How will they rule ??!

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I saw where a Republican Senator or two were adamantly against giving McCabe immunity.

Sure it could help get a Comey or others, but apparently McCabe’s actions were egregious enough the idea of giving him immunity is unthinkable to some.

They want to bury the investigation with the FBI under bosses and not allow it to keep going up the chain and expose their corruption. If and it's a big IF he can bring down the higher ups then yes F the Rep Senator because their nuts are on the line or they would keep their mouths shut. The O admin is trying to keep it from touching them. Burn it down McCabe or they will throw you in jail while they continue their corruption with a new compromised agent.
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I'm not going to spend a lot of time researching every quote you have on the list. I will make some general comments. First, there is a difference between lying and being wrong. George Bush wasn't lying about WMDs in Iraq, he was following what his intelligence told him was likely. Presumably, it ended up being wrong, Second, without having what was said before and after those quotes, it's hard to judge the context and whether or not the quote reflects what he was actually trying to convey. That's not to say he has never lied. Most people have at some point. I would never claim anyone has never lied. Finally, if you are pulling a ready made list off of the internet, it's probably already flawed and misleading. those are generally put together by people who want to find fault the person to begin with. So I wouldn't put much stock in what they call a lie.

I'm not convinced on a lot of the fact checking because you are relying on the NY Times. If ever there was a liberal slanted newspaper, that is it. I've seen too many times where they intentionally mislead or omit facts in order to push readers to draw conclusions they want.

The contradiction about the quote about not wanting to invade Iraq is from a Howard Stern interview where he said "I guess" I support it. Not really a strong position. He claims he told others he was against it. Since he was a private citizen, how do we really know? How would you know about me if I said the same thing?

The Time quote is obviously something he is just wrong about. I doubt he has actual stats about Time, so probably not lying, just wrong.

I'm not sure there is no evidence of illegal voting because I have seen other articles over the years suggesting there have been people who voted that did not have the right to vote. How significant is it? I have no idea, but I don't believe there is "no evidence of it".

Anyway, you get the drift. For some of your quotes, he is just wrong. That doesn't prove he is lying. We don't have context on any of them, so we don't really know if the quote represents what he was actually meaning at the time or not. Statements after the quote could have modified it or put conditions on it. Finally, when the claim is made by a biased newspaper, I would research it a little harder to make sure they aren't being misleading.

This isn't to suggest he has never lied, just that you should be more careful about believing a random list you pulled off the internet.
Claiming that the list was by a biased source and would need to be researched is just a BS claim to allow you to believe in #alternativeFacts because you're not going to do the research.

So in a two week period Trump was talking about China's currency manipulation and claiming they had stopped...
  • April 21 “from the time I took office”
  • April 29 “during the election”
  • April 30 “as soon as I got elected”
  • May 1 “since I started running”
  • MAY 4 “since I’ve been talking about currency manipulation”
So which of the statements above are "wrong" and which are "lies"? Of course then there's the fact that there is no indication that China has stopped their currency they are all wrong and most likely all lies because he was attempting to take credit for something that hadn't happened. He does that a lot.

He has repeated that "we're the highest taxed nation in the world" on many occasions...we're not even close to the highest taxed nation.

Should I mention the "Birther" lie? For 5 years after being personally presented a copy of Obama's birth certificate he publically questioned his place of birth 72 separate times. Explain that one?

If he is just plain wrong with no intent to mislead then he's the stupidest MFer on the face of the planet because he says many of the same wrong things over and over.
Neither would be making a mockery of the office.
Not alienating our allies is good for American interest.
Not trying to destroy the public trust in our free press and governmental institutions is good for American interest.
A POTUS that doesn't habitually lie to the public is good for American interest. In May he broke the 3000 lie barrier and his frequency of lying is actually going up.
Purposely trying to divide the American people is good for American interest and better for America.

They wouldn't be attacking public companies because they have a personal beef with their CEO and making statements like the USPS loses $1.50 on every package they ship for Amazon. The USPS profits more from Amazon than any other customer.

A question for you ram... you say you were a school administrator. How would you react to an employee that lied to you daily? That went on Twitter and openly blasted kids/parents often with easily verified false claims???

