How will they rule ??!

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So let me get this straight. The party of family values is splitting up families very similar to what the third reich did and in the process lost 1500 children (I did fact check this story and it turned out to be true) all in the name of law and order. If that's what Christianity in America has become then I'm proud to call myself a pagan-heathen. How deep down into the abyss of moral failure will the Trump supporters go?

Oh, I love the using Christianity thing (as if it doesn’t discuss following the law). Democrats bash Christians non-stop despite Christians being more philanthropic than any leftist piece of shit, going to places that aren’t desirable whatsoever. Democrats side with Islam but hate Christians. Speaks volumes.

See, you’re not moral. You virtue signal and you’re real generous with other people’s money and other people’s neighborhoods. Hell, why even send a bank robber to prison or a rapist if they have kids? What about the children? Why don’t you stop being a racist hillbilly and remove the doors from your home in case a refugee or illegal needs it? Lol

You people expect a huge flood of the third world to be able to come over here and then suck off of taxpayers, fully understanding what a huge majority of a third world demographic does to the west (which is why Democrats are so desperate for population change). What’s humorous though is you’re the same type of people who go nuts about colonialism and American imperialism. Lol

I also like a leftist discissing morals. What morals? You’re the group who celebrates dressing kids up in drag, pushing a hundred gender concepts on them, bash the nuclear family, want men in restrooms with girls, normalize mental illness and demand everyone participate in their delusion and let’s not even discuss how libs talk on social media, threatening people on campus, etc.

Leave it to a moron like you to think Democrats are the good guys when they pine for big government and want to disarm the populace.

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Trump needs to fix this immigration thing now, because if he doesn't, the Dems will let them all vote and the R's will never win another election. They're already allowed to vote in many areas
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Prevents isps from charging tiered prices based on usage. Which greatly favors bandwidth hogs like Netflix. Definitely doesn't hinder them.

And it's anything but free market.

It's exactly the opposite of what you said
Yes, that would be an example of violation of net neutrality. The core principle though is that ISPs must treat all data equally regardless of source. They forced Netflix to pay extra to avoid bandwidth throttling. If we had choice in our selection of ISPs, I wouldn't have a problem with this. But the problem is we don't. We've handed one company sole rights to be a middleman between content creators and consumers in most regions of the US. Being a natural monopoly should require regulation to avoid stiffing competition. Make no mistake, they throttle Netflix because they are a competitor.
Let's say illegal immigrants currently living here who haven't otherwise broken the law.

No. Not fair to the people who are in the process of doing it correctly. If you said Dreamers.. i may be on board with stipulations.

Gotta let them live here tax free as well then. If they were citizens and contributing to our government in taxes, they should be eligible for all the above.

Hell no. If anything were to ever happen, they should have to prove when they illegally came. They should then have to pay taxes at a higher rate.. say 50% until theyve paid back all the taxes they skipped out on and all the handouts theyve been given.

If illegally entering the country was a felony I could see this reasoning, but it is a misdemeanor.

Once. But its a felony upon the 2nd time if they were kicked out.

They don't affect my life in any way. I personally want tougher border security and amnesty to include no voting rights until they have completed the legal immigration process, which they will go to the back of the line for behind those who have done everything by the book.

Still not fair to those doing it correctly. The issue we should be packaging with a border wall is fixing the process. We should be able to process applications must faster. Thats the right thing to couple with border security, but liberals like you allow. Cant fix crap for the future...nooooo... gotta resist!!!!!!
So let me get this straight. The party of family values is splitting up families very similar to what the third reich did and in the process lost 1500 children (I did fact check this story and it turned out to be true) all in the name of law and order. If that's what Christianity in America has become then I'm proud to call myself a pagan-heathen. How deep down into the abyss of moral failure will the Trump supporters go?
2 weeks ago......

Undocumented Immigrant Charged With Murder Believed Gun Wouldn't Fire if the Victim Was a 'Good Person'.

