing we can do at this point. It's beyond saving. D's won't let entitlements be touched and R's are too big of pussies. They know the grandma killing commercials are on standby.

End rant.
@warrior-cat: My question is slightly OT, but in light of the latest Chinese hack involving Fed sensitive data, it is very relevant. Have you filled out an SF-86 National Security Questionnaire since 1985? I have on several occasions while on active duty, and also again in 2012 when applying for a U.S. State Department position. According to this report, they likely got my number and lots of other info.
I would add in the fact that "those in power" play the electorate like a fiddle when it comes time for elections. Whether it's a War on Women or a War on Jesus, they know how to make the sheep go back in the proper pen.

Absolutely. They know how to rally the idiot troop.
Who on earth is advocating not caring for those folks? We do have an obligation to care for them. How's about we separate them out from the people that can indeed help themselves. You mention people who lost a job through no fault of their own....we can't take care of them indefinitely like we should the previously mentioned handicapped or elderly, yet they get swept in in your assertion.

You did not include the enormous count of folks that are card carrying members of Team NF. They get swept in as well, and they shouldn't. Cut them off with a meat cleaver and I think you'll eventually find they are more resourceful than they care to admit, if they want to eat that is.

Someone mentioned a few pages ago that churches are doing a bad job of caring for their communities....esp in contrast with the govt? Vomit in my mouth. Whatever you think about churhes there are a lot of them battling their asses off with one/two hands tied behind their backs. All while Sharpton is claiming exempt status. Swing by 44th and Broad in Louisville, Christ Temple Apostolic Church.....Rev has a 70K Hyundai Equus last time I was by there, previous was an MB S550.

Bill was on point when he said govt is trending in the direction of making harder/eliminating churches from the care business.....all so someone, oh idk, the federal govt can step in?

The whole thing is beyond messed up, and frankly there's nothing we can do at this point. It's beyond saving. D's won't let entitlements be touched and R's are too big of pussies. They know the grandma killing commercials are on standby.

End rant.

Rex - believe me when I tell you that I don't support government dolls to able bodied people that can work and have the opportunity to work anymore than you or anyone else.

I also agree with you that churches and other religious organizations do a lot of good works and good deeds - I gave a butt load of money to the Salvation Army every year even though I don't practice the Christian faith, why? becasue they are DOERs they are out there practicing what their faith teaches unlike some like the enormous Southern Baptist Church a few miles down the road from me that spent $5 Million dollars on a huge recreation facility for themselves while people 15 miles down the road in Chattanooga are homeless and sleeping on the streets. I supported W. Bush's "faith based initiatives" as I thought it was fiscally smart since the churches were providing the infrastructure and manpower, as well as some personal counseling to go with the material assistance. I would favor tax incentives to churches and others to do that type work, but scrutinize expenditures like the aforementioned recreation facility which was built with tax free money, but served to useful purpose to the tax payers.

Rex you and I worked hard to build our businesses and we sacrificed and put in long hours. I know just about every other poster on here has there on own personal story of how they worked hard to get where they are and yes I know it rubs us the wrong way sometimes to see people gifted with things we worked hard for. But I also know that not everyone was born with the same opportunities. I came from a good middle class home, had a great school system, lived in a safe neighborhood, and had the opportunities and tools to succeed. But when I looked at some poor kid in Appalachia or inner city Baltimore, that through no fault of their own was born without those support structures, but instead into poverty, inferior schools, crime etc. it's no wonder they do not have the same success as you and I. When I see these folks I just say "there but by the grace of God goes me". I just can't turn my back to those folks.
@warrior-cat: My question is slightly OT, but in light of the latest Chinese hack involving Fed sensitive data, it is very relevant. Have you filled out an SF-86 National Security Questionnaire since 1985? I have on several occasions while on active duty, and also again in 2012 when applying for a U.S. State Department position. According to this report, they likely got my number and lots of other info.
Yes I have and they now have my info too.
That's a good question why can't we? I suspect it's becasue of people like you that believe all people on welfare are lazy, stupid and would rather receive free government money, cell phones and stuff than work, and even if there were a few "good ones" in there social programs run up deficits and all things government are inefficient and bad anyway. And shame on the evil Democrats for trying to provide a basic social safety net, which keeps them from getting jobs. Deny it all you want but that's the general thrust of a lot of your posts on here.

