How will they rule ??!

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Saw today in the supermarket checkout line. Pretty sad to think this may very well be 100% true.

Yeah, the part of me that was so wanting for this larp stuff to be real is starting to have second thoughts. Too many coincidences. Too many strange deaths. Too many political sacrifices. It's just all too convenient not to mean something. Big picture scope, end game options are dark.

I had an irrational fear before the election that at some point after Hilldawg was elected, all the conservative SM accounts would be flagged and reviewed and the owners doxxed and dealt with in some manner to show what happens to dissidents. Maybe just public shaming, maybe not. Not an eminent fear of that happening, just a back-of-your-mind, conspiracy based fear... normal crazy person fear.

Good thing I got over that nonsense, huh? What was I thinking? Like those people would go that far to make a point...:eyes:
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I don’t get these personalities who openly call out the fact that NK is a brutal place that isn’t even a safe place for North Koreans, while at the same time lamenting Wambier like he is some kind of hero. The idiot went there voluntarily. I’ve got no sympathy whatsoever.

Right, and different circumstances too.

To be fair, he went during the Obama presidency when no issues that could look negative were discussed in the media. I mean hell, you could go online and book a tour with a few clicks.
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If we’re going to make Clock Boy, weirdos who want to use a different bathroom and career criminals like Freddie Gray and Michael Brown into martyrs, why should Otto be the one to be outraged about?

I thought it was dumb to go there. I also think it’s dumb for people to go to China or third world shitholes. But to let them torture him while you trade terrorists to get Bowe Bergdahl?

Trump’s biggest mistake was getting the UCLA players out. Should’ve let them rot. Obama let Christian pastors spend years in prison in Iran and let a college kid get beaten to death.
Looked like the q Anon stuff was pretty accurate with the vip plane crash. I guess.

I'm still sort of unconvinced. If so in the know, why not just spell it out and stop talking in riddles?
"Understand one simple fact - the US is connected to the rest of the world. Knowing that, understand, by default, if certain intel is released it would cause a WW/mass suffering. We share the idea of open source but value life and must make decisions base decisions on outcomes and containability."

"Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions."

(Remember when I told you guys I got the impression they were shrinking the circle?)

There is another post that I'm having trouble finding and it details why they opened up on Reddit (public forum, not subject to "scans", anonymous and untraceable). The "crumbs" got more and more cryptic b/c they are being used as call signs and field commands to operatives. This is all being coordinated openly, in plain sight, as they think this is the most secure way.

Also, "B" the Twitter liaison for Qanon, either got hacked last night, or something major happened, as she deleted all of her tweets, lost all of her followers, stopped following Trump (her single follow) and changed her profile pic. I'm thinking this is why I'm having trouble finding that other tweet... b/c it was hers. She also changed her Twitter name to "Bailey." Many in that thread are simply responding "Thank you" in a celebratory fashion. I dunno. I'm out of that loop.

From what I gathered this morning, the cure for cancer keeps coming up. Q called out Ruth Bader Ginsburg 2 days ago and then she magically appears on CNN yesterday, front and center talking about #MeToo. They are saying she was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in 2008, yet she's healthy as an old nag could possibly be today. Stay tuned.

Look, if you're gonna jump into this shit, you gotta hold your nose and go with both feet. It's either right or it's wrong. Jump in and hang on to find out which.
Rippon trolls Pence by sucking off North Korean on medal stand during national anthem. Johnny Wier proclaims, "you go girl!"
-New York Times
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Everyone that’s suddenly putting NK on a pedestal should have to go live there for 6 months. These people are so eaten up with TDS, they gush over a country that is opposed to everything they claim to believe in. Their lives must be miserable everyday waking up not having a communist dictator at the helm.
Jesus H, I'm all for some diversity, but figure skating has gotten way too queer for me. Where are Elvis Stojko and Kurt Browning when you need them?
When I heard about this Olympics having the first openly gay males... My first thought was "I had no clue that Kurt Hamilton was a lady killer"

Who knew?

Edit to add: and who cares?

Edit to edit ----- Scott Hamilton - doh.
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