How will they rule ??!

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So let me get this straight. The party of family values is splitting up families very similar to what the third reich did and in the process lost 1500 children (I did fact check this story and it turned out to be true) all in the name of law and order. If that's what Christianity in America has become then I'm proud to call myself a pagan-heathen. How deep down into the abyss of moral failure will the Trump supporters go?

The fact companies are appeasing this behavior is pathetic. Call the police on them and get back to store business. 90 plus percent of customers of a grocery or any store don’t care about the company’s politics. Vast...vast majority want to just go in and get their dinner without walking over 30 activists.

I don’t think there’s anyone out there that I loathe more than this David Hogg piece of shit. The guy is a sociopath and throws tantrums. That’s all he does.
So let me get this straight. The party of family values is splitting up families very similar to what the third reich did
Obama’s administration did the same thing. They have to be separated. The parents are being prosecuted for breaking the law. Are the children supposed to be detained and jailed with the parents?

The same exact thing happens in America every single day. People break the law and go to jail. By doing so they're separated from the kids in the process. Your outrage and comparison is mind-numbingly stupid.

Bottom line for illegals and Americans alike. If you don't want to be separated from your children then don't break the law and get your ass thrown in jail. This isn't difficult to comprehend.
So let me get this straight. The party of family values is splitting up families very similar to what the third reich did

This comment so ignorant I still can't get past it. I admit that I'm actually triggered by your stupidity. It's beyond me why you people think illegals should have more rights in America than Americans.

If I break the law the justice system doesn't go easy on me because I have kids. Also if I break the law and involve my kids in my crime then the justice system is actually and rightfully so more harsh on me.

Thinking illegals should be let off the hook and not held responsible for breaking the law because they have kids is preposterous especially when they're involving those kids in their crime and neglecting their well being and endangering them.

America is a nation of laws. There are serious consequences (like being separated from your family and kids) for breaking those laws. There are even more serious consequences for involving kids in your crimes. Follow the law and you won't have to suffer those consequences.
Hypothetical situation.. how would you all feel if you were guaranteed funds to build the wall that were coupled with amnesty?
So funny that levi is such a troll he cant respond to anyone who tries to actually give him a chance to not sound like @cardkilla prison b**ch and share reasoning behind his mind numbing drivel.

Ill ask again @Levibooty .. in your own words, what did obama do up to that point that qualified him for a nobel peace prize?

And @JohnKBA what happened to you taking another week off? Your deep rooted inner liberal racism is still showing. Why dont you follow thru with that plan before you start calling an American heros wife names again.
So let me get this straight. The party of family values is splitting up families very similar to what the third reich did and in the process lost 1500 children (I did fact check this story and it turned out to be true) all in the name of law and order. If that's what Christianity in America has become then I'm proud to call myself a pagan-heathen. How deep down into the abyss of moral failure will the Trump supporters go?

You do realize there’s a law of the land and Christians are supposed to follow it, right? There’s no need to fear punishment if you don’t break the law, or in this case, no need to fear being separated from your children.

There’s a verse on it in the book of Romans. If you’re interested you should look it up.
This comment so ignorant I still can't get past it. I admit that I'm actually triggered by your stupidity. It's beyond me why you people think illegals should have more rights in America than Americans.

If I break the law the justice system doesn't go easy on me because I have kids. Also if I break the law and involve my kids in my crime then the justice system is actually and rightfully so more harsh on me.

Thinking illegals should be let off the hook and not held responsible for breaking the law because they have kids is preposterous especially when they're involving those kids in their crime and neglecting their well being and endangering them.

America is a nation of laws. There are serious consequences (like being separated from your family and kids) for breaking those laws. There are even more serious consequences for involving kids in your crimes. Follow the law and you won't have to suffer those consequences.

You saved me a lot of typing. Thank you.
So let me get this straight. The party of family values is splitting up families very similar to what the third reich did and in the process lost 1500 children (I did fact check this story and it turned out to be true) all in the name of law and order. If that's what Christianity in America has become then I'm proud to call myself a pagan-heathen. How deep down into the abyss of moral failure will the Trump supporters go?
Your posts are a thing of beauty. Masterpieces, frankly.

Back on the right being Nazis again, huh? Worked out well before. Shit man I can’t tell which days we’re nazis or communist Russian hard to keep track of!

[laughing] “fact checked it”....translation: you went to Snopes and they told you what you wanted to hear.

I fact checked it as well. It said they placed calls to check on the kids....maybe they didn’t recognize the number and didn’t answer? Maybe they didn’t want to talk to the feds because they were sheltering other illegals? Maybe their phones were off due to payments overdue (poorer folks have their Metro PCS etc phones cut off *all* the time). Called once and didn’t follow up a second time because they are overwhelmed with illegals to cover? Any number of explanations that are plausible besides Trump splitting them up like Hitler you dump stupid.

You want to know the surefire way to keep those families together? Be a good parent and don’t illegally hop a border with your kids. You give up the rights to a lot of things at that point. You can’t get split up by the US gov if you don’t hop the US border.

On a side note it’s kinda like abstinence education as *one* form of birth control getting vilified. I mean, there’s one surefire way to 100% not get The Aids and get pregnant....but they don’t want to teach people that because it’s somehow a Bible thrower stance? Nah it’s actually science. Hey, plow away for all I care, just stating facts.

Anyways, please drop more fresh takes today I’m totally serious they’re awesome.

