How will they rule ??!

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Shewww....btw, Obama ran on a platform opposed to gay marriage.
Supported Obama against Romney. He did, and came around about the same time I did (and everyone else according to polling). Republicans continued to persist in their bigotry while the Democratic platform was changed to fight for equality.
Was a fan of McCain. He was a maverick back in the day and I supported him over Obama. Dad fought in Vietnam and passed from agent orange exposure. I always respected McCain for his advocacy for veterans and his service, time as a POW, etc.

I was much more conservative when I was younger growing up in east ky. One of the key factors that showed me what the Republican party stood for was its insistence that gay marriage remain illegal. I made friends with LGBT folks during my time at UK and began to think of how my views were affecting others. If I can marry my best friend as a straight man, no reason they shouldn't be able to either. Combine that with the rise of the ultra right wing in the party and I couldn't support it anymore. Still registered Republican, but I make no attempt to hide I've grown more liberal.

I know most of you dont care, but that is my story.
of course you were a fan of mccain lmfao
Supported Obama against Romney. He did, and came around about the same time I did (and everyone else according to polling). Republicans continued to persist in their bigotry while the Democratic platform was changed to fight for equality.
But now dems have pushed over the cliff where their only platform is identity politics and everyone is a victim.
Supported Obama against Romney. He did, and came around about the same time I did (and everyone else according to polling). Republicans continued to persist in their bigotry while the Democratic platform was changed to fight for equality.
Makes zero sense with Trump now the POTUS. BTW, Obama only flipped in 2012 when his bundlers in CA were threatening to revolt. At that point only african americans had a majority of opposition and he did not want to push that.

And that bigotry word, essentially you are saying in 2012 Obama was not a bigot but once the SCOTUS allowed then everyone that opposed was a bigot. Such demarcation and hyperbole.

Better answer is you are a punk liar spoonfed opinions that fit your beta male persona.
Makes zero sense with Trump now the POTUS. BTW, Obama only flipped in 2012 when his bundlers in CA were threatening to revolt. At that point only african americans had a majority of opposition and he did not want to push that.

And that bigotry word, essentially you are saying in 2012 Obama was not a bigot but once the SCOTUS allowed then everyone that opposed was a bigot. Such demarcation and hyperbole.

Better answer is you are a punk liar spoonfed opinions that fit your beta male persona.

Of course he is, he's a POS liberal douchebag.
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Supported Obama against Romney. He did, and came around about the same time I did (and everyone else according to polling). Republicans continued to persist in their bigotry while the Democratic platform was changed to fight for equality.

It seems like your only concern in politics is gay marriage. If that’s all you care about then by all means... but Dems fighting for equality?

You tell me how it’s equality that I am born here, get a job, earn a wage, pay taxes and Dems want to take away more of what I earn to provide for my family while they also fight for people not born here to come here illegally, nor work officially, get free housing, college, food, health care, etc.
Old moon bat Pelosi already said they’ll raise taxes if they get back in power... how does one support the side of government that says we’re going to take more of your money for us to use on what we see fit.

How is it equality that affirmative action still exists? Isn’t it more equal for everyone to have a fair shot? Or the talk of hiring more women to power positions? (Btw, Obama had 8 years to do so, and Trump has appointed a multitude of women in not even 2 years).

Doesn’t seem like they’re fighting for equality. More like they’re fighting to divide a country, swoop in and take control.
Makes zero sense with Trump now the POTUS. BTW, Obama only flipped in 2012 when his bundlers in CA were threatening to revolt. At that point only african americans had a majority of opposition and he did not want to push that.

And that bigotry word, essentially you are saying in 2012 Obama was not a bigot but once the SCOTUS allowed then everyone that opposed was a bigot. Such demarcation and hyperbole.

Better answer is you are a punk liar spoonfed opinions that fit your beta male persona.

I am so sick of that word. It’s thrown around by liberals anytime someone remotely disagrees with something.
Supported Obama against Romney. He did, and came around about the same time I did (and everyone else according to polling). Republicans continued to persist in their bigotry while the Democratic platform was changed to fight for equality.

Beshear didn't change his mind. Still curious about your explanation on that, since you've yet to respond.

Members of each party had their oppositions to gay marriage. It isn't logical to leave one for the other based on that point alone.

So it's more than that
Supported Obama against Romney. He did, and came around about the same time I did (and everyone else according to polling). Republicans continued to persist in their bigotry while the Democratic platform was changed to fight for equality.
As i said before and you continue to prove me right, you are brainwashed and a group thinker. Nothing you have ever posted thus far has been in contrast to the party line. Continue to goose step, you do it so well.
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Beshear didn't change his mind. Still curious about your explanation on that, since you've yet to respond.

Members of each party had their oppositions to gay marriage. It isn't logical to leave one for the other based on that point alone.

So it's more than that

Here is a gif to sum up him trying to sneak around as a Republican on this board without getting caught:

Was a fan of McCain. He was a maverick back in the day and I supported him over Obama. Dad fought in Vietnam and passed from agent orange exposure. I always respected McCain for his advocacy for veterans and his service, time as a POW, etc.

