How will they rule ??!

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Why is an upset vs. expecting a Dem to lose in FL?

Nelson is a 3 term senator and has been fairly hard to beat. He probably thought that he would have another easy race. Scott is the highest profile and best funded candidate he has yet to face.
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Pubs had best expand Senate numbers to around 55 if they want to hold Senate in 2020 as Dems have 24 seats up for election in '18 while Pubs have only 9.

I don't see where you get that the GOP will need 55 seats to hold on in 2020. I see only a handful of races that will be competitive. I see 3 GOP seats in swing states (CO, ME, NC) that the dems will target. Maine will only be in play if Susan Collins retires. However, the dems are all but certain to lose Doug Jones' Alabama seat assuming the GOP doesn't nominate another accused child predator. So best case for the dems is probably +2 seats.,_2020
Lots of people there sh!ting their pants there over this one: "The generic congressional ballot has continued to tighten, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS, with the Democrats' edge over Republicans within the poll's margin of sampling error for the first time this cycle."

"The Democrats' advantage in the generic ballot dipped from 16 points in February to six points in March to just three points now. The party's advantage has waned among enthusiastic voters as Republican enthusiasm has grown (in March, 36% of Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters said they were very enthusiastic about voting; that's up to 44% in the new poll),"

"On the issues, Trump’s numbers are climbing
Trump’s approval ratings for handling the economy, foreign trade, immigration and foreign affairs have risen an average of 4 points since the last CNN poll."

As painted by Bob Trump:

If Trump destroying Obama's legacy makes Obama look bigger, hopefully the Democrats can get on board helping him destroy the rest of it. I'll happily let them believe that.
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Anyome got a real picture of the 3 Americans freed by North Korea? All I can find are pictures of three chinamen with names that read like a Panda Express menu.

Chinamen? Dude, Asian-American is the accepted nomenclature.
Don't you look like a dumbass again. Kinda like your pathetic friends.

Your teachers did you a grave disservice, bro. I can understand why you seem so angry all the time.

You're dumber than a sack of crayons, my man. I'm borderline impressed with some of the people in this thread who can actually back up their opinions with reason. You, however?

You watch cable TV news all day.

I can absolutely handle some banter with conservatives, but typing words to a simpleton like you is downright morose at times. Our education system FAILED YOU, bro. You should be even more mad than you are right now, but you don't even understand that.

In the words of Emperor Trump...


2. Some of Iran’s major nuclear facilities will be subject to constant monitoring, but if international inspectors suspect violations elsewhere, they may have to wait as long as 24 days.

Of course, just because Iran says it’ll agree to the restrictions doesn’t necessarily mean it will. To make sure Iran holds up its end of the bargain, the deal permits the atomic agency "to implement continuous monitoring." What that means and whether it’s enough are up for debate.

"Iran’s nuclear program will be under lock, key and camera 24 hours a day, 365 days a year," Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va., wrote in an op-ed supporting the deal.

That rates Half True. The agency will have cameras that provide 24-hour monitoring at the Natanz facility, which has 5,000 centrifuges, and inspectors will have daily access to the facility for 15 years. Within a year, there will be 130 to 150 inspectors in Iran.

But Natanz is more of the exception to the rule than the rule itself. For suspected sites where surveillance is not spelled out in the agreement, inspectors may have to wait up to 24 days for access. Some experts say that’s sufficient to detect violations, while others disagree.
You're right, looks like I confused the two.
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Your teachers did you a grave disservice, bro. I can understand why you seem so angry all the time.

You're dumber than a sack of crayons, my man. I'm borderline impressed with some of the people in this thread who can actually back up their opinions with reason. You, however?

You watch cable TV news all day.

I can absolutely handle some banter with conservatives, but typing words to a simpleton like you is downright morose at times. Our education system FAILED YOU, bro. You should be even more mad than you are right now, but you don't even understand that.

In the words of Emperor Trump...


I just flipped over to Fox News to check what's going on in Israel. Literally the first time I've watched any of the cable news channels for an extended period of time in months (years?). Martha Maccallum is 54 years old and is still a fox. Unreal.

Also, they still haven't talked about Israel *shoulder shrug*
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I just flipped over to Fox News to check what's going on in Israel. Literally the first time I've watched any of the cable news channels for an extended period of time in months (years?). Martha Maccallum is 54 years old and is still a fox. Unreal.

Also, they still haven't talked about Israel *shoulder shrug*
Yeah it appears the MSM isn't talking about it at all. A huge war could be starting over there tonight and the MSM here is all but ignoring it.
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