The Kansas City Star reported that he admitted to stealing two firearms and that this is the fourth encounter he's had with immigration officials.

In 2001, he voluntarily returned to Mexico and then was deported once in 2013 and then again in 2014. An immigration detainer and federal warrant of removal have been placed on the 41-year-old.

You can't make this shit up. You can't'.
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Yes, that would be an example of violation of net neutrality. The core principle though is that ISPs must treat all data equally regardless of source. They forced Netflix to pay extra to avoid bandwidth throttling. If we had choice in our selection of ISPs, I wouldn't have a problem with this. But the problem is we don't. We've handed one company sole rights to be a middleman between content creators and consumers in most regions of the US. Being a natural monopoly should require regulation to avoid stiffing competition. Make no mistake, they throttle Netflix because they are a competitor.

Glad to see you have a somewhat better understanding now after I corrected you.

Im not aware they throttle Netflix. I haven't seen proof of that. But if they do or wish to, that's within their right. That's why it's completely counter to any free market principle, despite your initial position
No. Not fair to the people who are in the process of doing it correctly. If you said Dreamers.. i may be on board with stipulations.

Hell no. If anything were to ever happen, they should have to prove when they illegally came. They should then have to pay taxes at a higher rate.. say 50% until theyve paid back all the taxes they skipped out on and all the handouts theyve been given.

Once. But its a felony upon the 2nd time if they were kicked out.

Still not fair to those doing it correctly. The issue we should be packaging with a border wall is fixing the process. We should be able to process applications must faster. Thats the right thing to couple with border security, but liberals like you allow. Cant fix crap for the future...nooooo... gotta resist!!!!!!
I understand the desire to kick illegal immigrants out with no further stipulations, I just don't think it is practical. There are far too many to reasonably find and deport and they already provide a huge amount of services in our economy. I think allowing them to stay but not allowing them other privileges associated with being a citizen (including voting) until they have completed the legal immigration process after everyone else is the best way we can deal with it.
The Wall Street Journal‏Verified account@WSJ
A worker pricked by a syringe and blood splattered on the walls. Starbucks faces the daunting task of cleaning up its now-public bathrooms


Isn’t this just a perfect example of the left’s inability to use common sense or understand cause and effect? They claim to be so educated but they are morons. They do this ignorant stuff with this utopia in mind and never see what would come after it. Liberals are like someone who wants to make a hole in the ship bigger while conservatives are trying to plug it up and toss the water out.

They do this shit all the time- do stupid things and take stupid risks thinking someone else will clean it up for them and that’s how a big part of their base behaves in life and expects to be saved by someone else for their terrible choices.

Some great examples of recklessness by useful idiots (there are people who know exactly what they are doing but they’re in parts of leadership not this ignorant base like the lib posters on here and the ones in academia).

- Abolish the 2A (Has zero understanding the beast that comes with a defenseless populace and a weaponized gov’t)

- No borders (doesn’t see what importing the worst of the world does to a host- increases gangs, crime, rape, bleeds tax payers financially and completely alters our culture- which is why Japan doesn’t play that game)

- Increase foreign populations into the US and you start to look a lot like the rest of the world and the shitty place where they just left. Take a look at the parts of Europe looks like now thanks to the migrants. Look at areas where illegals in the US and their offspring have become the majority, dirty, graffiti, etc.

Look at what San Francisco looks like with piss and shit all over the streets.
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That doesn't sound bad. I'd like to throw in some way to get the IDs to every citizen, so we can eliminate that as a potential mechanism for voter suppression. I think making election day a federal holiday would be another great step.
Those are great ideas.

Edit to add and admittedly after a like :( (Not intentionally)

Also, a stipulation that illegals are not counted in a way to skew the balance of Representatives or Electoral College votes.
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Glad to see you have a somewhat better understanding now after I corrected you.

