How will they rule ??!

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Bigot, racist, fascist, homophobe, xenophobe, etc...are the go to words when liberals have no argument to your point. Ever notice how angry they get in interviews on camera when you get them with a gotcha question? They go nuts with cursing and name calling.
Always been true.
Beautiful post
Asinine Federal Bureaucracy Example: Wife today called SS to apply for spousal benefits. She already had had her own benefit, but this one would be a bit more.

As part of their questions, SS rep asked if our marriage date they have was correct but it was off by three months & she told her so. The rep said wife had "proven" the wrong date the last time she interacted with them (Just how in the h could she have ever done that?). Yet, a) they had no copy of the marriage certificate, and b) when she told the rep to check my record, it has the correct date!

So just change hers to the correct one, right? Oh no, she now has to prove the correct one is correct by bringing in an actual marriage certificate, not a copy or scan, or she can't get the benefits increase. WTF?
Asinine Federal Bureaucracy Example: Wife today called SS to apply for spousal benefits. She already had had her own benefit, but this one would be a bit more.

As part of their questions, SS rep asked if our marriage date they have was correct but it was off by three months & she told her so. The rep said wife had "proven" the wrong date the last time she interacted with them (Just how in the h could she have ever done that?). Yet, a) they had no copy of the marriage certificate, and b) when she told the rep to check my record, it has the correct date!

So just change hers to the correct one, right? Oh no, she now has to prove the correct one is correct by bringing in an actual marriage certificate, not a copy or scan, or she can't get the benefits increase. WTF?
Welcome to the swamp.
I used to work at ACE Hardware when I was in college. We once had a white woman come in, steal tools and days later try to return them without a receipt (keeping up with inventory can pay off). Well, the owner gave her the money back anyway and let her go just because she was white...

lol just kidding, he told her to leave the tools, get the hell out, and never show her face there again or he’d call the police.

While working there I was told to follow multiple people, most of them white. People like this guy are stuck in a mindset like it’s 1975. We’ve lived through watching O.J. Simpson get away with murder and still somehow these nuts think every black person is profiled and guilty just for being black.

Anyway, WKBlu, while you’re making that sandwich can you make me one? I’m a whitey too, they won’t mind.
I was a cop for 4 years in a small town. I would get calls for a shoplifter a couple of times a week. I don't recall a single incident where a black person had been detained. Or even a Hispanic. Racism exists but it isn't limited to just white people and it's not as near widespread as the left would have you believe. There will always be some forms of bias. It's human nature. Most of us are able to rise above that human nature aspect. Some don't. This is the best country in the world to live in if you are a minority. You are granted equality by the constitution. Some people suck, that won't change. Most people are good though and just want to live a happy life and don't give a crap what color your skin is as long as you share similar values in life.
They’ve made those words irrelevant overtime. They used to have meaning and apply to a small segment of people who were, well, actually what the words are defined as.

Now everyone and their dog is labeled one of these words for various reasons. Example, I’m a Christian. I think God views homosexuality as a sin. Does that mean they’re automatically bad people? No. Does that mean I run in the opposite direction when I see a gay person? No. Would I not want a homosexual attending church simply for being gay? No. Do I treat a gay person different just for being gay? No. Yet, many would label me a homophobic Christian zealot.

They should save those terms for when they actually apply.
It's like the boy who cried wolf. You scream racism and bigotry all the time then you stop believing it even when it's legit. I can't stand racism or hating someone just because they are gay. I'm the first one to stand up to that junk. But it's hard to fight the good fight when you never know if it's real or not.
The club's ultras or hardcore fans, known as "La Familia," routinely chant anti-Arab and anti-Muslim slogans during matches, for which the team has previously been penalized.
Beitar, which has never signed an Arab player, had its offices torched by supporters after signing two Muslim players from Russian League club Terek Grozny, based in Chechnya, in 2013.

Sounds like a match made in heaven.

Indonesia’s ‘sick’ new suicide bomb threat: parents with their children.

..... The extent of the carnage and the fact that children were enlisted in the attacks drew condemnation from the country’s leader, President Joko Widodo, who called them “barbaric.” All told, 12 civilians and 13 terrorist suspects were dead from two days of violence, with at least 46 people injured, including police officers......

Ah yes, those pesky Amish again.......
Yet zero of this is relevant in 2018. If all of this were still true, Trump would be a Democrat as would most on here. Funny though.

Yes, because the democrat social welfare handouts have worked sooooo well over the past 50 years. Just look at all the evidence to support that! You f****** dumbass.

You feel good about yourself using other peoples money to keep the slaves on the plantation, and you're more than happy to hold back an entire population just to secure their GD vote! Stupid, shameless POS.

Oh, and let's open the borders and flood the country with MORE dependents. Dems need the votes! You delusional MFers can somehow justify anything.

Too GD brainwashed and dumb to know that YOU are the problem ... or more likely just DGAF as long as it helps keep your team in power. Racist POS.

Nothing has changed. You're just a simple plantation slave holder. DIAF, all of you self-proclaimed "elitist" delusional phucks. F****** pieces of shit all of you.
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Indonesia’s ‘sick’ new suicide bomb threat: parents with their children.

..... The extent of the carnage and the fact that children were enlisted in the attacks drew condemnation from the country’s leader, President Joko Widodo, who called them “barbaric.” All told, 12 civilians and 13 terrorist suspects were dead from two days of violence, with at least 46 people injured, including police officers......

Ah yes, those pesky Amish again.......
If this President is serious, he'd bomb out the mosque(s) these grotesque terrorists attended.
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Joy Reid and a few MSNBC types re-tweeted this.

Reid also tweeted about these dead kids. Acting like this is a peaceful protests against all evidence to the contrary is a joke.