How will they rule ??!

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It is not surprising that the morally superior folks defend taking children away from their mothers and losing track of them. The same people mind you, that try to paint people who get abortions murderers. The hypocrites would have had no problem defending Hitler back in the day for programs that are looking eerily similar to Trumps. Simply because they view anyone who is different as sub-humans and unworthy of being treated with any type of humanity. Can no longer feign ignorance about what is going on.

Meanwhile, you're upset over kids taking a fight to the NRA. That's the type of stuff that matters to you guys. Not the corruption going on in the government, using foreign governments to help win elections, trampling of constitutional rights, stealing from the poor to give to the wealthy, or even destroying rights of the workers in this country. Nope, die ins in Publix. Kneeling for the national anthem. Confederate statues.

Obama tried to show the world that America was still the country that wanted to do good in the world and was willing to make sacrifices to protect the good in the world against the forces of evil. That we respected our allies and wanted to work together. He was naive to believe this country now remotely resembles the one taught in US History. But even that was thoroughly rejected for someone who represents the ugly side of humanity. A bigot, bully and a coward now sits in the White House. Now the world must protect themselves from the evil they once looked up to. Trump and his worshippers think fear and respect are the same thing. They are not, and will soon find out the costs of their actions. Our forefathers and those who gave their lives for this country must be sickened by what they now see.

The police state and authoritarian government once feared by the right is now their baby. As more and more good people in this government are replaced by criminals and self-serving con artists, every right we hold dear will be slowly taken away from us. As the right cheers when journalists are silenced, protests are shut down, and the courts become filled with loyalists, the symbolism of your flag becomes meaningless.

Trump is the perfect Trojan horse. Touted as a miracle 'cure' for this country, he is really just a virus that spreads his disease throughout the country. He will easily win re-election because this country belongs to the wicked and love of money is the god they worship. Going to church once a month or once a week will not save you when you have so much hate in your heart for your fellowman.

And btw, your disdain for me only makes me stronger and tells me I am on the right path. I no longer affiliate myself with any political party as they are all corrupt and worshipping the god of money and power. But their is still a distinction between the two parties as Republicans have totally sold out while Democrats still believe in the good of people. Trump's virus will eventually spread to them too and the Republicans will fight Democrats for the same things they supported under Trump. Just read through the political thread to see the hypocrisy now on display. My beliefs have changed little, other than my utter disgust at how little many here care for other human beings. Especially those who don't parrot their beliefs.
It is not surprising that the morally superior folks defend taking children away from their mothers and losing track of them. The same people mind you, that try to paint people who get abortions murderers. The hypocrites would have had no problem defending Hitler back in the day for programs that are looking eerily similar to Trumps. Simply because they view anyone who is different as sub-humans and unworthy of being treated with any type of humanity. Can no longer feign ignorance about what is going on.

Meanwhile, you're upset over kids taking a fight to the NRA. That's the type of stuff that matters to you guys. Not the corruption going on in the government, using foreign governments to help win elections, trampling of constitutional rights, stealing from the poor to give to the wealthy, or even destroying rights of the workers in this country. Nope, die ins in Publix. Kneeling for the national anthem. Confederate statues.

Obama tried to show the world that America was still the country that wanted to do good in the world and was willing to make sacrifices to protect the good in the world against the forces of evil. That we respected our allies and wanted to work together. He was naive to believe this country now remotely resembles the one taught in US History. But even that was thoroughly rejected for someone who represents the ugly side of humanity. A bigot, bully and a coward now sits in the White House. Now the world must protect themselves from the evil they once looked up to. Trump and his worshippers think fear and respect are the same thing. They are not, and will soon find out the costs of their actions. Our forefathers and those who gave their lives for this country must be sickened by what they now see.

The police state and authoritarian government once feared by the right is now their baby. As more and more good people in this government are replaced by criminals and self-serving con artists, every right we hold dear will be slowly taken away from us. As the right cheers when journalists are silenced, protests are shut down, and the courts become filled with loyalists, the symbolism of your flag becomes meaningless.

Trump is the perfect Trojan horse. Touted as a miracle 'cure' for this country, he is really just a virus that spreads his disease throughout the country. He will easily win re-election because this country belongs to the wicked and love of money is the god they worship. Going to church once a month or once a week will not save you when you have so much hate in your heart for your fellowman.

And btw, your disdain for me only makes me stronger and tells me I am on the right path. I no longer affiliate myself with any political party as they are all corrupt and worshipping the god of money and power. But their is still a distinction between the two parties as Republicans have totally sold out while Democrats still believe in the good of people. Trump's virus will eventually spread to them too and the Republicans will fight Democrats for the same things they supported under Trump. Just read through the political thread to see the hypocrisy now on display. My beliefs have changed little, other than my utter disgust at how little many here care for other human beings. Especially those who don't parrot their beliefs.

