How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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You're such a pussy, bro. Let me own multiple guns and have probably posted something to the effect of "dindu nuffin" on this thread at some point.

Grow a pair, dude. Black people aren't scary.
African American culture is dogshit. If it's a white dude embracing it I don't care. The culture which is all we hear about is marked by unemployment, drug selling, violence, fatherless homes, welfare moms. you think that is a ****ing recipe for a thriving community. Who in their right mind would ever want to expose themselves or their loved ones t o that kind of dangerous culture? Why? Why not just see them, label them as a potential threat and stay the hell away from them. I would happily support governmenaid all day for African Americans who democrats and the media label as uncle tom or "coons".

you should check a box. "do you consider a black man who votes republican to be a coon? yes/ no. And there are people who are stupid enough to think that coon is not a racial slur. No hate speech here just combing through the liberal vocabulary. that's all
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Grow a pair, dude. Black people aren't scary.[/QUOTE]

it's funny how you the "one who sees all equal" is always posting the racial slurs. hahaha typical when you have your head so far up your own ass you don't even know or consider that everyone has right to choose with whom they associate. Just worry about your own dumbass life.
I was assuming he would be a Democrat, that would make sense.

As a Republican you would think he would have changed his name. He has a son, bet he had to hear about that last name in school.

There was a time when Russ was in school too
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African American culture is dogshit. If it's a white dude embracing it I don't care. The culture which is all we hear about is marked by unemployment, drug selling, violence, fatherless homes, welfare moms. you think that is a ****ing recipe for a thriving community. Who in their right mind would ever want to expose themselves or their loved ones t o that kind of dangerous culture? Why? Why not just see them, label them as a potential threat and stay the hell away from them. I would happily support governmenaid all day for African Americans who democrats and the media label as uncle tom or "coons".

you should check a box. "do you consider a black man who votes republican to be a coon? yes/ no. And there are people who are stupid enough to think that coon is not a racial slur. No hate speech here just combing through the liberal vocabulary. that's all
The black people who abandon the typical black culture are the ones who end up being successful. It's not being black that holds them down, it's the culture. That's what needs to change if the black community wants to do well as a whole. It's not the evil white man that's causing the problem.
Grow a pair, dude. Black people aren't scary.

it's funny how you the "one who sees all equal" is always posting the racial slurs. hahaha typical when you have your head so far up your own ass you don't even know or consider that everyone has right to choose with whom they associate. Just worry about your own dumbass life.[/QUOTE]

LMAO the good ol' "I have the right to be racist if I want to! Now leave me alone!!!" card. Haven't seen that one in a while. Good one, bro.

But really shouldn't be afraid of people just because they have dark skin. You are downright petrified and it's starting to concern me.

Is Obama a Muslim? Asking for a friend.
The black people who abandon the typical black culture are the ones who end up being successful. It's not being black that holds them down, it's the culture. That's what needs to change if the black community wants to do well as a whole. It's not the evil white man that's causing the problem.
That and the democratic party who want to keep them down. How else will they keep them in the fold. Once they become successful and see how the left has kept them enslaved, they come out of their shell and make it clear. Look how they are treated after they come out. It is ridiculous that many more can't see it.
African American culture is dogshit. If it's a white dude embracing it I don't care. The culture which is all we hear about is marked by unemployment, drug selling, violence, fatherless homes, welfare moms. you think that is a ****ing recipe for a thriving community. Who in their right mind would ever want to expose themselves or their loved ones t o that kind of dangerous culture? Why? Why not just see them, label them as a potential threat and stay the hell away from them. I would happily support governmenaid all day for African Americans who democrats and the media label as uncle tom or "coons".

you should check a box. "do you consider a black man who votes republican to be a coon? yes/ no. And there are people who are stupid enough to think that coon is not a racial slur. No hate speech here just combing through the liberal vocabulary. that's all

GOOD LORD, brodie!! How long have you been watching Fox News? Here you are, in 2018, talking like you just finished watching some 80's crack-era propaganda piece. "THE WAR ON DRUGS." Hahaha are you capable of free thought, sonny? Or at least free thought that doesn't involve you judging an entire race of people based off cable news shows?

I keep hearing Michelle Obama has a dick. What's up with that, bro?
fine let me drive you downtown to housing projects and you can play with your friends you love so much. Blacks are super predators - HRC > another tyrait of blacks is after all the free shit you give them (b/c people cave in to dumbass views from self righteous puds like you,) they destroy their communities, riot burn (all which is tax payer funded) then complain about their conditions. If that isn't characteristic of a mentally retarded organism i don't know whatis

Two questions that I'm pretty sure you'll be able to answer. I'm curious...

1) Have you ever worked with a black person?

2) Are you a fan of the University of Kentucky men's basketball team?
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That and the democratic party who want to keep them down. How else will they keep them in the fold. Once they become successful and see how the left has kept them enslaved, they come out of their shell and make it clear. Look how they are treated after they come out. It is ridiculous that many more can't see it.
As an individual I'm doing ok for myself. I've got a pretty good life. But I've made plenty of mistakes and been in some bad places. I never would have gotten to where I am today if I hadn't have learned from what I did wrong and started making better choices. 90% of all the bad that happened to me was of my own doing. I blamed myself and no one else. The Dems want to keep black people blaming the white man for everything. This thought process will never allow them to succeed in life.