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Check out this unbiased account of why O'bama did not inform Trump of Russian interference and in fact laughed at the notion that Russia or anyone else could meddle in our election. [laughing]

President Trump questioned on Saturday why the FBI never informed him that it was examining Russian interference in the 2016 election when the bureau began using an informant to meet with his campaign advisers.

Why is this not a legitimate concern?

"With Spies, or 'Informants' as the Democrats like to call them because it sounds less sinister (but it's not), all over my campaign, even from a very early date, why didn't the crooked highest levels of the FBI or 'Justice' contact me to tell me of the phony Russia problem?" Trump tweeted.

"crooked highest levels" haha
Earlier this month, The Washington Post reported that an FBI informant met with at least three Trump campaign advisers in 2016. The meeting took place in the early days of the bureau's counterintelligence investigation into Russian efforts to meddle in the presidential election.Trump and his allies have suggested in recent days that the informant was used to spy on his campaign for political reasons. No evidence has surfaced to suggest that that was the case.

Should have read "despite overwhelming evidence of election tampering from the highest office on down, we continue to deny everything".

Former intelligence officials, including former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, have
pushed back on Trump's allegations, saying that the informant was deployed as the intelligence community sought to determine whether Russia was taking active measures to influence the election.

But if Trump wasn't the subject of the investigation, why wasn't he given a heads up? Did Hillary know about the investigation? Was it discussed in some of the 33,000 emails the FBI allowed her to delete? Was there talk about it on any number of the phones the FBI allowed her to destroy?

It was also reported in late 2017 that the FBI did, in fact, warn the Trump campaign of possible Russian meddling.

A year later, after the election that he won in a landslide, they told him that there may have been some meddling? I believe that's when they informed him that he had colluded with the Russians that he had no knowledge of.

Select lawmakers met with top Justice Department officials this week in a pair of classified meetings to discuss the use of the informant, who has been identified in media reports as American professor Stefan Halper.

Or another way to put it, "the perpetrators of the treasonous espionage all got together to make sure their stories were straight".

The U.S. intelligence community concluded in a report released last year that Russia did, in fact, meddle in the presidential election and sought to help Trump's campaign.

Because, WHY?

That conclusion has become the subject of a criminal investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller. Trump has denounced that probe as a "witch hunt" and a "hoax" intended to undermine his presidency.

He calls it that because that's what it is and that's what it's designed to do. glimpse of immigrant children&src=tyah

Read the dramatic tweets from blue check mark liberals sucked in.

The amount of liberals who jumped on that is hilarious.

What’s troubling is the number of the media who didn’t even check to see when the picture was taken. The best is Obama’s speechwriter fell for it, wrote a dramatic response, and then after he found out it was during Obama’s presidency...just deleted it like a coward with no comment.
*CNN Breaking News* -- Why is Trump doing this?

Cardkilla calling everyone a hypocrite. I wonder how many people in need they have invited into their home unchecked to live? How much of their money they’ve given to homeless people to start a new life? How many children that don’t have parents they’ve adopted or given a home? I bet we all know the answer.

None of us expect anyone to do those things because it’s extremely hard and realize it takes someone with the time and means to do so, so we don’t lecture everyone else on what they should be doing. But the way Cardkilla talks, we should all drop everything and solve world problems. Well what the hell are you doing to solve them? You sure are good at lecturing everyone else about what to do. Tell us what happens when we take on all comers, eventually everything collapses on itself and we can’t help anyone, including our own? You talk like no one cares because they’re realistic and that’s bullshit. You’re probably no different than Hollywood; telling everyone else how to live life, while not practicing a damn thing you preach.