Im not aware they throttle Netflix. I haven't seen proof of that. But if they do or wish to, that's within their right. That's why it's completely counter to any free market principle, despite your initial position
Again, if we had a choice to avoid a certain ISP due to their business practices, I wouldn't have a problem. But we don't. It doesn't behave like a market in any capacity.
Isn’t this just a perfect example of the left’s inability to use common sense or understand cause and effect? They claim to be so educated but they are morons. They do this ignorant stuff with this utopia in mind and never see what would come after it. Liberals are like someone who wants to make a hole in the ship bigger while conservatives are trying to plug it up and toss the water out.

They do this shit all the time- do stupid things and take stupid risks thinking someone else will clean it up for them and that’s how a big part of their base behaves in life and expects to be saved by someone else for their terrible choices.

Some great examples of recklessness by useful idiots (there are people who know exactly what they are doing but they’re in parts of leadership not this ignorant base like the lib posters on here and the ones in academia).

- Abolish the 2A (Has zero understanding the beast that comes with a defenseless populace and a weaponized gov’t)

- No borders (doesn’t see what importing the worst of the world does to a host- increases gangs, crime, gangs, rape, bleeds tax payers financially)

- Increase foreign populations into the US and you start to look a lot like the rest of the world and the shitty place where they just left. Take a look at the parts of Europe looks like now thanks to the migrants. Look at areas where illegals in the US and their offspring have become the majority, dirty, graffiti, etc.

Look at what San Francisco looks like with piss and shit all over the streets.
I read your post and thought of this clip. Perfect illustration of the Lefts ability to deal with simple situations.
Isn’t this just a perfect example of the left’s inability to use common sense or understand cause and effect? They claim to be so educated but they are morons. They do this ignorant stuff with this utopia in mind and never see what would come after it. Liberals are like someone who wants to make a hole in the ship bigger while conservatives are trying to plug it up and toss the water out.

They do this shit all the time- do stupid things and take stupid risks thinking someone else will clean it up for them and that’s how a big part of their base behaves in life and expects to be saved by someone else for their terrible choices.

Some great examples of recklessness by useful idiots (there are people who know exactly what they are doing but they’re in parts of leadership not this ignorant base like the lib posters on here and the ones in academia).

- Abolish the 2A (Has zero understanding the beast that comes with a defenseless populace and a weaponized gov’t)

- No borders (doesn’t see what importing the worst of the world does to a host- increases gangs, crime, gangs, rape, bleeds tax payers financially)

- Increase foreign populations into the US and you start to look a lot like the rest of the world and the shitty place where they just left. Take a look at the parts of Europe looks like now thanks to the migrants. Look at areas where illegals in the US and their offspring have become the majority, dirty, graffiti, etc.

Look at what San Francisco looks like with piss and shit all over the streets.
So you don't think Starbucks customers do any drugs in these bathrooms? Who is the moron? Even know if this was a customer or not? 'Liberals' didn't ask Starbucks to open their bathroom to the general public. They asked them to stop arresting a black person waiting for someone while white people do this on the regular.

Yeah they aren't saying abolish the 2nd amendment. Universal background checks is reasonable and supported by responsible gun owners.

Not against borders either. If by worst you mean poor right? Vast majority are trying to either get away from violence/repression or find new opportunities...same as nearly every one's ancestors here. America is the most culturally diverse country in the world which is what has made us the greatest country up till now.

Most of the South is already a shithole. Actually most poor areas in this country are shitholes, regardless of whether it's full white people, black people or brown people. Republicans supported bringing in cheap labor to work at their farms and businesses for years. Trump loves the immigrant labor.

San Francisco is having issues because of the wealth disparity in this country and the ever increasing cost of living in big cities. Capitalism is the cause of San Francisco's problems, not migrants

My guess is that you have seen none of this with your own eyes. Europe has some issues because we have done nothing in Syria and destroyed Iraq, which could have helped with the migrant crisis if they weren't barely functioning themselves.