None of this is about Hillary or Obama. It's about the cult of Trump that people feel like they have to make excuses and even cheer his childish behavior. That are willing to accept and forgive him for ANYTHING and don't demand better.
"Public trust in the free press" [eyeroll] "POTUS not habitually lying to public" [eyeroll] "3000 lie barrier" [eyeroll] Who's qualifying that statement? Attacking CEO's because they do not have the best interest of the nation or employees. Most of this was because of Obama and Hillary, Trump is quickly and rightly so, cleaning up the mess. Go purge yourself in a vat of realism and then get back to us.
Trump nominates another wave of federal judges including 2 more to the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals (which serves KY, TN, MI and OH). When these two are confirmed, Trump will have appointed 6 judges to this court and cemented a large conservative majority for the next 20 years. Obama by comparison only got to appoint 2 judges to the 6th Circuit in his 8 years.
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They do not care the Trump lies on an almost daily basis. His modern political aspirations started with the racist lie that Obama was not born in America. Watch the Get Me Oliver Stone doc on netflix and you'll see from them first-hand that their every intention is to lie to the American people to gain support for their cause.
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They do not care the Trump lies on an almost daily basis. His modern political aspirations started with the racist lie that Obama was not born in America. Watch the Get Me Oliver Stone doc on netflix and you'll see from them first-hand that their every intention is to lie to the American people to gain support for their cause.
Yours and fuzz's party had ~40% of its members think GWB was behind 3k people being murdered on 9/ shush. BO, who did play up his kenyan roots for certain admission and aid reasons, being accused of being born outside the US is child's play in comparison.
But it is about bo. It's also about the Republican and demoncratic establishment as well. I cannot speak for others, but I am a Trump supporter because he is the antithesis of the type politician that got us in an abysmal mess as a country...economically, socially, morally. Personally, I like his , "I don't give a rat's arse attitude". He has absolutely nothing to gain personally be being President. He will never run for office again. I believe he has no motive other than elevating America relative to the rest of the world. He believes in American exceptionalism, which bo did not and even apologized for.

Obviously we disagree. I appreciate the reasonable response.
Has nothing to gain?
Have you ever known a billionaire (or even multi-millionaire) that thought they had enough money?

The country was in a mess economically? How so?
The market's rise under Obama was the second highest (Clinton was highest) in history. Every measure of economic growth was improving at rates greater than they have done so since Trump took office.

Trump's morals are good??? Proven adulterer, proven habitual liar, self-absorbed egomaniac... ram, you sure you don't want to reconsider that comment?
Socially??? So you think he sets a good tone socially?
They do not care the Trump lies on an almost daily basis. His modern political aspirations started with the racist lie that Obama was not born in America. Watch the Get Me Oliver Stone doc on netflix and you'll see from them first-hand that their every intention is to lie to the American people to gain support for their cause.

Why are you lying, it's Roger Stone, not Oliver Stone.

See how easy it is to say someone is lying, when clearly you were mistaken.
Shep Smith is a disgrace to Fox News. He's so incredibly biased against the POTUS. Doesn't even try to hide it or curb it in any way. Just constant Trump bashing. He is still trying to imply that congress has seen evidence that there was no spy in spite of the fact that he just had a gal on his show state clearly that they never even got to see the documents. He mostly ignores that part of the story. I understand that they want some diversity but he is just ridiculous and has no business being on Fox. He would fit in very nicely with the other moronic news stations like CNN, MSNBC, etc.
Agreed he is terrible.
Has nothing to gain?
Have you ever known a billionaire (or even multi-millionaire) that thought they had enough money?

The country was in a mess economically? How so?
The market's rise under Obama was the second highest (Clinton was highest) in history. Every measure of economic growth was improving at rates greater than they have done so since Trump took office.

Trump's morals are good??? Proven adulterer, proven habitual liar, self-absorbed egomaniac... ram, you sure you don't want to reconsider that comment?
Socially??? So you think he sets a good tone socially?

Obama's actual market gain was 4000 points. The market simply regained value it had lost prior to his election.

Trump topped that in a year. By every measure the economy is better now than its been in 20 years.
I saw where a Republican Senator or two were adamantly against giving McCabe immunity.

