How will they rule ??!

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But what I read today in WSJ is that it - bipartisan plan - did end it or at least greatly limited it:

" The bipartisan bill even bowed to Mr. Trump on his priority of reducing “chain migration.” It barred Dreamers from sponsoring parents for immigration, and it barred permanent U.S. residents from sponsoring unmarried adult children"

I know the WSJ is a big pro-immigration supporter, but this seems close to what Trump wants. The other thing is that personally I have a lot of sympathy for the so-called Dreamers. They did nothing wrong - mentally incapable at the time of coming here - & so to me ought not be attacked with deportation.
Correct. It reduces to, I think, parents and grandparents only. So that would still be up to four more people a pice for all 1.8 million. That's nowhere close to what Trump wants. He's already bending over backwards and offering 1.8 million amnesty and a path to citizenship.
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Maybe I missed this part, but notice what was missing from today's indictments? Hacking. It was all about information warfare; trolling, bots, etc... I thought Russia hacked the DNC?
Yeah, it's getting easier and easier to sell the idea of actually enforcing the laws and systems we have before making a bunch of new laws that will accomplish little more than warm and fuzzies while it erodes yet more freedoms...

You can apply that to a number of issues, guns and immigration just off the cuff...
Correct. It reduces to, I think, parents and grandparents only. So that would still be up to four more people a pice for all 1.8 million. That's nowhere close to what Trump wants. He's already bending over backwards and offering 1.8 million amnesty and a path to citizenship.
From previous post:
"barred Dreamers from sponsoring parents for immigration"
Honestly, does Trump have a priority of "reducing" chain migration?

I thought he said he wanted to end chain migration.
Agree that's what Trump said. What the article says that the bp bill is close it. If he can't compromise at all, then nothing will get done. Shame. But I don't know what's left besides minor children if parents & adult children are barred - as article claims. He didn't get all he wanted on tax bill.
Agree that's what Trump said. What the article says that the bp bill is close it. If he can't compromise at all, then nothing will get done. Shame. But I don't know what's left besides minor children if parents & adult children are barred - as article claims. He didn't get all he wanted on tax bill.

Why compromise on one of the main issues that got him elected? **** Congress.

He doesn't have the upper hand in this, he has the only hand. As the left has repeatedly claimed, executive "action" has unfettered power regarding immigration enforcement.

The next POTUS will stop enforcing immigration laws regardless of what Congress does.
In other words, dreamers and daca can eat a dick. Anything Trump gives them is something they don't deserve.
From previous post:
"barred Dreamers from sponsoring parents for immigration"
I see now. It only bars the 1.8 million Dreamers from chain migration, but keeps chain migration in place for all other legal immigration.

That's also a non starter for Trump, too. Upwards to 70% of our total immigration comes from chain migration. People migrate here then bring eight family members, then the eight family members bring eight family members. Distant cousins, uncles, aunts, in laws, etc..

Trump wants to completely end that and go to merit based immigration.
Hope they have a really good insurance policy because the lawsuits are a comin....
With a name like De Jesus Cruz, the PC community would have destroyed them for picking on what they thought was a minority. Rock and a hard place for the police.
If he can't compromise at all, then nothing will get done. Shame.

He's already greatly compromised by offering 1.8 million amnesty and a path to citizenship. They were only asking for 650K DACA recipients. He tripled that. And they were only asking for them to be able stay. Trump threw in a path to citizenship all on his own.

It's not Trump who isn't compromising, it's them. They want to get all 1.8 million plus citizenship now, but give Trump nothing he's asking for. Bottom line, Trump gave them three times more than what they were asking for plus pathway to citizenship, and they want him to accept less than what he's asking for.
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I see now. It only bars the 1.8 million Dreamers from chain migration, but keeps chain migration in place for all other legal immigration.

That's also a non starter for Trump, too. Upwards to 70% of our total immigration comes from chain migration. People migrate here then bring eight family members, then the eight family members bring eight family members. Distant cousins, uncles, aunts, in laws, etc..

Trump wants to completely end that and go to merit based immigration.
It didn't end the lottery system either I believe.
Jameslee still mad Trump killed 200 Russians in Syria.
We are under Russian attack on the battlefield and our democratic institutions are vulnerable. So the do nothing president responds with nothing but stimulus in a robust economy. Man up soldiers! Man up state boards of elections! Long Live the Emperor!!
Couldn't care less if Trump was dropping his pants every 5 minutes.

I have more money in my pocket because of him, and that's what I care about .He could be banging every crack whore on planet earth and I still won't care.
Unless the opposition party is involved.
Exclusive -- Jeff Sessions: We Are Ending 'Executive Branch Legal Activism'

“I think the department did become too political” under President Barack Obama, Sessions said. “Essentially, it was executive branch legal activism. They would take cases or regulations or statutes and expand or redefine the meaning of words in them to advance the agenda that they thought ought to be advanced — an agenda that often had zero chance of passing Congress, where the elected representatives sit.

“So you have an agenda, and you can’t get Congress to pass it, so you use unelected regulatory officials and lawyers to draft regulations and enforcement policies that carry out a political agenda that the people don’t favor.

“And I think that was a factor in this past [presidential] election, and it was an issue that was known to a lot of business and legal experts. They saw this as a dangerous trend.”

He noted that the “biggest surprise” of his tenure as Attorney General “has been the plethora of [cases] in which a single sitting federal judge — one federal judge out of 600 some-odd — for insubstantial reasons, issues an injunction that bars the executive branch of the government from protecting people, and from being able to fulfill the function for which the chief executive was elected to fulfill.”

The executive branch, Sessions said, could not act as a “coequal” branch of government if it had to “gain approval of every one of 600 federal judges to carry out the policies [the President] was elected to do.”

“The mainstream media creates this impression that the administration is being stopped by wonderful judges in robes of neutrality,” he said, “when in fact these are [judicial] actions that go beyond the law in many instances and will not be sustained, will be overturned.”