How will they rule ??!

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At least there is one candidate that does have experience running a business and probably doesn't care about political correctness. Pope Frances soon to become the latest expert on global warming.
Read where the pope and his advisers are worried about overpopulation as well as global warming. Hello, birth control!!! How about removing the sin label from rubbers and the pill there Pope Pious A-hole? That's like Hitler and Stalin condemning mass murder.
Jeb Bush and Donald Trump announce they're running for President.
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It's crazy. It's tv celebrity candidates. Hillary "Cankles" in one corner. Liz "Native American" Warren. Got your Colonie Sanders. Then these GOP clowns. Unreal and just mind blowing that I have to share the same air as for anyone who would vote for any of the above.
It is all a joke now. Just a complete joke. Here is Hillary spouting out the same crap that the left has been spouting for years all the while conforming to the same crap she is railing against. Jeb using the name Jeb in his campaign slogan rather than Bush (obvious reasons) but alienating himself with a lot on the right as a result. And, Trump standing on the pulpit (not really but it looks like it) waving his arms and almost screaming the end is near. Shoot me now.
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It is all a joke now. Just a complete joke. Here is Hillary spouting out the same crap that the left has been spouting for years all the while conforming to the same crap she is railing against. Jeb using the name Jeb in his campaign slogan rather than Bush (obvious reasons) but alienating himself with a lot on the right as a result. And, Trump standing on the pulpit (not really but it looks like it) waving his arms and almost screaming the end is near. Shoot me now.

Nailed it Warrior. This is a mockery. We have went from George the man Washington to Hillary or Jeb. wow, just wow.
Idiocracy is getting closer to becoming a documentary rather than a comedy.

If you haven't seen the movie... its hilarious and sad... at the same time.
Idiocracy is getting closer to becoming a documentary rather than a comedy.

If you haven't seen the movie... its hilarious and sad... at the same time.

It's my favorite movie of all time. Remember when there was people like Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, Thomas Paine, Ben effin Franklin etc etc. Now look at us. It's a damn farce.
I mentioned Trump running awhile back and Bill Cosby about freaked out on me about it. I will say again, the only reason I like him running is for pure entertainment value in the debates. He will at least make it interesting now, but I honestly have no clue who is going to win the nomination. The overall choices just suck all the way around. However, anyone will be better than Obama at this point so we at least have that going for us.
I mentioned Trump running awhile back and Bill Cosby about freaked out on me about it. I will say again, the only reason I like him running is for pure entertainment value in the debates. He will at least make it interesting now, but I honestly have no clue who is going to win the nomination. The overall choices just suck all the way around. However, anyone will be better than Obama at this point so we at least have that going for us.
Which is nice....cue Bill Murry's character from Caddy Shack.
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I mentioned Trump running awhile back and Bill Cosby about freaked out on me about it. I will say again, the only reason I like him running is for pure entertainment value in the debates. He will at least make it interesting now, but I honestly have no clue who is going to win the nomination. The overall choices just suck all the way around. However, anyone will be better than Obama at this point so we at least have that going for us.
Trump will rise in the polls from the 3 % he is at now. We all know he won't win, but he will represent the chest-pounding-by-gawd-murica's-gonna-whip-your-ass segment of the GOP and garner enough support to be on the debate stage. And that's all we could ask for. [cheers]
Trump will rise in the polls from the 3 % he is at now. We all know he won't win, but he will represent the chest-pounding-by-gawd-murica's-gonna-whip-your-ass segment of the GOP and garner enough support to be on the debate stage. And that's all we could ask for. [cheers]

I agree. Dont think he is any danger to win the nomination, but I think he will resonate with a fair number of conservatives.

If nothing else, he will shake things up; and that's a good thing.
Maybe we're approaching it wrong: maybe we should just vote based on entertainment value.