Sure it could help get a Comey or others, but apparently McCabe’s actions were egregious enough the idea of giving him immunity is unthinkable to some.

I'm torn. Would depend on the level of proof. If they have enough info to prove all the damage he did, he should not get a deal.

I think regardless he shouldn't get immunity. He needs to plead guilty to a felony.
Has nothing to gain?
Have you ever known a billionaire (or even multi-millionaire) that thought they had enough money?

The country was in a mess economically? Trade agreements disadvantageous to USA. Jobs going to other nations. Higher unemployment rate under bo. Health insurance was much worse after bo started meddling. How so?
The market's rise under Obama was the second highest (Clinton was highest) in history. Every measure of economic growth was improving at rates greater than they have done so since Trump took office.

Trump's morals are good??? Didn't say that. The country was moving in a morally "left" direction under bo. I look at it this way: groups like LBGT's hate him...that's a plus for him. He has taken steps that are anti-planned parenthood. Pro-police. Anti-media...all positive steps morally. . Proven adulterer, proven habitual liar, self-absorbed egomaniac... ram, you sure you don't want to reconsider that comment?
Socially??? So you think he sets a good tone socially? I absolutely think he sets a good tone socially...just look at the people who demonstrate against him.
Has nothing to gain?
Have you ever known a billionaire (or even multi-millionaire) that thought they had enough money?

The country was in a mess economically? How so?
The market's rise under Obama was the second highest (Clinton was highest) in history. Every measure of economic growth was improving at rates greater than they have done so since Trump took office.

Trump's morals are good??? Proven adulterer, proven habitual liar, self-absorbed egomaniac... ram, you sure you don't want to reconsider that comment?
Socially??? So you think he sets a good tone socially?
12 question marks
0 rationality
As a whole, they and other left groups promote beliefs and behaviors that are not in line with traditional American values and/or are just plain wrong.
What are they promoting that "are not in line with traditional American values and/or are just plain wrong." Name five if it's so obvious.
Claiming that the list was by a biased source and would need to be researched is just a BS claim to allow you to believe in #alternativeFacts because you're not going to do the research.

So in a two week period Trump was talking about China's currency manipulation and claiming they had stopped...
  • April 21 “from the time I took office”
  • April 29 “during the election”
  • April 30 “as soon as I got elected”
  • May 1 “since I started running”
  • MAY 4 “since I’ve been talking about currency manipulation”
So which of the statements above are "wrong" and which are "lies"? Of course then there's the fact that there is no indication that China has stopped their currency they are all wrong and most likely all lies because he was attempting to take credit for something that hadn't happened. He does that a lot.

He has repeated that "we're the highest taxed nation in the world" on many occasions...we're not even close to the highest taxed nation.

Should I mention the "Birther" lie? For 5 years after being personally presented a copy of Obama's birth certificate he publically questioned his place of birth 72 separate times. Explain that one?

If he is just plain wrong with no intent to mislead then he's the stupidest MFer on the face of the planet because he says many of the same wrong things over and over.
To start with, I never said Trump has never lied, so your first statement is BS.

Let's start with your first list. What is the source? If you are personally keeping a running list of "Trump lies" I would definitely question its accuracy because only someone obsessed with finding a "gotcha moment" on Trump would do that. I am assuming it came from the internet. So where did it come from?

Second, your new example once again does not provide any context. You are telling me what he was talking about but you only show quotes that don't really provide any context or content. Without the rest of the quote and the statements made before and after the quote by Trump, I would assume they are all correct. Nothing you have provided in the quotes could be used to determine if they are incorrect or not.

Third, I'll ask the same question about your most recent quotes. What is the source?

Finally, just to determine how unbiased your source really is. Can you produce a similar list for Clinton and Obama from that source? If not, I would suspect it's because you are looking at this from a very biased point of view and your source is also biased.

I have no intention of researching the quotes and fact checking the source because I don't care enough to spend the time to do it correctly. I am interested in the source though. I think that will tell a lot about the validity and unbiased nature of the list. I also understand when Trump is using hyperbole to make a point, when he is posturing for negotiations, and when he is trying to be accurate. That doesn't mean he is perfect and doesn't ever lie, but we have to understand the difference between blatant lies and everything else.
You and others keep referring to the same thing. Must be slim pickings.

