How will they rule ??!

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You still have figured out what a proxy war is yet? Russian soldiers did not attack US soldiers. Mercenaries, who are backed by Russia, attacked US coalition forces.

Because ending their life isn't a response.
He has never found his butt from a hole in the ground, how is he supposed to figure other stuff out.
Schmoe's calling Rosenstein a liar then. Perfect flock response. Congrats.
I did? News to me. Mind explaining how I called him a liar?

You're projecting. You still believe that collusion happened and that the outcome of the election was affected, even after Rosenstein said both never happened.
I did? News to me. Mind explaining how I called him a liar?

You're projecting. You still believe that collusion happened and that the outcome of the election was affected, even after Rosenstein said both never happened.
I know his justice department is full of fake news as well but page 4 of the indictment says otherwise.

There is no proof of collusion. Please provide a post that says otherwise.
I know his justice department is full of fake news as well but page 4 of the indictment says otherwise.
I never denied that the Russians spent 1.2m monthly. It's clearly laid out in the indictment that they did. You asked where that money came from. I told you where I thought some of it came from. So, again, mind explaining how I called Rosenstein a liar?
Special counsel indictment also says they organized this rally to support Hillary and oppose Trump.

November 12th, 2016. NYC - Trump Is Not My President Rally. Look at all the Hillary shills doing Putin's bidding...

The level of incompetence surrounding this shooting really is unbelievable. Shouldn't happen in America.


Normally when these mass shootings happen, I take a “crazy people do crazy shit sometimes” approach and write it off as the cost of living in a gun obsessed nation.

This guy was a ticking bomb though and multiple agencies had been warned about him. Seems this is one of the very few that was really preventable.

Normally when these mass shootings happen, I take a “crazy people do crazy shit sometimes” approach and write it off as the cost of living in a gun obsessed nation.

This guy was a ticking bomb though and multiple agencies had been warned about him. Seems this is one of the very few that was really preventable.
The system failed on a keystone cops level.
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Get the popcorn ready for Tucker and Sean to mostly ignore the indictments and push the flock agenda. Russian mercenaries sure have been busy spending money!

Get the popcorn ready for Tucker and Sean to mostly ignore the indictments

Why would they ignore the indictments? Are you too dense to be able to separate meddling from collusion? No one denies Russian meddling. It would be breaking news if they weren't meddling in US affairs. What people deny is that Trump colluded with Russia to assist in the meddling. There's a very big difference between the two.
Why is it a crime for an entity to supposedly try and influence the election away from Hillary, but not a crime for the Hillary campaign to undermine the Sanders campaign? Why isn't it illegal for Hillary to receive debate questions ahead of time so she could repeat an answer someone wrote for her?

In the vernacular of America's first muslim President, "the dems acted stupidly"
Why is it a crime for an entity to supposedly try and influence the election away from Hillary, but not a crime for the Hillary campaign to undermine the Sanders campaign? Why isn't it illegal for Hillary to receive debate questions ahead of time so she could repeat an answer someone wrote for her?

In the vernacular of America's first muslim President, "the dems acted stupidly"
Abc news said we charged Russian organizations with creating - I’m not making any of this up - hashtags and websites for Trump. LMAOOOOO

Charged who??? For what??

Examples were hashtags #trump2016 and #trumptrain. Websites were and


I hope trump pulls the cord on the internet for a solid week. F you Al Gore.
read about it here

The F.B.I. had been aware for several years that Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network were training pilots in the United States and elsewhere around the world, according to court records and interviews at flight schools and with federal law enforcement officials.

The F.B.I. knew by 1996 of a specific threat that terrorists in Al Qaeda, Mr. bin Laden's network, might use a plane in a suicide attack against the headquarters of the C.I.A. or another large federal building in the Washington area, the law enforcement officials acknowledged.

But the officials said the Federal Bureau of Investigation had discounted the possibility of a suicide attack using planes, partly because it had largely failed to draw together evidence gathered piecemeal over the years that Al Qaeda pilots were training here.

Last week, the F.B.I. acknowledged the existence of a memorandum written last summer in which an agent in its Phoenix office urged his superiors to investigate Middle Eastern men who had enrolled at American flight schools and who might be connected to Mr. bin Laden.

However, the Phoenix memorandum was not the first warning that terrorists affiliated with Al Qaeda had interest in learning to fly. In his 1996 confession, a Pakistani terrorist, Abdul Hakim Murad, said that he planned to use the training he received at flight schools in the United States to fly a plane into C.I.A. headquarters in Langley, Va., or another federal building
Why would they ignore the indictments? Are you too dense to be able to separate meddling from collusion? No one denies Russian meddling. It would be breaking news if they weren't meddling in US affairs. What people deny is that Trump colluded with Russia to assist in the meddling. There's a very big difference between the two.
Tucker used the words "none of it seems momentous". [laughing]
When do we see the indictments for the Ukrainian government officials and the Hillary surrogates who colluded with them?

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.

Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.

Politico’s investigation found evidence of Ukrainian government involvement in the race that appears to strain diplomatic protocol dictating that governments refrain from engaging in one another’s elections.
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Tucker used the words "none of it seems momentous". [laughing]
But you said he was going to ignore the indictments. Had your popcorn ready and everything. Bummer.

As for what he said, don't know, not watching. But, as far as collusion goes, which is what this investigation is supposed to be all about, I agree, today's indictments aren't the least bit momentous.
Damn! They sure brainwashed us and rigged the election for Trump. No one other than a Russian bot could have thought of #TrumpTrain, and I most definitely wouldn't have been persuaded to vote for Trump if it weren't for such badass hastags.

Got me too. I was all set not to vote but then I saw #HillaryRothamClinton #TrumpPenceRulez #NotARussianBot and I was sold. Sneaky commies.
With a name like De Jesus Cruz, the PC community would have destroyed them for picking on what they thought was a minority. Rock and a hard place for the police.

Which is why nothing happened. Just like the nightclub shooter. Just like the bostBo Marathon bombing and other terrorist acts.

Very little doubt message from on high was that the FBI was not to act on any such potential threats made by minorities unless they had irrefutable proof.

There are just too many investigations that never happened that would've and should've normally