How will they rule ??!

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Wrong and wrong dumbass. CNN and nyfailing times are fake news. Stop posting fake news.

it's been confirmed by 2 of the companies and the times was also given access to the bank documents. Cohen was either running a side hustle using Trumps name or they were doing it together. and this is only 1 shell company, the fbi found evidence of dozens when they raided him. either way Cohen is a dead man walking.
I love this thread.

You’ve got Willy who frankly is hilarious. The Bills (Derington and Cosby) seem like genuinely good guys who would be fun to have a beer or 15 with. You’ve got a few lunatics on each side of the aisle that are good for a laugh.

And then there is Warrior, in a league all his own. Never offers a coherent or original thought - everything is a Fox News buzzword. If he wasn’t a Trump drone, all the other right wingers in this thread would be making fun of his dumb ass every day.

Shut your maple syrup mouth. Warrior has done more than you have to help the USA. How's it taste that the USA is better at hockey than you pathetic candies?

it's been confirmed by 2 of the companies and the times was also given access to the bank documents. Cohen was either running a side hustle using Trumps name or they were doing it together. and this is only 1 shell company, the fbi found evidence of dozens when they raided him. either way Cohen is a dead man walking.

Once again you are fake news. Not true you ****ing ridiculous dumbass
I hate McClain. Total pos. But Obama is a terrorist that hates American and wanted to globalist every country.

Burn in hell Obama. Sorry political mod. It's about time you let got posters let out about how much we dislike him and love this great nation.
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It clearly says "reports says" in the headline. They're not reporting it, they're reporting on the NYT report.

Not to mention, since you're still posting about this, then I'm assuming you missed the follow up report proving Daniels' lawyer to be wrong... again.

Viktor Vekselberg doesn't own anything. The company is owned by Americans.

There's also this buried deep in the NYT report, which contradicts the entire narrative, but let's continue to misrepresent the facts as always --

An attorney for the company said the money was for a consulting fee and was unconnected to Vekselberg, The Times reported.

So, the facts of the story? An American owned company paid Cohen consulting fees and the Russian oligarch, who doesn't own the company as first reported, had absolutely no connection to the money.

it's been confirmed by 2 of the companies and the times was also given access to the bank documents. Cohen was either running a side hustle using Trumps name or they were doing it together. and this is only 1 shell company, the fbi found evidence of dozens when they raided him. either way Cohen is a dead man walking.
Again, you have never addressed my earlier post...why do you care now, just as the media, but you have no mentions of the Clinton's several shell companies. Give me an answer why its important to you now but not then.

it's been confirmed by 2 of the companies and the times was also given access to the bank documents. Cohen was either running a side hustle using Trumps name or they were doing it together. and this is only 1 shell company, the fbi found evidence of dozens when they raided him. either way Cohen is a dead man walking.

God King Obama's legacy:

China expanding in the Pacific
Russia's aggression in Georgia and Crimea
Ignoring a true opportunity for reform in Iran and allowing protestors to be slaughtered so he could get his Iran deal
Weaponizing the DOJ and IRS, politicizing the FBI - these undermine the publics faith in legal institutions, if you've studied government you know what happens when that disappears
Toppling Qaddafi and allowing Syria to slip into civil war, which
created the worst humanitarian disaster in decades, the refugee flow he
helped create is currently destabilizing Europe and contributed to
Britain breaking away from the EU - so congrats obama, you're directly responsible for putting the entire damn continent on a pathway to internecine warfare.
we now know how stormy Daniels lawyer got ahold of Cohen's money trail. one of the banks compliance officers that files suspicious transaction leaked their treasury complaints to him.

Is it really, though?

In a statement, an attorney for Columbus Nova said the management firm is owned and controlled by Americans, not Vekselberg.

After the inauguration, the firm hired Michael Cohen as a business consultant regarding potential sources of capital and potential investments in real estate and other ventures," the statement said.

"Reports today that Viktor Vekselberg used Columbus Nova as a conduit for payments to Michael Cohen are false. The claim that Viktor Vekselberg was involved or provided any funding for Columbus Nova's engagement of Michael Cohen is patently untrue.

"Neither Viktor Vekselberg nor anyone else other than Columbus Nova's owners, were involved in the decision to hire Cohen or provided funding for his engagement."