Lol, jesus the laughs.
So immigration is going to destroy a nation of immigrants?
For anyone wondering, this is a bullshit claim only made by leftists to deflect criticism from our failure of an immigration policy of open doors to minority hordes. America was never once referred to as a "melting pot" country before 1908 by a Zionist named Israel Zangwill in the promotion of a more diverse America in a play he created.
America wasn't a nation before Anglo settlers. We made it a nation.
Last edited:
For anyone wondering, this is a bullshit claim only made by leftists to deflect criticism from our failure of an immigration policy of open doors to minority hordes. America was never once referred to as a "melting pot" country before 1908 by a Zionist named Israel Zangwill in the promotion of a more diverse America in a play he created and promoted.
America wasn't a nation before Anglo settlers. We made it a nation.

Oh, there are many bullshit claims in his novel of drivel. But yes, that definitely is a bullshit claim for sure
It is not surprising that the morally superior folks defend taking children away from their mothers and losing track of them. The same people mind you, that try to paint people who get abortions murderers. The hypocrites would have had no problem defending Hitler back in the day for programs that are looking eerily similar to Trumps. Simply because they view anyone who is different as sub-humans and unworthy of being treated with any type of humanity. Can no longer feign ignorance about what is going on.

Meanwhile, you're upset over kids taking a fight to the NRA. That's the type of stuff that matters to you guys. Not the corruption going on in the government, using foreign governments to help win elections, trampling of constitutional rights, stealing from the poor to give to the wealthy, or even destroying rights of the workers in this country. Nope, die ins in Publix. Kneeling for the national anthem. Confederate statues.

Obama tried to show the world that America was still the country that wanted to do good in the world and was willing to make sacrifices to protect the good in the world against the forces of evil. That we respected our allies and wanted to work together. He was naive to believe this country now remotely resembles the one taught in US History. But even that was thoroughly rejected for someone who represents the ugly side of humanity. A bigot, bully and a coward now sits in the White House. Now the world must protect themselves from the evil they once looked up to. Trump and his worshippers think fear and respect are the same thing. They are not, and will soon find out the costs of their actions. Our forefathers and those who gave their lives for this country must be sickened by what they now see.

The police state and authoritarian government once feared by the right is now their baby. As more and more good people in this government are replaced by criminals and self-serving con artists, every right we hold dear will be slowly taken away from us. As the right cheers when journalists are silenced, protests are shut down, and the courts become filled with loyalists, the symbolism of your flag becomes meaningless.

Trump is the perfect Trojan horse. Touted as a miracle 'cure' for this country, he is really just a virus that spreads his disease throughout the country. He will easily win re-election because this country belongs to the wicked and love of money is the god they worship. Going to church once a month or once a week will not save you when you have so much hate in your heart for your fellowman.

And btw, your disdain for me only makes me stronger and tells me I am on the right path. I no longer affiliate myself with any political party as they are all corrupt and worshipping the god of money and power. But their is still a distinction between the two parties as Republicans have totally sold out while Democrats still believe in the good of people. Trump's virus will eventually spread to them too and the Republicans will fight Democrats for the same things they supported under Trump. Just read through the political thread to see the hypocrisy now on display. My beliefs have changed little, other than my utter disgust at how little many here care for other human beings. Especially those who don't parrot their beliefs.
Hear, hear.
It is not surprising that the morally superior folks defend taking children away from their mothers and losing track of them. The same people mind you, that try to paint people who get abortions murderers. The hypocrites would have had no problem defending Hitler back in the day for programs that are looking eerily similar to Trumps. Simply because they view anyone who is different as sub-humans and unworthy of being treated with any type of humanity. Can no longer feign ignorance about what is going on.

Meanwhile, you're upset over kids taking a fight to the NRA. That's the type of stuff that matters to you guys. Not the corruption going on in the government, using foreign governments to help win elections, trampling of constitutional rights, stealing from the poor to give to the wealthy, or even destroying rights of the workers in this country. Nope, die ins in Publix. Kneeling for the national anthem. Confederate statues.

Obama tried to show the world that America was still the country that wanted to do good in the world and was willing to make sacrifices to protect the good in the world against the forces of evil. That we respected our allies and wanted to work together. He was naive to believe this country now remotely resembles the one taught in US History. But even that was thoroughly rejected for someone who represents the ugly side of humanity. A bigot, bully and a coward now sits in the White House. Now the world must protect themselves from the evil they once looked up to. Trump and his worshippers think fear and respect are the same thing. They are not, and will soon find out the costs of their actions. Our forefathers and those who gave their lives for this country must be sickened by what they now see.

