How will they rule ??!

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Giuliani is such a clown. .......

That's all they do is manufacture outrage among their idiotic base. Democrat Congressman...

Their candidate called us deplorable. Also, their base and party routinely labels everyone that disagrees with them as “racist Nazis.” Eff them.

And why would I care one iota about him calling Mexican gang members “Animals?” Mexico does not help the citizens here. It’s killing us.
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Yep, trump definitely debased her and caused her irreperable damages.. what a huer

Somewhere, cardkilla will be whacking off to this.

It’s pretty amazing to think of how people are simply getting famous just based on if they hate the president or can badmouth the president. That’s how unhinged Democrats are.

A failed figure skater gets idolized cause he bashed Pence and the admin. Got on DWTS.

Teenage students get to make the rounds on TV and a time cover.

A woman who has sex on video for money has got constant coverage.
This was obvious to anyone who has even the slightest knowledge of the Constitution. By finally admitting it, maybe Mueller is trying to let the resistance down easy. Hopefully no more posts about Trump being dragged in front of a federal judge.
That Mueller says Trump can't be indicted doesn't mean that he can't report that there's enough evidence of something or another that he should be indicted if not President.
I absolutely find it hysterical whenever i hear some idiot on the radio getting owned pr read some dumbass article... then i come here and platinumdouche has tried to put it in hisnown idiotic words. Lol
I find it hard to believe Mueller conceded that to Rudy. I believe they'll keep this thing going long as possible.

They won't find anything obviously. But they'll keep going as long as it's getting any political traction.
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They won't find anything obviously. But they'll keep going as long as it's getting any political traction.
The only traction will be with liberals, who were never going to vote for Trump or Repubs anyway.

The middle, OTOH, sees this for what it is and will vote accordingly.
and there is nowhere in the constitution that says a president can't be indicted

Section 3 of Article I basically suggests that impeachment must precede any criminal prosecution. Meaning, you cannot indict a sitting president. You must impeach him first.

DOJ was going to bring charges In the name of "healing".

After your Nixon example, in 2000, the DOJ wrote a memorandum that reaffirms Section 3 Article I that a sitting president cannot be indicted. The memo states as follows -- "the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting president would be unconstitutional." It has since become a rule that the DOJ abides by.
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Traveling in SC right now. My Lord, commercial after commercial are GOP candidates (Governor, House Reps, etc) and they are all on Trump's nut sack. Funny how a few years ago 95% of them would not have anything to do with him. Now, they all want to be that politician in a state Trump won handily who were all in with Trump from the beginning. The only one I know of that was is the current Governor McMaster. Haley clearly did not like Trump, but McMaster never wavered.

I am sure this is a common theme with Republican candidates in several other states as well.
And just so we're clear, the DOJ's special counsel rules specify that a special counsel "shall comply with the policies of the Justice Department". Since Mueller works for the DOJ, that means that Mueller is bound by the 2000 DOJ memo.
And just so we're clear, the DOJ's special counsel rules specify that a special counsel "shall comply with the policies of the Justice Department". Since Mueller works for the DOJ, that means that Mueller is bound by the 2000 DOJ memo.

You are forgetting that Jeff Sessions appointed Rosenstein as AG who appointed Mueller as the DOJ. So he can do whatever he wants.
Racial Hoaxes Have A Damaging Effect On America

The president of an NAACP chapter in South Carolina, the Reverend Jerrod Moultrie, was caught red-handed in a falsehood designed to smear law enforcement as “racist.” And sadly, disingenuous efforts like Moultrie’s are far more common than one might be led to believe.

The “Reverend” has been exposed as a fraudulent racial huckster and charlatan.

But what this pastor failed to comprehend as he perpetrated his hoax was this – He injured the very cause he pretends to care deeply about. He is the epitome of the boy who cried “Wolf!”

And in 2018, there’s no worse a smear than to be labeled a “racist.” Jerrod Moultrie had no problem with attempting to falsely accuse and malign a public servant in order to serve his narrative.

He is beneath contempt.

Yet sadly, his outrageous charges and maliciously concocted tale of being targeted for his skin color are seemingly part of a dishonest playbook that aligns with other recent nefarious stories of manufactured injustices that are having a deleterious effect on race relations in America.

Racist hoaxes also seem to be proliferating on college campuses across the country. So many seem to be debunked on a regular basis, that when we first hear of one, it almost seems a default mechanism to suspect there might be skullduggery afoot.

