How will they rule ??!

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Russians and Syrians attack a US base in Syria and the Paddock is re-tweeting Joy Reid. Says a lot about the flock.

This was already linked. America is getting sucked into a proxy war against Russia, the same Russia whom Trump is supposedly a foreign agent.

Besides, it's kind of difficult to factually discuss it in depth when the media can't get their reporting straight. Add "more than 200 Russians" to the list of conflicting reports below.

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Has the Trump administration said anything? Done anything? Pentagon?

Crickets??? Is the Trump strategy for them to keep attacking us?
Has the Trump administration said anything?

Safe to assume you haven't been paying attention. Of course they have. It's not their fault the press corps only wants to push conspiracies and ask stupid, irrelevant questions during the briefings.

Done anything?

Done anything? The Russians were bombed and are dead, aren't they?


Mattis spoke directly about this as well.


Read above.

Is the Trump strategy for them to keep attacking us.

Again, if you would have been paying attention, the official position is if we are attacked, then we will defend ourselves. Not to mention, we murdered their asses.

So, explain how the strategy is to keep allowing them to attack us, when they murdered them and didn't allow it to happen the first time, and have taken the position of we will defend ourselves, regardless?
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Safe to assume you haven't been paying attention. Of course they have. It's not their fault the press corps only wants to push conspiracies and ask stupid, irrelevant questions during the briefings.

Done anything? The Russians were bombed and are dead, aren't they?

Mattis spoke directly about this as well.

Read above.

Again, if you would have been paying attention, the official position is if we are attacked, then we will defend ourselves. Not to mention, we murdered their asses.

So, explain how the strategy is to keep allowing them to attack us, when they murdered them and didn't allow it to happen the first time, and have taken the position of we will defend ourselves, regardless?
What is the response then? Appears to be nothing as best I can tell but these Russians definitely weren't friendly when they attacked. So unless we got them all, it could happen again. I realize his Tweets are all-consuming but this is serious adult stuff son.

Nothing on Fox at 8:00 or 9:00.

Politics as usual on Twitter.
I feel like that Susan Rice email the day before Trumps inauguration is going to open a new can of worms that will lead to that being exposed.

That email is just incredibly fishy.

Was a lame cya attempt. When she sent the email was when they finally gave up on blocking trump imo. They they might need some plausible deniability. That's the best they could do in the few minutes they had
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What is the response then?

The response was we're in Syria to kill ISIS, not to be at war with Syrian or Russian forces, but if they attack us we will defend ourselves. American troops are attacked everyday, all over the globe. We're not about to declare war and start an all out assault over it.

There's also the fact that the US contacted Russia and warned them that if they didn't retreat the US was going to call in an air strike. The Russians responded by saying that no Russians were among the hostiles and to go ahead. Add that to the fact that the media can't even keep their story straight about the number dead, and it's not even certain they were Russian. There are a whole lot of factions fighting in Syria. Could have been anyone.
The response was we're in Syria to kill ISIS, not to be at war with Syrian or Russian forces, but if they attack us we will defend ourselves. American troops are attacked everyday, all over the globe. We're not about to declare war and start an all out assault over it.

There's also the fact that the US contacted Russia and warned them that if they didn't retreat the US was going to call in an air strike. The Russians responded by saying that no Russians were among the hostiles and to go ahead. Add that to the fact that the media can't even keep their story straight about the number dead, and it's not even certain they were Russian. There are a whole lot of factions fighting in Syria. Could have been anyone.
Nothing iow. Attack the US and a week later not even air strikes. How is this a strategy? Hannity is 58 mins on the dossier though. Oooohhhh!
If it wasn't before, it's certainly official now. Defending The Donald is vastly more important than defending America from attack. No response necessary to protect troops. Nice!
Attack the US and a week later not even air strikes.

You're right, the air strikes were immediate, and they all died.

How is this a strategy?

Not a single American died and the hostiles are all dead, aren't they? It's simple. We mind our business, just wanting to kill ISIS, if you f*** with us during, we defend ourselves and end you. Seems like the right strategy to me.

Hannity is 58 mins on the dossier though. Oooohhhh!

Couldn't tell you. Watching Shaun White win gold. Oooohhhh!
The response was we're in Syria to kill ISIS, not to be at war with Syrian or Russian forces, but if they attack us we will defend ourselves. American troops are attacked everyday, all over the globe. We're not about to declare war and start an all out assault over it.

There's also the fact that the US contacted Russia and warned them that if they didn't retreat the US was going to call in an air strike. The Russians responded by saying that no Russians were among the hostiles and to go ahead. Add that to the fact that the media can't even keep their story straight about the number dead, and it's not even certain they were Russian. There are a whole lot of factions fighting in Syria. Could have been anyone.

Well to be honest, that sounds like Russian collusion?

Why would we call to tell them to leave us alone?

Just blantant with the collusion these days! Why not?!?
If it wasn't before, it's certainly official now. Defending The Donald is vastly more important than defending America from attack. No response necessary to protect troops. Nice!

You are a dumbass! Seriously, how did Pearl Harbor go? That demeaned outcry of what are we going to do!!!!

But when our dudes didn’t have a single casualty yet killed off the opposition, completely, my concern isn’t whether we have a plan to stop another sneak attack.

My concern is how fast can this mission/operation be completed and get the hell out.
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You're right, the air strikes were immediate, and they all died.

Not a single American died and the hostiles are all dead, aren't they? It's simple. We mind our business, just wanting to kill ISIS, if you f*** with us during, we defend ourselves and end you. Seems like the right strategy to me.

Couldn't tell you. Watching Shaun White win gold. Oooohhhh!
Americans will defend themselves and did. Not sure they were waiting on a call from The Donald when Russians stopped by to kill them or take hostages. Our troops did what they had to do and obviously they might have to again when attacked by our trusted buddies the Russians. Just a misunderstanding surely. Assad is a pal also. No deterrent needed.
James doesn't know what the word "mercenary" means. He thinks that Russia just declared war on us and Donald doesn't even care. James is what we refer to around these parts as, an idiot.
By the way, the base they surrounded isn't even a majority of US troops. It's mainly US led coalition forces. No point in trying to explain 'proxy war' to him.
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You are a dumbass! Seriously, how did Pearl Harbor go? That demeaned outcry of what are we going to do!!!!

But when our dudes didn’t have a single casualty yet killed off the opposition, completely, my concern isn’t whether we have a plan to stop another sneak attack.

My concern is how fast can this mission/operation be completed and get the hell out.
Assad is still there backed by Putin and Iran.

Incomplete I guess. Any dumbass can see that.
Americans will defend themselves and did.

Yes, they will now Trump is president.

Not sure they were waiting on a call from The Donald when Russians stopped by to kill them or take hostages.

Trump gave them this authority by not forcing them to have to wait on a call from him. He's the one who loosened the rules of engagement.

If this was still the Obama administration, the troops would still be on the phone jumping through hoops, trying to get permission from the WH to call in the air strike.