In a statement, Columbus Nova's attorney said the firm "has managed assets on behalf of Renova Group companies and other clients. Columbus Nova itself is not now, and has never been, owned by any foreign entity or person including Viktor Vekselberg or the Renova Group."

Vekselberg, who was among the Russian oligarchs sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury Department last month, has not been accused of wrongdoing in connection with either Mueller's investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election or a separate probe of Cohen by the U.S. Attorney's office in Manhattan.
we now know stormy Daniels lawyer

We now know he's a fraud, too. The NBC wiretap story really exposed him. He tried to claim Cohen's text messages, on top of his phone conversations, were also tapped. Emphatically said that he wasn't speculating, but that he knew for a fact. We all know how that turned out. The entire story was wrong and he was making stuff up to pile on.

Now the Viktor Vekselberg story is exposing him further. Vekselberg doesn't currently, and never has, owned the company, and he had absolutely no connection to the money.

It's easy to tell he's a fraud because he's litigating his case in the media, trying to damage Trump in the court of public opinion with his falsehoods and conspiracies, because he can't win in the courtroom based on the facts.
It is on them to produce the evidence, not on me to prove they don't have it.

Technically, not really. The Iran deal isn't a treaty agreed upon by Congress. Congress, both Republican and Democrat, rejected it, so Obama went around Congress and penned an executive agreement between Iran and the Obama State Department. The US was never bound by this deal. The thing about using the pen to govern is that the next guy always has a pen of his own. To end the deal, it's not on Trump to produce anything except for his pen hand.
Technically, not really. The Iran deal isn't a treaty agreed upon by Congress. Congress, both Republican and Democrat, rejected it, so Obama went around Congress and penned an executive agreement between Iran and the Obama State Department. The US was never bound by this deal. The thing about using the pen to govern is that the next guy always has a pen of his own. To end the deal, it's not on Trump to produce anything except for his pen hand.
You're right, though I supported Obama, I wish he hadn't used the executive order so loosely to overcome congressional dysfunction. Hopefully congress can get it together so we dont have this pendulum.

This is for all movements. It’s totally right though. They eat this shit up. You can become famous and get more air time simply because you decide to agree with someone or hate someone.

Crappy gay figure skater hates Mike Pence? Here’s a spot on Dancing with the Stars.

The Parkland lunatics got the red carpet treatment and giant egos simply to be paraded out there to bash 2A, Trump and gun owners.

Candace Owens gets talked about by Kanye, here comes the talk show circuit. Joy Villa was one who tried to capitalize. Tomi Lahren may be the poster child for this. Less about conservatism and more about their “brand.”

This is rampant. The left gets the mainstream circuit because they run it while conservative egos try to get the social media monetization.
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I love this thread.

You’ve got Willy who frankly is hilarious. The Bills (Derington and Cosby) seem like genuinely good guys who would be fun to have a beer or 15 with. You’ve got a few lunatics on each side of the aisle that are good for a laugh.

And then there is Warrior, in a league all his own. Never offers a coherent or original thought - everything is a Fox News buzzword. If he wasn’t a Trump drone, all the other right wingers in this thread would be making fun of his dumb ass every day.
Usually use my post to draw out those who are posers. You are one of the dumbest ones since you you bite most times. Don't need to use any other sources other than pointing out yours, Platidumb, and a few others because, your sources are almost always liberal media talking points regurgitated word for word and then, they are debunked within hours. You fake news hounds are simple and easy to beat.

Edited for clarity: Posers like you generally change your stance after being challenged. That has been you since you have joined this site. I understand though, being raised a Canadian, you were not taught any better.
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You're right, though I supported Obama, I wish he hadn't used the executive order so loosely to overcome congressional dysfunction. Hopefully congress can get it together so we dont have this pendulum.
Congressional dysfunction? They functioned properly. They said no, this is a bad deal and we're not going to go along with it. He circumvented congress. The executive branch was dysfunctional for 8 years.
The fight against sanctuary cities has crept in to super liberal L.A. County. Santa Clarita is the fist city in the county to join the fight, voting unanimously to join the lawsuit and oppose sanctuary cities. The nerve of these bigoted, xenophobic, racist, white supremacist Trump supporters.

