How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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In regards to Maryland city elections - my bad, I thought you meant federal elections.

In Chicago it doesn't look like that changes anything. It is a proof of residency. I just had to bring a utilities bill when I moved from Lexington back to east KY.

It gives state issued IDs to anyone, regardless of citizenship. The same is happening in California, where over 1 million illegals have drivers licenses.

My point is that, Trump needs to put a stop to this now - even if it's stuck in the courts for a while. He has the presidency, congress, and the Supreme Court.
So funny that levi is such a troll he cant respond to anyone who tries to actually give him a chance to not sound like @cardkilla prison b**ch and share reasoning behind his mind numbing drivel.

Ill ask again @Levibooty .. in your own words, what did obama do up to that point that qualified him for a nobel peace prize?

And @JohnKBA what happened to you taking another week off? Your deep rooted inner liberal racism is still showing. Why dont you follow thru with that plan before you start calling an American heros wife names again.

Hero or not, he’s a dumbass. A lot of you guys post either good or funny stuff in this thread. He can’t put a coherent thought together on his best day.

He’s a big boy (literally, have another foot long sub warrior.) He can take care of himself.
Those are great ideas.

Edit to add and admittedly after a like :( (Not intentionally)

Also, a stipulation that illegals are not counted in a way to skew the balance of Representatives or Electoral College votes.
You have to understand that liberals like eastkycat, who lie effortlessly, will pretend to agree to certain limitations only to ignore them after the fact. Remember their so-called support of the gang of 8 bill? Bottomline, their immigration policy is "whoever can get into the country can stay as long as they want and get whatever entitlements they qualify for". They see the voting patterns of immigrants and are too seduced by flipping the electoral college permanently. Again, they are liars.
It gives state issued IDs to anyone, regardless of citizenship. The same is happening in California, where over 1 million illegals have drivers licenses.

My point is that, Trump needs to put a stop to this now - even if it's stuck in the courts for a while. He has the presidency, congress, and the Supreme Court.

I’m not sure there’s a good tracking system for citizenship. I’ve been called for jury duty half a dozen times and get voter info in the mail at election time. I could probably go vote if I wanted to and they wouldn’t care.
Hero or not, he’s a dumbass. A lot of you guys post either good or funny stuff in this thread. He can’t put a coherent thought together on his best day.

He’s a big boy (literally, have another foot long sub warrior.) He can take care of himself.

What is the deal between you two, let it go, or put each other on ignore.
I was talking about cardkilla's post. I have no idea what would happen. What does that have to do with my post?

I know it was referencing cardkilla's post.

just wondered why it's ok for other people to come here illegally, but ok to abide other country's laws.
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I would if we built the wall, no public assistance, they didn't get voting rights, and voter ID implemented.

That way if they can't vote Dems will no longer care about the issue
I agree. I am normally against amnesty in these situations but if it gets the wall done I say go for it. Allow the ones who are already here to stay under certain conditions and make sure the illegals are checked at the border. Amnesty is not ideal but it may be an ok compromise all things considered.
Problem is, Trump already offered that deal and the Dems were not willing to part with chain migration. Obviously if you keep them from voting many of the dems would no longer feel the need to have them here. lol. They won't likely accept either an end to chain migration or a lack of voting rights. Trump has been crystal clear that he will accept nothing less than ending chain migration. I'm not sure where he would stand on the other but I know what he prefers.
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You have to understand that liberals like eastkycat, who lie effortlessly, will pretend to agree to certain limitations only to ignore them after the fact. Remember their so-called support of the gang of 8 bill? Bottomline, their immigration policy is "whoever can get into the country can stay as long as they want and get whatever entitlements they qualify for". They see the voting patterns of immigrants and are too seduced by flipping the electoral college permanently. Again, they are liars.
I understand and agree with you. I was just replying to his hypothetical with another hypothetical.

My overall point is, that IF any possibility of voting for illegals or skewing of the Electoral College is taken away, the fervent support from the elected left would pretty much move way down the priority list.

Way down.
Only Suddenlink is available where I live. I'm luckier than most of my friends living in hollers where they don't even have that option.

You can move. You have cellular options.

You're there by your own choice. You're not imprisoned.

So you clearly have a choice.

You want to restrict the rest of us to offset your personal decision. A classic liberal position.
Hero or not, he’s a dumbass. A lot of you guys post either good or funny stuff in this thread. He can’t put a coherent thought together on his best day.

He’s a big boy (literally, have another foot long sub warrior.) He can take care of himself.
I will agree with the point of me being able to take care of myself. Snowflakes like you present no challenge. And, I will give you your do for finally having the courage to come out and show who you really are.

As far as coherent thoughts, I have no problem putting them together. You just lack the intelligence and reading comprehension skills to understand them. It's that crazy American mindset you do not want to become a part of.
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I said this ad nauseum around election time with relation to the job market and got skewered by 90% of the board.
True. EKY has gotten enough help in govt investment and incentives, if jobs don't come there people have to move. Many from KY did during the industrial revolution.
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I said this ad nauseum around election time with relation to the job market and got skewered by 90% of the board.

They didn’t need to move for a better job, just needed better leadership in DC. Which is exactly why Trump was elected.
You have to understand that liberals like eastkycat, who lie effortlessly, will pretend to agree to certain limitations only to ignore them after the fact. Remember their so-called support of the gang of 8 bill? Bottomline, their immigration policy is "whoever can get into the country can stay as long as they want and get whatever entitlements they qualify for". They see the voting patterns of immigrants and are too seduced by flipping the electoral college permanently. Again, they are liars.
If illegals voted majority GOP the dems would be at the border helping Trump build the wall 1000 feet high.
The Clintons owe their wealth and their livelihood solely and exclusively to politics. If you want to pinpoint what the problem in politics today is, look no further.
Take a look at most presidents/vice presidents in the modern era and you will find their net worth has gone up post presidency as well.
Democrats need poor foreigners here for votes because those people don’t give a shit about this nation, wish to change it and have no problem voting for big government.