I'll say this (again) about this particular statement.
1) There is nothing inherent to Obamacare that prevents anyone from seeing any doctor they choose. If the doctor you want to see is not in your network all plans offer coverage out-of-network only at reduced coverage.
2) It was a dumb statement to make because doctors cannot be forced into networks and doctors change networks regularly. If you change jobs you may very well have to change doctors if the new employer's plan has a different network of providers. This has always been true.
What are they promoting that "are not in line with traditional American values and/or are just plain wrong." Name five if it's so obvious.
Well, let's see: left groups support
1. Abortion
2. Same sex marriage
3. Stupid things like having transgender restrooms in schools
4. The left does not support America's uncompromising support of Israel
5. Lax if any support for or enforcement of immigration laws
6. Reduced freedom re: guns
7. The left supports welfare programs that, by design, harm their recipients
8. Views that are not in agreement with the principle of American exceptionalism
9. Unfair taxation of working people and people who actually earn their money

Just a few off the top of my head.
They do not care the Trump lies on an almost daily basis. His modern political aspirations started with the racist lie that Obama was not born in America. Watch the Get Me Oliver Stone doc on netflix and you'll see from them first-hand that their every intention is to lie to the American people to gain support for their cause.
Your dad, the "scandal free" president, just got caught in a huge scam with Iran bc of his moronic ideology towards things...yet you still cant criticize the God King. Why? Seems ppl on tho right have no problem having differences in opinion, but the left...gotta have that groupthink and constantly praise daddy.

Oh here:

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You and others keep referring to the same thing. Must be slim pickings.

I'll say this (again) about this particular statement.
1) There is nothing inherent to Obamacare that prevents anyone from seeing any doctor they choose. If the doctor you want to see is not in your network all plans offer coverage out-of-network only at reduced coverage.
2) It was a dumb statement to make because doctors cannot be forced into networks and doctors change networks regularly. If you change jobs you may very well have to change doctors if the new employer's plan has a different network of providers. This has always been true.
Relative to o-care:
My wife was/is healthy. Had a policy that was reasonably priced that met her/our needs. ocare essentially abolished her policy, forcing her to purchase a policy that was 125% more expensive than what she had. How did she benefit????
Bought gasoline today at Meijer for $2.65/gallon. Within the past couple of weeks, didn’t some poster whine about $3/gallon prices?
Relative to o-care:
My wife was/is healthy. Had a policy that was reasonably priced that met her/our needs. ocare essentially abolished her policy, forcing her to purchase a policy that was 125% more expensive than what she had. How did she benefit????
You guys are sacrificing to help those who are less fortunate.
Well, let's see: left groups support
1. Abortion
2. Same sex marriage
3. Stupid things like having transgender restrooms in schools
4. The left does not support America's uncompromising support of Israel
5. Lax if any support for or enforcement of immigration laws
6. Reduced freedom re: guns
7. The left supports welfare programs that, by design, harm their recipients
8. Views that are not in agreement with the principle of American exceptionalism
9. Unfair taxation of working people and people who actually earn their money

Just a few off the top of my head.
Only two of those, numbers 2 and 3, in your entire list have an association with the LGBT community. Neither one are contrary to "American values" like you posted. Where in any of the literature produced by the founding fathers do they write about same-sex marriage or transgender restrooms? You're trying to use America as cover and justification for your prejudice. Your list may be contrary to YOUR values but don't put that shit on America.
Oh...that makes me feel a lot better. Just wondering...could most of them have found jobs and figured out how to take care of their own medical needs??? Oh such a silly question...forgive me.
It was a socialist plan all along and Barry lied about it all!
DOJ Reneges Commitment to Provide Trump Russia Docs to Congress

The Department of Justice reneged on a commitment to provide access to documents they promised to congressional lawmakers by Thursday morning. Instead, DOJ issued a press release after midnight suggesting they will only meet with a group of select lawmakers to discuss the matter on the same day the North Korea summit opens in Singapore, according to numerous sources and a DOJ statement.