How will they rule ??!

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Wanting evidence?? Say it ain't so
As I noted yesterday dipshit, this has been the strategy with Iran since the campaign, they don't really need "evidence" although dead and mangled soldiers is plenty. You popped in yesterday feigning interest with fake questions to try to get talking points in as illustrated by platinum responding with the Pompeo video. But it would really be more authentic if, anytime over 8 GD years, you popped in to question a BO strategy which oddly did not happen despite you being a "republican". Just cut the shit, it's over.
As I noted yesterday dipshit, this has been the strategy with Iran since the campaign, they don't really need "evidence" although dead and mangled soldiers is plenty. You popped in yesterday feigning interest with fake questions to try to get talking points in as illustrated by platinum responding with the Pompeo video. But it would really be more authentic if, anytime over 8 GD years, you popped in to question a BO strategy which oddly did not happen despite you being a "republican". Just cut the shit, it's over.

I'm a big fan of the pretending to be a Republican act. Not sure if it's more pathetic than the "I'm an independent so sit here while I'm pro Democrat on everything and bash Republicans with every post" shtick though.
The Germans are offended because Grenell is pro Trump and not afraid to admit it. I'm thinking they knew of his sexuality, falsely assumed and were expecting a #Resister.

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Can I get a Hell Yeah from everyone that thinks John Kerry is a cuck.

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Europe is dogshit continent. Eff those screwballs
One line in the WP article:

"Within hours of assuming his new post on Tuesday, Richard Grenell triggered harsh criticism in this Trump-weary country.." LMAO. How can another country be "Trump weary"? Hilarious.

Yet another "name that party" MSM collection. When their own eff up, it's very similar to a momentum breaker. They can't afford such exposure.

Oh, yeah. Rule of thumb- if you read an article about a corrupt politician and the party isn't mentioned, it's 100 percent that it's a Democrat. The same goes for race. If an article mentions a crime and the race is nowhere to be found in the article, that means he isn't white.
Shut your maple syrup mouth. Warrior has done more than you have to help the USA. How's it taste that the USA is better at hockey than you pathetic candies?
He is just mad, I keep busting out his source of fake news that he wants to be true. Once again showing his true colors, Liberal wingnut pink.
He is just mad, I keep busting out his source of fake news that he wants to be true. Once again showing his true colors, Liberal wingnut pink.

Man, I don’t get mad over message board drivel. This is fun for me. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside that some old fatass from Mobilhoma gets all worked up over this bullshit. Are you enjoying all that reverse equity in your cooler hauler?
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What you anti-Trump/anti-American liberal cretins (especially those born elsewhere enjoying the benefits defended by me) don't understand is, Trump is kicking ass and your imbecilic attempts at bringing him down are strengthening his base. Furthermore, his base is increasing daily as is his popularity. To clarify for the ones who can't read American, I have been on here in the past posting that I was no fan of his before him running for president, but, the republican party's inability/unwillingnes to even try to live up to their promises moved me to an independent state of mind and Trump truly seems to care for the country that helped him get rich.

So, you non citizens please sit back and shut up. You have no idea of what it takes to be an American.

Hahahaha. The notion that you in any way help me to subsist is laughable. I pay more in taxes every year than you make.
Tom Cotton has a point. Haspel was a rank and file lackey at the CIA during the water boarding days and Democrats are trying to use it as an excuse to obstruct her nomination, but every single one of them voted for Brennan, no questions asked, even though he was number four at the CIA during the water boarding days.
Tom Cotton has a point. Haspel was a rank and file lackey at the CIA during the water boarding days and Democrats are trying to use it as an excuse to obstruct her nomination, but every single one of them voted for Brennan, no questions asked, even though he was number four at the CIA during the water boarding days.
Had no idea she was from KY & went to UK & UL.
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how does leaving the Iran deal fix anything? they go back to building bombs and we go back to threatening to invade them every few months. and now Kim Jong Un sees that the US doesn't deal in good faith. Iran already has all the advanced missile tech, they just needed more work on the bomb tech. Iran & NK go back to trading tech & arms and now our 2 biggest threats are nuclear powers. MAGA! the deal delayed the inevitable for 15 years. now in a few months you will see Iran doing nuke tests which starts a new arms race with Qatar & Saudis.
09 May 2018, Timothy Stanley of the Daily Telegraph, London:

Donald Trump pulling America out of the Iran nuclear deal is the biggest thing he's yet done on the international stage, with the greatest consequences. I understand entirely why people might feel nervous: Iran's warning that it is ready to start nuclear enrichment was frightening. But the President is, on balance, correct. Either the world deals with Iran now, or it deals with a nuclear Iran in the future.