Wanna talk about cause and effect? America's drug war and policies throughout South America are partly to blame for these illegal immigrants coming into the country. Nearly every region in the world we've tried to interfere with has been destroyed because of our self serving policies. Hell we trained the future Al Queda fighters who would later fund and train terrorists all over the Middle East.

I guess it's easier to blame 'foreigners' than to find the issues behind the issues. Alot of these people wouldn't be coming here if they had opportunities elsewhere. But we only invest in either military assets or countries we can totally control.

It's been proven over and over again that these migrants are not a drain on our society. They spend money, they work for cheap, they open businesses, etc. They are more law abiding than most other groups. Are taken advantage of constantly because they have no protections.
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Again, if we had a choice to avoid a certain ISP due to their business practices, I wouldn't have a problem. But we don't. It doesn't behave like a market in any capacity.

Red herring or strawman, take your pick.

The internet is the same after 2015 as it was before. No one was effected. The only thing it did was become an insurance policy for big tech companies who conveniently also were huge Dem supporters.
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@KingOfBBN Not understanding the unintended consequences is interesting for two reasons: the dumbs aka Levi, Cardkiller, Fuzz lack the intellectual curiosity to explore the 2, 3, 4 steps after. IM NOT SAYING YOUR NOT SMART LOLS but they sure af aren’t curious about the consequences.

Take your example of the 2A and cops.....COPS ARE BIGOTS AND MURDERES ALSO ONLY COPS SHOULD HALF GUNS. Same with Starbucks....ohhh so hobos shit on the walls? No kidding? Who couldn’t see that coming? The Levi types just wanted to feel good about the well-spoken African-Americans that may just need to tinkle while jotting down a poem or limerick at SB.....not thinking about the black and white hobos that were about to shoot H and shit themselves.

The “elites” tho....they do sure af know the consequences but don’t care, that next consequence is another “problem” to fix and move the goalposts. See Obamacare —> to universal. Same with illegals and amnesty. They prey on the dumbs.
Red herring or strawman, take your pick.

The internet is the same after 2015 as it was before. No one was effected. The only thing it did was become an insurance policy for big tech companies who conveniently also were huge Dem supporters.
That isn't unrelated if the argument for ISPs doing what they want is that it is a free market. I don't have a choice in ISP = not a free market.
Most of the South is already a shithole. Actually most poor areas in this country are shitholes, regardless of whether it's full white people, black people or brown people. Republicans supported bringing in cheap labor to work at their farms and businesses for years. Trump loves the immigrant labor........
Thus declared our resident, rabid liberal, who coincidentally dwells in Chi-Raq.
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Yeah even if I agree with someone's argument, I'm not a fan of calling any place a shithole. Be it the South or Haiti. Humans live in those places and it isn't all their fault they've been subjected to things beyond their control.
That doesn't sound bad. I'd like to throw in some way to get the IDs to every citizen, so we can eliminate that as a potential mechanism for voter suppression. I think making election day a federal holiday would be another great step.
So, all these people in Amerca now who have a bank account, get on a plane, pick up pharmesutical drugs this without a picture ID? How?
So you don't think Starbucks customers do any drugs in these bathrooms? Who is the moron? Even know if this was a customer or not? 'Liberals' didn't ask Starbucks to open their bathroom to the general public. They asked them to stop arresting a black person waiting for someone while white people do this on the regular.

Yeah they aren't saying abolish the 2nd amendment. Universal background checks is reasonable and supported by responsible gun owners.

Not against borders either. If by worst you mean poor right? Vast majority are trying to either get away from violence/repression or find new opportunities...same as nearly every one's ancestors here. America is the most culturally diverse country in the world which is what has made us the greatest country up till now.

Most of the South is already a shithole. Actually most poor areas in this country are shitholes, regardless of whether it's full white people, black people or brown people. Republicans supported bringing in cheap labor to work at their farms and businesses for years. Trump loves the immigrant labor.