Immigration will be the destruction of this country. It is way more effective to try and fix their host country as opposed to bringing them to the west and then asking everyone to pay for them, educate them, expect assimilation, etc.

Immigration is only being used on the U.S. and Europe, gee, wonder why? Wonder why the Dems don’t want to bring the best and the brightest to this nation and want people from actually civilized nations instead of backward shit holes?

In the left’s mind, bringing more Islam here is good, bringing more gang members is good, bringing in people who think it’s okay to rape women and even bring groups who think you should cut up albinos cause they have “magic.”

Immigration is the weapon the left has used for decades. California shifted blue because of it. Now they want it for the rest of the country which is why they’re so against enforcing immigration laws and pumping up the propaganda.

So, add that with the constant indoctrination from media and academia and you see why we have a ton of clueless morons like EKY and Cardkilla.
Another nugget in Cardkillers post.....SF’s problems stem from the “country’s” income disparity?

Leave the USA’s name out your mouth, SF’s problems are theirs alone, bozo.
yeah it does. Tech companies are driving up the housing market, same thing happening in Seattle. Also has homeless problem.

Per usual though, only has name calling and can't refute so becomes internet tough guy.
yeah it does. Tech companies are driving up the housing market, same thing happening in Seattle. Also has homeless problem.

Per usual though, only has name calling and can't refute so becomes internet tough guy.

lol, both liberal cities. How about taxing companies higher there and giving it to the homeless, right?
Your posts are a thing of beauty. Masterpieces, frankly.

Back on the right being Nazis again, huh? Worked out well before. Shit man I can’t tell which days we’re nazis or communist Russian hard to keep track of!

[laughing] “fact checked it”....translation: you went to Snopes and they told you what you wanted to hear.

I fact checked it as well. It said they placed calls to check on the kids....maybe they didn’t recognize the number and didn’t answer? Maybe they didn’t want to talk to the feds because they were sheltering other illegals? Maybe their phones were off due to payments overdue (poorer folks have their Metro PCS etc phones cut off *all* the time). Called once and didn’t follow up a second time because they are overwhelmed with illegals to cover? Any number of explanations that are plausible besides Trump splitting them up like Hitler you dump stupid.

You want to know the surefire way to keep those families together? Be a good parent and don’t illegally hop a border with your kids. You give up the rights to a lot of things at that point. You can’t get split up by the US gov if you don’t hop the US border.

On a side note it’s kinda like abstinence education as *one* form of birth control getting vilified. I mean, there’s one surefire way to 100% not get The Aids and get pregnant....but they don’t want to teach people that because it’s somehow a Bible thrower stance? Nah it’s actually science. Hey, plow away for all I care, just stating facts.

Anyways, please drop more fresh takes today I’m totally serious they’re awesome.
Yet the data tells you abstinence only education does not lower pregnancy rates. Actually educating kids on how to protect themselves and providing condoms, birth control, etc. does reduce rates compared to your surefire method.

Maybe being a good parent requires you to risk it all to get away from the violence or gangs that are ravaging Latin America. You really can't call yourself a Christian and be ok with a policy that probably violates a number of treaties and human rights laws we've agreed to.
lol, both liberal cities. How about taxing companies higher there and giving it to the homeless, right?
Do you even have average intelligence? Taxes is always the problem...couldn't possibly be more nuanced than that. Really worked for Kansas!
Democrats need poor foreigners here for votes because those people don’t give a shit about this nation, wish to change it and have no problem voting for big government.

Immigration will be the destruction of this country. It is way more effective to try and fix their host country as opposed to bringing them to the west and then asking everyone to pay for them, educate them, expect assimilation, etc.

Immigration is only being used on the U.S. and Europe, gee, wonder why? Wonder why the Dems don’t want to bring the best and the brightest to this nation and want people from actually civilized nations instead of backward shit holes?

In the left’s mind, bringing more Islam here is good, bringing more gang members is good, bringing in people who think it’s okay to rape women and even bring groups who think you should cut up albinos cause they have “magic.”

Immigration is the weapon the left has used for decades. California shifted blue because of it. Now they want it for the rest of the country which is why they’re so against enforcing immigration laws and pumping up the propaganda.

So, add that with the constant indoctrination from media and academia and you see why we have a ton of clueless morons like EKY and Cardkilla.
So immigration is going to destroy a nation of immigrants? This scare tactic has been used since the 1800s and it has always been proven false. A country founded by stealing land from the native inhabitants has no moral high ground to stand on. Some of the country's greatest achievers were immigrants or children of immigrants. Few arrived wealthy and educated.

So we should only bring over wealthy foreigners huh? Hate to tell you but the best and brightest in the world have many more options than America these days. All Trump and his minions are doing is ensuring that those entrepreneurs go elsewhere.

0.5% of people in this country are Muslims. So please give me a break.
Just seeing the stuff you type is as sad as the little man in the White House. Yes liberals support raping babies and gang raping old Your President is a serial sexual assaulter and probably rapist. Your first lady is only here because she married a rich dude. She's pretty so you love her as shown by the sick and disgusting posts you see by people who think women can be treated like property.

Immigrants are less likely than home grown Americans to commit crimes. More likely to start small businesses which means more tax revenue.

This moron will debate you anytime. Like your embarrassment of a President, it's much easier to blame others for your problems. He is the embodiment of this entitled American epidemic that thinks everyone else should bow down to them.

See what's going on in other countries and you'll soon realize that America is behind and only going to be further behind after Trump. We are what the Soviet Union was in the 80s. Living on borrowed time.
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