How will they rule ??!

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Pelosi is threatening to blow it up because it doesn't include protection for DACA. She's been speaking in the House for about five hours straight now. They might just shut it down over illegal immigrants again.
She is the best thing to happen to the GOP in a long while. Absolutely insane she had the ability to get to the position she is at now. Comes across as a complete buffoon.
For f***s sake. It has absolutely nothing to do with being a "Military Authoritarian State". It also has absolutely nothing to do with NoKo, Russia, Kim or Putin. These people are insufferable.

He got the idea when he attended Bastille Day Parade with Macron. He was impressed and has been talking about it ever since. Yes, it's a total waste of money, but the connections trying to be drawn to dictators and comparisons being made to authoritarian states are complete horse shit.
She is the best thing to happen to the GOP in a long while. Absolutely insane she had the ability to get to the position she is at now. Comes across as a complete buffoon.

Surpassed only slightly by this,uh, lady.

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I'm confused. Just two weeks ago they were claiming Hicks was 'apparently' screwing Lewandowski. So which is it -- Porter or Lewandowski? Or maybe both, sometimes at the same time?

Why does it even matter? Is she not allowed to like cock? Her body, her choice, right? You lot need to get your shit together and at least try to keep your fake, manufactured outrage straight.
I think it’s pretty funny that we’ve had democratic groups telling us for years that low end wages needed to be higher. Hey assholes, guess what? You got what you wanted.

Since Trump took office;

Lower unemployment
Higher wages
Lower taxes
Stocks on excellent trajectory
Borders more secure
No change to any laws that liberals lose their shit over

So what exactly are people so pissed about again? Because Trump acts like a jackass sometimes?
I think it’s pretty funny that we’ve had democratic groups telling us for years that low end wages needed to be higher. Hey assholes, guess what? You got what you wanted.

Since Trump took office;

Lower unemployment
Higher wages
Lower taxes
Stocks on excellent trajectory
Borders more secure
No change to any laws that liberals lose their shit over

So what exactly are people so pissed about again? Because Trump acts like a jackass sometimes?

Because they were wrong, John.
So let me get this straight, everyone in America was going to die because we were getting a tax cut and keeping more of our money, but people are now championing some bullshit "bipartisan" budget deal that increases spending by even more than the claims regarding tax reform?

So goddam stupid.

This is why I give zero shits about the lefties who claim tax cuts are adding to the deficit. Even if they're correct, fine. I want my cut of the money borrowed from my kids and grand kids.
She will be out of a job soon.

Look at the date on tweet. It's nearly a year old. We all knew this already. They were "targeted" (whatever they means), but they were never successfully hacked, nor was a single vote was changed.

They're recycling old news, trying to manufacture outrage to change the narrative. Same thing they did with the Trump thought about firing Mueller story. Old news recycled with a little fake news added in for emphasis.
Look at the date on tweet. It's nearly a year old. We all knew this already. They were "targeted" (whatever they means), but they were never successfully hacked, nor was a single vote was changed.

They're recycling old news, trying to manufacture outrage to change the narrative. Same thing they did with the Trump thought about firing Mueller story. Old news recycled with a little fake news added in for emphasis.
Wrong tweet and the message was prior to the 2016 election...
"We were able to determine that the scanning and probing of voter registration databases was coming from the Russian government."
It’s a sad commentary that guys like Stone, Alex Jones, etc are not only relevant but wealthy because so many people pay attention to them. Same goes for any relevant leftist conspiracy theorists out there (I can’t think of any off the top of my head.)

That is our media at work. They make a concerted effort to give any GOP nut job as much airtime as possible. David Brock would be a household name if he were a Rep.
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