Of course the initial sensationalism and breathless front page media coverage far outweighs the minimalist “Oops!” addendum once the hoax is discovered, the retraction buried well below the next cycle’s top stories.

I’m convinced that in the lower chambers of Hell, next to the real racists and bigots, will be assembled those who recklessly smear and charge others – knowing their accusations are false.

But stories like this help feed the false narrative — Donald Trump and his minions are in an all-out assault on people of color. If you are viewed as an “other,” well, you should fear for your lives. Fear-mongering is back with a vengeance in the age of the #Resistance.

And as we rightly call out these charlatans, hucksters, liars, and grievance industry purveyors, we must understand their ideology. It is an ethos rooted in consequentialism – one where the ends always justify the means.

And when the perpetrator of a hoax is caught, there is always the old, “But, I wanted to start a broader conversation on race” justification.

Laughably, the feeble response to the understandable outrage was that this reprehensible effort was designed to encourage “dialogue.”

Allow me to fathom a prediction here. The age of racial hoaxes will soon come to an end.

The very next time someone as duplicitous as the “Reverend” Jerrod Moultrie gets stone-cold busted with some fanciful tale of racist, redneck cops, who are hell-bent on “racial profiling” and target a black man for driving a Mercedes Benz in their own “nice neighborhood,” don’t just dismiss it out of hand.

Take a deep breath and sort out the facts. Body cameras are a cop’s friend these days. They will exonerate far more than they indict. It will make the Moultries of the world far more circumspect before posting click-bait Facebook story about a fabricated encounter with “racist cops.”

We’re in the “viral video age” now. But cameras work both ways.

Racial hoaxsters beware.

We see you. And you will be exposed just like “Reverend” Moultrie.

Truth matters.
The place is as goofy as it ever was. Whitewater, Iran-Contra, and Watergate all lasted 4 years. Only Watergate had more indictments and convictions its first year than Mueller's investigation. 14 individual indictments, 3 corporations indicted, 5 convictions with some already in prison is not a small issue to be ignored because it is uncomfortable to a personable political position. People say they want to clean up Washington DC but mostly what they mean is they will only tolerate and support their particular brand of corruption. Convenient patriotism supported by malleable ethics.
The place is as goofy as it ever was. Whitewater, Iran-Contra, and Watergate all lasted 4 years. Only Watergate had more indictments and convictions its first year than Mueller's investigation. 14 individual indictments, 3 corporations indicted, 5 convictions with some already in prison is not a small issue to be ignored because it is uncomfortable to a personable political position. People say they want to clean up Washington DC but mostly what they mean is they will only tolerate and support their particular brand of corruption. Convenient patriotism supported by malleable ethics.

We are all ok with anyone who committed any crimes being thrown in prison so long as it's done within the bounds of the Constitution, and so long as the laws are enforced equally regardless of political party.

It isn't criminals being prosecuted that we take issue with. Really don't know how you guys find that so hard to understand. Pretty simple concept.
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The place is as goofy as it ever was. Whitewater, Iran-Contra, and Watergate all lasted 4 years. Only Watergate had more indictments and convictions its first year than Mueller's investigation. 14 individual indictments, 3 corporations indicted, 5 convictions with some already in prison is not a small issue to be ignored because it is uncomfortable to a personable political position. People say they want to clean up Washington DC but mostly what they mean is they will only tolerate and support their particular brand of corruption. Convenient patriotism supported by malleable ethics.

Also, take any and all allegations of hypocrisy, turn them sideways, and stick them straight up your ass next to your head.

If the FBI and DOJ gets away with this, I hope Trump employs spies and wiretaps every single D candidate for any election going forward.
We are all ok with anyone who committed any crimes being thrown in prison so long as it's done within the bounds of the Constitution, and so long as the laws are enforced equally regardless of political party.

It isn't criminals being prosecuted that we take issue with. Really don't know how you guys find that so hard to understand. Pretty simple concept.
Not only that but, make sure you do it to all who are committing crimes. The last administration had many illegal incidents that went unpunished.

If you are going to clean house, do it all.
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14 individual indictments, 3 corporations indicted, 5 convictions with some already in prison is not a small issue to be ignored because it is uncomfortable to a personable political position.

They're being ignored because none of them have anything to do with Trump, or a member of the Trump campaign, colluding with the Russians to steal the election. Decades old bank fraud and money laundering that the DOJ, including Rosenstein who worked on the case back then, already investigated and shelved without bringing indictments. These things have nothing to do with Trump, the Trump campaign or Russia collusion.

