How will they rule ??!

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Love how Mr Innocent can't go an hour without trying to taint the Mueller investigation. He's engaged in textbook obstruction and witness tampering.
Mueller tainted his own investigation long ago. I don't think Trump needs to help him with that.
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“Every time we turn our heads the other way when we see the law flouted, when we tolerate what we know to be wrong, when we close our eyes and ears to the corrupt because we are too busy or too frightened, when we fail to speak up and speak out, we strike a blow against freedom and decency and justice.”

Robert F. Kennedy

I bet this RFK guy would have hated that RFK guy who agreed to those Martin Luther King Jr. wiretaps
It's amazing how every time I see a liberal call Trump a liar that a lie is never listed.
Is that a challenge? He's lied over 3000 times since taking office.

His first week in office in chronological order...

Jan. 21 “I wasn't a fan of Iraq. I didn't want to go into Iraq.” (He was for an invasion before he was against it.)
Jan. 21 “A reporter for Time magazine — and I have been on their cover 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine.” (Trump was on the cover 11 times and Nixon appeared 55 times.)
Jan. 23 “Between 3 million and 5 million illegal votes caused me to lose the popular vote.” (There's no evidence of illegal voting.)
Jan. 25 “Now, the audience was the biggest ever. But this crowd was massive. Look how far back it goes. This crowd was massive.” (Official aerial photos show Obama's 2009 inauguration was much more heavily attended.)
Jan. 25 “Take a look at the Pew reports (which show voter fraud.)” (The report never mentioned voter fraud.) J
an. 25
“You had millions of people that now aren't insured anymore.” (The real number is less than 1 million, according to the Urban Institute.)
Jan. 25 “So, look, when President Obama was there two weeks ago making a speech, very nice speech. Two people were shot and killed during his speech. You can't have that.” (There were no gun homicide victims in Chicago that day.)
Jan. 26 “We've taken in tens of thousands of people. We know nothing about them. They can say they vet them. They didn't vet them. They have no papers. How can you vet somebody when you don't know anything about them and you have no papers? How do you vet them? You can't.” (Vetting lasts up to two years.)
Jan. 26 “I cut off hundreds of millions of dollars off one particular plane, hundreds of millions of dollars in a short period of time. It wasn't like I spent, like, weeks, hours, less than hours, and many, many hundreds of millions of dollars. And the plane's going to be better.” (Most of the cuts were already planned.)
Jan. 28 “The coverage about me in the @nytimes and the @washingtonpost has been so false and angry that the Times actually apologized to its dwindling subscribers and readers.” (It never apologized.)
i wouldn't be surprised, the leadership is a bunch of ancient windbags like the GOP.

Is that a challenge? He's lied over 3000 times since taking office.

His first week in office in chronological order...

Jan. 21 “I wasn't a fan of Iraq. I didn't want to go into Iraq.” (He was for an invasion before he was against it.)
Jan. 21 “A reporter for Time magazine — and I have been on their cover 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine.” (Trump was on the cover 11 times and Nixon appeared 55 times.)
Jan. 23 “Between 3 million and 5 million illegal votes caused me to lose the popular vote.” (There's no evidence of illegal voting.)
Jan. 25 “Now, the audience was the biggest ever. But this crowd was massive. Look how far back it goes. This crowd was massive.” (Official aerial photos show Obama's 2009 inauguration was much more heavily attended.)
Jan. 25 “Take a look at the Pew reports (which show voter fraud.)” (The report never mentioned voter fraud.) J
an. 25
“You had millions of people that now aren't insured anymore.” (The real number is less than 1 million, according to the Urban Institute.)
Jan. 25 “So, look, when President Obama was there two weeks ago making a speech, very nice speech. Two people were shot and killed during his speech. You can't have that.” (There were no gun homicide victims in Chicago that day.)
Jan. 26 “We've taken in tens of thousands of people. We know nothing about them. They can say they vet them. They didn't vet them. They have no papers. How can you vet somebody when you don't know anything about them and you have no papers? How do you vet them? You can't.” (Vetting lasts up to two years.)
Jan. 26 “I cut off hundreds of millions of dollars off one particular plane, hundreds of millions of dollars in a short period of time. It wasn't like I spent, like, weeks, hours, less than hours, and many, many hundreds of millions of dollars. And the plane's going to be better.” (Most of the cuts were already planned.)
Jan. 28 “The coverage about me in the @nytimes and the @washingtonpost has been so false and angry that the Times actually apologized to its dwindling subscribers and readers.” (It never apologized.)
Just a few questions: how would hillury have been better? What would she have done differently that would have been good for America's interests? What would obammer have done differently if he was still in office and how would it have been better for America?
Just a few questions: how would hillury have been better? What would she have done differently that would have been good for America's interests? What would obammer have done differently if he was still in office and how would it have been better for America?
Hillary and Obama damage America and that’s good for Liberals.
Is that a challenge? He's lied over 3000 times since taking office.