How about these debates:

Donald Trump vs James Carville

Ted Nugent vs Bill Maher

Rush vs Keith Olbermann

Clint Eastwood vs Sean Penn

That's some entertainment right there lol.
Good deal. Glad Rand is in the lead. I don't care if he wears a clown suit. As long as he rights this country where Obama was like a drunken Ted Kennedy ready to crash and burn
latest polls are out

Almost any of those would be better than this self serving liar. She only wants to be president for the power and to raise a few more hundred million for the Clinton Foundation (the family slush fund). She will sell her soul (and also sell out the left) for the right price.
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Good deal. Glad Rand is in the lead. I don't care if he wears a clown suit. As long as he rights this country where Obama was like a drunken Ted Kennedy ready to crash and burn
yup that Obama took over a well oil machined left by your buddy GW

I'm sure Rand Paul and all his experience and conspiracy theories would be a god send to this country DWS
yup that Obama took over a well oil machined left by your buddy GW

I'm sure Rand Paul and all his experience and conspiracy theories would be a god send to this country DWS
You are such a lemming. Hillary is using the Jedi mind trick on you. I am not the rich useless politician you are looking for. I was broke when we left office and still am. Wall Street will suffer if I am elected, move along, move along.
Can't blame the clowns for running for the Republican nomination. They all have a punchers chance. Look at all those idiots from 2012. Cain and Trump and Bachman and Santorum were all in the lead at one point. Republicans don't want responsible governing. They just want to hear about Kenyan birth certificates or duh libruls or cankles. They will rally around anyone that talks down to them and doesn't say anything of substance. And as long as one of them doesn't shoot themselves in the foot by lying about brain damaged vaccinated babies, they could pull it out. The Republican leadership will try to put someone sane on the ticket. But they lose power to the stupids in the party more and more every year.
Whoever the republicans put up will be at a large disadvantage. There are just so many people on the government welfare tit these days. Those typically vote democrat because they know which party likes to play Santa with deficit spending. We now have over 90 million working age people who don't have jobs and aren't even counted as unemployed because they don't want to work. We know which party like to pay people to sit on their ass in exchange for votes. Then you have tens of millions of new "citizens" who will manage to vote. They are told by dems that they will be deported if the Republicans win. So the vast majority of these people will vote for Hillary. Then you have African Americans who vote 90% with the dems even though they have fared terribly under Obama and in democrat run cities across the nation. Add it all up and Hillary is the odds on favorite despite the fact that she is an awful candidate.
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Whoever the republicans put up will be at a large disadvantage. There are just so many people on the government welfare tit these days. Those typically vote democrat because they know which party likes to play Santa with deficit spending. We now have over 90 million working age people who don't have jobs and aren't even counted as unemployed because they don't want to work. We know which party like to pay people to sit on their ass in exchange for votes. Then you have tens of millions of new "citizens" who will manage to vote. They are told by dems that they will be deported if the Republicans win. So the vast majority of these people will vote for Hillary. Then you have African Americans who vote 90% with the dems even though they have fared terribly under Obama and in democrat run cities across the nation. Add it all up and Hillary is the odds on favorite despite the fact that she is an awful candidate.

Its really at a tipping point where I dont know if a republican can actually win a presidential election. If not this term, I really think itll never happen. Alexis De Tocqueville's age old prediction is upon us.
If a Republican can win Barack Obama's senate seat in Illinois or be Governator of California anything is still possible.
If a Republican can win Barack Obama's senate seat in Illinois or be Governator of California anything is still possible.

The GOP still does fine in legislative elections. But I think this is the make or break year for their presidential hopes. If theres another Dem, there will be more handouts, and more pandering/law changing to allow illegals to vote. Then it will be beyond the point of no return.
I come look and read this thread occasionally and just shake my head and wonder how many people actually think for themselves. I see mentions of democrat spending over and over yet no mention of republican spending. Or the fact that every recession in the last 55 years has happened under GOP administrations. This despite the fact that since 1960 the White House has been in each party's power exactly the same length of time.

It isn't that the Democrats deserve any praise, the question is...WTF has the GOP done to garner such loyalty...especially largely from a demographic that has been continuously shit upon by said GOP?

Republicans have no better record on spending than do Democrats. Republicans have no better record dealing with illegal immigration than do Democrats. Republicans are no more honest than Democrats, no more better record running the economy...
I don't understand how anybody can be red team - blue team on this election. The field is just awful. Definitely exercising my right not to vote. That pisses some people off, I'm sure, and I'm totally fine with that.

