How will they rule ??!

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The left unironically wants to turn public schools into prisons . . . how can these people be serious? It's almost unbelievable.

Breath one = "police are largely angry failures who want to murder minorities"
Breath two = "nobody should have a gun besides the police, and there need to be more police in schools to keep everyone safe "
Jameslee, Cardkilla, Platinum, applaud the effort of the FBI going after Trump and not keeping our kids safe. Dems pretend to care only to keep their base happy.
Get the popcorn ready for Tucker and Sean to mostly ignore the indictments and push the flock agenda. Russian mercenaries sure have been busy spending money!

While the FBI ignored want to be mercenaries who killed children and still you guys think that the ends justify the means.
Why would they ignore the indictments? Are you too dense to be able to separate meddling from collusion? No one denies Russian meddling. It would be breaking news if they weren't meddling in US affairs. What people deny is that Trump colluded with Russia to assist in the meddling. There's a very big difference between the two.
Dumb ass is in the DNA, let's hope against hope JamesLee does not procreate.
How long until we admit to ourselves that the FBI is no different than the KGB or the Gestapo? They have no interest in protecting the American people and exist merely to protect the American government and its efforts to bypass our constitution.
The FBI needs to be disbanded. Not sure how they can still exist anymore .They'll never be trusted ever again, so what's the point of them being around anymore? They're done.
I like the teenagers on twitter from the Florida HS virtue signaling about gun control. “I was there. Don’t talk to me about gun violence. We need gun control.”

Sorry that you experienced that craziness but you can STFU, kid. You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. The FBI and police dropped the ball. The government always does. You think some bogus legislation would stop this? Your gun free zone stuff never works but yes, let’s hear the opinions of kids from public school who know nothing but emotion and what their teachers tell them.
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The FBI needs to be disbanded. Not sure how they can still exist anymore .They'll never be trusted ever again, so what's the point of them being around anymore? They're done.
We need another J. Edgar Hoover type for just a year or two. Libs would be tripping. Hard.

Send him in on a few MS13 and immigration busts, and just sit back.

I mean, holy cow, ____ (insert name of any and all anti-american groups here and abroad) wanted Hillary to win FOR THE GREATER GOOD OF EVERYBODY BUT AMERICA, and they actively "campaigned" online for her. As they should. They can do that. Turn off the internet if you don't like it.

Old people and the internet man...I swear. They should have never been allowed on it. That shit hit them like a ton of bricks and I don't think they'll ever figure it out.

Just to recap, these losers are seriously telling americans that *****MEMES***** and other stupid e-shit were created by RUSSIANS to undermine our democracy!!!!!!! That's the dumbest crap I've ever heard in the history of my life. I cannot believe we're still talking about it, but I hope it continues, because Donald Trump is gonna have a whole carton of ice cream with his celebration cake after he crushes whatever sorry POS dems can convince to run in 2020.
It IS a hoax james, you ignorant slut. There is no mention of hacking that we've heard so much about. There is no evidence of Trump's team enlisting their help as you were so quick to believe.

You better hope the intelligence police never get a warrant to check your post history here. Death sentence territory.
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