His first week in office in chronological order...

Jan. 21 “I wasn't a fan of Iraq. I didn't want to go into Iraq.” (He was for an invasion before he was against it.)
Jan. 21 “A reporter for Time magazine — and I have been on their cover 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine.” (Trump was on the cover 11 times and Nixon appeared 55 times.)
Jan. 23 “Between 3 million and 5 million illegal votes caused me to lose the popular vote.” (There's no evidence of illegal voting.)
Jan. 25 “Now, the audience was the biggest ever. But this crowd was massive. Look how far back it goes. This crowd was massive.” (Official aerial photos show Obama's 2009 inauguration was much more heavily attended.)
Jan. 25 “Take a look at the Pew reports (which show voter fraud.)” (The report never mentioned voter fraud.) J
an. 25
“You had millions of people that now aren't insured anymore.” (The real number is less than 1 million, according to the Urban Institute.)
Jan. 25 “So, look, when President Obama was there two weeks ago making a speech, very nice speech. Two people were shot and killed during his speech. You can't have that.” (There were no gun homicide victims in Chicago that day.)
Jan. 26 “We've taken in tens of thousands of people. We know nothing about them. They can say they vet them. They didn't vet them. They have no papers. How can you vet somebody when you don't know anything about them and you have no papers? How do you vet them? You can't.” (Vetting lasts up to two years.)
Jan. 26 “I cut off hundreds of millions of dollars off one particular plane, hundreds of millions of dollars in a short period of time. It wasn't like I spent, like, weeks, hours, less than hours, and many, many hundreds of millions of dollars. And the plane's going to be better.” (Most of the cuts were already planned.)
Jan. 28 “The coverage about me in the @nytimes and the @washingtonpost has been so false and angry that the Times actually apologized to its dwindling subscribers and readers.” (It never apologized.)
Are you going to call out and condemn when your side lies too?
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Is that a challenge? He's lied over 3000 times since taking office.

His first week in office in chronological order...

Jan. 21 “I wasn't a fan of Iraq. I didn't want to go into Iraq.” (He was for an invasion before he was against it.)
Jan. 21 “A reporter for Time magazine — and I have been on their cover 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine.” (Trump was on the cover 11 times and Nixon appeared 55 times.)
Jan. 23 “Between 3 million and 5 million illegal votes caused me to lose the popular vote.” (There's no evidence of illegal voting.)
Jan. 25 “Now, the audience was the biggest ever. But this crowd was massive. Look how far back it goes. This crowd was massive.” (Official aerial photos show Obama's 2009 inauguration was much more heavily attended.)
Jan. 25 “Take a look at the Pew reports (which show voter fraud.)” (The report never mentioned voter fraud.) J
an. 25
“You had millions of people that now aren't insured anymore.” (The real number is less than 1 million, according to the Urban Institute.)
Jan. 25 “So, look, when President Obama was there two weeks ago making a speech, very nice speech. Two people were shot and killed during his speech. You can't have that.” (There were no gun homicide victims in Chicago that day.)
Jan. 26 “We've taken in tens of thousands of people. We know nothing about them. They can say they vet them. They didn't vet them. They have no papers. How can you vet somebody when you don't know anything about them and you have no papers? How do you vet them? You can't.” (Vetting lasts up to two years.)
Jan. 26 “I cut off hundreds of millions of dollars off one particular plane, hundreds of millions of dollars in a short period of time. It wasn't like I spent, like, weeks, hours, less than hours, and many, many hundreds of millions of dollars. And the plane's going to be better.” (Most of the cuts were already planned.)
Jan. 28 “The coverage about me in the @nytimes and the @washingtonpost has been so false and angry that the Times actually apologized to its dwindling subscribers and readers.” (It never apologized.)
I'm not going to spend a lot of time researching every quote you have on the list. I will make some general comments. First, there is a difference between lying and being wrong. George Bush wasn't lying about WMDs in Iraq, he was following what his intelligence told him was likely. Presumably, it ended up being wrong, Second, without having what was said before and after those quotes, it's hard to judge the context and whether or not the quote reflects what he was actually trying to convey. That's not to say he has never lied. Most people have at some point. I would never claim anyone has never lied. Finally, if you are pulling a ready made list off of the internet, it's probably already flawed and misleading. those are generally put together by people who want to find fault the person to begin with. So I wouldn't put much stock in what they call a lie.

I'm not convinced on a lot of the fact checking because you are relying on the NY Times. If ever there was a liberal slanted newspaper, that is it. I've seen too many times where they intentionally mislead or omit facts in order to push readers to draw conclusions they want.

