How will they rule ??!

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Must be something to have Melania in your bedroom every night yet be getting porn stars as well. Come to think of it, would not be surprised if the hush money was actually for keeping a threesome with Melania and Stormy quiet. Anyone shocked by Trump's past playboy adventures have been living in a cave. Well known he liked the ladies, but not once has any woman claimed abuse, etc. until he was soaring in the polls. Do think he has turned a new leaf the last 5-10 years as he entered his senior years. Media and Dems are desperately grasping at anything now. What the heck are they going to come up with in 2020? Sure another BS scandal will pop up once the Russia crap is over with (if it ever ends).
This is a 1000% exact quote from CBS this morning

"Shaun White won his third gold medal for the US...he reached a settlement last year."

I had no gd clue what they were talking about, I thought it was some sort of error. He reached a settlement! For what?? Mfers got me, I had to google...

Terms of the settlement were not disclosed. Lena Zawaideh, the drummer, had claimed that White had made vulgar sexual remarks to her and forced her to watch “sexually disturbing videos, including videos sexualizing human fecal matter.”

Good for him. If you don't like scat videos with Shaun White, you're a loser. He's the best of the best. Deal with it. Shaun White never hurt nobody, and CBS should be sued.

Now the front page of Yahoo has a story about White dragging the flag on the ground or some shit after winning. Idiots.
Now the front page of Yahoo has a story about White dragging the flag on the ground or some shit after winning. Idiots.

Knowing them, ,I'm surprised they arent claiming he did it as an ant-Trump political statement.
Now the front page of Yahoo has a story about White dragging the flag on the ground or some shit after winning. Idiots.

Saw that live and knew there would be an article somewhere

It's stupid to hand a guy a flag that just won a huge contest. That has to undress and carry other things. That is thinking about literally a million things not one of them being a flag.
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Must be something to have Melania in your bedroom every night yet be getting porn stars as well. Come to think of it, would not be surprised if the hush money was actually for keeping a threesome with Melania and Stormy quiet. Anyone shocked by Trump's past playboy adventures have been living in a cave. Well known he liked the ladies, but not once has any woman claimed abuse, etc. until he was soaring in the polls. Do think he has turned a new leaf the last 5-10 years as he entered his senior years. Media and Dems are desperately grasping at anything now. What the heck are they going to come up with in 2020? Sure another BS scandal will pop up once the Russia crap is over with (if it ever ends).

As a voter, am I supposed to be upset by a guy that (rappers used to idolize) was so rich that he was pulling tail from supermodels and playmates and possible porn stars a decade ago more than a guy who was on the job sticking cigars up vaginas and getting sucked off and ignore his legit accusations and settlement of sexual assault?
No wonder the media is so hated. It’s an industry of bottom-feeders. The national networks are only out to sensationalize and create drama/controversy.
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Must be something to have Melania in your bedroom every night yet be getting porn stars as well. Come to think of it, would not be surprised if the hush money was actually for keeping a threesome with Melania and Stormy quiet. Anyone shocked by Trump's past playboy adventures have been living in a cave. Well known he liked the ladies, but not once has any woman claimed abuse, etc. until he was soaring in the polls. Do think he has turned a new leaf the last 5-10 years as he entered his senior years. Media and Dems are desperately grasping at anything now. What the heck are they going to come up with in 2020? Sure another BS scandal will pop up once the Russia crap is over with (if it ever ends).
Melania doesn't sleep in the same room as him
“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly,” Cohen said. “The payment to Ms. Clifford was lawful, and was not a campaign contribution or a campaign expenditure by anyone.”
Lmao, trying to protect him and Trump from the John Edwards treatment.
Media sucking Obamas’ ass never stops. Never has a president been more protected and worshipped by the pathetic press.

“We must hold power accountable” sure goes out the window when it comes to Democrats. Between the fawning over the Obama portraits and the “Aww look at these cute Valentines Day tweets Barack and Michelle sent each other.” <—— USA Today, The Hill
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Which is relevant how exactly?

Also I'm sure bill and Hillary enjoyed a lustful, romantic marriage during his term.......just not with one another
How is the fact that she won't sleep near him and tried to live in a different state from him not relevant to some1 bragging about how Trump has Melania in his bed every night? She won't even hold his hand, she def aint touching his balls. Like most power families, its a marriage of opportunity. She gets money and fame, Trump just likes to marry every other whore he screws. I wouldn't be surprised if both Melania and Hillary used turkey basters to get knocked up.
Saw a post last night asking why the winter olympics were so racist since 92% of all competing athletes were white.

Maybe they should ask all the black dudes in the NHL.

It must be miserable to wake up every morning and try to turn everything you can think of into a racial oppression. They sure do work hard at it though.
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I’m still pissed that they won’t let me play in the NBA because I’m white.


This kid was kept from playing basketball for being white too...


but rather than complain he did something about it...




Boom! Now go make it happen!
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I would like to negotiate with the Indians. For one of your casinos and the surrounding land...we will give you Elizabeth Warren. If Indians refuse we take the casino anyway.
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Really puts a damper on the American media’s feel good story of the Olympics...


This kid was kept from playing basketball for being white too...


but rather than complain he did something about it...




Boom! Now go make it happen!

It’s the same logic the left uses. Not enough minorities playing a sport, that’s racist. If I said we needed more white in the NBA that would be racist, but the left says we need more blacks at the Winter Olympics, that’s fine. Blacks don’t care about ski jumping or snowboarding and the left still complains. Stupid
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