Santa Clarita City Council OKs support for SB 54 lawsuit (VIDEO)

Councilman Cameron Smyth, who had previously served in the California Assembly, said they had received 442 emails that opposed the state law and 63 that wanted to stand with S.B. 54.

After announcements from the five council members, public comment with the 150 speakers began. Most who spoke over the seven-hour meeting opposed the state law.

Krystal Mora said part of her family on her dad’s side is Mexican-American and that their legal migration in the 1920’s informed her opposition.

“The main fight for me is the safety of the American people and the people that are protecting the American citizens from illegal criminals that are being harbored in our state,” she said. “I want to talk about the fear of our law-abiding officers that patrol our streets protecting the citizens. Like Sacramento deputies Danny Oliver and Michael Davis, who were killed by illegal immigrant Luis Bracamontes. With the state’s support of S.B. 54, it will cost American taxpayers (millions of) dollars to incarcerate him for the murder of the two deputies that were ambushed and killed.”

Randy Callender, a second-generation son of immigrants, disapproved of S.B. 54. “For California to go against the (federal) law the way it’s doing, it’s really unlawful,” he said. “My grandfather came from Barbados. He came illegally legally. Many people that came first brought their families later. They came in the right way. That’s the way everyone should come in.”

Don Rosenberg, father to a son who was killed by an immigrant here illegally, also spoke.

“We never talk about the families that are torn apart by illegal aliens,” he said. “To (people) that said sanctuary laws don’t hurt anybody, I’m evidence that you’re wrong.”

The meeting ended with cheers from the bill’s opponents, some falling to their knees with relief.

“USA! USA! USA!” they yelled. “Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump!”

“This is what America looks like!”



The fight against sanctuary cities has crept in to super liberal L.A. County. Santa Clarita is the fist city in the county to join the fight, voting unanimously to join the lawsuit and oppose sanctuary cities. The nerve of these bigoted, xenophobic, racist, white supremacist Trump supporters.

Santa Clarita City Council OKs support for SB 54 lawsuit (VIDEO)

Councilman Cameron Smyth, who had previously served in the California Assembly, said they had received 442 emails that opposed the state law and 63 that wanted to stand with S.B. 54.

After announcements from the five council members, public comment with the 150 speakers began. Most who spoke over the seven-hour meeting opposed the state law.

Krystal Mora said part of her family on her dad’s side is Mexican-American and that their legal migration in the 1920’s informed her opposition.

“The main fight for me is the safety of the American people and the people that are protecting the American citizens from illegal criminals that are being harbored in our state,” she said. “I want to talk about the fear of our law-abiding officers that patrol our streets protecting the citizens. Like Sacramento deputies Danny Oliver and Michael Davis, who were killed by illegal immigrant Luis Bracamontes. With the state’s support of S.B. 54, it will cost American taxpayers (millions of) dollars to incarcerate him for the murder of the two deputies that were ambushed and killed.”

Randy Callender, a second-generation son of immigrants, disapproved of S.B. 54. “For California to go against the (federal) law the way it’s doing, it’s really unlawful,” he said. “My grandfather came from Barbados. He came illegally legally. Many people that came first brought their families later. They came in the right way. That’s the way everyone should come in.”

Don Rosenberg, father to a son who was killed by an immigrant here illegally, also spoke.

“We never talk about the families that are torn apart by illegal aliens,” he said. “To (people) that said sanctuary laws don’t hurt anybody, I’m evidence that you’re wrong.”

The meeting ended with cheers from the bill’s opponents, some falling to their knees with relief.

“USA! USA! USA!” they yelled. “Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump!”

“This is what America looks like!”




Wow. Heartwarming.
[laughing] This bitch has done lost her damn mind because of Kanye. Man, this chick is... what's that word I'm looking for... ratchet, trifling?

Anyways, I only included the most outrageous parts, and there's still way too much here, specifically the parts about white supremacists connecting Kanye and Candace Owens. Or, better yet, slandering Giuliani as a fascist, but also claiming that there is only one viewpoint, and it's hers and those who agree with/think like her.

Yes, this tripe is in the opinion pages of the NYT. Not to mention, she even cites that fake ass NYT slavery poll, that has since been proven to be a gross misrepresentation and was quickly corrected by the NYT, yet the NYT still allowed her to cite it and published it.