The argument for keeping the deal going was reasonable: no one advocating the status quo was "weak" or trying to preserve their Obama-era legacy. But the deal amounted to bribing Iran to suspend its nuclear program, which is like feeding a wild animal scraps of meat to dissuade it from biting you. The deal lifted sanctions, threw the regime an economic lifeline and effectively recognized it as part of the international order. It moved toward the regularization of a pariah state.

The problem is that Iran's regime is not regular. Look at what it's been doing since the deal was signed. Even if uranium enrichment has been stopped, Tehran has continued, quite openly, to invest in its missile program. It has harassed foreign citizens.

It has also hugely expanded its power within the region, establishing a presence in Yemen, Syria and Lebanon. Indeed, a country's attitude toward the Iran deal depends in part on its proximity to Iran. Israel, for instance, cannot tolerate its neighbors being turned into military colonies of a hostile foreign power. It feels vulnerable to attack.

If the deal stands as it is, there is a risk that it actually enables the emergence of Iran as a hegemonic power on the brink of attaining the bomb. It would have the same effect as the SALT treaties of the 70s, which were meant to limit Soviet arms growth, but in fact provided cover for the Soviets expanding into Africa, Central America and Asia.

It was the collapse of SALT and the early 80s arms race that really pushed the Soviets to the negotiating table, not détente -- and the same logic, I suspect, is applied by the Trump administration to Iran. Why give Iran money, and thus stability, just as its economy is teetering and its people are demonstrating in the streets?

Confrontation with Iran is, for its neighbors at least, inevitable and more or less already happening. Trump's decision to draw a line by pulling out of the Iran deal brings in two new dynamics. First, it shifts the focus of present US policy away from just tackling Islamist terrorism that tends to be Sunni (the Islamic State), and toward identifying Iran as a key destabilizer of the Middle East.

Second, with Trump's decision, the center of gravity in policymaking shifts. The Europeans -- principally Germany, France and Britain -- staked everything on saving the deal. Their diplomatic failure was humiliating. Instead, momentum is now with the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia. Of these, the most unreliable partner is viewed as Saudi: the United States is allying with a religious dictatorship to contain a religious dictatorship. Life is full of surprises. Trump was elected, many thought, to get America out of the Middle East. Instead, he's helped forge a new local coalition and backed it against Iran.

Let's be frank about the long-term goal. The United States wants regime change. Trump's advisers calculate that Iran can never be dealt with as a normal country, that it is constitutionally opposed to US interests, and that it is ripe for revolution. I don't know if all of that is true. I cannot say chaos won't follow this decision. But it had to happen.
Hahahaha. The notion that you in any way help me to subsist is laughable. I pay more in taxes every year than you make.
Unlikely but, if true you should be giving a lot to charity and send some back home since they don't have good paying jobs there.

Canada exist because America has been so strong over the years. If not for us you guys would have been speaking German, Japanese, or Italian, so yes, my kind help you not only to subsist but, to better yourselves. Your welcome. Hug an American today and give them thanks for your existence.
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Unlikely but, if true you should be giving a lot to charity and send some back home since they don't have good paying jobs there.

Canada exist because American has been so strong over the years. If not for us you guys would have been speaking German, Japanese, or Italian, so yes, my kind help you not only to subsist but, to better yourselves. Your welcome. Hug an American today and give them thanks for your existence.

I hugged the wife and thanked her. She has a “Persist” bumper sticker on her car, does that count?
Unlikely but, if true you should be giving a lot to charity and send some back home since they don't have good paying jobs there.

Canada exist because American has been so strong over the years. If not for us you guys would have been speaking German, Japanese, or Italian, so yes, my kind help you not only to subsist but, to better yourselves. Your welcome. Hug an American today and give them thanks for your existence.
You have zero idea how the world would be today if the US never existed.
Tom Cotton has a point. Haspel was a rank and file lackey at the CIA during the water boarding days and Democrats are trying to use it as an excuse to obstruct her nomination, but every single one of them voted for Brennan, no questions asked, even though he was number four at the CIA during the water boarding days.
It's more than a point. It's the absolute truth & further exposes the Dems as having no meaningful ideas, just the craziness of RESIST!!.
Anyome got a real picture of the 3 Americans freed by North Korea? All I can find are pictures of three chinamen with names that read like a Panda Express menu.
Chinamen? Likely from Vancouver who illegally entered the US & got false papers like Obama. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :flush:
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