How will they rule ??!

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Nowhere there is there any suggestion that Obama knew that any of that happened or had any suggestion that was the intent.

Obama was well aware that in order to qualify for the program all a group had to do was denounce ISIS and claim they were in a faction who fought ISIS. His administration drew up those qualifications. Depending on an honor test to keep weapons out of the hands of terrorists doesn't lend him much plausible deniability.
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Nice attempt at an insult in order to deflect and avoid the actual request.

The Clintons are kind of like Calipari...rumors have long circulated but nobody seems to be able to find any actual dirt. There have been multiple investigations, zero findings of wrong doing.

Don’t even bother engaging warrior in any sort of intellectual battle. Nobody ever accused him of taking smart pills, if you know what I mean.
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Nice attempt at an insult in order to deflect and avoid the actual request.

The Clintons are kind of like Calipari...rumors have long circulated but nobody seems to be able to find any actual dirt. There have been multiple investigations, zero findings of wrong doing.

Close but you went with the wrong shade of blue.

The Clintons are the entire UNC program. Cheating for years, everyone knows it, but they’ve got the NCAA and important people in their pocket so nothing to see here and all is well.
That's true, but every single man who has ever cheated on his wife has denied it and lied about it. You're acting as if Trump committed some horrific atrocity unknown to man.

Not to mention, none of this changes my original point. The liberal media had all but thrown Trump in jail for failure to disclose the payment to Cohen on his financial disclosure. Again, now we know that was fake news and that he did disclose it.
Dude, he disclosed it YESTERDAY. It's not fake news to say that he had not disclosed something that had not been disclosed.

If cheating on his wife was the only thing he lied about then he'd just be on par with Bill Clinton. He lies nearly every time he opens his mouth.

When he said that the USPS lost $1.50 on every package they ship for Amazon... truth or lie?
When he said that this budget gave the military their first raise in 10 years...truth or lie?
When he said; "In Japan, "they take a bowling ball from 20 feet up in the air and they drop it on the hood of the car. And if the hood dents, then the car doesn't qualify...It's horrible, the way we're treated." ... truth or lie?

When he said; "I never said Russia did not meddle in the election." ...truth or lie?

When he said re:The immigration visa lottery "randomly hands out green cards without any regard for skill, merit, or the safety of American people." ...truth or lie?

When he says "For years, they have not been able to get tax cuts -- many, many years, since Reagan." ...truth or lie?

When he said... Ending the estate tax would "protect millions of small businesses and the American farmer." truth or lie? (actual number is about 80)

When he said..White nationalist protesters in Charlottesville "had a permit. The other group didn’t have a permit." ..truth or lie?

I could go on for days...

Hint: all the above are lies.
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Dude, he disclosed it YESTERDAY.

No. He made the amendment and disclosed it on his financial disclosure before Rudy went on TV. After Rudy went on TV was when the media reported that Trump hadn't disclosed it on his financial disclosure and could face legal problems. They were wrong. They reported something that they didn't know to be true. That's fake news.
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Whenever you have proof that Clinton did anything illegal I'll gladly listen. But Clinton isn't the POTUS. And why is it every time Trump's wrong doings come up you and your fellow Trumpers try to deflect to Clinton? Even if Clinton is guilty of EVERYTHING that has ever been suggested, how does that justify or defend Trump?
It doesn't justify or defend Trump. We know he's not of the most upstanding moral character. But you saying anything about it is the pot calling the kettle black when you never complain about all the shady shit the Clintons and the Obamas did. If you were impartial, and actually cared about corruption on both sides, hell I'd be taking up for you. But you don't care about corruption. You just care about your side winning. Trump sucks as a moral human but his policy as president kicks ass. He actually loves America and wants to make it great for American citizens. So yeah, after dealing with someone who hated America for 8 years, we are willing to look past the fact he cheated on his wife and lied about it. Especially when the alternative was Hillary freakin Clinton, the worst candidate in history.
The 2010 census of Los Angeles finds that 47.5% of its residence are Hispanic. Those are the legal residents. If you really want to believe that illegals are having 2/3rds of the births there then you're just trying to kid yourself. There are 12.8 million people living in LA and 1 million illegals but you think the illegal birth rate is 25x that of the legal population... right?