The fact companies are appeasing this behavior is pathetic. Call the police on them and get back to store business. 90 plus percent of customers of a grocery or any store don’t care about the company’s politics. Vast...vast majority want to just go in and get their dinner without walking over 30 activists.

WKBlu i worked in the county where Hogg pulled one of his Publix protests. Lol, it's 95% Trump area. Hogg isn't too bright. Guess that's why he keeps getting rejected from colleges
Let's say illegal immigrants currently living here who haven't otherwise broken the law.

Man, you said "illegal" and then go on to say "who otherwise haven't broken the law"

You do know what a law is, right? Can i murder your family and be given amnesty from it? Why not? We get to pick and choose what laws we deem as able to get amnesty?

No. Send their asses back. They broke the law and just like any other law, there is consequences for breaking them.

Try border jumping any other country and see what happens
Man, you said "illegal" and then go on to say "who otherwise haven't broken the law"

You do know what a law is, right? Can i murder your family and be given amnesty from it? Why not? We get to pick and choose what laws we deem as able to get amnesty?

No. Send their asses back. They broke the law and just like any other law, there is consequences for breaking them.

Try border jumping any other country and see what happens
I see, just a hypothetical situation
Let's say illegal immigrants currently living here who haven't otherwise broken the law.

Would you agree to amnesty to stay in the country for illegal immigrants but the only way to gain the right to vote, is to go through the legal immigration process and we add free federal voter IDs as a requirement to vote?

I do not believe the wall would be an issue at that point.
Would you agree to amnesty to stay in the country for illegal immigrants but the only way to gain the right to vote, is to go through the legal immigration process and we add free federal voter IDs as a requirement to vote?

I do not believe the wall would be an issue at that point.
That doesn't sound bad. I'd like to throw in some way to get the IDs to every citizen, so we can eliminate that as a potential mechanism for voter suppression. I think making election day a federal holiday would be another great step.
I would if we built the wall, no public assistance, they didn't get voting rights, and voter ID implemented.

That way if they can't vote Dems will no longer care about the issue
Gotta let them live here tax free as well then. If they were citizens and contributing to our government in taxes, they should be eligible for all the above.
Netflix director of content donates big sum to Obama. Obama makes them ambassador. Then exec gives them sweet production deal.

Makes sense now. Link

Basically a perfect example of how corrupt these bastards are. The whole time they have jobs in office, they’re doing quid pro quo and trying to stuff their pockets, getting insider tips that would send others to jail, etc.

If you’re a Democrat, the propaganda is endless for you because of how they dominate our media industry. It’s a huge PR firm to be an apologist for Democrats, not cover their stories but if forced, spin them and then just use them to 100 percent attack Republicans.

The left tries to deny that there’s a huge media bias and then will yell about Fox News. But have they asked themselves why Fox is No. 1? Because it’s the only option that offers something different due to the other networks all being the same and offering the same thing, Democrat propaganda.
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No doubt they think this will benefit them in some way. Otherwise they wouldn't do it. In addition to the benefits of the left continuing to push net neutrality, will be interesting to see what else happens to break in Netflix favor.
No doubt Netflix was the main target of ISPs violating net neutrality. Comcast etc. don't like competition with their other media services. I've always considered net neutrality to be a conservative principle though, or at least in line with free market principles. Can't have monopolistic ISPs deciding what we get to view.
Gotta let them live here tax free as well then. If they were citizens and contributing to our government in taxes, they should be eligible for all the above.

Nope. They get to live here and aren't imprisoned for committing a crime. That's all. If they can be productive then great for them. If they cant they'll just have to go home.

Once voting is removed, the left no longer want the deal.
Gotta let them live here tax free as well then. If they were citizens and contributing to our government in taxes, they should be eligible for all the above.

No. They get the right to earn in our economy. Tax free? Gimme a f***** break.
You only want them here to vote for your insane big govt policies. That's all. Free money, free handouts, no laws, no free speech, hate laws, no right to your earn money.
No doubt Netflix was the main target of ISPs violating net neutrality. Comcast etc. don't like competition with their other media services. I've always considered net neutrality to be a conservative principle though, or at least in line with free market principles. Can't have monopolistic ISPs deciding what we get to view.

1) I don't blame Netflix at all. They're a company. They have every right to make whatever moves they think benefits them.

The wrong doing here was with the Obamas. They traded money for political favors. Business as usual for them. No doubt rod blagojevich was being truthful about Obama pay to play Chicago mentality.

2) net neutrality is the opposite of everything you said.
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No. They get the right to earn in our economy. Tax free? Gimme a f***** break.
You only want them here to vote for your insane big govt policies. That's all. Free money, free handouts, no laws, no free speech, hate laws, no right to your earn money.
They don't affect my life in any way. I personally want tougher border security and amnesty to include no voting rights until they have completed the legal immigration process, which they will go to the back of the line for behind those who have done everything by the book.
1) I don't blame Netflix at all. They're a company. They have every right to make whatever moves they think benefits them.

The wrong doing here was with the Obamas. They traded money for political favors. Business as usual for them. No doubt rod blagojevich was being truthful about Obama pay to play Chicago mentality.

2) net neutrality is the opposite of everything you said.
What do you think net neutrality is?
If illegally entering the country was a felony I could see this reasoning, but it is a misdemeanor.

And results in expulsion. They get to stay. That's plenty benefit. In fact that's EXACTLY what THEY want. It's why they came.

Problem is it isn't what the left wants. The left just wants to import votes. That's why noone on the left want any deal where the illegals can't vote. Because it's really about what the left wants