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Hilary Clinton should be in jail. That's not political bitching. That's not hyperbole.

Hilary Clinton 100% absolutely without a doubt should be prosecuted for secretly maintaining her own server to keep email communications hidden and then subsequently wiping everything she didn't want anyone to see.

The fact that she has been corronated by the democrats shows you the integrity they have.
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As weve discussed on here several times, Dems dont eat their own. They dont care that HIllary is easily the most scandal ridden presidential candidate ever. Not alleged scandals. But factual scandals that wouldve ended the career of other politicians decades ago.

Any of the GOP candidates, especially Trump and Paul, will get more media vetting in one day than Hillary will the entire campaign.
I agree with you Cosby. The fact that Clinton is basically getting a pass on having her own personal server pisses me off more than the scandals.

She's basically saying I don't have to follow the rules, and can do whatever I need to protect myself. Was she even interested in being Sec of State, or was it just a way for her to put something on her resume for President? I just feel like she is driven to become President, and that scares me.
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There's some truth to that. Rick Perry said the other day if you want everything you ever did in your life to be made public, run for president. That's not far from the truth. Between the cable news channels, social media and tradition print media anyone in the race just get's sliced and diced to death every day. And sadly that's why a lot of very good people don't run for public office.
Unless you are a democrat, then you get a pass from the main stream media.
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As weve discussed on here several times, Dems dont eat their own. They dont care that HIllary is easily the most scandal ridden presidential candidate ever. Not alleged scandals. But factual scandals that wouldve ended the career of other politicians decades ago.

Any of the GOP candidates, especially Trump and Paul, will get more media vetting in one day than Hillary will the entire campaign.

Hillary has been continuously vetted since 1992...right wingers say her name more often than the names of all of the GOP candidates combined.

As for "dems don't eat their own"... yeah, and we just see so many critical evaluations of Republicans from other Republicans.[eyeroll]
As for "dems don't eat their own"... yeah, and we just see so many critical evaluations of Republicans from other Republicans.[eyeroll]

Pretty ignorant comment for someone who only occasionally visits this thread to make.

Read all 28 pages and then tell us which Rs on here need to criticize the R party more.
There are 3-5 distinct, powerful segments of the Republican party who take shots at each either regularly (Libertarian/Justin Amash, Tea Party/Trey Gowdy or Ted Cruz, Christian "Silent Majority"/Bachmann, Neocon Hawks/McCain and Graham, and centrist "New England" Republicans/Boehner). How you could even believe for a second that the Democratic party has that much serious heterogeneity is beyond me.

You basically have Bernie Sanders and Ron Wyden vs the rest of the Dems in Congress.
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And no Catdaddy, "Bush" wasn't one of my guys. I hated that guy with a every inch of my soul. Astonishing thing I found during the Obama Admin. That I was capable with a lot more hate than I realized I had. Man, I thought I hated Bush, wow, didn't realize Obama could provoke more hate.
Hillary has been continuously vetted since 1992...right wingers say her name more often than the names of all of the GOP candidates combined.

As for "dems don't eat their own"... yeah, and we just see so many critical evaluations of Republicans from other Republicans.[eyeroll]

Vetted by whom? Noone in the MSM.

Ever heard of the tea party? Regardless of what you think about their policies, theyre directly attacking the GOP establishment. So Im not sure if youre disingenuous or just aloof.
What is it about liberal posters from TN - FTS, FuzzyRQ, and Dee - and their need to be insufferable Dem cheerleading fluffers whilst lying and calling themselves moderates? Covert operatives for Clay Travis? Similar personality.
Hillary has been continuously vetted since 1992...right wingers say her name more often than the names of all of the GOP candidates combined.

As for "dems don't eat their own"... yeah, and we just see so many critical evaluations of Republicans from other Republicans.[eyeroll]
Fuzz, there is a reason posters here can't take you or DEEE, Catdaddy, FTS, and a few others seriously, it is because of post like this. You guys are either really uninformed or just as corrupt as the people you defend. Hopefully it is just uninformed but, I suspect that you are just an awful person.
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Fuzz, there is a reason posters here can't take you or DEEE, Catdaddy, FTS, and a few others seriously, it is because of post like this. You guys are either really uninformed or just as corrupt as the people you defend. Hopefully it is just uninformed but, I suspect that you are just an awful person.
To even try to imply in the least that in nearly 30 years in the public eye that Hillary hasn't been vetted is the epitome of being misinformed. There isn't one thing that you know about her that hasn't been written and talked about in the devil mainstream media.
You sheeple on the right allow yourselves to be brainwashed by a media that has no other function than to play to right wing parinoya. These are the same people who were telling us that Obama was born in Kenya despite every piece of evidence that was presented to the contrary. Facts don't matter, only the objective...if the MSM isn't saying what we want them to say then they must be covering something up.
Good Lord man! You are telling me that ABC, NBC or CBS not to mention Fox is going to sit on a story...that their appetite for politically favorable treatment of all things liberal is greater than there love for ratings???
You read, listen to the equivalent of the National Enquierer and then claim coverup when the New York Times doesn't report the story of Derek Jeter being abducted by aliens.
You've been misinformed for so long that you've lost touch with reality. You've chosen a side and allowed them to brainwash you into believing that they will never lie or misinform you. Their first objective was to attack the messenger...that allowed them the ability to control the message. The second objective is to segregate the believers...make it us vs them. Everything is "conservative" or it's evil "liberal". Believe that everyone is for us or against us. Make it our team vs their team.... Classical psychological warfare.

