How will they rule ??!

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Mueller charges have dropped against some Russians. Part of the indictment reads "unwitting individuals in the Trump campaign..." Pretty much wraps a nice little bow on the Trump - Russian collusion story.

If you think this is the last of the indictments your as naive as Trump. Meuller is slowly dropping indictments to get what & who he wants. I'm sure Trump will tweet about how innocent Putin is again instead of actually doing anything about it.

fbi should be sued for negligence. assets allocated in a lib coup but wont follow up on leads fpr school shooting. fire them all
Fbi definitely dropped the ball but they still probably wouldn't have stopped him even if they followed through with the tip. The most they would have done is interviewed him. The police had already interacted with him dozens of times and that didn't stop his behavior. He still would have been able to buy guns and ammo and he already had them at that point. They aren't going to be following him around 24/7. Many of the last few mass shootings had fbi interviews with the shooters and it did nothing to stop them. The whole due process thing you guys keep spouting on about means there is nothing they could have done to him besides make a file.
Now would be the time for Trump to go nuclear against the FBI leadership.

Attribute the failure to stop that school shooting to the leaders of the FBI because they were too busy conspiring against America.

If there was ever an opportune time to drain the swamp, now'd be a pretty good time. On it's face, the incompetence of the FBI failing to detect a school shooter who they were tipped off about saying he was going to shoot up a school UNDER HIS ACTUAL NAME is really too much to handle. Whatever bullshit explanation they come up with is worthless.
Mueller doesn't have shit. He releases these indictments in the midst of 24/7 news coverage of a school shooting AND the friday before a holiday.

That troll farm also organized anti Trump rallies. What a massive and complete nothingburger.
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Fbi definitely dropped the ball but they still probably wouldn't have stopped him even if they followed through with the tip. The most they would have done is interviewed him. The police had already interacted with him dozens of times and that didn't stop his behavior. He still would have been able to buy guns and ammo and he already had them at that point. They aren't going to be following him around 24/7. Many of the last few mass shootings had fbi interviews with the shooters and it did nothing to stop them. The whole due process thing you guys keep spouting on about means there is nothing they could have done to him besides make a file.

They could have just commissioned J.K. Rowling or someone to write a story book about the kid's life and wanting to be a school shooter. Got enough for a FISA warrant at that point. Could have tracked his every move.

Edit: Actually, that doesn't make sense. A book about that kid's life and wanting to be a school shooter would be nonfiction. You could write a book about him riding Elon Musk's Tesla to Mars and it would be good enough for a FISA warrant.
Mueller charges have dropped against some Russians. Part of the indictment reads "unwitting individuals in the Trump campaign..." Pretty much wraps a nice little bow on the Trump - Russian collusion story.
They are charging them with making facebook posts that were derogatory toward Hillary. Hmm, where are the charges against the MSM, liberal talk show hosts, and the ex muslim president who were fabricating stories about Donald 24/7? Where are the charges against Hillary for destruction of evidence in a federal investigation? Where are the charges against all the people who knowingly communicated classified info on a private server in order to circumvent FOIA?
[laughing] That boy really does get dumber by the day. 'Collusion' was all but dead and Rosenstein just finished it off. Only the lowest of the low refuse to come to grips with it.

Next he'll tell us all how the Russians are also really white supremacists. Take your fake news spreading ass on somewhere. The thread has been subjected to enough of it.
If you think this is the last of the indictments your as naive as Trump. Meuller is slowly dropping indictments to get what & who he wants. I'm sure Trump will tweet about how innocent Putin is again instead of actually doing anything about it.

Fbi definitely dropped the ball but they still probably wouldn't have stopped him even if they followed through with the tip. The most they would have done is interviewed him. The police had already interacted with him dozens of times and that didn't stop his behavior. He still would have been able to buy guns and ammo and he already had them at that point. They aren't going to be following him around 24/7. Many of the last few mass shootings had fbi interviews with the shooters and it did nothing to stop them. The whole due process thing you guys keep spouting on about means there is nothing they could have done to him besides make a file.
You couldn't be more blind. Rosenstein says "no witting American individuals were involved". Or something along those lines.
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Rosenstein "the defendents promoted one rally to support the president elect while simultaneously supporting another to protest the president elect."

