How will they rule ??!

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Shaking my head at Republicans in the House and the Senate over Obama's trade bill. The President having trouble getting support from his own party on this. Boehner and McConnell should have never been reelected to their leadership positions.
Shaking my head at Republicans in the House and the Senate over Obama's trade bill. The President having trouble getting support from his own party on this. Boehner and McConnell should have never been reelected to their leadership positions.
Most liberal. President. Ever.
Shaking my head at Republicans in the House and the Senate over Obama's trade bill. The President having trouble getting support from his own party on this. Boehner and McConnell should have never been reelected to their leadership positions.

I get the feeling that the Republicans are for this trade agreement for totally different reasons than Obama is.
I would like to hear you explanation on this please.

Can't put my finger on it exactly. I wouldn't have my feelings hurt at all for somebody to give their differing opinion.

Free trade has always seemed like a conservative (free markets) concept to me. Dems are usually against it to protect jobs at home, unions, etc.

Mainly, I don't trust Obama, and his vision appears to be more about globalization than about the US, IMO.
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Unfortunately it's gonna pass, all we've got now is politicians saying they're not onboard so they can get favors in return for voting for it.

They're counting on the average voters short memory. The short term gains will be beneficial, longterm it'll hurt the average US worker which will further advance the Govt's power over the citizens.
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Unfortunately it's gonna pass, all we've got now is politicians saying they're not onboard so they can get favors in return for voting for it.

They're counting on the average voters short memory. The short term gains will be beneficial, longterm it'll hurt the average US worker which will further advance the Govt's power over the citizens.
Then why the hell would Republicans be in favor of passing this Bill?
Republicans tend to favor free trade, free market concepts more than dems, wouldn't you say? However, I suspect this bill is much more than that, and probably has some 'gotchas' and the republicans may not be smart enough to read the bill, or will be reimbursed in such a way as to not care.

I trust Obama with this bill about as much as I trust him with the Iran nuclear deal.
Then why the hell would Republicans be in favor of passing this Bill?
Because it will benefit big business, Obama wants to leave office with the bump it will give the economy during his final year, and the Dems who are for it know it will make the populace more dependent on the govt programs, which in turn mean they'll be less likely to get voted out.
I'm amazed at people who not only think we are related to apes, but are passionate about it.

Really? Are you being serious Wkycat? I have to know. We're not related? hahaha, yes we absolutely are. First off, we're mammals. So that right there shows we are related. Second off, Monkey and man are separated by about 20 genes out of 4,000. With an accuracy of 99% same. 1% difference is the development of pre-frontal lobe cortex. We're are very related.

BigBlue- We're don't have the full answers yet. We will. We haven't gotten to that point in time in human advancement. I am 100% sure we will figure out the mechanisms to create life in the next century or so. It will happen. I am glad we are trying to see how protein and dna sequencing work rather than listen to the word of some 2,000 goat herder who explains everything with "yep, invisible guy created this all".
Really? Are you being serious Wkycat? I have to know. We're not related? hahaha, yes we absolutely are. First off, we're mammals. So that right there shows we are related. Second off, Monkey and man are separated by about 20 genes out of 4,000. With an accuracy of 99% same. 1% difference is the development of pre-frontal lobe cortex. We're are very related.

Willy, you already know that I am serious. We also have eyes and a mouth, like most other animals. Again, for me, it just means that God made livings things out of the same cans of play dough. But made them separate species.
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LOL republicans favor free trade. Ha.

Republicans favor doing what the Chamber of Commerce pays them to do.

Did this all fail? I'm on a phone without good access to internet.
Willy, you already know that I am serious. We also have eyes and a mouth, like most other animals. Again, for me, it just means that God made livings things out of the same cans of play dough. But made them separate species.

Well, that is a few traits that species have in common when they are related. hahaha Mammals are the most common form of this relation in regards with humans. hahahaha

There is no making "separate species" hahaha there is proof of this and it's getting more accurate as we move along. (I can't stop laughing, I'm sorry).
LOL republicans favor free trade. Ha.

Republicans favor doing what the Chamber of Commerce pays them to do.

Did this all fail? I'm on a phone without good access to internet.

TPP. It's coming. The red flag is there. When both parties agree on a policy it means 10X worse results will happen for us Americans. We're better off not having bi-partisan.
Here's a link to a site that highlights most of the arguments for and against the TPP

I haven't really made my mind up on this one yet but everything I learned about trade in college suggests that open trade is necessary to expand the economy and trade barriers like large tariffs stifle economic growth on both sides. That doesn't mean every free trade agreement is a good one and that includes the TPP, but the basic concept of free trade is beneficial to both parties. The US Chamber of Commerce has endorsed the deal while unions have opposed it. It's popular on the West coast that figures to benefit a lot with export industries like high tech products and software, and commercial aircraft (Boeing), whereas the Midwest stands to be the biggest loser with it's smokestack industries.

As the emerging countries like China continue to grow their economy wages there will continue to grow. The more they grow, the less attractive off shore manufacturing will be to US companies. Already there is manufacturing moving back to the US from China since their labor costs have gone up, when you factor in shipping & demurrage, source inspection, import duty and brokerage fees etc. it's becoming cheaper to build here at home.

