How will they rule ??!

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The left failed on banning guns when that was the outrage du jour way back a couple weeks ago, which if I recall means we are going to have readily available mass produced affordable suitcase nuke bombs in the near term. With those advancements, why are we even worried about Iran's nuclear program? Shouldn't we be worried about crippling their economy and imposing sanctions so WalMart doesn't set up shop to sell all the Iranians nukes?
So Obama traded a bunch of terrorists for a guy who deserted his military post and got other Americans killed, while leaving Otto Wambier to be tortured to death by NK, and Trump just brought back 3 Americans from NK while bringing peace to the Korean peninsula and trading exactly 0 terrorists.
Lol at the US breaking their deal. Iran never lived up to that deal for one second.

Really that deal is one of the most shockingly bad decisions in United States history. Obama let them promise to not continue developing weapons know good and well they had no intentions of stopping. Then sent them billions in secret cash overnight to help them fund their terrorist ways
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So Obama traded a bunch of terrorists for a guy who deserted his military post and got other Americans killed, while leaving Otto Wambier to be tortured to death by NK, and Trump just brought back 3 Americans from NK while bringing peace to the Korean peninsula and trading exactly 0 terrorists.

And you'd never know by looking at msm.

I do know that Dr Dre lost his trademark battle with Dr drai!

What a Boss.

The Associated Press‏Verified account@AP
BREAKING: Iran lawmakers set paper US flag ablaze at parliament after Trump's nuclear deal pullout, shouting, 'Death to America!'

Iran lawmakers Democrats set paper US flag ablaze at parliament after Trump nuclear deal pullout, shouting, 'Death to America!'

Not much difference between the two in terms of their anti-American garbage.
So Obama traded a bunch of terrorists for a guy who deserted his military post and got other Americans killed, while leaving Otto Wambier to be tortured to death by NK, and Trump just brought back 3 Americans from NK while bringing peace to the Korean peninsula and trading exactly 0 terrorists.
By noon you will have a link from ThinkProgress that universal healthcare would have saved Otto Wambler if the repugs had not stood in the way.
If Trump could somehow flip a solid blue state to the Republicans for the foreseeable future and/or has the opportunity to replace a liberal SCOTUS justice it will literally be as if Obama was never President. 8 years of "well he did all this stuff, but then it all got taken back 2 years after he left office"
Wanting evidence?? Say it ain't so

There's conflicting evidence, though. Also, the evidence provided by the inspectors during the inspections is half assed. The inspectors aren't allowed to inspect any site on a military base, and the sites that they are allowed to inspect they have to give weeks advance notice, so the inspectors don't really know 100% for sure.

Look at it like this, it basically comes down to who you're willing to believe and trust. In my case, it's not the Mullahs and Muslim terrorists who chant "Death to America!"

Plus, look at the statement Iran released yesterday. They said if they don't decide to stay in the deal with the Europeans, then they're planning to restart their program and "enrich more uranium than ever before". That's proof they've been cheating the deal. How can they immediately restart their nuclear program, enriching more uranium than ever before, if they haven't been stockpiling uranium and procuring the means/technology to do so? The deal was supposed to stop all of that. Makes you wonder what's in those military sites that are off limits to the inspectors?

Not to mention, the deal was severely limited in scope and didn't address Iran's ballistic missile program, their sponsoring of terrorism and/or their destabilizing regional policies. There's just so much wrong with it. We gave way more than what we got in return.
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Inspectors only have to give 24hr notice for any site. Hard to remove any traces of elements that have a half life of millions of years in that amount of time. We dont have the ability to do that anymore, sadly.
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What you anti-Trump/anti-American liberal cretins (especially those born elsewhere enjoying the benefits defended by me) don't understand is, Trump is kicking ass and your imbecilic attempts at bringing him down are strengthening his base. Furthermore, his base is increasing daily as is his popularity. To clarify for the ones who can't read American, I have been on here in the past posting that I was no fan of his before him running for president, but, the republican party's inability/unwillingnes to even try to live up to their promises moved me to an independent state of mind and Trump truly seems to care for the country that helped him get rich.

So, you non citizens please sit back and shut up. You have no idea of what it takes to be an American.
Inspectors only have to give 24hr notice for any site. Hard to remove any traces of elements that have a half life of millions of years in that amount of time. We dont have the ability to do that anymore, sadly.

2. Some of Iran’s major nuclear facilities will be subject to constant monitoring, but if international inspectors suspect violations elsewhere, they may have to wait as long as 24 days.

Of course, just because Iran says it’ll agree to the restrictions doesn’t necessarily mean it will. To make sure Iran holds up its end of the bargain, the deal permits the atomic agency "to implement continuous monitoring." What that means and whether it’s enough are up for debate.

"Iran’s nuclear program will be under lock, key and camera 24 hours a day, 365 days a year," Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va., wrote in an op-ed supporting the deal.

That rates Half True. The agency will have cameras that provide 24-hour monitoring at the Natanz facility, which has 5,000 centrifuges, and inspectors will have daily access to the facility for 15 years. Within a year, there will be 130 to 150 inspectors in Iran.

But Natanz is more of the exception to the rule than the rule itself. For suspected sites where surveillance is not spelled out in the agreement, inspectors may have to wait up to 24 days for access. Some experts say that’s sufficient to detect violations, while others disagree.
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What Trump is accomplishing w/ one side of the aisle completely against him pretty much states where the Democratic party stands in regards to helping this country. Throw in the media and you have a complete ass hat of people that are just plain stupid. Anyone who votes for a leftist idiot this fall needs to have their head examined with a sledgehammer.
How many conservatives do you think liberals know in their circles? Good chance that they have no idea because the other person doesn't want to hear their lunacy about how much they hate Trump and Republicans and surround themselves in an echo chamber and as a result, get completely shocked about the results of an election.