How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Our beloved First Lady Melania...may she please Lord get well soon.

We have had First Ladies that look like grandmas, we have had a First Lady that was a serial-make it look like a suicide-killer, we even recently for eight years had our First Man-Lady...

But now we have something to behold...I’m going to pray so hard for Melania.
I rarely talk politics in normal everyday interactions, one reason I love this place is it is an outlet for talking about politics and not worrying about getting in an argument with a friend or someone you have to see daily...

Today someone was talking about how awful and pathetic it was that Trump met the 3 US citizens,released by North Korea, at the airport and their argument was Trump wanted all the attention...I couldn’t help it, I said Trump does love attention but Obama gave up 5 terrorists to get Bowe Bergdahl back. Soldiers were killed looking for that traitor and yet Obama not only gave up 5 terrorists to get him back...he also had a ceremony at the White House lawn with Bergdahl’s parents acting like he (Obama) had worked to get a true patriot home. Susan Rice went on multiple shows and spoke glowingly of Bergdahl’s service.

I was told I watch to much argument about any points of what I said, just ‘you must watch fox’

Did Mueller try to hide this relationship? Did he sign some official government document that stated he had no conflicts of interest prior to taking on the witch hunt? I know the answer to the next question. Wouldn't it be funny and fitting if Mueller ended up indicted and Trump goes untouched?