By the way, did ya'll know that "black Twitter" runs Twitter? Could've fooled me. I've never heard of it before and I'm a Twitter legend.

The Heartbreak of Kanye West

Mr. West thought his recent return to Twitter after an almost yearlong hiatus, with relentless contrarian, stream-of consciousness tweets from the minuscule Negro corner of the alt-right world, would read like a takeover of Twitter. But that’s not how the platform works. Black Twitter runs Twitter, and Black Twitter swiftly handed Mr. West his lunch.

Mr. West is parroting the racist right-wing talking points he has learned from watching YouTube videos.

Because the trolls won the election, their dangerous drivel sometimes becomes policy. Those talking points from Alex Jones and company perpetuate mass criminalization and incarceration, deportation and worse.

When a poll shows 20 percent of Trump supporters would have opposed the freeing of slaves, it’s more than a fun punctuation ending the night on cable news. Those talking points run in tandem with textbooks used in Texas schools that describe slaves as “workers” and their journey to America as “immigration.” The denial of the sadism and brutality of slavery is perpetuated when there’s “another side” arguing to keep statues and symbols of the Confederacy in public places, and when plantation tours explain the generosity with which slave owners cared for their chattel.

When Mr. Legend and Mr. West later demonstrated their lasting friendship by publishing pictures of themselves at a baby shower “despite their differences,” they advanced the fiction that theirs are two equal but divergent viewpoints. They are not. There is the same old white supremacy that denies black humanity, and there are people who struggle mightily against white supremacy and for black life.

We’ve seen Mr. West melt down before. His 2013 radio interview with the journalist Sway was as unhinged as Mr. Trump’s. Mr. Trump and Mr. West both seemed to want the same thing in those tirades — to be recognized as gods.

But unlike Mr. Trump’s call, Mr. West’s interview with Sway was videotaped. We were witnessing something more than his outsize ego doing battle with his mammoth insecurity. His refusal to make eye contact with Sway was particularly off-putting. He spent the hour talking to the heavens — not to the interviewer, not even to the audience.

Like most of his fans, I’m not qualified or interested in actually attempting to diagnose an illness in Mr. West. He has shared with us that he has been medicated and hospitalized. He has also told us that his recent Twitter rant is unconnected to his mental health, that he is fine. His performance at TMZ was similar to his interview with Sway. It wasn’t until Van Lathan, on the staff there, interrupted to take him on about slavery that Mr. West even seemed present in the room, and that was truly heartbreaking to watch.

But what was dangerous was the way Mr. West included Candace Owens, an alt-right darling, a black woman and puppet, on his broadcast from the TMZ office. Her participation was most likely arranged by alt-right operatives. A Black Lives Matter strategist hypothesized as much on his Facebook page when he noticed white power operatives taking credit for connecting the two.

With uncharacteristic generosity, Mr. West ceded the mic to Ms. Owens, who allows a racist, misogynist movement to hold her up as evidence that it is neither. Mr. Trump’s speechwriters made sure to include Mr. West in his recent speech to the National Rifle Association, thanking the rapper for “doubling” his approval numbers among black people. He was referring to a real poll, but he got it wrong. The doubling was only among black men, from 11 percent to 22 percent.

Mr. West barely owned the entire week. R. Kelly had some karma delivered to his front door, and the fascist, feeble Rudy Giuliani had his moments. But Mr. West’s shrill missives from the monochromatic sunken place that is his mansion may be consequential in ways he can’t fathom.
Congressional dysfunction? They functioned properly. They said no, this is a bad deal and we're not going to go along with it. He circumvented congress. The executive branch was dysfunctional for 8 years.

Everyone and their mom knew the Iran deal was shit. Even some Dems were aware of that. The globalist puppet did exactly what he was told to do. Thank God Hillary didn’t win, because she’d probably been ordered to do something like sweeten the deal by sending the rest of uranium along with a boat full of cash.

Trump was such an unexpected win to the establishment and they thought they’d have a puppet in office and they’d never have to worry about their executive orders being undone. Everyone should be thankful Trump won if for no other reason, it’s shown exactly how corrupt our government had gotten.