How will they rule ??!

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Awesome post! As usual, you ask the important questions.

Bro, I'm gonna assume you answered "yes" to 75% of those questions. Maybe 50% if you're as xenophobic as some of the bums on this thread.

Why are white men in America so angry?

On an unrelated note...spicy food has been tougher to deal with as I get older. I used to be able to devour hot chicken and pound beer with no issues. Now I temper my spice level on Thai food and still (more often than not) endure the agony of hot snakes the next morning.

So I was wondering...can I somehow blame Obama for this?

Barack Obama, that is. The pounding I take from Michelle is intense enough, but this feels like actual fire exploding out of my butthole. Please advise.
I’ll post another W2 if anyone wants to put their money where their dumbass mouth is. have posted a W2 before? Hahaha

Personally I think internet rich guy looks like just as big of douche as internet tough guy. Nobody cares whether you are lying/exaggerating or telling the truth but needing to always bring up how much you make to compensate due to having a set of Canuck micro-balls.

I just made a light-hearted comment today, because several times you have complained about a few posters on here and their posting habits including me...which I always found humorous cause 1/3 of your posts are nothing more than some comment about your money.

Lighten up chief. Your over the top response to warrior was telling though...are all Canadians so thin-skinned?
@fuzz77, not to mention, the things you did list about military raise in ten years or tax cuts since Reagan that can be labeled as 'lies' are braggadocios, shit talking, ego stroking comments from a New York loudmouth that don't hurt anyone.

Two lies for you -- Benghazi and Fast n Furious. Both were directly connected to and/outright responsible for Americans being needlessly murdered, and you couldn't less that Obama lied about them. So spare me the feigned outrage.
"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor"
Lol. I thought of the house liberals here

Bro, I'm gonna assume you answered "yes" to 75% of those questions. Maybe 50% if you're as xenophobic as some of the bums on this thread.

Why are white men in America so angry?

On an unrelated note...spicy food has been tougher to deal with as I get older. I used to be able to devour hot chicken and pound beer with no issues. Now I temper my spice level on Thai food and still (more often than not) endure the agony of hot snakes the next morning.

So I was wondering...can I somehow blame Obama for this?

Barack Obama, that is. The pounding I take from Michelle is intense enough, but this feels like actual fire exploding out of my butthole. Please advise.
Why is everyone on the left mad at white men? The feelings are being reciprocated because of the anger and blame for us just being white.
The 2010 census of Los Angeles finds that 47.5% of its residence are Hispanic. Those are the legal residents. If you really want to believe that illegals are having 2/3rds of the births there then you're just trying to kid yourself. There are 12.8 million people living in LA and 1 million illegals but you think the illegal birth rate is 25x that of the legal population... right?

2/3rds? I have no idea - I was just correcting you when you said population and not births....but, overall the Hispanic growth in the US is larger and faster than any - and most is due to births. They are having children younger than other ethnic groups and the median age for Hispanic women is younger than other groups, making them more likely to make up a larger % of births.

So while I’m not saying 2/3rds like the previous posters graph, I’d bet (Not with you though LOL) that it is a lot closer to 66% than you would think.
Bro, I'm gonna assume you answered "yes" to 75% of those questions. Maybe 50% if you're as xenophobic as some of the bums on this thread.

Why are white men in America so angry?

On an unrelated note...spicy food has been tougher to deal with as I get older. I used to be able to devour hot chicken and pound beer with no issues. Now I temper my spice level on Thai food and still (more often than not) endure the agony of hot snakes the next morning.

So I was wondering...can I somehow blame Obama for this?

Barack Obama, that is. The pounding I take from Michelle is intense enough, but this feels like actual fire exploding out of my butthole. Please advise.

What makes you think I’m angry or white?

I was simply stating facts about the last admin and their actions in the way out.

Diversity just for the sake of diversity isn’t a strength, but that wasn’t why the phrase was used. It was being used to guilt people into accepting illegal immigration and mass numbers of refugees in order to secure the Democratic Party maintaining power.
Remember when Trump was mocked, laughed at and accused of lying for this tweet? As if we haven't known for a over year already, but today's NYT story proves the spying was much wider and going on much sooner than most thought.

And make no mistake, today the NYT was fed only the DOJ/FBI side of things. That story was a whitewashing full of falsehoods, trying to minimize the damage from the upcoming IG report.

Yep, trump definitely debased her and caused her irreperable damages.. what a huer

Somewhere, cardkilla will be whacking off to this.

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by putting the stormy payoff on this years disclosure Trump has admitted to lying on last year's. obviously nothing will happen to him over this, the president is shielded from anyone but his cabinet & congress punishing him. but it is the first time a president has ever been referred to the DOJ by the OGE.

"I am providing both reports to you because you may find the disclosure relevant to any inquiry you may be pursuing," David Apol, acting director of the Office of Government Ethics, wrote to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Giuliani is such a clown. goes on national tv and says Mueller personally told him he couldn't indict Trump. then in a later interview he was asked who he actually talked to. surprise, he didn't actually talk to anybody. he is just throwing shit at a wall and hoping fox news runs with it to stir up trouble. and there is nowhere in the constitution that says a president can't be indicted, it has just never been attempted. Nixon was named as a co-conspirator in multiple indictments and was going to be the first test case once he was impeached. but Ford pardoned him when it was clear the DOJ was going to bring charges In the name of "healing".