How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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On that topic, I just smh every time I see libs bemoan trump calling him a moron.

Yes. A man who pulled off some of the most complex real estate transactions across multiple countries is obviously an idiot...
Must be slim pickings.
Its really not. Obama lied so many times that I'd break my fingers typing all of them out. Just look at the Iran deal. The entire deal was one giant lie after lie.

the doctor you want to see is not in your network all plans offer coverage out-of-network only at reduced coverage.
But Obama specifically said I could keep my doctor.

It was a dumb statement
Ok, so when Trump is wrong its a lie. When Obama lies its just a dumb statement. And you have the audacity to act like you're not a partisan leftist. Laughable.
DOJ Reneges Commitment to Provide Trump Russia Docs to Congress

The Department of Justice reneged on a commitment to provide access to documents they promised to congressional lawmakers by Thursday morning. Instead, DOJ issued a press release after midnight suggesting they will only meet with a group of select lawmakers to discuss the matter on the same day the North Korea summit opens in Singapore, according to numerous sources and a DOJ statement.
Jeff Sessions is absolutely horrible. I think Trump would've fired him long ago if he knew he could get someone tougher in there. But the DOJ is a disgrace right now. Someone needs to remind Sessions that he works for Trump and not Obama.
The Obama administration is being exposed as the most massively corrupt in history, yet Fuzz and company are exaggerating and nit picking bits of Trump hyperbole like it's the end of the world. LMFAO. Well, it may be ... for them.

Keep up the displays of foreboding insecurity ya f****** dumbasses. It makes me happy.

P.S. I found the Big Blue Wave.
Trump--- yawwwn, im tired,,, i got no sleep last night dealing with world issues... BUSY BUSY

fuzzynuts, thats lie number 30884, you actually slept 3 hours 32 minutes. i know for a fact.

lol, does this guys own mother take him seriously? i know he hasnt found a woman stupid enough to marry and procreate with him, unless she looks like rosie, but he has to have had parents at one point. wouldnt surprise me if they left him at an orphanage, though.