That type of convoluted attitude towards a group of people that includes physically and mentally disabled people, victims of crime, the elderly, people who lost their jobs through no fault of their own, and disabled veterans is what prevents any type of progress.
See now, right here is a big part of the problem. Dems use this kind of mindset to keep their voting base in tact. There are a great many of people on the government dime who do so because they have no other choice however, there are also quite a few who game the system.(Believe me, I know a few myself). The task of trying to control this problem would be daunting and it would alienate the voters who take advantage of the system so, Dems like yourself do not want to attack this problem. Your only solution is to throw more money at it until it is solved. News flash! That will never solve the problem and the money would eventually run out after it got to big to fund.
Here's the problem with govts social endeavors. We can spend all the money in the world on poor areas, trying to help them, but like Dee said, someone has to be there to implement and properly use the funding or it's just pissing money away. The govt is awful at this because it wasn't designed for this, it's inefficient by design so decisions don't get made hastily.

This is why churches are good at it, they're generally local, and the people involved truly care about making the situation better. I don't think some on here realize how much churches do in communities and around the world too.

And one last note, people also have to want to better themselves, that's the biggest piece in all of this. There are plenty of opportunities to succeed in make a decent honest living. But it takes work and sacrifice.
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just can't turn my back to those folks.

aka, granny over cliff. So the federal govt going into local communities and supplementing housing that people could not normally afford is "not turning our backs"

Good lord, we learned nothing from the housing crisis...but this has Jarrett's slimy fingers all over it.
Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Maher agree that liberals are killing comedy and avoid doing their acts on campuses.
Can't blame liberals. It's both sides. Uptight assholes who are scared of everything. That describes both sides.
Can't blame liberals. It's both sides. Uptight assholes who are scared of everything. That describes both sides.
Mostly true, but liberals have much more influence. When is the last time a conservative protest cancelled a campus speech or performance? Rush Limbaugh has no national major sponsors due to protests, something Olberman et al has never faced.
Not true. As a person who's grown up in conservative ass KY, it's equally as bad for both sides. They just go about it in different ways...

Conservative ass rube - OH MY! He said a bad word! Not funny! What would Jesus think? Lord have mercy on his soul!

Liberal ass rube - OH MY! Look at that idiot using hateful language! He must be poor and stupid!

Both are scared pussies without a mind of their own. That's our wonderful political system in a nutshell. If you honestly think majority dems/repubs are different, you need to stop voting and fighting for your "side". You've been got because you think just like them ie: don't think for yourself.
Oh shut up Mash. Missing are any examples contradicting what I said. You sound like Chuck.

No one denies far right loons are annoying but they have next to no influence on shutting down speech or getting people fired. Just stupid to make that comp.

If you think a group of conservatives at a public university could get HRC booted from speaking or from showing a movie (as happened recently with Condi Rice and the showing of American Sniper) you are delusional. How is that boycott of Disney going?

For rational people, hearing someone like Maher who gave Obama $1m last election to make comments about liberals PC gone amok is telling.
Can't blame liberals. It's both sides. Uptight assholes who are scared of everything. That describes both sides.

True. But liberals take it way further.

In general, conservatives may post about on facebook one time; or bring it up in a conversation. Liberals create online petitions, start social media movements, picket and protest, contact employers, and do everything in their power to destroy whomever has offended them.

Example: How many conservatives still visit Disney? How many liberals still eat at Chick Fila?
Keep trying to fight my ideals you scared rascal...



Turd vs douche, but keep fighting for pride, or whatever. It's the American Way.

But you really believe conservatives have no way of shutting down speach, or whatever you're saying? That's comical. Just think about that. Conservative is the key word here. Think're smart.