San Francisco is having issues because of the wealth disparity in this country and the ever increasing cost of living in big cities. Capitalism is the cause of San Francisco's problems, not migrants

My guess is that you have seen none of this with your own eyes. Europe has some issues because we have done nothing in Syria and destroyed Iraq, which could have helped with the migrant crisis if they weren't barely functioning themselves.

Wanna talk about cause and effect? America's drug war and policies throughout South America are partly to blame for these illegal immigrants coming into the country. Nearly every region in the world we've tried to interfere with has been destroyed because of our self serving policies. Hell we trained the future Al Queda fighters who would later fund and train terrorists all over the Middle East.

I guess it's easier to blame 'foreigners' than to find the issues behind the issues. Alot of these people wouldn't be coming here if they had opportunities elsewhere. But we only invest in either military assets or countries we can totally control.

It's been proven over and over again that these migrants are not a drain on our society. They spend money, they work for cheap, they open businesses, etc. They are more law abiding than most other groups. Are taken advantage of constantly because they have no protections.

What the F*ck is wrong with you? It’s as if you live in a completely different reality.
So you don't think Starbucks customers do any drugs in these bathrooms? Who is the moron? Even know if this was a customer or not? 'Liberals' didn't ask Starbucks to open their bathroom to the general public. They asked them to stop arresting a black person waiting for someone while white people do this on the regular.

Yeah they aren't saying abolish the 2nd amendment. Universal background checks is reasonable and supported by responsible gun owners.

Not against borders either. If by worst you mean poor right? Vast majority are trying to either get away from violence/repression or find new opportunities...same as nearly every one's ancestors here. America is the most culturally diverse country in the world which is what has made us the greatest country up till now.

Most of the South is already a shithole. Actually most poor areas in this country are shitholes, regardless of whether it's full white people, black people or brown people. Republicans supported bringing in cheap labor to work at their farms and businesses for years. Trump loves the immigrant labor.

San Francisco is having issues because of the wealth disparity in this country and the ever increasing cost of living in big cities. Capitalism is the cause of San Francisco's problems, not migrants

My guess is that you have seen none of this with your own eyes. Europe has some issues because we have done nothing in Syria and destroyed Iraq, which could have helped with the migrant crisis if they weren't barely functioning themselves.

Wanna talk about cause and effect? America's drug war and policies throughout South America are partly to blame for these illegal immigrants coming into the country. Nearly every region in the world we've tried to interfere with has been destroyed because of our self serving policies. Hell we trained the future Al Queda fighters who would later fund and train terrorists all over the Middle East.

I guess it's easier to blame 'foreigners' than to find the issues behind the issues. Alot of these people wouldn't be coming here if they had opportunities elsewhere. But we only invest in either military assets or countries we can totally control.

It's been proven over and over again that these migrants are not a drain on our society. They spend money, they work for cheap, they open businesses, etc. They are more law abiding than most other groups. Are taken advantage of constantly because they have no protections.

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Wanna talk about cause and effect? America's drug war and policies throughout South America are partly to blame for these illegal immigrants coming into the country. Nearly every region in the world we've tried to interfere with has been destroyed because of our self serving policies. Hell we trained the future Al Queda fighters who would later fund and train terrorists all over the Middle East.

Who is we and our? I didn't vote for this. The "we" and "our" you are talking about can be brought to light if you see what these people are trying to do to a person they don't want in office. Who knows maybe he is trying to bring down their lucrative business models and that is why they must destroy him at all cost.

Training future terrorists sounds like a conspiracy theory. Careful they might call you names to keep you quiet and inline with company policies.
Yeah even if I agree with someone's argument, I'm not a fan of calling any place a shithole. Be it the South or Haiti. Humans live in those places and it isn't all their fault they've been subjected to things beyond their control.

Answer this question. What would happen if you illegally entered one of those countries where the people are leaving to come here?