It's hard to say yea or nay without this thing being published, which like most deals is not until it's voted on as it would result in a Katrina style $hit-storm if the details were published now (not say that's good or bad just sayin). I also think a lot of the oppositions has been propaganda and scare tactics.

Interestingly from a political point of view an unlikely coalition of opposition has formed from the liberal left and the libertarian right, whereas those towards the political middle of both parties tend to favor it.
Always the intellectual condescension with you guys.

You always bring intelligent stuff Wkycat. I apologize for the laughing. It's the relgion thing that I have my snags. I'm trying to get better with it and I think I have because I don't nearly as much name call when I discuss religious stuff on here as I use to be.
I know Willy. Even jamo questioned where a poster when to college earlier, when he asked pointed questions. It seems to me, the main thing you learn in college, is to think critically. To say that religious people don't do that, well, it bothers me.

Changing the subject, this trade bill is fascinating to me. A bill, being pushed hard by Obama, is shot down by dems, but supported by republicans. I'm not sure anybody knows for sure, what is in the thing, or what it would turn into........which scares me.
I know Willy. Even jamo questioned where a poster when to college earlier, when he asked pointed questions. It seems to me, the main thing you learn in college, is to think critically. To say that religious people don't do that, well, it bothers me.

Changing the subject, this trade bill is fascinating to me. A bill, being pushed hard by Obama, is shot down by dems, but supported by republicans. I'm not sure anybody knows for sure, what is in the thing, or what it would turn into........which scares me.

Well, it's mainly about increasing corporate power. With that bill, corporations can sue foreign gov'ts and sue our gov't (meaning we tax payers pay the bill). They want all of the money and all of the control. If this bill or any similar re-named bill goes through. We are 100% in a corporate driven gov't. People are worried about Medicaid fraud from a poor person will be peanuts as what corporations will do. Put society against a vulnerable population, just long enough to keep everyone distracted.
I honestly wonder if we will see some huge revolt/revolution at some point. Too many of us are too comfortable and enjoy our distractions so probably doubtful.
Hopefully this will begin the death of it, but more than likely it'll be sugar coated and then brought back to the table. Maybe people in Washington are starting to realize the middle class has been squeezed a little too much.
Hopefully this will begin the death of it, but more than likely it'll be sugar coated and then brought back to the table. Maybe people in Washington are starting to realize the middle class has been squeezed a little too much.

Excellent Bill, because that is exactly what is going to happen.

I just don't see how people vote for these who destroy our country. I mean it's like fool me once, shame on me Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me 3000 times, shame on me.
There's got to be a point where people have had enough........right?

By then, we won't have any guns, all the policemen will have quit their jobs, anybody who tries to revolt, will either by publicly humiliated with political correctness, or audited by the IRS. By the time the younger generation, who have been educated to believe in this stuff now, realize what has happened, it will be too late. At some point, maybe a few of them will secretly record their experiences from their gulag, and will give speeches about it in their old age.

Yes, I'm cracking up.
When I was asking KYFan about his educational background, I did not mean it in a patronizing manner; for once, I'm not being sarcastic. I asked it because it's very difficult to know how to go about discussing science topics without knowing what type of exposure a person has had to the subject matter in the past.
Excellent Bill, because that is exactly what is going to happen.

I just don't see how people vote for these who destroy our country. I mean it's like fool me once, shame on me Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me 3000 times, shame on me.

Because the general population is made up of idiots. The general voter will never take the time to educate themselves on matters like this. Instead Jon Stewart, MSNBC, or Fox News will tell them some spun version of reality; and theyll just accept it as truth and go vote accordingly.

The other reason is because those in power have done a great job making the general populace dependent on the government. Want fiscal responsibility? Good luck. Any candidate who campaigns on cutting off handouts will have no chance of winning. Its Alex De Tocqueville's warning come to fruition.
I won't believe evolution until a "scientist," also known as a leftist priest, shows me my family tree with each and every single ancestor tracking all the way back to when I was a supposed mud puddle.
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The other reason is because those in power have done a great job making the general populace dependent on the government. Want fiscal responsibility? Good luck. Any candidate who campaigns on cutting off handouts will have no chance of winning. Its Alex De Tocqueville's warning come to fruition.
I would add in the fact that "those in power" play the electorate like a fiddle when it comes time for elections. Whether it's a War on Women or a War on Jesus, they know how to make the sheep go back in the proper pen.
I would add in the fact that "those in power" play the electorate like a fiddle when it comes time for elections. Whether it's a War on Women or a War on Jesus, they know how to make the sheep go back in the proper pen.

And that's what amazes me most. Hook.Line.Sinker.


If people would turn off their Tvs, their Facebook stuck, get off Twitter during election times and ONLY read the history of their voting records. You could do a better job finding an electable president. Guess what? If people did that, money into the campaigns would dry up. Why spend billions for campaigns if it won't influence anyone.

Block the media and read a consistent account of how they voted. That will tell you a lot about the person that is getting elected. May not be the best method, but it would be a start to better accountability without donor money influence.