The police state and authoritarian government once feared by the right is now their baby. As more and more good people in this government are replaced by criminals and self-serving con artists, every right we hold dear will be slowly taken away from us. As the right cheers when journalists are silenced, protests are shut down, and the courts become filled with loyalists, the symbolism of your flag becomes meaningless.

Trump is the perfect Trojan horse. Touted as a miracle 'cure' for this country, he is really just a virus that spreads his disease throughout the country. He will easily win re-election because this country belongs to the wicked and love of money is the god they worship. Going to church once a month or once a week will not save you when you have so much hate in your heart for your fellowman.

And btw, your disdain for me only makes me stronger and tells me I am on the right path. I no longer affiliate myself with any political party as they are all corrupt and worshipping the god of money and power. But their is still a distinction between the two parties as Republicans have totally sold out while Democrats still believe in the good of people. Trump's virus will eventually spread to them too and the Republicans will fight Democrats for the same things they supported under Trump. Just read through the political thread to see the hypocrisy now on display. My beliefs have changed little, other than my utter disgust at how little many here care for other human beings. Especially those who don't parrot their beliefs.
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It is not surprising that the morally superior folks defend taking children away from their mothers and losing track of them. The same people mind you, that try to paint people who get abortions murderers. The hypocrites would have had no problem defending Hitler back in the day for programs that are looking eerily similar to Trumps. Simply because they view anyone who is different as sub-humans and unworthy of being treated with any type of humanity. Can no longer feign ignorance about what is going on.

Meanwhile, you're upset over kids taking a fight to the NRA. That's the type of stuff that matters to you guys. Not the corruption going on in the government, using foreign governments to help win elections, trampling of constitutional rights, stealing from the poor to give to the wealthy, or even destroying rights of the workers in this country. Nope, die ins in Publix. Kneeling for the national anthem. Confederate statues.

Obama tried to show the world that America was still the country that wanted to do good in the world and was willing to make sacrifices to protect the good in the world against the forces of evil. That we respected our allies and wanted to work together. He was naive to believe this country now remotely resembles the one taught in US History. But even that was thoroughly rejected for someone who represents the ugly side of humanity. A bigot, bully and a coward now sits in the White House. Now the world must protect themselves from the evil they once looked up to. Trump and his worshippers think fear and respect are the same thing. They are not, and will soon find out the costs of their actions. Our forefathers and those who gave their lives for this country must be sickened by what they now see.

The police state and authoritarian government once feared by the right is now their baby. As more and more good people in this government are replaced by criminals and self-serving con artists, every right we hold dear will be slowly taken away from us. As the right cheers when journalists are silenced, protests are shut down, and the courts become filled with loyalists, the symbolism of your flag becomes meaningless.

Trump is the perfect Trojan horse. Touted as a miracle 'cure' for this country, he is really just a virus that spreads his disease throughout the country. He will easily win re-election because this country belongs to the wicked and love of money is the god they worship. Going to church once a month or once a week will not save you when you have so much hate in your heart for your fellowman.

And btw, your disdain for me only makes me stronger and tells me I am on the right path. I no longer affiliate myself with any political party as they are all corrupt and worshipping the god of money and power. But their is still a distinction between the two parties as Republicans have totally sold out while Democrats still believe in the good of people. Trump's virus will eventually spread to them too and the Republicans will fight Democrats for the same things they supported under Trump. Just read through the political thread to see the hypocrisy now on display. My beliefs have changed little, other than my utter disgust at how little many here care for other human beings. Especially those who don't parrot their beliefs.
Keyboard diarrhea much? Have an adult beverage and calm down.
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So let me get this straight. The party of family values is splitting up families very similar to what the third reich did and in the process lost 1500 children (I did fact check this story and it turned out to be true) all in the name of law and order. If that's what Christianity in America has become then I'm proud to call myself a pagan-heathen. How deep down into the abyss of moral failure will the Trump supporters go?

I'd like to throw in some way to get the IDs to every citizen, so we can eliminate that as a potential mechanism for voter suppression.

Thinking minorities are too incompetent to obtain a valid ID is the most racist shit ever. Every time that excuse is trotted out, black folks scoff at the fact that you goons are such racist.
I drove through West Virginia for 4 hours a couple weekends ago. Apparently the leadership hasn’t gotten the memo. Felt like a third world country.

