How will they rule ??!

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"Kimmel (like most leftists) are too big of cowards to leave their echo chamber. I definitely sense that Kimmel is that way as well."

Self-awareness remains an elusive trait for conservatives, be they in the commonwealth or elsewhere.

Meanwhile, Trump fans watch another district flip in the reddest part of Missouri (one he carried by 23 points in November). But not to worry -- as they've been touting for a week now, his approval rating is in celestial a whopping 49% in Rasmussen.
Good job quoting me.

And umm...please show me conservatives who try to stop free speech from leftists. Just one. I can site a massive group of leftists (ANTIFA) who nearly burn down colleges over someone speaking that they don't like.

Try again.
Zero doubt in my mind Obama is involved in this whole deal. He knew if Trump won his legacy was done (which Trump has mostly destroyed in 1 year). Too much at stake for him, the left, and his puppet masters (Soros, etc) to lose if Trump won. They all were above the law and knew they could get away with it. Very likely will get away with it, but at least in the minds of millions of Americans they are proven to be the criminals we knew they were from the beginning.
Do you just like to pretend you know what you're talking about?

The military is having to lax their standards in order to fulfill their "quotas" right now as we speak.

How much more lax can they get? I thought the requirements were the ability to walk and chew gum at the same time.
Thanks for reading. I don’t recall ever seeing you around here but I appreciate you being a fan.

Always excited to meet the #resistance.

I like to read the insanity every now and then...but try to refrain from posting here cause of the complete lack of discourse. It's nothing but memes, random tweets and conspiracy theories.
"Rob Porter is a man of true integrity and honor and I can't say enough good things about him. He is a friend, a confidante and a trusted professional. I am proud to serve alongside him," Kelly said in a statement.

After pictures of Porter beating the shit out of his wife get leaked.

apparently he's also screwing Hope Hicks now, lots of pictures of them out on dinner dates and then spending the night together. So at least he's doing something right.
With DACA completely off the table. Democrats just shut the government down over DACA, and now three weeks later it's not even in consideration.
Found that pretty surprising also. Democrats did take a beating last go around, guess they simply choose not to go that route again.
Just some emails that many have forgotten in regards to the colluding of the DNC/Media. Plus, some just general insight into these people.

DNC telling MSNBC mid-segment what to do.


Hillary's camp wanting to keep the people stupid and in the dark.


DNC talking about their paid protesters


Gloria Allred acting as a weapon for the DNC.


"One of ours"---interesting.

Using Hispanics as pawns

Showing Obama interacted with Hillary on her private server and his lie about learning from it through media.


Hillary emailing Chelsea about Benghazi and then later pushing the YouTube film as the motive when she knew it was a lie. This is the person Dems tried to put in office.


Dems spelling out their intentions of branding opponents as bigots.


Working with the DOJ and Associated Press.

Remember when Clintons were selling pardons in Bill's final six months and also renting the Lincoln bedroom out for cash? Stay classy, Dems.


Voter fraud doesn't exist...but here's Hillary's team alleging Obama did just that in 2008.


Quoted just because.
Democratic Congressman Claims Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan Is An ‘Outstanding Human Being’

Democratic Illinois Rep. Danny Davis defended Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan as an “outstanding human being” on Monday.

Farrakhan is known for embracing radically anti-Semitic and anti-white views, as even the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center has acknowledged. Farrakhan’s history of racially extreme comments includes blaming Jews for the September 11 attacks, saying white people “deserve to die” and praising Adolf Hitler as a “very great man.”

“I personally know [Farrakhan], I’ve been to his home, done meetings, participated in events with him,” Davis told TheDC.

“I don’t regard Louis Farrakhan as an aberration or anything, I regard him as an outstanding human being."

Davis told TheDC “it wouldn’t be anything out of the ordinary” for him to meet with Farrakhan and said that Farrakhan isn’t considered a fringe character.
I guess that depends on the field you go into....
Yeah but, in most fields the standards have been lowered years ago. I know that hurts but it is the truth. I work with soldiers daily from many MOS's and most that have been in for a while echo my thoughts. I am talking, morality, fitness, discipline, and in many cases intelligence. The military has had to adjust to the PC community just like the rest of the world and it has hurt the ranks a lot.
I sent a text to my lover yesterday.

"Potus takes it up the ass from Nunes."

must be the truth since ppl never make shit up or exagerate in texts
You would not admit anything the left did wrong even if Hillary bit you in the ass while doing it. Of course if she got that close you would pull a fifteeno.
The Democratic Party Has Reached An UNREAL Level Of Support For Illegal Immigration

A scant five years ago, current Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer co-authored what was dubbed the Gang of Eight immigration bill, which he described as the “toughest border security and enforcement measures in U.S. history.” This assurance was intended to convince the American public to accept an unpopular amnesty for some 12 million illegal aliens. Every Senate Democrat voted for that bill when it came to the floor.

What a difference five years makes. When it comes to border security and immigration enforcement, the Democratic Party can’t even bring themselves to lie to the American people any more. They now openly reject the very concept that our immigration laws be enforced, and bristle at the suggestion that amnesty for illegal aliens be conditioned on anything that might slow down the next wave of illegal immigration, or reduce family chain migration.

The folks at the DNC are still scratching their heads wondering why they are not connecting with voters outside of Berkeley and the West Side of Manhattan. But that’s their problem, not ours.

The president’s watered down framework did succeed in one respect. It forced the 2018 Democratic Party to show its hand. It is unquestionably, undoubtedly, and unambiguously the party of open borders and immigration on-demand. No more lip service to enforcement and the national interest.

With no counterpart with whom to strike a “down the middle compromise,” as the president called for in his State of the Union address, the White House and congressional Republicans have really only one option: Pass a truly effective enforcement and legal immigration overhaul bill in the House, that includes all of the provisions supported by the American people, and send it over to the Senate. Schumer probably has the votes needed to block it in the Senate, but at least every member of Congress will have to stand up and be counted and explain their votes to the folks back home.
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Yeah but, in most fields the standards have been lowered years ago. I know that hurts but it is the truth. I work with soldiers daily from many MOS's and most that have been in for a while echo my thoughts. I am talking, morality, fitness, discipline, and in many cases intelligence. The military has had to adjust to the PC community just like the rest of the world and it has hurt the ranks a lot.
I agree completely... I have been away from the Navy since 2000.

I was fortunate enough to school with and work with a lot of extremely sharp people. Electronics Technicians, Fire Control Technicians, Sonar Techs, etc.
Navy nuke school is probably one of the hardest schools in the country bar none. I avoided that thank goodness.

But we had our share of "rocks" as well. :)

Edit to add: I was pretty good at electronics. English, NOT so much.
Obamas a lying sack of crap.

FLASHBACK: Obama Claims He Doesn’t Talk To FBI Director About Pending Investigations

“I can guarantee that not because I give Attorney General [Loretta] Lynch a directive, that is institutionally how we have always operated,” the former president claimed. “I do not talk to the Attorney General about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line and always have maintained it. I guarantee it.”

“I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case but in any case. Period. Nobody gets treated differently when it comes to the Justice Department because nobody is above the law.”
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Found that pretty surprising also. Democrats did take a beating last go around, guess they simply choose not to go that route again.
Pelosi is threatening to blow it up because it doesn't include protection for DACA. She's been speaking in the House for about five hours straight now. They might just shut it down over illegal immigrants again.