How will they rule ??!

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Clinton’s are so powerful they literally can force the Dems, MSM, Hollywood, etc to continue to trot out Hillary for the world to see. Never understand how 2 people can control so many people the way they have for decades. The Clinton tentacles go out very far and wide.
Clinton’s are so powerful they literally can force the Dems, MSM, Hollywood, etc to continue to trot out Hillary for the world to see. Never understand how 2 people can control so many people the way they have for decades. The Clinton tentacles go out very far and wide.

It's easy. The Clintons find pedophiles and then use it for blackmail.
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Clinton’s are so powerful they literally can force the Dems, MSM, Hollywood, etc to continue to trot out Hillary for the world to see. Never understand how 2 people can control so many people the way they have for decades. The Clinton tentacles go out very far and wide.

When you, quite literally, know where the bodies are buried, convincing people of things is probably easy.
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Clinton’s are so powerful they literally can force the Dems, MSM, Hollywood, etc to continue to trot out Hillary for the world to see. Never understand how 2 people can control so many people the way they have for decades. The Clinton tentacles go out very far and wide.
The Gotti's would be impressed.
Who’s the preferred mouthpiece for liberal propaganda? NYT, WaPo or CNN? Who gets leaked to more?
In the movie Street Kings, Forrest Whitaker’s character keeps moving up the ranks because he finds out everyone’s dirty secrets. I’d say Clintons are the same.
That is because they use agencies outside of the USA (Russians) to spy on everyone.

Actual quote


>We followed a group of women to the Women of Color Healing Retreat in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica, a travel experience that emphasized yoga, vegan food, and political education seminars and specifically banned white people

Also feature a black person in the video saying whites shouldn’t have passports.Not racist though.
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Actual quote


>We followed a group of women to the Women of Color Healing Retreat in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica, a travel experience that emphasized yoga, vegan food, and political education seminars and specifically banned white people

Also feature a black person in the video saying whites shouldn’t have passports.Not racist though.

I’d rather have a president referring to places with horrible living conditions as shitholes, than a president who funds terrorist countries that wants to turn every place that thinks differently than they do into a shithole.

Actual quote


>We followed a group of women to the Women of Color Healing Retreat in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica, a travel experience that emphasized yoga, vegan food, and political education seminars and specifically banned white people

Also feature a black person in the video saying whites shouldn’t have passports.Not racist though.
Costa Rica, you say? Not one of the shithole countries, you say? Why not?
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Vice is such an embarrassing shell of its former self. Was thinking about that the other day when I saw the news they missed their earnings target by an astronomical amount.

The old documentaries they put out when they first started were great. I think they were called the "Vice Guide to _______" or something like that.

He did one on North Korea. The was an African shithole with some warlords. Can't remember all of them, but all in all, very interesting.

Now they're just another radical left wing mouthpiece. I wouldn't even know they had a TV channel if it wasn't for the fact my DVR is filled with old IASP reruns.

Would be huge and way beyond time. Anyone who deals with the federal government knows it's chock full of lazy, incompetent, worthles employees who would've long ago been fired by any other employer.

Also by getting some actual motivated employees in there, they can probably cut their employment costs by 20% at least. An actual employee could do the work of at least five of the current lifeless people they have cashing in.

So if Allen only molested a child once it’s not that big of deal?

I think what he’s saying is that child molesters don’t typically do it once. They’re sick people and there is no cure for it. The only time child molesters stop doing it is when they go to jail or die. It’s like Willy banging big girls - it’s not that he won’t stop, he just can’t.
I think what he’s saying is that child molesters don’t typically do it once. They’re sick people and there is no cure for it. The only time child molesters stop doing it is when they go to jail or die. It’s like Willy banging big girls - it’s not that he won’t stop, he just can’t.

Couldn’t read article, we have a credible accusation he did it. Also, people have different ranges of impulse control. I’m assuming that is true even of perverts. Some may act on their perverted thoughts all the time, while others may never act on their thoughts or may act on them only a handful of times or less.
Crazy story about David Inkk Henry, Tonette Hayes and Brandon Kiel but worth the read. They created their own police with ties to California politicians. David Henry X passed away from a pulmonary embolism hours after appearing in court.

Brandon Kiel worked as the Deputy Director of Community Affairs at the California Department of Justice, under Attorney General Kamala Harris.