Yeah WC, I'm just one of those awful people because I don't read and worship the National Enquirer.
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To even try to imply in the least that in nearly 30 years in the public eye that Hillary hasn't been vetted is the epitome of being misinformed. There isn't one thing that you know about her that hasn't been written and talked about in the devil mainstream media.
Your ignorance is astounding. Just last year it was discovered how as an attorney in Arkansas in the '70s she helped get a rapists off and free. Even better, taped interviews of her bragging about it were discovered. And reaction from the victim, how Hillary getting her rapist off scott free ruined her life (#WarOnWomen!!).

The journalist who discovered this did so by digging in Clinton archives at the University of Arkansas. This was so upsetting to mainstream media that UA blocked all further access to these archives to prevent more unsavory public discoveries of Hillary's past.

To pretend that Hillary is an open friggin book and that every time she has farted since 1970's is public knowledge that has already been extensively reported & analyzed is truly an uneducated opinion to hold. Astoundingly uneducated and ill informed, really.
To even try to imply in the least that in nearly 30 years in the public eye that Hillary hasn't been vetted is the epitome of being misinformed. There isn't one thing that you know about her that hasn't been written and talked about in the devil mainstream media.
You sheeple on the right allow yourselves to be brainwashed by a media that has no other function than to play to right wing parinoya. These are the same people who were telling us that Obama was born in Kenya despite every piece of evidence that was presented to the contrary. Facts don't matter, only the objective...if the MSM isn't saying what we want them to say then they must be covering something up.
Good Lord man! You are telling me that ABC, NBC or CBS not to mention Fox is going to sit on a story...that their appetite for politically favorable treatment of all things liberal is greater than there love for ratings???
You read, listen to the equivalent of the National Enquierer and then claim coverup when the New York Times doesn't report the story of Derek Jeter being abducted by aliens.
You've been misinformed for so long that you've lost touch with reality. You've chosen a side and allowed them to brainwash you into believing that they will never lie or misinform you. Their first objective was to attack the messenger...that allowed them the ability to control the message. The second objective is to segregate the believers...make it us vs them. Everything is "conservative" or it's evil "liberal". Believe that everyone is for us or against us. Make it our team vs their team.... Classical psychological warfare.

Yeah WC, I'm just one of those awful people because I don't read and worship the National Enquirer.
LOL! You seriously believe the liberal media cares about the money they might miss not covering the scandals of Hillary? They get enough money from their constituents and the left to keep them happy. They know as do most others that they will be well compensated by Hillary and anyone else they back for president. You are such a lemming.
It is Defense level of delusion to think Hilary has had a fraction of the scrutiny as candidates with Rs next to their names.
The only real things the Clinton's have cared about is Power and Wealth. They are the pure definition of what the Washington Elite really is. Hilary has always felt its her birthright to be President one day and she will do whatever it takes to make it happen. Lie, cheat, and steal That should be her campaign slogan.
The only real things the Clinton's have cared about is Power and Wealth. They are the pure definition of what the Washington Elite really is. Hilary has always felt its her birthright to be President one day and she will do whatever it takes to make it happen. Lie, cheat, and steal That should be her campaign slogan.

Id actually respect them more if it were their slogan. It would be the first time they were honest.
It is Defense level of delusion to think Hilary has had a fraction of the scrutiny as candidates with Rs next to their names.
So Rupert Murdoch and his minions haven't scrutinized Hillary?

Serious questions.
  • Tell me how you measure if someone has been sufficiently scrutinized?
  • How do you know when you know all there is to be known?
  • You are claiming that we know more about Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Rick Perry, Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham, Carly Fiorina, et al. than we know about Hillary?
The FACT that Hillary has been in the public eye for 30 years, attacked pretty viciously as First Lady not to mention as a senator, SoS and now on her second presidential run means that there aren't too many new stories out there that people haven't heard. From her "I'm not some Tammy Wynette just standin' by my man..." comment, to her drive to push universal health care, the "uproar" when she went from "Hillary Clinton" to "Hillary Rodham Clinton", to her claims of "poverty" exiting the White House (fact is most Presidents leave the White House less wealthy than they went in. Now they do then usually make a lot of money through publishing memoirs and speaking engagements...etc but there is that transitional period...add that the Clinton's were not "wealthy" people like the Bush family going into the White House)...her dealings with her husband's infidelity, her run for Senate, run for POTUS, time as SoS and now a second run for POTUS.