Just like I've been saying all along yet you libidiots fell right into actually supporting the Russian intrusions.

Just like said above, their goal was to create commotion and you idiots basically conspired with them
it's pretty textbook, drop the easy indictments to make the real targets feel safe, then drop the hammer. None of these Russians will ever be extradited and Mueller knows that, this is all a show for whatever next step he has planned. Rod very carefully made it clear that no American was charged in THIS indictment, meaning there will be more indictments.
it's pretty textbook, drop the easy indictments to make the real targets feel safe, then drop the hammer. None of these Russians will ever be extradited and Mueller knows that, this is all a show for whatever next step he has planned. Rod very carefully made it clear that no American was charged in THIS indictment, meaning there will be more indictments.

Hold out all hope my man....OBSTRUCTION!!! Rosenstein is compromised!!!
I have felt (I am sure others have as well) that the Russians did in fact troll our election and they got exactly what they wanted.

IMNSHO it was never about who won the election. The goal was to destroy America's faith in our own election process and government.

The plan succeeded beyond belief. :(
Why does the source of the information matter? If I read something negative about Trump and I already had animosity toward him, would it make a difference who wrote it? Doesn't the fact that the emails revealed criminal activity in our previous admin from the President on down mean anything to anyone?

The democrats and the MSM have done more to erode faith in our election process and government than Russia could ever hope to. At least they have for those of us who are willing and able to accept reality at its face value.
So answer me this, if illegals who step foot in the country are protected by the Constitution, then why aren't Russians who are legally here? Shouldn't they be protected by the 1A? Trolling online isn't a crime.
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IMNSHO it was never about who won the election. The goal was to destroy America's faith in our own election process and government.

The plan succeeded beyond belief. :(

The melodrama, jesus.

Hilary goddam Clinton was running against Donald Trump for President of the United States of America. If it was the Russians that caused you to lose faith, and not the fact that the American people let it come down to those two, I question your intelligence.

Edit: And no, I did not have any faith when it was the cool talking black guy and Uncle Joe vs the songbird and Sarah Palin
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Chances platinum is above 16?

Won't be extradited? Depends on where they are.. but a simple Interpol request will make it to where they won't ever be able to fly out of Russia

Rosenstein actually said no Americans knowingly conspired with these people.

We got a daggum genius here, folks
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EVERYTHING on the internet is manipulated. Everything. Go to Reddit. It's filled with algorithms and bots and shit that ensure only left wing opinions make it to the top. Twitter is manipulated to push left wing opinions. Facebook, Google, etc.

13 ****ing Russian trolls did not take down hundreds of years of American democracy in a few months.
Dozens more where these came from. Going to have to sic Mueller on these #Resist bots. Book 'em, Danno...

Chances platinum is above 16?

Won't be extradited? Depends on where they are.. but a simple Interpol request will make it to where they won't ever be able to fly out of Russia

Rosenstein actually said no Americans knowingly conspired with these people.

We got a daggum genius here, folks
"There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity."

early indictments are just used to scare people into turning rat. Same thing they did in the NCAA case, when the 2nd half of that comes down a lot more people are going to burn.
"There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity."

early indictments are just used to scare people into turning rat. Same thing they did in the NCAA case, when the 2nd half of that comes down a lot more people are going to burn.

Yeah. You're an idiot. Please don't reproduce.
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Shepard Smith is about to have an orgasm. He's literally making this seem like the most sophisticated warfare of all time. He's literally speechless.
everyone keeps misquoting what he said. He very specifically said none of those charges or allegation are contained in this Indictment. Not that either of those things never happened. Tomorrow they could release a whole new set of indictments charging Americans of participating, though that will probably be many months down the road. It would be pretty naive to think at least 1 person wasn't willingly helping them, even someone outside the campaigns.
Trump JR re-tweeted just about every troll account listed in the indictment. and all the tweets have now been deleted, to bad for him they are all archived.