I was much more conservative when I was younger growing up in east ky. One of the key factors that showed me what the Republican party stood for was its insistence that gay marriage remain illegal. I made friends with LGBT folks during my time at UK and began to think of how my views were affecting others. If I can marry my best friend as a straight man, no reason they shouldn't be able to either. Combine that with the rise of the ultra right wing in the party and I couldn't support it anymore. Still registered Republican, but I make no attempt to hide I've grown more liberal.

I know most of you dont care, but that is my story.
Eeeennnhhh! Not true buzzer just sounded.

Might want to watch this EastKy

The common rebuttal is that once the southern Dems figured that they couldn't get it done in the national Dem party, they made switch to the Rep party.

You don't have to look to the past. Just look at them today and judge them by their own standards.

Whites represent 25-33% of the Dem party.

How come whites are the overwhelming face of the Dem party?

It seems so racists and privileged. They should play better with others and share their power equally.

Then again, some Dems are created more equal than others.

Maybe these whites just like agitation and a means to acquire power.
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Liberal actor/comedian claims the following happened,who knows if it is actually true...also who knows if the staff saw what he claimed he saw...imagine seeing someone eat an apple at a store and turn it into a multiple message dramatic telling on social media...

“Brazenly eating cookies” haha GTFO. We whites get away with everything. Im going to to my local grocery store right now and sit down in aisle twelve and make and eat a free sammich...they won’t do sh-t cause I’m a whitey. #ThisIsAmerica
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Might want to watch this EastKy

The lady in that video was a professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University. Due to her conservative views, the leftists at the university attacked her claiming "bigotry, intolerance, and unprofessionalism".

She finally had enough and took early retirement from the university stating "I will not miss what American universities have allowed themselves to become".

Here's a link to the facist's petition and demands.

This is disgusting. F*** all of you "progressive" assholes and naive beta cucks who support and help perpetuate this shit.
Liberal actor/comedian claims the following happened,who knows if it is actually true...also who knows if the staff saw what he claimed he saw...imagine seeing someone eat an apple at a store and turn it into a multiple message dramatic telling on social media...

“Brazenly eating cookies” haha GTFO. We whites get away with everything. Im going to to my local grocery store right now and sit down in aisle twelve and make and eat a free sammich...they won’t do sh-t cause I’m a whitey. #ThisIsAmerica

I used to work at ACE Hardware when I was in college. We once had a white woman come in, steal tools and days later try to return them without a receipt (keeping up with inventory can pay off). Well, the owner gave her the money back anyway and let her go just because she was white...

lol just kidding, he told her to leave the tools, get the hell out, and never show her face there again or he’d call the police.

While working there I was told to follow multiple people, most of them white. People like this guy are stuck in a mindset like it’s 1975. We’ve lived through watching O.J. Simpson get away with murder and still somehow these nuts think every black person is profiled and guilty just for being black.

Anyway, WKBlu, while you’re making that sandwich can you make me one? I’m a whitey too, they won’t mind.
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I am so sick of that word. It’s thrown around by liberals anytime someone remotely disagrees with something.
Bigot, racist, fascist, homophobe, xenophobe, etc...are the go to words when liberals have no argument to your point. Ever notice how angry they get in interviews on camera when you get them with a gotcha question? They go nuts with cursing and name calling.
Bigot, racist, fascist, homophobe, xenophobe, etc...are the go to words when liberals have no argument to your point. Ever notice how angry they get in interviews on camera when you get them with a gotcha question? They go nuts with cursing and name calling.

They’ve made those words irrelevant overtime. They used to have meaning and apply to a small segment of people who were, well, actually what the words are defined as.

Now everyone and their dog is labeled one of these words for various reasons. Example, I’m a Christian. I think God views homosexuality as a sin. Does that mean they’re automatically bad people? No. Does that mean I run in the opposite direction when I see a gay person? No. Would I not want a homosexual attending church simply for being gay? No. Do I treat a gay person different just for being gay? No. Yet, many would label me a homophobic Christian zealot.

They should save those terms for when they actually apply.
Liberal actor/comedian claims the following happened,who knows if it is actually true...also who knows if the staff saw what he claimed he saw...imagine seeing someone eat an apple at a store and turn it into a multiple message dramatic telling on social media...

“Brazenly eating cookies” haha GTFO. We whites get away with everything. Im going to to my local grocery store right now and sit down in aisle twelve and make and eat a free sammich...they won’t do sh-t cause I’m a whitey. #ThisIsAmerica

I’m curious why it’s whites that are always the target of racist liberals? Why don’t they ever go after Asians/Indians etc? What’s the stats of them being killed by these “racist” cops? Because whites are killed way more often than them.

And black neighborhoods are a hotbed for crime. This is a simple fact. Cops wouldn’t waste their time in places where crime doesn’t occur. Why we have to pretend that this isn’t the case is so idiotic.
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35,000 muslim mongrel protestors are threatening Israel. Israel said it would do anything to protect its boarders I hope they kill every single one of them
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