How will they rule ??!

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My kids will not spend a day in a public school. I’d rather live off ramen noodles than ever put them in this environment of leftist indoctrination and having to be worried about some psycho with a gun.
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It’s the same logic the left uses. Not enough minorities playing a sport, that’s racist. If I said we needed more white in the NBA that would be racist, but the left says we need more blacks at the Winter Olympics, that’s fine. Blacks don’t care about ski jumping or snowboarding and the left still complains. Stupid
I guess they did not let them on the team because of color. I mean, you see them every where bobsledding, skiing, skating, snowboarding, etc....what is wrong with the Olympic committee. Those people should be fired. The same people don't let minorities in the summer Olympics either.
Man, I hope not. I liked Jamo too
Said they took the shooter to the hospital first because he had an injury....f that. Knock his head off. The way we treat criminals is pathetic.

This loser meth head killed a cop in my town 2.25 years ago AND THAT TRIAL HASN'T EVEN BEGUN. Wtf.

They should kill these people on site. Our system is a bloated joke.
I’m going to take a break from social media and all news. It’s just sick stuff.

But I will say, it’s pretty incredible how quickly the left jumps at their stance and when to ignore.

Muslims do something.
Dems don’t want you to judge Islam

Blacks do something
Don’t be racist

Illegal kills and/or rapes someone
Don’t say anything about “dreamers”

Someone uses gun
“We demand gun control now”

So don’t stop illegal immigration but take away gun rights of citizens. K

Media will do this 24/7 for the next week. Don’t bother turning on TV or using social media.
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Lots of hilarity on Twitter from another typical liberal meltdown...this Bari Weiss chick made a tweet about the Asian American figure skater that won or whatever. She said "immigrants get the job done" She's a liberal, and oibviously her tweet was to support immigrants. Leave it to liberals tho...they have lost their minds bc the skaters parents are immigrants not her. Complete outrage over nothing so much that NYT leaks of emails among each other coming out on how appalled they are.

These people are not mentally stable

Lots of hilarity on Twitter from another typical liberal meltdown...this Bari Weiss chick made a tweet about the Asian American figure skater that won or whatever. She said "immigrants get the job done" She's a liberal, and oibviously her tweet was to support immigrants. Leave it to liberals tho...they have lost their minds bc the skaters parents are immigrants not her. Complete outrage over nothing so much that NYT leaks of emails among each other coming out on how appalled they are.

These people are not mentally stable

No, they are not. They just have a loud megaphone to display their mental illness to try and normalize it and bully others who oppose them.
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My kids will not spend a day in a public school. I’d rather live off ramen noodles than ever put them in this environment of leftist indoctrination and having to be worried about some psycho with a gun.

Are they currently enrolled in a private school? Do you homeschool?

The "leftist indoctrination" claim that I've seen on here is fascinating. Has it always been this way with conservatives? Genuine questions.
Public school in my experience definitely leaned left. Political discussion is usually represented as a right and a wrong side, not two different ideologies. College professors were worse though IMO.
They've been showing him being transported for 15 minutes ... if i was a parent at that school...i might be pulling a SWAT movie maneuver and kidnapping that piece of shit and torturing the hell out of him

We have to do something to stop these psychos
A torturous death would be a great start.
Public school in my experience definitely leaned left. Political discussion is usually represented as a right and a wrong side, not two different ideologies. College professors were worse though IMO.

College professors can definitely be annoying with that, but can we all admit that BOTH sides were/are insufferable in terms of college students talking politics. So many kids pretending to be experts at 19/20 years old because they voted once, read some articles, and had some drunk conversations with their roommate when they were both still lightweights.

Freshmen/sophomores in college are the most pompous charlatans in the game of life.
Public schools, in my experience, lean left.

That's where the vast majority of the poors, hardcore druggies (they had heroin before heroin was cool) and losers went in my county.

Generally just a group of losers and burdens on society just like the current D party.
I have dozens and dozens of friends that went to public school (as did I.) zero of us have ever shot anyone.

Blaming this on public education or assigning accountability to political ideologies is a ****ing disgusting thing. Shame on all of you. These people are sick, disturbed, crazy, etc. Like Phatty said above, let’s start making examples of them rather than letting them get their 15 minutes.

Thoughts and prayers though, right? That’s obviously working.
I have dozens and dozens of friends that went to public school (as did I.) zero of us have ever shot anyone.

Blaming this on public education or assigning accountability to political ideologies is a ****ing disgusting thing. Shame on all of you. These people are sick, disturbed, crazy, etc. Like Phatty said above, let’s start making examples of them rather than letting them get their 15 minutes.

Thoughts and prayers though, right? That’s obviously working.

We can't actually talk about mental health in this country, so there's really nothing we can do about it.

Some people are goddam psychos and need to be treated (medically) as such. We don't want to hurt anyone's feelings though.
I have dozens and dozens of friends that went to public school (as did I.) zero of us have ever shot anyone.

Blaming this on public education or assigning accountability to political ideologies is a ****ing disgusting thing. Shame on all of you. These people are sick, disturbed, crazy, etc. Like Phatty said above, let’s start making examples of them rather than letting them get their 15 minutes.

Thoughts and prayers though, right? That’s obviously working.
The schools need a first line of defense. They are a targeted for good reason.

Regardless of gun ownership laws
Regardless of background checks
Regardless of outright bans

You could have all those things in America, the home of the conservative estimate of 300 million+ guns and a backdoor to Mexican gun smugglers, and today still would have happened. The kids deserve protection from the guns while the people continue to fight about the guns... b/c the guns aren't going away, legal or otherwise.
We can't actually talk about mental health in this country, so there's really nothing we can do about it.

Some people are goddam psychos and need to be treated (medically) as such. We don't want to hurt anyone's feelings though.

Yea we can. It’s cool af to be mentally unhealthy. People suck your D and you get free drugs. It’s awesome to be mentally unfit in America!
Our schools aren't protected at all

That school failed as well as probably every school in the country would.

Son started kindergaryen and on the days I'm able to pick him up from after school. .I'm shocked at how easy outsiders can access the kids.
Schools should at the least have metal detectors installed. And probably time to arm teachers and staff. Not sure how anyone could disagree with this. School shootings would still happen but they could be stopped rather quickly at least.
The schools need a first line of defense. They are a targeted for good reason.

Regardless of gun ownership laws
Regardless of background checks
Regardless of outright bans

You could have all those things in America, the home of the conservative estimate of 300 million+ guns and a backdoor to Mexican gun smugglers, and today still would have happened. The kids deserve protection from the guns while the people continue to fight about the guns... b/c the guns aren't going away, legal or otherwise.

This is one of the best posts I’ve seen on the topic and the type of conversations we should be having. Nice work fuster.