That's the sole purpose of the investigation -- Russia collusion, is it not? Yet, a year later, on top of a year and a half FBI investigation, it has produced zero evidence of collusion. So, basically, it's an investigation in search of a crime. There's supposed to be evidence of crime before the investigation. That's the way it works, regardless of what you've been told.

As for the 13 Russian trolls? They're laughing and will never see the inside of a courtroom. Big deal. They trolled Facebook. Who doesn't? And the three Russian corporations? One didn't even exist at the time. Mueller made up the indictment. Also, the other two were never expected to see the inside of a courtroom, but one surprised Mueller by retaining counsel and calling his bluff. Mueller was caught off guard without the evidence to prosecute and tried to ask for a delay in the case. The judge denied. The charges could possibly end up being dropped.

I'd be happy if every single person in Washington who ever committed a crime was punished to the full extent allowable under the law.

But what we get is numerous people in the Obama administration committing crimes and covering up Clintons, while at the same time illegally spying on the Trump campaign and trying to entrap him and his associates.
They're being ignored because none of them have anything to do with Trump, or a member of the Trump campaign, colluding with the Russians to steal the election. Decades old bank fraud and money laundering that the DOJ, including Rosenstein who worked on the case back then, already investigated and shelved without bringing indictments. These things have nothing to do with Trump, the Trump campaign or Russia collusion.

That's the sole purpose of the investigation -- Russia collusion, is it not? Yet, a year later, on top of a year and a half FBI investigation, it has produced zero evidence of collusion. So, basically, it's an investigation in search of a crime. There's supposed to be evidence of crime before the investigation. That's the way it works, regardless of what you've been told.

As for the 13 Russian trolls? They're laughing and will never see the inside of a courtroom. Big deal. They trolled Facebook. Who doesn't? And the three Russian corporations? One didn't even exist at the time. Mueller made up the indictment. Also, the other two were never expected to see the inside of a courtroom, but one surprised Mueller by retaining counsel and calling his bluff. Mueller was caught off guard without the evidence to prosecute and tried to ask for a delay in the case. The judge denied. The charges could possibly end up being dropped.
Maybe they should indict Zuckerman for inventing Facebook and not securing it enough to prevent this problem or, maybe he allowed it.
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Section 3 of Article I basically suggests that impeachment must precede any criminal prosecution. Meaning, you cannot indict a sitting president. You must impeach him first.

After your Nixon example, in 2000, the DOJ wrote a memorandum that reaffirms Section 3 Article I that a sitting president cannot be indicted. The memo states as follows -- "the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting president would be unconstitutional." It has since become a rule that the DOJ abides by.

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

t suggests no such thing, it only states that Impeachment cannot be used for a double jeopardy claim and that the president cannot be legally punished by congress beyond being removed from office. The DOJ has never gone after a sitting or past president because its bad for the country. If they did half or more of them would have ended up in prison. If the constitution wanted Presidents to be immune from the courts it would explicitly state that which it clearly does not. It has never been tested by SCOTUS but legislative branches are not in the business of ceding power to other branches. Nixon found that out the hard way when he lost his subpoena case by unanimous decision. Based on how Rodenstein has acted so far in this investigation do you really think he wouldn't let Mueller bring an indictment if he brought forth very compelling evidence. The DOJ precedent is only a memo, not any actually case work, and that precedent can be changed at any time by the AG or luckily for Mueller, the acting AG. Now i don't think Mueller will ever try to indict Trump, he will smartly let congress do the dirty work for him. If they find a lot of dirty shit in Trumps businesses i could see SDNY wanting to go after Trump but Pence would pardon him.
Maybe they should indict Zuckerman for inventing Facebook and not secure it enough to cause this problem or, maybe he allowed it.
I couldn't give a shit less if they're all locked up. If they broke the law, then lock them up. My problem is those such as @Levibooty somehow conflating totally unrelated crimes/indictments, that have absolutely nothing to do with Trump, Trump's campaign and/or election collusion, and trying to use them to lend credibility to Mueller's investigation and Trump's guilt.
More Cohen payoff leaks coming down the pipeline. He was paid an additional $4 million in bribes on top of what was already leaked, that was only 1 of 3 referrals to the treasury for illegal activity. Also 2 more Trump whores paid off by Cohen supposed to be revealed.