How will they rule ??!

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You pvssies would downplay a US base being attacked. Defend our foreign policy to the bitter end. Partisan politics first!!!

under Obama's "rules of engagement" we wouldn't even been allowed to defend ourselves. you kinda missing that point like everything else tonight. might want to pack it up and call it a night. your getting owned left and right.
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You pvssies would downplay a US base being attacked. Defend our foreign policy to the bitter end. Partisan politics first!!!

It wasn’t a US Base, it was a Kurdish base. US air power was called in to thwart the attack.
What exactly is the point of your rant? Syria is a mess, newsflash, Obama’s cluster f*ck handling of ISIS left us with that.
Heh heh.

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It wasn’t a US Base, it was a Kurdish base. US air power was called in to thwart the attack.
What exactly is the point of your rant? Syria is a mess, newsflash, Obama’s cluster f*ck handling of ISIS left us with that.

The point of his rant is he literally thinks Russia declared war on the US and that Russian soldiers attacked American soldiers. He's disappointed we're not bombing Moscow in retaliation. I thought when I said the US was getting sucked into a proxy war he would get it. Guess you have to be super specific with him.
Calm the **** down jameless. The Russians were massacred and Putin is so emmbarased by it he won't even acknowledge it happened. Russia has been running proxy wars all along its outer borders as its main foreign policy for the last few years. Besides Crimea they have mostly just gotten their shit kicked in. At some point one of the NATO countries is going to react and start a shitstorm.
Republicans continue to get their asses handed to them in the special elections. Unless something major happens soon, Trump is not going to have any more fun after November.
The Porter thing is such a nothing scandal but Trump continues the long tradition of administrations never admitting a **** up and burying themselves with such dumb cover ups. They are just throwing votes away because of ego, not that they had many women votes left at this point.
Lol at faux outrage from the libs tonight. Powers that be must know something bads coming down the pipe. They're shotgunning whatever they can to make something stick.

We all know these posters are just minions that repeat the company line

Nothing more can come out unless it's secondhand hearsay. She denies it, and even signed a sworn statement.

Besides, does it really matter? A decade ago a billionaire cheated on his wife with porn star says probably almost every billionaire ever.
Nothing more can come out unless it's secondhand hearsay. She denies it, and even signed a sworn statement.

Besides, does it really matter? A decade ago a billionaire cheated on his wife with porn star says probably almost every billionaire ever.

It's a dumb attempt to damage trump.

Noone is shocked trump banged a porn star. That's who he was. If anything it's shocking there's only one that's been dug up.
If it wasn't before, it's certainly official now. Defending The Donald is vastly more important than defending America from attack. No response necessary to protect troops. Nice!
What the hell are you talking about? Trump had 200 of them SOBs killed. That is called a response. Are you really dumb or really dense?
Republicans continue to get their asses handed to them in the special elections. Unless something major happens soon, Trump is not going to have any more fun after November.
Let's not lose our GD mind so quickly over a FL state house seat up for reelection again in another 9 months.

....Though the GOP held a significant clear advantage in voter registration, Democrats have won in the district before. Good was also probably aided at least a little by the presence of a Libertarian candidate on the ballot more likely to siphon votes from the right than the left....

You are dismissed.
I'm trying to find that picture that was everywhere 2 days ago with the ginger millennial man with a manbun in a tight rainbow deep-v t-shirt with tight, cut-off, rolled up jean shorts, he had shaved legs and was wearing hard soled loafers with no socks. I can't find it now and I know one of you posted it here.

I wanted to show that pic to wifey... and apparently rub one out before bed.
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Yes, they will now Trump is president.

Trump gave them this authority by not forcing them to have to wait on a call from him. He's the one who loosened the rules of engagement.

If this was still the Obama administration, the troops would still be on the phone jumping through hoops, trying to get permission from the WH to call in the air strike.
If that attack attempt happened under Obama, probably every American in that base is dead right now. We all remember how Benghazi went. Well, all of us except Jameslee.
Let's not lose our GD mind so quickly over a FL state house seat up for reelection again in another 9 months.

....Though the GOP held a significant clear advantage in voter registration, Democrats have won in the district before. Good was also probably aided at least a little by the presence of a Libertarian candidate on the ballot more likely to siphon votes from the right than the left....

You are dismissed.

Just saw this. Is the same point I was trying to make.
Meanwhile, the Republicans have gained 13 points on the generic congressional ballot, from 18 down to five. In that same span Trump’s approval ratings have gone up 10 points.

These shifts came after and are partially connected to, among other things, the passing of the tax bill. Wait until after they've been in full effect for a few months. Look out for that blue wave, though. It's as solid as the blue wall.
This was probably posted yesterday but Stelter had a meltdown on Twitter when everyone called him out. He claimed he never said Trump was unfit and said he ran a search of keywords and nothing came up. He then got unmercifully roasted

The Porter thing is such a nothing scandal but Trump continues the long tradition of administrations never admitting a **** up and burying themselves with such dumb cover ups. They are just throwing votes away because of ego, not that they had many women votes left at this point.
Pretty sure they admitted that they didn’t handle this well and could’ve done much better. Believe it was Sanders in the WH briefing who made the statements.
I'm trying to find that picture that was everywhere 2 days ago with the ginger millennial man with a manbun in a tight rainbow deep-v t-shirt with tight, cut-off, rolled up jean shorts, he had shaved legs and was wearing hard soled loafers with no socks. I can't find it now and I know one of you posted it here.

I wanted to show that pic to wifey... and apparently rub one out before bed.

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