Unemployment down in most all counties

Unemployment rates decreased in 48 of the state’s 55 counties in October, according to county-by-county numbers released by WorkForce West Virginia.

Unemployment went down in all but Lincoln, Roane, Calhoun, Wirt and Pocahontas counties. Marshall and Lewis counties recorded the same rate of joblessness in October as they did in September.

The counties with unemployment at three percent or less included Hampshire (3.0), Doddridge (2.9), Pendleton (2.7) and Jefferson (2.6).

McDowell (7.3) and Mingo (8.0) are the only two counties with unemployment at seven percent or above.

The state’s overall unemployment rate for October was 4.2 percent.
I don't care if they ship the kids to Gitmo and their parents to Leavenworth. You have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette. If making an example out of some people prevents full-scale invasion which will destroy our country, so be it.
I drove through West Virginia for 4 hours a couple weekends ago. Apparently the leadership hasn’t gotten the memo. Felt like a third world country.

I drove through St. Louis a few months ago, my car was broken into and took 3 hours for the cops to come. It was a third world country.
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Obama's team said it had Russian meddling 'under control' until Trump won, says GOP senator

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., said Thursday that senior Obama administration officials assured Congress in September 2016 that Russian meddling would not stop the U.S. from holding a legitimate election, but changed their tune after Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton.

After that happened, Democrats started arguing that Russian meddling was a huge threat to the legitimacy of the 2016 vote.

"I was actually in the briefing in September of 2016, we were briefed by Lisa Monaco, Director Comey, and Secretary Johnson," Johnson told CNN. He was referring to former homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco, former FBI Director James Comey, and former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson.

"They're entire tone, what they were requesting in that meeting is, they had it under control, they were dealing with the states, and they wanted us to go out and communicate that this was going to be a legitimate election because they had it under control," he added. "That was exactly what they were trying to do a couple of months before the election."

"But then, basically from their perspective, the wrong person got elected, and all of the sudden, this is the greatest threat to our democracy that has ever occurred," Johnson said. "There's a fair amount of hypocrisy that has occurred during this timeline."
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Obama's team said it had Russian meddling 'under control' until Trump won, says GOP senator

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., said Thursday that senior Obama administration officials assured Congress in September 2016 that Russian meddling would not stop the U.S. from holding a legitimate election, but changed their tune after Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton.

After that happened, Democrats started arguing that Russian meddling was a huge threat to the legitimacy of the 2016 vote.

"I was actually in the briefing in September of 2016, we were briefed by Lisa Monaco, Director Comey, and Secretary Johnson," Johnson told CNN. He was referring to former homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco, former FBI Director James Comey, and former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson.

"They're entire tone, what they were requesting in that meeting is, they had it under control, they were dealing with the states, and they wanted us to go out and communicate that this was going to be a legitimate election because they had it under control," he added. "That was exactly what they were trying to do a couple of months before the election."

"But then, basically from their perspective, the wrong person got elected, and all of the sudden, this is the greatest threat to our democracy that has ever occurred," Johnson said. "There's a fair amount of hypocrisy that has occurred during this timeline."

It's obvious, and if the GOP wasn't full of pussies like Jeff Flake, they would have been called out on this.
For anyone wondering, this is a bullshit claim only made by leftists to deflect criticism from our failure of an immigration policy of open doors to minority hordes. America was never once referred to as a "melting pot" country before 1908 by a Zionist named Israel Zangwill in the promotion of a more diverse America in a play he created.
America wasn't a nation before Anglo settlers. We made it a nation.

Yep. This country was never a melting pot. Only two groups made up 99 percent of this country forever. That’s biracial, not a melting pot.

And no one wants to say it but if you actually do enough research, factual research, literature, published articles from people mentioning motives and what not, the amount of destruction that this group has put on this country is insane. Last summer, I even pointed out the ridiculous over representation they have In our media especially in ownership. Look at who pushes “diversity” and “immigration” on everyone else but practices very little of it themselves and is the epitome of tribalism. That same group overwhelmingly owns our media and overwhelmingly votes Democrat. Look at which group is never allowed to be criticized. Look at who pushes racial tension especially against whites.

All of this is factual.
It is not surprising that the morally superior folks defend taking children away from their mothers and losing track of them. The same people mind you, that try to paint people who get abortions murderers. The hypocrites would have had no problem defending Hitler back in the day for programs that are looking eerily similar to Trumps. Simply because they view anyone who is different as sub-humans and unworthy of being treated with any type of humanity. Can no longer feign ignorance about what is going on.