But, you're also brainwashed, so you may not be able to see the obvious.
Oh shut up Mash. Missing are any examples contradicting what I said. You sound like Chuck.


Q is the definition of partisan. If you can't get along with Mash there's a problem.

There are plenty of examples of Righties boycotting companies and individuals whose policies and opinions they disagree with. Has anyone forgotten the annual, phony "War on Christmas" series of boycotts is led by pissed off righty's?

And there are numerous boycotts, past and present, against companies offering same sex benefits to their workers......

Rush Limbaugh? How about the Dixie Chicks? Republican backed Clear Channel Radio and Cumulus blackballed the Chicks over a single critical statement of GWB and the Iraq war made by Natalie Maines. It derailed their career.
Keep trying to fight my ideals you scared rascal...



Turd vs douche, but keep fighting for pride, or whatever. It's the American Way.

But you really believe conservatives have no way of shutting down speach, or whatever you're saying? That's comical. Just think about that. Conservative is the key word here. Think're smart.

But, you're also brainwashed, so you may not be able to see the obvious.

They have ways. But theyre neither as effective nor as fervent as liberals. The Disney v. Chick Fila example I gave is a great example.

I do agree with your overall point: That radicalism, either way, is one of the major things wrong with politics today.
True. But liberals take it way further.

In general, conservatives may post about on facebook one time; or bring it up in a conversation. Liberals create online petitions, start social media movements, picket and protest, contact employers, and do everything in their power to destroy whomever has offended them.

Example: How many conservatives still visit Disney? How many liberals still eat at Chick Fila?

You can't get these guys to discern levels of influence or only. Just not intelligent enough. To state that liberals and conservatives have equal influence on campuses and entertainment is just laughable. I normally skip right over Mash and I rarely can deduce what he is babbling about. In their limited capacity if there is one example on one side and hundreds on another, then they are the same. Similar to to rationale used to compare radical Muslims today to the an abortion doctor killing in the 90's.

War on Christmas? Good lord, again who has WON that debate?

And this isn't just Maher, there are plenty of liberals today concerned on how their views on being hijacked.

Holy Cross Bball equals UK BB. They both have titles.
What you're taking about is the media. The people have brainwashed you. TS.

If the media was on the other side, you'd be screaming "ahhhh damn conservatives ruining stuff!!!!".

Wake up man.

True, you hear one side. You can't look at that and then draw conclusions. I assume you live in KY, or have family there. If so, then you've likely seen conservative oppression first hand.

I'm not even talking about radicalism. You people that cheer for these two parties are not radical at all. Quite the opposite. You're just stuck arguing in a circle. If either of the two parties had real radicals, something might change. Not gonna happen bc that would f the money up for both sides because both sides rely on one thing - power! And you sheep idiots keep giving them more an more when you buy into these silly pissing matches that lead to tons of $$$$ being spent for absolutely nothing - on rules, regulations, coalitions, studies, studies, studies, ads, ads, ads, etc...
Rush Limbaugh? How about the Dixie Chicks? Republican backed Clear Channel Radio and Cumulus blackballed the Chicks over a single critical statement of GWB and the Iraq war made by Natalie Maines. It derailed their career.
The difference is in who took the lead? What we're talking about, IMO anyway, is when a group on either the right or left becomes aggrieved and makes an issue out of some event that was probably off the radar. The issue blows up, and there are repercussions. The political move was successful. The left is much better at that, much more successful. It has the effect of silencing debate and even free speech. If those on the left had much foresight they'd see that - see that eventually that will cut both ways. The example you gave of the Dixie Chicks didn't work that way. There was no group on the right that took a little noticed action and blew it up. That came at a time of national furver/patriotism, and the DC/Main on foreign soil said things very critical of the US and Bush. The blowback was organic and immediate - there were no agitators involved.
Q is the definition of partisan. If you can't get along with Mash there's a problem.

There are plenty of examples of Righties boycotting companies and individuals whose policies and opinions they disagree with. Has anyone forgotten the annual, phony "War on Christmas" series of boycotts is led by pissed off righty's?