Those are not all legal residents Fuzz. There is no question of citizenship in the census, it’s why illegal immigration is a big fu*king deal.
That same census, that counts illegals in the overall population is how the number of representatives is determined in the House.
It doesn't justify or defend Trump. We know he's not of the most upstanding moral character. But you saying anything about it is the pot calling the kettle black when you never complain about all the shady shit the Clintons and the Obamas did. If you were impartial, and actually cared about corruption on both sides, hell I'd be taking up for you. But you don't care about corruption. You just care about your side winning. Trump sucks as a moral human but his policy as president kicks ass. He actually loves America and wants to make it great for American citizens. So yeah, after dealing with someone who hated America for 8 years, we are willing to look past the fact he cheated on his wife and lied about it. Especially when the alternative was Hillary freakin Clinton, the worst candidate in history.
Give me a break about who loves and hates America.

Wrapping yourself in the flag and saying "we love America more" doesn't make it so. In fact it's clearly a tactic to appeal to those with little ability think for themselves.

It goes along with the strategy the GOP came up with as a way to appeal to working class voters who had long been Democrats. God, Guns and Merica by God! Get blue collar workers to support us so we can orchestrate the largest transfer of wealth ever known with those being taken cheering along the way.

Yes, Hillary was a terrible candidate.
When he said that the USPS lost $1.50 on every package they ship for Amazon... truth or lie?

Someone posted an article on here the other day about USPS admitting to, and complaining about, this very thing. I didn't read it so it might not have been $1.50, but they claimed to be losing money, none the less.

You realize he was referring to him colluding to help them meddle, don't you? Which, as far as everyone knows, there's no evidence of collusion. Zero, zip, zilch, none .

Maybe a tad hyperbolic, but the lottery basically does. It's not based on skill or merit.

This is a well known fact reported by almost everyone. White supremacists or not, they did apply for, and was granted, a permit to hold their rally in the park. Antifa and counter protesters had no such permit.

Hint: all the above are lies.

Hint: No they're not.
Give me a break about who loves and hates America.

Wrapping yourself in the flag and saying "we love America more" doesn't make it so. In fact it's clearly a tactic to appeal to those with little ability think for themselves.

It goes along with the strategy the GOP came up with as a way to appeal to working class voters who had long been Democrats. God, Guns and Merica by God! Get blue collar workers to support us so we can orchestrate the largest transfer of wealth ever known with those being taken cheering along the way.

Yes, Hillary was a terrible candidate.
Conservatives, by definition, want America to stay the way it was designed by the constitution. This is the America we love. The idea that governments job is to protect certain rights and then get out of your way so that you have the opportunity to work hard, make good decisions and create a nice life for yourself. And if you make billions, that's awesome. It's not going to punish you for it. This is how America was designed and you want to change almost everything about that. You love what you WANT America to be. Not what it is. Hope and CHANGE is what your side ran on. I'm glad you admit Hillary was terrible. I didn't vote for Trump.
Dude, he disclosed it YESTERDAY. It's not fake news to say that he had not disclosed something that had not been disclosed.

If cheating on his wife was the only thing he lied about then he'd just be on par with Bill Clinton. He lies nearly every time he opens his mouth.

When he said that the USPS lost $1.50 on every package they ship for Amazon... truth or lie?
When he said that this budget gave the military their first raise in 10 years...truth or lie?
When he said; "In Japan, "they take a bowling ball from 20 feet up in the air and they drop it on the hood of the car. And if the hood dents, then the car doesn't qualify...It's horrible, the way we're treated." ... truth or lie?

When he said; "I never said Russia did not meddle in the election." ...truth or lie?

When he said re:The immigration visa lottery "randomly hands out green cards without any regard for skill, merit, or the safety of American people." ...truth or lie?

When he says "For years, they have not been able to get tax cuts -- many, many years, since Reagan." ...truth or lie?

When he said... Ending the estate tax would "protect millions of small businesses and the American farmer." truth or lie? (actual number is about 80)

When he said..White nationalist protesters in Charlottesville "had a permit. The other group didn’t have a permit." ..truth or lie?

I could go on for days...

Hint: all the above are lies.

Jesus Christ Fuzz, how much do you analyze every god damn detail that Trump says?
Trump never called them white nationalists, so you’re lying or whomever told you that was. The protesters there in support of the confederate statue most definitely had a permit, as the court ordered Charlottesville to allow them to protest. The antifa counterprotesters did not.

I would imagine Trump meant tax reform when comparing it to Reagan.

Never heard the Japanese one.