What you are selling is that there is more we don't know about HRC than we don't know about any/all of the GOP candidates. You want the MSM to rerun every news story about HRC compiled over the last 30 years the same way they rerun Andy Griffith.
There are going to be inquires into the GOP candidates because nobody knows anything about them. I'm sure that every person on this board could list 10 known facts about HRC vs any 1 fact about any of the other candidates... but sure...go ahead and believe that she hasn't been vetted.
So what does UA have to do with the mainstream media?
Yeah, you pretty much demonstrated that you just are not smart enough to understand my post. Everyone else I'm sure had no similar difficulty, yet for you the concepts were just too beyond your meager level of political discourse.

What does UA have to do with the media, nothing you ignoramus, it has to do with the proven fact that your assertion (over & over & over & over....) that everything about Hillary Rodham Clinton's life has already been revealed, discussed, debated, covered is a complete lie. A fabrication. Or really that is giving too much credit, I'm not sure you are educated enough to tell a lie and are in fact just saying something very foolish.
Fuzz, Do you think using your own personal server while secretary of state, while every other member of, or employee of the Govt is instructed to use Govt servers only isn't just a little disturbing? Why would she feel the need to do this other than to protect herself? That would be an automatic disqualifier for any of the Republican field, yet apparently Hillary is the heir apparent.

*Private email server discovered and wiped clean*
*Clinton Foundation takes money from countries that stone adulterous women*
*Clinton Foundation discovered to be, at least in part, a slush fund*


Two more things: Leaving the White House with less money than they came in with does not constitute poverty. They still had millions of dollars. Secondly, you previously mentioned the Obama birth certificate business. Funny that Clinton was actually the one who started that meme during the Democratic primary.

She certainly seems like the type of person that has all her cards on the table
Yeah, you pretty much demonstrated that you just are not smart enough to understand my post. Everyone else I'm sure had no similar difficulty, yet for you the concepts were just too beyond your meager level of political discourse.

What does UA have to do with the media, nothing you ignoramus, it has to do with the proven fact that your assertion (over & over & over & over....) that everything about Hillary Rodham Clinton's life has already been revealed, discussed, debated, covered is a complete lie. A fabrication. Or really that is giving too much credit, I'm not sure you are educated enough to tell a lie and are in fact just saying something very foolish.
Dude, the revelation that she did her job as a 24 year old lawyer isn't news. How is it relevant to today? Some of the GOP candidates are lawyers...are you interested in knowing about every case each and everyone of them ever worked?

Yeah, I don't know what Hillary got for Christmas or with whom was her first date. I don't care if she ever smoked pot in college and whether or not she inhaled if she did. Those seem to be the things you are holding onto in hope to finding some smoking gun.

You also need to tell me why I should vote for someone, not why I shouldn't vote for someone else. If the best you can say is that I'm not that other person then you're telling me that you're an empty suit.

Let me amend my statement that every RELEVANT fact "about Hillary Rodham Clinton's life has already been revealed, discussed, debated, covered". If you want more on her pre-public service life...if you're interested in what she did in college, high school...why stop there?
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It's amusing that the people who never watch the MSM like Warrior Cat are also experts on what they do and don't report.

Any scandal or potential scandal regarding the Clintons (or anyone else for that matter) gets a great deal of attention by the media. If it's hot news it gets covered - that's what pumps rating and brings in ad revenue. I watch Chris Matthews and Megyn Kelly every evening. Matthews was all over the personal server/email issue. To say it wasn't reported is ridiculous. However the cable news stations have their agendas and they do focus more on things that hurt those they oppose and help those they like. The Bengahzi drum has been beaten to death by Fox, but after 7 congressional investigations they still have nothing of substance to stand on, so it's no surprise that the MSM has slowed down on that one, but "server-gate" is still a bonafide issue.

What I have observed is that the Clintons have been investigated to the extent that their supporters have become almost immune to any new scandal. I think part of the reason for that is that the media as a whole has overplayed their hand to the point it's like the boy calling wolf. At some point, people quit listening - and that's not necessarily a good thing, especially for someone running for president.
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Why do people respond to this ignorant Fuzz RQ whatever name he uses ......I admit reading his stuff makes me appreciate not being bound by lies but dang I hate seeing him post.