Meanwhile, you're upset over kids taking a fight to the NRA. That's the type of stuff that matters to you guys. Not the corruption going on in the government, using foreign governments to help win elections, trampling of constitutional rights, stealing from the poor to give to the wealthy, or even destroying rights of the workers in this country. Nope, die ins in Publix. Kneeling for the national anthem. Confederate statues.

Obama tried to show the world that America was still the country that wanted to do good in the world and was willing to make sacrifices to protect the good in the world against the forces of evil. That we respected our allies and wanted to work together. He was naive to believe this country now remotely resembles the one taught in US History. But even that was thoroughly rejected for someone who represents the ugly side of humanity. A bigot, bully and a coward now sits in the White House. Now the world must protect themselves from the evil they once looked up to. Trump and his worshippers think fear and respect are the same thing. They are not, and will soon find out the costs of their actions. Our forefathers and those who gave their lives for this country must be sickened by what they now see.

The police state and authoritarian government once feared by the right is now their baby. As more and more good people in this government are replaced by criminals and self-serving con artists, every right we hold dear will be slowly taken away from us. As the right cheers when journalists are silenced, protests are shut down, and the courts become filled with loyalists, the symbolism of your flag becomes meaningless.

Trump is the perfect Trojan horse. Touted as a miracle 'cure' for this country, he is really just a virus that spreads his disease throughout the country. He will easily win re-election because this country belongs to the wicked and love of money is the god they worship. Going to church once a month or once a week will not save you when you have so much hate in your heart for your fellowman.

And btw, your disdain for me only makes me stronger and tells me I am on the right path. I no longer affiliate myself with any political party as they are all corrupt and worshipping the god of money and power. But their is still a distinction between the two parties as Republicans have totally sold out while Democrats still believe in the good of people. Trump's virus will eventually spread to them too and the Republicans will fight Democrats for the same things they supported under Trump. Just read through the political thread to see the hypocrisy now on display. My beliefs have changed little, other than my utter disgust at how little many here care for other human beings. Especially those who don't parrot their beliefs.

You speak of hypocrisy, what has the Trump admin done that’s corrupt? The last GD admin surveilled the opposing party during an election, do you not understand the magnitude of that, really? That was status effing quo for them. Protect their power at any cost, that is what tyrants do.
The sacred media gave him a freaking pass and carried his water, that is the exact opposite of why the media is protected.

Who respected Obama in the world? Russia, they simply took a portion of the Ukraine, even though we had a treaty to protect them. Iran, they walked all over us in a negotiation aimed at protecting Obama’s legacy, China, they built unsinkable carriers in international waters, NK, they simply honed their ability to hit the US with Nuclear weapons, ISIS damn bear conquered Iraq and Syria, we see how long they lasted when the military was actual able do their job without calling DC.

You’re a fu*king joke if you believe any of what you wrote. It’s all bullshit, you’re simply ruled by emotion and symbolism, just like the Democratic Party. You stand for nothing, you just want to feel warm and special.
Son, that isn’t how the real world operates.
Yep. This country was never a melting pot. Only two groups made up 99 percent of this country forever. That’s biracial, not a melting pot.

And no one wants to say it but if you actually do enough research, factual research, literature, published articles from people mentioning motives and what not, the amount of destruction that this group has put on this country is insane. Last summer, I even pointed out the ridiculous over representation they have In our media especially in ownership. Look at who pushes “diversity” and “immigration” on everyone else but practices very little of it themselves and is the epitome of tribalism. That same group overwhelmingly owns our media and overwhelmingly votes Democrat. Look at which group is never allowed to be criticized. Look at who pushes racial tension especially against whites.

All of this is factual.
I wish I could like this post more than once
Did wannabe copkilla really say "your hatred only makes me stronger" like hes some superhero fightinf a noble cause and not a triggered douche keyboard warrior in mommies basement?

That may take the award for most hillarious post ever. Ever. Could there possibly be any disagreement?
Did wannabe copkilla really say "your hatred only makes me stronger" like hes some superhero fightinf a noble cause and not a triggered douche keyboard warrior in mommies basement?

That may take the award for most hillarious post ever. Ever. Could there possibly be any disagreement?

Yep, cardkilla is actually Iron Man
So let me get this straight. The party of family values is splitting up families very similar to what the third reich did and in the process lost 1500 children (I did fact check this story and it turned out to be true) all in the name of law and order. If that's what Christianity in America has become then I'm proud to call myself a pagan-heathen. How deep down into the abyss of moral failure will the Trump supporters go?

** Breaking News **

Trump calls for Democrats to end ‘horrible law’ that he says separates children from parents at border.

** Film at Eleven **