Don’t have any idea about immigration lottery, but the fact we allow a GD lottery and then they can bring their families is bullshit. Even if he was lying about it, it’s no bigger lie than “ diversity is our strength”.

What about Trumps policies do you not like? If you only you were this upset about the last admin weaponixing the Govt to try and rig an election. Spying on the opposing party nominee and incoming President. Just imagine If Bush had done that to Obama, or hell, any other outgoing admin in the history of our country on the outgoing admin. Then make up a BS lie of Russian collusion, leak a fake dossier with BS to the media that they made newsworthy by briefing it to Trump.

That’s why we don’t give 2 shits about exaggerations and bullshit that doesn’t matter in Trump fulfilling his duties as President. Because you guys almost fu*ked it all up, but Trump is straightening it out. We’ve got 6 more years of the best President since Reagan to go.
@fuzz77, not to mention, the things you did list about military raise in ten years or tax cuts since Reagan that can be labeled as 'lies' are braggadocios, shit talking, ego stroking comments from a New York loudmouth that don't hurt anyone.

Two lies for you -- Benghazi and Fast n Furious. Both were directly connected to and/outright responsible for Americans being needlessly murdered, and you couldn't less that Obama lied about them. So spare me the feigned outrage.

Tbh, I don’t give a shit anymore. Neither does anyone else. Hell, this *entire* thing is based on opposition research dirt from the Russians that, inexplicably, turned into FBI, CIA, NSA, and FISA policy.

Man, f*ck Democrats. F*ck them. The whole lot of them. And pretty much f*ck Republicans too, but that’s a different story and they can stay for the moment.

But the important point here is f*ck Democrats. Regional party of total dickweeds. Enjoy.

Hell, this *entire* thing is based on opposition research dirt from the Russians that, inexplicably, turned into FBI, CIA, NSA, and FISA policy.

[laughing] It's bizarro world, isn't it? Everyone just ignores that Steele's research was literally fed to him by the Kremlin, in which he (Steele) paid them millions for said information.

Didn't you know, you can't believe anything the Kremlin says, unless it's damaging dirt on Trump, then you must believe it %100; otherwise, you're a bot.
Don’t have any idea about immigration lottery, but the fact we allow a GD lottery and then they can bring their families is bullshit. Even if he was lying about it, it’s no bigger lie than “ diversity is our strength”

A couple questions...

Are you one of those dudes who types stuff like "we need people who respect how this country was built?"

Does your blood boil when you see/hear the words "white male privilege?"

Do you find Iranian women attractive?

Do you find Iranian men attractive?

Hope you had a great day, bro. GO CATS!!!
A couple questions...

Are you one of those dudes who types stuff like "we need people who respect how this country was built?"

Does your blood boil when you see/hear the words "white male privilege?"

Do you find Iranian women attractive?

Do you find Iranian men attractive?

Hope you had a great day, bro. GO CATS!!!
Does your man bun come undone while you're sleeping......bro?
Hell hath frozen over....................

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Nice attempt at an insult in order to deflect and avoid the actual request.

The Clintons are kind of like Calipari...rumors have long circulated but nobody seems to be able to find any actual dirt. There have been multiple investigations, zero findings of wrong doing.
Not just an attempt but I actually hit the mark. Clintons have lied at every turn and you lying about them just proves how worthless you are as a human being.

LOL on multiple investigations. You are an insufferable idiot if you really believe that crap. Even if you don't you are still insufferable.
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Don’t even bother engaging warrior in any sort of intellectual battle. Nobody ever accused him of taking smart pills, if you know what I mean.
Never had to, not surprise you do though. Canadian education must be real bad for you to have to. It is not surprising you came here. Once again loser, you are welcome.
You make a lot of money John? This is the first anyone of us is hearing about it.
Kind of makes you wonder if it's true. Liberals have a way of repeating themselves to reinforce the their lies. His wife is probably the bread winner and he is just a leech.
I’ll post another W2 if anyone wants to put their money where their dumbass mouth is.
Yeah, it did not take much to piss you off again. And you said internet post did not bother you. More lies but hey, as I said, your true liberal colors come shining through when triggered.
A couple questions...

Are you one of those dudes who types stuff like "we need people who respect how this country was built?"

Does your blood boil when you see/hear the words "white male privilege?"

Do you find Iranian women attractive?

Do you find Iranian men attractive?

Hope you had a great day, bro. GO CATS!!!

Awesome post! As usual, you ask the important questions.