How will they rule ??!

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Trump is going to have a very bad week next week, well at least with his store bought wife. His lawyer broke the NDA signed with all trumps whores and now they are all signing deals to talk. So we have 1 verified fact from the dossier, he pays for sex a lot and his favorite type is playmates.
Couldn't care less if Trump was dropping his pants every 5 minutes.

I have more money in my pocket because of him, and that's what I care about .He could be banging every crack whore on planet earth and I still won't care.
Of course they're trying to shift the narrative. Anything that can be perceived as negative for Trump is what they'll propagate. The Internet is forever, though. Trump was very specific in what he was referring to as a hoax.

Couldn't care less if Trump was dropping his pants every 5 minutes.

I have more money in my pocket because of him, and that's what I care about .He could be banging every crack whore on planet earth and I still won't care.
I don't care either except that he always lies about it. Trump should care because we know whenever he was in Russia they brought prostitutes to his rooms, his bodyguard testified that it happened. And Russians videotape everything.
[laughing] Cries about Trump Jr. re-tweeting a bot account; spreads fake news on this board like it's going out of style.

Besides, if what the bot tweeted it true, then who gives a damn. Were we supposed to ignore the truth about Hillary during the election because it came from a bot? Maybe if the media was doing their jobs instead of campaigning for her, then they could have reported it and rendered the bots useless.
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I don't care either except that he always lies about it. Trump should care because we know whenever he was in Russia they brought prostitutes to his rooms, his bodyguard testified that it happened. And Russians videotape everything.
Don't be a pvssy and avoid the question, how old are you?
More fake news. His bodyguard never testified that prostitutes were brought to the room. Only that they were offered and then promptly turned down.
So does this mean Correct the Record can be charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States?

Yep. Basically indicted for having multiple internet personas. High level work here folks. No wonder they were too busy to bother with school shooters.

Since it's apparently illegal to have multiple internet personas, people like platinum and fuzz are probably making a run for the border right now.
I also think their first amendment defense would be a winning defense, thanks to stupid decisions by scotus to grant due process protections to enemy combatants even though they have zero US ties.

That ruling is completely applicable here. If they got constitutional protection, then so do these defendants. This is clearly political speech and is the highest form of protected speech under the first amendment.

Not to mention they literally indicted internet trolls. What a joke
Why does the source of the information matter? If I read something negative about Trump and I already had animosity toward him, would it make a difference who wrote it? Doesn't the fact that the emails revealed criminal activity in our previous admin from the President on down mean anything to anyone?

The democrats and the MSM have done more to erode faith in our election process and government than Russia could ever hope to. At least they have for those of us who are willing and able to accept reality at its face value.
I agree with you.
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The melodrama, jesus.

Hilary goddam Clinton was running against Donald Trump for President of the United States of America. If it was the Russians that caused you to lose faith, and not the fact that the American people let it come down to those two, I question your intelligence.

Edit: And no, I did not have any faith when it was the cool talking black guy and Uncle Joe vs the songbird and Sarah Palin
If you took that to mean that I was a Hillary supporter you could not be further off base. I am saying the Russians stirred the pot and that is all they needed to do.

The Russians played everybody and if you don't agree that was the goal, then we can agree to disagree.

Edit to add: I think the information that was put out about Hillary was 100% true and she should be in jail.
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So the FBI can track down the real people hiding behind fake internet personas in order to indict them for trolling, but they can't locate a person threatening to shoot up a school online under his real name?

Go nuclear, Donald.
Immigration reform dead in the Senate
I don't see how the so-called bipartisan plan is so much different than Trump's - which I like - & yet he ripped theirs to shreds vs. trying to work out differences. Someone please splain, please.
So the FBI can track down the real people hiding behind fake internet personas in order to indict them for trolling, but they can't locate a person threatening to shoot up a school online under his real name?

Go nuclear, Donald.
Not only that. It goes much further than the YouTube post. New information out is a close family member personally contacted the FBI in January. They went into great detail, telling the FBI exactly who he was, saying he was not all there, had an obsession with weapons and was probably going to shoot up a school.
I don't see how the so-called bipartisan plan is so much different than Trump's - which I like - & yet he ripped theirs to shreds vs. trying to work out differences. Someone please splain, please.
I think because it didn't end chain migration. That's a non starter for Trump. You have to look at it where he's coming from. He's already offering amnesty and path to citizenship for 1.8 million, add in up to eight family members each and that's pushing 20 million people, most of whom still haven't even crossed the border yet.

It would be insane for him to offer amnesty and citizenship for that many people in general, let alone that many people who aren't even presently in this country.
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If you took that to mean that I was a Hillary supporter you could not be further off base. I am saying the Russians stirred the pot and that is all they needed to do.

The Russians played everybody and if you don't agree that was the goal, then we can agree to disagree.

Edit to add: I think the information that was put out about Hillary was 100% true and she should be in jail.


I mean, holy cow, ____ (insert name of any and all anti-american groups here and abroad) wanted Hillary to win FOR THE GREATER GOOD OF EVERYBODY BUT AMERICA, and they actively "campaigned" online for her. As they should. They can do that. Turn off the internet if you don't like it.

Old people and the internet man...I swear. They should have never been allowed on it. That shit hit them like a ton of bricks and I don't think they'll ever figure it out.

Just to recap, these losers are seriously telling americans that *****MEMES***** and other stupid e-shit were created by RUSSIANS to undermine our democracy!!!!!!! That's the dumbest crap I've ever heard in the history of my life. I cannot believe we're still talking about it, but I hope it continues, because Donald Trump is gonna have a whole carton of ice cream with his celebration cake after he crushes whatever sorry POS dems can convince to run in 2020.
That's exactly the kinda thing I was talking about this morning. And he's completely oblivious to it.

For someone who claims to be so objective, he has no doubt in his own mind that he's smarter than anyone else and if you don't agree with him, you are wrong. Standard issue arrogant liberal. And this is coming from someone who enjoys his radio show 70+% of the time.
This was such a threat to our democracy, yet had been going on for at least two years and the FBI, CIA and NSA had no clue. Isn't that an admission of incompetence?
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This guy is mad Trump isn't bombing Moscow right now.

Next time you're going to claim you aren't a radical nutjob, jameslee, remember the time you criticized Trump because the US slaughtered mercenaries and terrorists who were attacking them as opposed to letting those mercenaries and terrorists murder some Americans then blame it on YouTube.
Americans in harms way are secondary to the flocks worship of their Emperor. Pay no attention unless it impacts the opposition party.
I think because it didn't end chain migration. That's a non starter for Trump. You have to look at it where he's coming from. He's already offering amnesty and path to citizenship for 1.8 million, add in up to eight family members each and that's pushing 10 million people, most of whom still haven't even crossed the border yet.

It would be insane for him to offer amnesty and citizenship for that many people in general, let alone that many people who aren't even presently in this country.
But what I read today in WSJ is that it - bipartisan plan - did end it or at least greatly limited it:

" The bipartisan bill even bowed to Mr. Trump on his priority of reducing “chain migration.” It barred Dreamers from sponsoring parents for immigration, and it barred permanent U.S. residents from sponsoring unmarried adult children"

I know the WSJ is a big pro-immigration supporter, but this seems close to what Trump wants. The other thing is that personally I have a lot of sympathy for the so-called Dreamers. They did nothing wrong - mentally incapable at the time of coming here - & so to me ought not be attacked with deportation.