How will they rule ??!

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It IS a hoax james, you ignorant slut. There is no mention of hacking that we've heard so much about. There is no evidence of Trump's team enlisting their help as you were so quick to believe.

You better hope the intelligence police never get a warrant to check your post history here. Death sentence territory.
Who is Campaign Official 3?

These "Milkshakes" wingnuts could get people killed.

I love the timing of how their calls for violence against specific populations —. And new shortly after Facebook - google et. al. —- have Made public statements about limiting certain political viewpoints — and eliminating HATE

The Marxist element of the left is becoming more and more clumsy and lockstep In their approach
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Damn! They sure brainwashed us and rigged the election for Trump. No one other than a Russian bot could have thought of #TrumpTrain, and I most definitely wouldn't have been persuaded to vote for Trump if it weren't for such badass hastags.

Got me too. I was all set not to vote but then I saw #HillaryRothamClinton #TrumpPenceRulez #NotARussianBot and I was sold. Sneaky commies.

They got me too fellas. I guess that's why these major, earth shaking indictments have hit me so hard. :joy:

Actually, this is one of the best arguments for arming school personal. If he doesn’t want to die now it stands to reason he wouldn’t have been as eager to commit his crime if he thought doing so would be more likely to result in his own death than it was.

Wouldn’t stop the Lanzas and Klebolds of that wretched world, but so what. We should take all feasible actions to minimize the likelihood of these occruances, if something doesn’t work we can always go back to status quo which isn’t working either.

An interesting take on the massacre in Syria. You have to assume this shit is going to just keep escalating unless one of the parties, US or RUS, withdraw from the area. We are at war without actually being at war because both sides understand how bad that would end.

You can't just gloss over your Thursday **** up. You need to own it and double down. Tell us Russian bots planted the counter counter story and ABC had it right all along.

Tell us that modern liberal journalism is the only thing holding this republic together.

Also, more quotes from MotherJones. Smart, fearless journalism.

Prolly about time for a new screen name.

President J E Hoover approves.

An interesting take on the massacre in Syria. You have to assume this shit is going to just keep escalating unless one of the parties, US or RUS, withdraw from the area. We are at war without actually being at war because both sides understand how bad that would end.

Putin's puppet at war with Putin? Hmmm

Partially right, but for the wrong reason. People care because it can be politicized in a cry for gun suppression.

Tough to do if you chose the scores of murders in Chicago where gun laws are toughest anywhere
We are talking about the Florida shooting because the shooter was considered white. Inner city shootings anyone? They must not be happening because most of the shooters doing the killing are black. It is more important to the left to ignore black on black violence for 2 reason. Blacks committing the act and the tougher gun laws in the most active areas.
Start the lie, let the useful idiots spread the lie (as seen in this very thread), get called out on the lie, whisper the retraction while no one pays attention. The lie survives unscathed due to willful ignorance of the masses and the need to believe only what they want to believe as truth.

This thread is a prime example.

Oh, look. A Friday evening retraction...
You guys need to watch that Netflix series "Dope." Just watch the episode on Chicago. Listen to more than a couple gangsters tell you that it isn't about drugs, money or power anymore for a lot of them... it's about the killing. Addiction to violence and the taking of human life. Multiple masked interviewed subjects, openly expressing no sympathy at all for killing innocents. To them, it's just part of it.

Not an isolated incident. Not a lone wolf. Groups of men who enjoy killing and they say as much on camera.

****ing crickets from the left.
I would really like no know what sent Jameslee over the edge. He's obviously always been a left wing radical, but he tried to hide it up until the past week when he went full on psycho.

Hormone replacement altering his thought? Using all of his extra cash from his tax cut to buy booze or drugs?