The contradiction about the quote about not wanting to invade Iraq is from a Howard Stern interview where he said "I guess" I support it. Not really a strong position. He claims he told others he was against it. Since he was a private citizen, how do we really know? How would you know about me if I said the same thing?

The Time quote is obviously something he is just wrong about. I doubt he has actual stats about Time, so probably not lying, just wrong.

I'm not sure there is no evidence of illegal voting because I have seen other articles over the years suggesting there have been people who voted that did not have the right to vote. How significant is it? I have no idea, but I don't believe there is "no evidence of it".

Anyway, you get the drift. For some of your quotes, he is just wrong. That doesn't prove he is lying. We don't have context on any of them, so we don't really know if the quote represents what he was actually meaning at the time or not. Statements after the quote could have modified it or put conditions on it. Finally, when the claim is made by a biased newspaper, I would research it a little harder to make sure they aren't being misleading.

This isn't to suggest he has never lied, just that you should be more careful about believing a random list you pulled off the internet.
I'm not going to spend a lot of time researching every quote you have on the list. I will make some general comments. First, there is a difference between lying and being wrong. George Bush wasn't lying about WMDs in Iraq, he was following what his intelligence told him was likely. Presumably, it ended up being wrong, Second, without having what was said before and after those quotes, it's hard to judge the context and whether or not the quote reflects what he was actually trying to convey. That's not to say he has never lied. Most people have at some point. I would never claim anyone has never lied. Finally, if you are pulling a ready made list off of the internet, it's probably already flawed and misleading. those are generally put together by people who want to find fault the person to begin with. So I wouldn't put much stock in what they call a lie.

I'm not convinced on a lot of the fact checking because you are relying on the NY Times. If ever there was a liberal slanted newspaper, that is it. I've seen too many times where they intentionally mislead or omit facts in order to push readers to draw conclusions they want.

The contradiction about the quote about not wanting to invade Iraq is from a Howard Stern interview where he said "I guess" I support it. Not really a strong position. He claims he told others he was against it. Since he was a private citizen, how do we really know? How would you know about me if I said the same thing?

The Time quote is obviously something he is just wrong about. I doubt he has actual stats about Time, so probably not lying, just wrong.

I'm not sure there is no evidence of illegal voting because I have seen other articles over the years suggesting there have been people who voted that did not have the right to vote. How significant is it? I have no idea, but I don't believe there is "no evidence of it".

Anyway, you get the drift. For some of your quotes, he is just wrong. That doesn't prove he is lying. We don't have context on any of them, so we don't really know if the quote represents what he was actually meaning at the time or not. Statements after the quote could have modified it or put conditions on it. Finally, when the claim is made by a biased newspaper, I would research it a little harder to make sure they aren't being misleading.

This isn't to suggest he has never lied, just that you should be more careful about believing a random list you pulled off the internet.

Jesus...cat_in_the_hat is like the saint of lost causes...writing that much to try to talk sense/logic to Fuzz!

I hope cat is a teacher, with that type of determination and stubbornness, he could probably get through to that kid from a broken home that the other teachers gave up on.
Just a few questions: how would hillury have been better? What would she have done differently that would have been good for America's interests? What would obammer have done differently if he was still in office and how would it have been better for America?
Neither would be making a mockery of the office.
Not alienating our allies is good for American interest.
Not trying to destroy the public trust in our free press and governmental institutions is good for American interest.
A POTUS that doesn't habitually lie to the public is good for American interest. In May he broke the 3000 lie barrier and his frequency of lying is actually going up.
Purposely trying to divide the American people is good for American interest and better for America.

They wouldn't be attacking public companies because they have a personal beef with their CEO and making statements like the USPS loses $1.50 on every package they ship for Amazon. The USPS profits more from Amazon than any other customer.

A question for you ram... you say you were a school administrator. How would you react to an employee that lied to you daily? That went on Twitter and openly blasted kids/parents often with easily verified false claims???

None of this is about Hillary or Obama. It's about the cult of Trump that people feel like they have to make excuses and even cheer his childish behavior. That are willing to accept and forgive him for ANYTHING and don't demand better.
From February...

It's been rumored for some time (I've even linked several articles in this thread) that McCabe was currently being investigated by the IG for forging/altering 302s.

This would explain why Strzok and the agent who personally interviewed Flynn left the interview thinking/claiming that Flynn had told them the truth - Comey even testified to this fact - but then months later Mueller still indicted Flynn for lying to the FBI.

My post from Monday. Looks like one of the aforementioned cases above could possibly be the Flynn case.

