How will they rule ??!

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I have dozens and dozens of friends that went to public school (as did I.) zero of us have ever shot anyone.

Blaming this on public education or assigning accountability to political ideologies is a ****ing disgusting thing. Shame on all of you. These people are sick, disturbed, crazy, etc. Like Phatty said above, let’s start making examples of them rather than letting them get their 15 minutes.

Thoughts and prayers though, right? That’s obviously working.

I brought up public school for the simple fact that school shootings do not happen at private schools. They just don’t.

I’ve been to both. I will not give my children over to leftist indoctrination BS and having to worry about being shot by some psycho.
I brought up public school for the simple fact that school shootings do not happen at private schools. They just don’t.

I’ve been to both. I will not give my children over to leftist indoctrination BS and having to worry about being shot by some psycho.

I have 2 kids in public schools and I don’t worry about it. If I was worried about that there are tons of other things I’d also have to spend time worrying about. I hear ya though. You’re right about the lack of shootings at private schools. What percentage of American kids go to private schools though? Probably just a numbers game.
I brought up public school for the simple fact that school shootings do not happen at private schools. They just don’t.

I’ve been to both. I will not give my children over to leftist indoctrination BS and having to worry about being shot by some psycho.
True story.
There's already security measures supposedly in place at all schools. How'd this kid get access?

You must have 0 interactions with publ if schools. There are ZERO effective security measures . We live in a well off area and our school is rated as an A- . They have one officer who sits in thebpfficw during The regular hours. That's it. There's probably 8 doors which are easily accessible. Classrooms are within 3 feet of the doors . General public walks thru an unlocked unguarded gym door for after school pick up . Before even encountering a staff member, who all 4 sit in about a 4x6 office at backside of gym, you pass about 25 kids and a gymnastic team.

theyre sitting ducks.
Not sure why you guys are blaming the school. They identified him as a threat to law enforcement and there isn't a lot beyond that they can do. This is the land of laws so nothing can be done to the kid untill he breaks laws. Schools don't have the money to have military base security. It's usually one officer at the main entrance if even that. And look at the pictures of that school, it's a huge campus for a high school. They couldn't stop anyone from getting on a campus that large. He did a ****ed up thing because we don't take mental health seriously and we worship guns.
P.S. I like guns you nutjobs, have a large gun collection. But I keep all my guns in a locked room inside locked gunsafes because I don't need my kids accidentally killing me or someone else.
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Crazy left wing nutjob. Democrats must have a factory to be churning out these psycho nut jobs
You must have 0 interactions with publ if schools. There are ZERO effective security measures . We live in a well off area and our school is rated as an A- . They have one officer who sits in thebpfficw during The regular hours. That's it. There's probably 8 doors which are easily accessible. Classrooms are within 3 feet of the doors . General public walks thru an unlocked unguarded gym door for after school pick up . Before even encountering a staff member, who all 4 sit in about a 4x6 office at backside of gym, you pass about 25 kids and a gymnastic team.

theyre sitting ducks.

I work in a school (elementary mind you, but the point remains) and anyone can get in the door. You buzz, they let you in. Once inside there is noting and I mean nothing stopping any person from doing whatever they want.
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You guys realize this thread has turned you all into MSNBC & Fox anchors? spreading fake news 24/7 and having an orgasm at the chance to use a killing to push your politics. Just need to start sexually assaulting each other to complete the trifecta.
English translation?
No clue. But, been following that account since it came into existence and I've never seen it post anything like that stuff. They look like activation codes, call signs. Weird stuff happening over there the past 2 days.

Probably just means something about Bill Clinton being a rapist.

EDIT: Well, ask and ye shall receive.
MY wifes middle school is considered very secure and all they do is keep all doors locked from outside access. to get in they buzz you into the first set of main entrance doors and then you have to show your ID to get buzzed into the 2nd set of doors. Don't have an armed officer, just a security guy that spends all day chasing after crazy kids.
My girls go to public school, but it's a very high achieving public school in a community where home values average $250K+. Not concerned.

I don't want my kids to live in lock-down conditions to protect against the worst-case scenario. Might as well live in a prison-state if you want that.

Having said that, I want all kinds of hell visited upon this Cruz SOB. The worst kind of hell imaginable. Imagine, if someone walked up to that POS and shot him in the head over the past year, they would probably serve a long prison sentence....but yet would have saved 17 lives.
You guys realize this thread has turned you all into MSNBC & Fox anchors? spreading fake news 24/7 and having an orgasm at the chance to use a killing to push your politics. Just need to start sexually assaulting each other to complete the trifecta.
We would all be liberals if that happened.
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You guys realize this thread has turned you all into MSNBC & Fox anchors? spreading fake news 24/7 and having an orgasm at the chance to use a killing to push your politics. Just need to start sexually assaulting each other to complete the trifecta.

Our politics are discussing how unsafe schools are?
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You guys realize this thread has turned you all into MSNBC & Fox anchors? spreading fake news 24/7 and having an orgasm at the chance to use a killing to push your politics. Just need to start sexually assaulting each other to complete the trifecta.

well you would be getting bent over first. prison rules. and you wouldn't like prison.
You guys realize this thread has turned you all into MSNBC & Fox anchors? spreading fake news 24/7 and having an orgasm at the chance to use a killing to push your politics. Just need to start sexually assaulting each other to complete the trifecta. said J Edgar Hoover was a President. You have no right to lecture others on fake news. You should probably sit this one out.
That picture of him getting handcuffed makes him look Irish. Don't see to many red headed Hispanics.