And there are numerous boycotts, past and present, against companies offering same sex benefits to their workers......

Rush Limbaugh? How about the Dixie Chicks? Republican backed Clear Channel Radio and Cumulus blackballed the Chicks over a single critical statement of GWB and the Iraq war made by Natalie Maines. It derailed their career.
Show me those examples.
What you're taking about is the media. The people have brainwashed you. TS.

If the media was on the other side, you'd be screaming "ahhhh damn conservatives ruining stuff!!!!".

Wake up man.

True, you hear one side. You can't look at that and then draw conclusions. I assume you live in KY, or have family there. If so, then you've likely seen conservative oppression first hand.

I'm not even talking about radicalism. You people that cheer for these two parties are not radical at all. Quite the opposite. You're just stuck arguing in a circle. If either of the two parties had real radicals, something might change. Not gonna happen bc that would f the money up for both sides because both sides rely on one thing - power! And you sheep idiots keep giving them more an more when you buy into these silly pissing matches that lead to tons of $$$$ being spent for absolutely nothing - on rules, regulations, coalitions, studies, studies, studies, ads, ads, ads, etc...
Don't know if you are directing this at me or not -- I was just supporting your earlier statement that both sides push their agendas against company's and entertainer's, and gave examples how the right does it.

So now it's "well, Liberals do it to a greater degree" - which is just splitting hairs...... someone else can debate that.
It took me all of 90 seconds to find these religious right organizations who are in the boycott business. Why exactly do you think it's only Liberals who undertake this practice?
But how many people have heard of these?

The media sure isn't publicizing it because they don't support their cause.
But how many people have heard of these?

The media sure isn't publicizing it because they don't support their cause.

No ones heard of Franklin Graham, president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association?

Are you f-in kidding me - where does it end?

I gave Warrior what he asked for. Isn't it time to just accept that both sides do it, and move on to the next bullshit topic?
Again, just abject ignorance of degrees of success. Pointing to failed or unknown boycotts just proves the overall point.

You have to work for a govt entity, right?

Holy Cross BB = UK BB, if you disagree by using the number of titles you are splitting hairs.
I've been ignoring the major media for awhile. Actually I never was a faithful watcher of it. I'll get some LOLs when I watch CNN try to race bait a story. Or when Fox News throws a War On Christian story. It's great entertainment. I take nothing serious because I know it's all 100% bullshit. And because I ignore that garbage, I have noticed that I feel more control of how I want to perceive the future of America rather than listen to a bunch of knuckleheads scare me into telling me how should vote. Eff that.
And there are numerous boycotts, past and present, against companies offering same sex benefits to their workers......

Good grief. There are plenty of states that allow gay marriage, find one, marry your boyfriend and move on. Your constant obsession with gay rights is scary. When the Islamic's take over the country, because the left sympathizes so much for them and the left hates Christianty, we will see how long you gays stay on earth, I am sure they will give you even more rights.
No ones heard of Franklin Graham, president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association?

Are you f-in kidding me - where does it end?

I gave Warrior what he asked for. Isn't it time to just accept that both sides do it, and move on to the next bullshit topic?
You really want to compare that to liberal demonstrations and boycotts? No comparison at all. I had a good laugh though.
Joke of the day:
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Something something something about a brunette woman saying they didn't even have to cut their dicks off something something
Jeb Bush and Donald Trump announce they're running for President.
this is getting crazier by the day. The office next to mine has a tv up for customers to watch while waiting for their airline itineraries. I saw Trump from a distance and come up to ask one of the workers there if that was a Christian channel because he looked like an evangelical preacher going at it from the lectern.
this is getting crazier by the day.

It's crazy. It's tv celebrity candidates. Hillary "Cankles" in one corner. Liz "Native American" Warren. Got your Colonie Sanders. Then these GOP clowns. Unreal and just mind blowing that I have to share the same air as for anyone who would vote for any of the above.
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At least there is one candidate that does have experience running a business and probably doesn't care about political correctness. Pope Frances soon to become the latest expert on global warming.

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