Shep Smith is a disgrace to Fox News. He's so incredibly biased against the POTUS. Doesn't even try to hide it or curb it in any way. Just constant Trump bashing. He is still trying to imply that congress has seen evidence that there was no spy in spite of the fact that he just had a gal on his show state clearly that they never even got to see the documents. He mostly ignores that part of the story. I understand that they want some diversity but he is just ridiculous and has no business being on Fox. He would fit in very nicely with the other moronic news stations like CNN, MSNBC, etc.
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Neither would be making a mockery of the office.
Not alienating our allies is good for American interest.
Not trying to destroy the public trust in our free press and governmental institutions is good for American interest.
A POTUS that doesn't habitually lie to the public is good for American interest. In May he broke the 3000 lie barrier and his frequency of lying is actually going up.
Purposely trying to divide the American people is good for American interest and better for America.

They wouldn't be attacking public companies because they have a personal beef with their CEO and making statements like the USPS loses $1.50 on every package they ship for Amazon. The USPS profits more from Amazon than any other customer.

A question for you ram... you say you were a school administrator. How would you react to an employee that lied to you daily? That went on Twitter and openly blasted kids/parents often with easily verified false claims???

None of this is about Hillary or Obama. It's about the cult of Trump that people feel like they have to make excuses and even cheer his childish behavior. That are willing to accept and forgive him for ANYTHING and don't demand better.

Trump is not making a mockery of the office, good lord Fuzz. He isn't destroying trust in the media, the media is doing that all by themselves. He is simply pointing it out. What Govt institute is he destroying? You think he is derstroying the FBI because he's bringing to light the corruptness of the top officials?
The FBI did that to themselves, actually the Obama admin did, why aren't you furious about that?

He isn't dividing the nation, it's been divided for years.

If there is no illegal immigrants voting, why are DEM state AG's vehemently opposed to a federal audit of voters? Why are they now opposing the census asking about citizenship?

He's the President, he's the best President we've had in better than 30 years, and he's doing things that you're side wanted the American people to believe was impossible. None of the stall tactics attempted by the Dems have worked, and now you're out of bullets.
Neither would be making a mockery of the office.
Not alienating our allies is good for American interest.
Not trying to destroy the public trust in our free press and governmental institutions is good for American interest.
A POTUS that doesn't habitually lie to the public is good for American interest. In May he broke the 3000 lie barrier and his frequency of lying is actually going up.
Purposely trying to divide the American people is good for American interest and better for America.

They wouldn't be attacking public companies because they have a personal beef with their CEO and making statements like the USPS loses $1.50 on every package they ship for Amazon. The USPS profits more from Amazon than any other customer.

A question for you ram... you say you were a school administrator. How would you react to an employee that lied to you daily? That went on Twitter and openly blasted kids/parents often with easily verified false claims???

None of this is about Hillary or Obama. It's about the cult of Trump that people feel like they have to make excuses and even cheer his childish behavior. That are willing to accept and forgive him for ANYTHING and don't demand better.

You're just mad that President Trump doesn't bend over and take it up the ass like the previous establishment RINOs. He's America first, calls out the press for the propaganda liars they are, and calls out the corrupt government institutions.

He's doing exactly what the American people elected him to do. Your little delusion is becoming more pathetic with each whiny ass, strained rant.
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Neither would be making a mockery of the office. Some would say bo made the office a joke around the world.
Not alienating our allies is good for American interest. If alienating our allies means having fair agreements and seeking our best interests, why not alienate them?
Not trying to destroy the public trust in our free press and governmental institutions is good for American interest. Trust in the press???? What have they done since Watergate that warrants trust? The American press is NOT trustworthy, but self-serving.
A POTUS that doesn't habitually lie to the public is good for American interest. In May he broke the 3000 lie barrier and his frequency of lying is actually going up. Can't argue since I don't count, if indeed there are lies to be counted. I didn't count bo's lies but certainly one of them was a biggie "You can keep the insurance plans you have" was just one example.
Purposely trying to divide the American people is good for American interest and better for America. Wouldn't you say the election revealed an existing divide?

They wouldn't be attacking public companies because they have a personal beef with their CEO and making statements like the USPS loses $1.50 on every package they ship for Amazon. The USPS profits more from Amazon than any other customer. I know nothing about this.

A question for you ram... you say you were a school administrator. How would you react to an employee that lied to you daily? If he lied to me, I'd fire him. The American public will that that opportunity in two years. That went on Twitter and openly blasted kids/parents often with easily verified false claims???

None of this is about Hillary or Obama. It's about the cult of Trump that people feel like they have to make excuses and even cheer his childish behavior. That are willing to accept and forgive him for ANYTHING and don't demand better.
But it is about bo. It's also about the Republican and demoncratic establishment as well. I cannot speak for others, but I am a Trump supporter because he is the antithesis of the type politician that got us in an abysmal mess as a country...economically, socially, morally. Personally, I like his , "I don't give a rat's arse attitude". He has absolutely nothing to gain personally be being President. He will never run for office again. I believe he has no motive other than elevating America relative to the rest of the world. He believes in American exceptionalism, which bo did not and even apologized for.

Obviously we disagree. I appreciate the reasonable response.