Fuzz in 3-2-

*Private email server discovered and wiped clean*
*Clinton Foundation takes money from countries that stone adulterous women*
*Clinton Foundation discovered to be, at least in part, a slush fund*


Two more things: Leaving the White House with less money than they came in with does not constitute poverty. They still had millions of dollars. Secondly, you previously mentioned the Obama birth certificate business. Funny that Clinton was actually the one who started that meme during the Democratic primary.

She certainly seems like the type of person that has all her cards on the table
Pretty sure I've heard and read about the emails, about the Clinton Foundation all from the MSM.
So tell me what else you want them to do?

As for the birth certificate...if the Clinton's started it the wing-nuts surely held onto it for a long, long time. I never got any emails from Hillary questioning the legitimacy of Obama's birth records but I sure got them from every right wingnut on the internet.
Yeah, you pretty much demonstrated that you just are not smart enough to understand my post. Everyone else I'm sure had no similar difficulty, yet for you the concepts were just too beyond your meager level of political discourse.

What does UA have to do with the media, nothing you ignoramus, it has to do with the proven fact that your assertion (over & over & over & over....) that everything about Hillary Rodham Clinton's life has already been revealed, discussed, debated, covered is a complete lie. A fabrication. Or really that is giving too much credit, I'm not sure you are educated enough to tell a lie and are in fact just saying something very foolish.

Hes plenty smart enough. Hes just of the deee ilk: lie cheat and steal in an effort to help your party. He knows what hes saying is outrageous. Thats why he usually "debates" with nothing more than strawman attacks; because he knows if he actually debates hes toast. Not because he isnt smart, but because his stance is wrong.

In fact, wouldnt surprise me if Fuzz and Deee were the same person. They have awfully similar viewpoints and debtae styles.
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Obama just said "Let's be clear —this kind of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries," he said.

I'm thinking of France. Charlie something. Can't quite recall........
Anytime a negative story comes out about Hillary, the mainstream media comes to her rescue to defame the author as a nut or hater. This is typically led by ABC political chief and former Clinton spokesman George Stephanopoulas. George recently had to apologize for not disclosing several $50,000 gifts to the Clinton Global Initiative. We can really count on George and his ilk for unbiased vetting of Hillary.
Obama just said "Let's be clear —this kind of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries," he said.

I'm thinking of France. Charlie something. Can't quite recall........

As another poster once pointed out, "Let us be clear" is always a sign hes about to tell an outright lie. Of course most of his statements not following that phrase are also lies....

Charlie Hebdo or any of the daily suicide bombings dont qualify as mass violence? How about cutting off peoples heads on youtube? No? Or did that all happen in the US and Im just mistaken *sarcasm*?

Obviously hes laying ground work for more anti gun legislation. Or at the very least testing the waters of public opinion.
Anytime a negative story comes out about Hillary, the mainstream media comes to her rescue to defame the author as a nut or hater. This is typically led by ABC political chief and former Clinton spokesman George Stephanopoulas. George recently had to apologize for not disclosing several $50,000 gifts to the Clinton Global Initiative. We can really count on George and his ilk for unbiased vetting of Hillary.
Its all a vast right wing conspiracy.
Obama just said "Let's be clear —this kind of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries," he said.

I'm thinking of France. Charlie something. Can't quite recall........
Obama either has a bad memory or is a liar. A gunman in Norway killed 77 people a few years back. Their great judicial system sentenced the killer to 21 years in prison. There was also a guy that shot up a shopping mall in the Netherlands in 2011. Killed 7, wounded 17.

Here is a list of nearly 100 European rampage killers:
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Obama just said "Let's be clear —this kind of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries," he said.

I'm thinking of France. Charlie something. Can't quite recall........
It's no longer unusual or unexpected to hear this guy lie openly.

He has no regard for truth and could careless.
Hes plenty smart enough. Hes just of the deee ilk: lie cheat and steal in an effort to help your party. .

Said the angry little man that was called out for his own ridiculous statement - that the government should not provide toilet paper in public buildings.

You were exposed for your radical and idiotic right wings views - so far right the Koch Brothers would need binoculars to see you, then since your feeble little mind has no way to defend yourself you post libelous statements about the person that asked you that simple question, which promoted your whacky response.

You're just a pigmey of a man hiding behind a internet moniker.
It's no longer unusual or unexpected to hear this guy lie openly.

He has no regard for truth and could careless.

He then added the words "with this frequency" shortly thereafter which makes his statement factually accurate. Of course that won't keep the right wingnut bloggers and Hannity from repeating the original, incorrect statement a zillion times for the next week, totally ignoring the much larger point, that we do have an unprecedented problem with mass murders in public places that needs to be addressed.

I guarantee you the vast majority of American are much more concerned about their own safety in public places like schools, shopping malls and churches, then another Obama "gotcha" moment.
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