How will they rule ??!

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Did the phrase "fake news" first enter the '16 election lexicon as part of a propaganda campaign, paid for by Google/a Hillary campaign surrogate? Was it meant to be used throughout the election cycle to protect Hillary, to discredit any and all negative/damaging news against her by labeling it as fake?

You're right, the air strikes were immediate, and they all died.

Not a single American died and the hostiles are all dead, aren't they? It's simple. We mind our business, just wanting to kill ISIS, if you f*** with us during, we defend ourselves and end you. Seems like the right strategy to me.

Couldn't tell you. Watching Shaun White win gold. Oooohhhh!
James is simply a lib clown who will lie and say anything to make the president look bad.
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Shocking was an outright acquittal. Not even manslaughter. WTF???

The WH kook will be a kook. He pounds the table for tax reform in one breath then brags on the strongest economy with the largest corporate profits in US history. Pointless when it mostly benefits the people that need it the least.

The kook will alienate our allies with a reckless retweet that endangers US diplomats, US citizens and local law enforcement all over the Muslim world. Wasn't he critical of the Obama administration in the prevention of Benghazi? Hello?

As if that wasn't bad enough, he talks tough about the NK midget as he watches this puny nation develop a nuclear capability that can reach not only space but put every major US city in its path.

Hail to the chief!!!

This guy is mad Trump isn't bombing Moscow right now.

Next time you're going to claim you aren't a radical nutjob, jameslee, remember the time you criticized Trump because the US slaughtered mercenaries and terrorists who were attacking them as opposed to letting those mercenaries and terrorists murder some Americans then blame it on YouTube.
Americans will defend themselves and did. Not sure they were waiting on a call from The Donald when Russians stopped by to kill them or take hostages. Our troops did what they had to do and obviously they might have to again when attacked by our trusted buddies the Russians. Just a misunderstanding surely. Assad is a pal also. No deterrent needed.
It has a lot to do with the president, have you not been paying attention over the years? You cannot be this dumb....or, can you.:confused:
Army announces it's making major changes to its basic combat training, going 'old school', stressing that discipline is necessary and they will not tolerate frailty. Commanders say the need for the revamp comes because of entitled and undisciplined recruits.

Maj. Gen. Malcolm Frost — commanding general of the U.S. Army Center of Initial Military Training — told reporters that the new program came out of surveys given to 27,000 commissioned officers, warrant officers and non-commissioned officers.

“What leaders have observed in general is they believe that there is too much of a sense of entitlement, questioning of lawful orders, not listening to instruction, too much of a buddy mentality with NCOs and officers and a lot of tardiness being late to formation and duties,” Frost said.
Yes, they will now Trump is president.

Trump gave them this authority by not forcing them to have to wait on a call from him. He's the one who loosened the rules of engagement.

If this was still the Obama administration, the troops would still be on the phone jumping through hoops, trying to get permission from the WH to call in the air strike.

This is what people like James do not understand. The ignorance by him and others is scary.
GOP rep unveils 'Crumbs Act' to make bonuses tax-free, in swipe at Pelosi

A Republican lawmaker is set to unveil legislation that would make most bonuses given out as a result of President Trump's tax reform plan tax-free -- and took a jab at House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi with the bill's name.

Rep. Todd Rokita, R-Ind., has dubbed his bill the "Creating Relief and Useful Middle-Class Benefits and Savings" -- or "CRUMBS" Act. Pelosi, D-Calif., famously referred to the bonuses as "crumbs" in criticizing the tax plan last month.

"Americans are receiving thousands of dollars in bonuses and more money in their paychecks thanks to President Trump's tax reform, but out-of-touch Democratic leaders believe they only amount to crumbs," Rokita said in a statement. "The CRUMBS Act will let Americans keep more of the money they receive as a result of President Trump's tax reform, and allow them, not the government, to choose how best to spend their bonuses.

Rokita's bill would make bonuses received by workers in 2018 tax-free up to $2,500. Since tax reform was signed into law this past December, multiple companies have given out bonuses and pay raises in anticipation of increased tax savings.

It wasn’t a US Base, it was a Kurdish base. US air power was called in to thwart the attack.
What exactly is the point of your rant? Syria is a mess, newsflash, Obama’s cluster f*ck handling of ISIS left us with that.
What Obama sacrificed for the farcical Iran deal is astounding and gets away with since the media is as selective as jameslee.
Army announces it's making major changes to its basic combat training, going 'old school', stressing that discipline is necessary and they will not tolerate frailty. Commanders say the need for the revamp comes because of entitled and undisciplined recruits.

Maj. Gen. Malcolm Frost — commanding general of the U.S. Army Center of Initial Military Training — told reporters that the new program came out of surveys given to 27,000 commissioned officers, warrant officers and non-commissioned officers.

“What leaders have observed in general is they believe that there is too much of a sense of entitlement, questioning of lawful orders, not listening to instruction, too much of a buddy mentality with NCOs and officers and a lot of tardiness being late to formation and duties,” Frost said.
This is what I have been saying for a while now. Millennials are weaker coming in and need to be toughened up. Talked to a Drill Sergeant yesterday who say it is just crazy how lazy and weak these kids coming in these days are and the PC community has too much influence on the military right now.
The outraged minority are fully in control of what is or isn't socially acceptable. We have succumbed to mob rule. It only gets worse from here.

High school bans ‘outdated and racially offensive’ national anthem from rallies

Student leaders at a high school in the San Francisco Bay Area have decided that the national anthem is racist and outdated and have banned it from school rallies.

Reaction ranged from bemusement among other students to disbelief among outsiders.

“It comes from a very disrespectful place,” Amir Udler, a senior at the school, told the Californian, the student newspaper that first broke the story last week. The decision “is disenfranchising the vast majority of the school who loves the country.”

“The Star Spangled Banner may have survived the bombs bursting in air, but it may not be able to withstand the rampaging mob of politically correct inclusivists,” he wrote.

What the hell are we doing to ourselves?
Yep. And people are literally arguing that since they leased the place and had permission from the owner (which is true), then they deserved to win the suit. But, that's not the entire story.

What happened was they leased the place, got permission from the owner to paint, then eventually stopped leasing it. Once they were no longer tenants, naturally the owner wanted to lease it out to a new tenant, so they painted over it.

It's the equivalent of renting a house, getting permission from the landlord to paint, then after moving out suing the landlord because they repainted the walls white for the next renter(s).
Shooting near NSA at Ft. Meade. At least three shot. Still unknown exactly who was shot. Two men dressed as women tried to drive through the security gates. That's when the shooting started.
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[laughing] @ dressing like women. What type of thinking went into that? Seriously, how did that become part of the plan? Did they honestly think that security wouldn't open fire on a SUV trying to ram through the security gates as long as they were women?
This is a 1000% exact quote from CBS this morning

"Shaun White won his third gold medal for the US...he reached a settlement last year."

I had no gd clue what they were talking about, I thought it was some sort of error. He reached a settlement! For what?? Mfers got me, I had to google...

Terms of the settlement were not disclosed. Lena Zawaideh, the drummer, had claimed that White had made vulgar sexual remarks to her and forced her to watch “sexually disturbing videos, including videos sexualizing human fecal matter.”

Good for him. If you don't like scat videos with Shaun White, you're a loser. He's the best of the best. Deal with it. Shaun White never hurt nobody, and CBS should be sued.