In conversations I've had with friends, I've noticed a consistent theme among (sane) liberals and conservatives, that Democrats and Republicans are just terrible. The system is broken and too many people (voters) are disillusioned. Count me in that group.
That is exactly right which is why they are targeting younger people with the "it's cool to vote" ploy. Knowing they don't pay attention to reL issues or even understand them but please by all means vote cool!

People are truly being robbed in broad daylight debo style and have no interest in standing up for themselves. Sad!
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Republicans have no better record on spending than do Democrats. Republicans have no better record dealing with illegal immigration than do Democrats. Republicans are no more honest than Democrats, no more better record running the economy...

Many Republicans are big spenders too but if you ask which party spends more its the democrats. The biggest Republican spending was largely to rebuild the military that had been stripped down by Democrat presidents (Carter & Clinton). As for immigration, the GOP at least tried do something by building fences in high traffic areas. The dems fought that tooth and nail because they think that every immigrant is a new voter for them. No President has been as bad on immigration as Obama and his refusal to enforce the immigration laws.

As far as honesty/morals, politicians are a bad bipartisan lot. However, I don't recall a republican Commander in Chief getting his dick sucked by an intern in the oval office and then going on TV and lying about it and then even under oath. The Clinton's were so bad that they stole the White House china when they could have afforded to pay for it. Then you have Hillary selling political favors in exchange for millions in donations to the Clinton Global Initiative and her continual lies about emails and Bengazi. The Clintons are two of the most morrally corrupt politicians in US history yet one is going to be the Dem nominee. I just don't think the GOP would nominate a known complete scumbag/liar like team Clinton. Its not that I think that the GOP is great but rather that they are the lessor of two evils.
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The "get out the vote" and "vote or die" bullshit campaigns are 100% aimed at getting the useful idiots to the ballot box.

Most (all?) people who have the right to vote also have the right to own a gun. That doesn't mean I want every dumb retard in the country going out and buying a gun simply because they have the right to. If you can become informed, learn gun safety and use it wisely, by all means, exercise your right to own a gun.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, more damage has been done to this country by idiots with votes than idiots with guns could ever do.

It's the same thing with this mahammed (sp?) cartoon shit. Everyone has the right to free speech. But the same people who will argue all day that you need to get to the ballot box to exercise your right to vote will probably sit there and tell you you shouldn't draw a mahammed cartoon because that's an irresponsible use of your first amendment right.
Eisenhower, Kennedy, Reagan - giants compared to today's midgets.
I know it's fashionable to lament the "idiots" or "clowns" running for office. But it's been that way as long as I can remember. You mention Reagan as a giant, but at the time he was dismissed as first an idiot and then later as a doddering old fool. Some of these guys are in fact idiots or clowns. I can't for the life of me understand why, for example, Trump is running or why he thinks it benefits him to run or why anyone would consider voting for him......But several of the others....are they really "midgets", or is it just that we have a process that belittles them all? The way politics is covered, we know everything all the time now. There are no secrets anymore, and the things revealed often make someone look small. Also there is a gotchya element to the media and the portrayal of these people, either because of outright bias or simply in an effort to create interesting news.

Sometimes I think Washington and Lincoln wouldn't look very good in this environment.....
The way politics is covered, we know everything all the time now. There are no secrets anymore, and the things revealed often make someone look small. .

There's some truth to that. Rick Perry said the other day if you want everything you ever did in your life to be made public, run for president. That's not far from the truth. Between the cable news channels, social media and tradition print media anyone in the race just get's sliced and diced to death every day. And sadly that's why a lot of very good people don't run for public office.
I know it's fashionable to lament the "idiots" or "clowns" running for office. But it's been that way as long as I can remember. You mention Reagan as a giant, but at the time he was dismissed as first an idiot and then later as a doddering old fool. Some of these guys are in fact idiots or clowns. I can't for the life of me understand why, for example, Trump is running or why he thinks it benefits him to run or why anyone would consider voting for him......But several of the others....are they really "midgets", or is it just that we have a process that belittles them all?
...which is why Cankles' candidacy is so frustrating.

She is easily the most flawed candidate in history, and yet the Dems and media won't properly vet her.

Is she the best that Dems have? Is their bench that thin?

... and don't get me started about the Rep side: at least they'll get exposed and vetted. Trump will be seen for what he is.