How will they rule ??!

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Cal and Hillary have a lot in common. Both are Dems who got complacent and outworked by their opponent and are losing a lot lately. Maybe Cal can invite that rapist Bill back around our basketball program and add even more stink to it.
Cal and Hillary have a lot in common. Both are Dems who got complacent and outworked by their opponent and are losing a lot lately. Maybe Cal can invite that rapist Bill back around our basketball program and add even more stink to it.

I bet Cal is gone within two years. He’ll bounce .
Check out Ron Perlman’s twitter. He has gone insane with his hate for Trump. Talking about willing to die for his country.

Social media has shown how sick and demented the left is. Read social media of that from conservatives vs leftists and tell me there is not a huge difference in mental health.
More propoganda by CNN, this guy was served his deportation papers in 2009....wonder who was president then. He was here illegally for 40 years!

Lost in the media's bedshitting on NK, the NYT put out of puff/love piece on Joy Reid.

Not to mention this little NYT piece on Hope Hicks. Honeypot? Was this what MO was talking about with the "all we have is Hope".

As Other Aides Face Trump’s Ire Over Rob Porter’s Departure, Hope Hicks Is Praised
In a White House populated by aides who have flamed out, lashed out or cashed out — some do all three in the same day — [URL='']Hope Hicks
, the administration’s communications director, has maintained a low profile as an influential adviser of a mercurial president who prizes her loyalty.
By this logic, what’s to stop a bunch of Russians from “immigrating” and influencing our election?

Bunch of dumb bitches, the whole lot of them. I know there are some Democrats that are decent people that have gotten swept up in this shit but if you’re a media or elite leftist you’re evil or dumb as a bag of rocks.....really no in between.

Yeah that’s it. Give anyone who can breathe the right to vote. Hell, why not let toddlers vote? They have a voice too ya know? But why stop there? Let’s put two pee pads with the candidates names on them for animals. Whichever one it pisses on is a vote for the other candidate. I’m going to draw a cartoon and demand he be able to vote.

These people are insane. There’s a right way to do things and a wrong way full of short cuts, lying and cheating the system. We have enough American citizens taking advantage of the system. We don’t need X amount of non-citizens doing the same... and voting on top of it.
By this logic, what’s to stop a bunch of Russians from “immigrating” and influencing our election?

Bunch of dumb bitches, the whole lot of them. I know there are some Democrats that are decent people that have gotten swept up in this shit but if you’re a media or elite leftist you’re evil or dumb as a bag of rocks.....really no in between.

They’d be protesting in the street and claiming that Russians voting here is proof of collusion while defending Mexicans and Islamist doing the same thing. That is how stupid and hypocritical these morons are.
When you think about the big picture, there are tons of groups trying to influence our elections and we try to influence the hell out of everyone elses’s. Like you said, is there a larger election influence in the history of personkind bigger than the illegal alien population? Lol nope.

That’s what is so hilariously perfect about their OMG RUSSIA bent. Completely made up to serve a purpose. What do they have, Manafort tied to Ukraine? That the list?

They created pretty much the perfect scenario with the media’s help to buy time to get their house in order (which they won’t) and have something in the back pocket to go to the well so to speak. That’s why the Mueller inv will never have an end date. Like, ever. Why would they close it? As long as it’s open they can say what they want without impunity especially when Trump has successes.

Anyone even care to ask why Russia would want Trump over Hillary? Simplest point of the whole thing. I mean Christ they’d have 1 trillion more blackmail points of interest. She’s part of the weakening of America cause (albeit she has a weird hawk streak in her).

Why would Russia want a US Potus who’s sole, clear message is to “Make America Great Again”?

Dumb f*****g idiots.
I got called out as a low earner here awhile back and threw my W2 up. Just because you don’t agree with someone’s politics doesn’t mean they aren’t financially successful. There are plenty of rich liberals out there.
They are also notorious for not telling the truth.
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Why would Russia want a US Potus who’s sole, clear message is to “Make America Great Again”?
This is the most important question, IMO..And yet nobody can seem to answer it.

The more stronger and powerful America becomes, the less and less influential countries like Russia become in the world. Why would Putin want that? I'd be willing to bet that Putin absolutely hates Trump. He would've loved Hillary because he could've done anything and got anything from her. I mean my god, she gave them 20% of our uranium. Trump gives a pretty close Reagan-like stance towards Russia.
By this logic, what’s to stop a bunch of Russians from “immigrating” and influencing our election?

Bunch of dumb bitches, the whole lot of them. I know there are some Democrats that are decent people that have gotten swept up in this shit but if you’re a media or elite leftist you’re evil or dumb as a bag of rocks.....really no in between.
That would be right up their alley for destroying this country. That is way beyond Russian collusion, it would be anti American world collusion. Can you imagine how many countries who hate America now would be sending people here to vote. What an idiotic take by NBC.
By this logic, what’s to stop a bunch of Russians from “immigrating” and influencing our election?

Bunch of dumb bitches, the whole lot of them. I know there are some Democrats that are decent people that have gotten swept up in this shit but if you’re a media or elite leftist you’re evil or dumb as a bag of rocks.....really no in between.
I was thinking the same about isis supporters. Are they the people they want voting?? Smh
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I moved here over 20 years ago and haven’t voted once. Am I doing this wrong?
They were talking about making it legal for anyone to vote regardless. Yes, that includes the scum of the world too so, they did not leave Canadians out.:D
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